예제 #1
    def test_ode_rk23_simpleCase(self):
        # setup parameters and initial point for testing function
        x0 = np.array([4.0])
        par_a = -0.2

        # setup time interval [a,b] for integration
        a = 2.0
        b = 4.0

        # setup algorithm parameters for the chosen ode method to be tested
        tol = 1e-8
        maxIter = 300

        # call integration methos
        x, t, failFlag, iter_i = ode.ode_rk23(self.myfun,

        # compare with expected results
        x_expect = math.exp(-0.4) * 4
        self.assertTrue(abs(x_expect - x[-1, 0]) < 1e-6, msg=None)
예제 #2
    def test_ode_rk23_normalCase(self):
        # setup parameters and initial point for testing function
        x0 = np.array([0.1, -0.3, 1.0])
        matrixA = np.array([[-1.0, 0.1, -0.3], [0.2, -1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.4, -1]])
        matrixB = np.array([[0.5, -0.6], [-0.7, 0.6], [0.4, 0.8]])
        vectorU = np.array([0.2, 0.3])
        vectorF = np.array([-0.1, 0 - 0.02, -0.2])

        # setup time interval [a,b] for integration
        a = 0.0
        b = 5.0

        # setup algorithm parameters for the chosen ode method to be tested
        tol = 1e-8
        maxIter = 300

        # call integration methos
        x, t, failFlag, iter_i = ode.ode_rk23(self.myfun,

        # compare with expected results
        # (note: the values here is not the real expected result, but copied
        #       from the output of ode_rk23, need a way to get expected result)
        x_expect = np.array(
            [-3.91136351e-01, -1.45401145e-01, -5.53579890e-01])
        self.assertTrue(max(abs(x_expect - x[-1])) < 1e-6, msg=None)
def propagate_u(u_0, qp_vecs, t_start, t_end, sliding_window_instance, q_s_dot,
                p_l_dot, p_mf_dot, q_mf_dot, q_mf, u_mf, H_l_D):
    Propagate u based on q and p values for one bucket in time.
        u_0 (1D np.array of dimension self.control_dim): control values at beginning of bucket
        qp_vecs (list of 1D np.arrays each of dimension self.state_dim*3): list of concatenated state, local costate, and mean field costate vectors from q and p propagation.
        t_start (np.float): start time of bucket 
        t_end (np.float): end time of bucket
        sliding_window_instance (instance of user-defined class which inherits SlidingWindow): object defining the dynamics, and the initial conditions and parameters for numerical integration/propagation. Same as agent.
        q_s_dot (1D np.array of dimension self.state_dim): derivative of local state at end of bucket
        p_l_dot (1D np.array of dimension self.state_dim): derivative of local state at end of bucket
        p_mf_dot (1D np.array of dimension self.state_dim): derivative of local state at end of bucket

        q_mf_dot (1D np.array of dimension total number of states in system): derivative of local state at end of bucket
        q_mf (1D np.array of dimension of total number of states in system):  mean field state, i.e. state vector holding values for ALL states, not just those pertaiing to the current agen.
        u_mf (1D np.array of dimension self.control_dim):  mean field control, i.e. control vector holding values for ALL controls, not just those pertaining to the current agent.
        H_l_D (np.float):  value of local desired Hamiltonian at beginning of window
        u_vecs (list of 1-D numpy arrays): list of propagated control values for entire bucket in time
    u_vecs = []
    u_vec = u_0
    n_s = sliding_window_instance.n_s
    steps = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, n_s + 1)
    for i in range(n_s):
        n_start, n_end = steps[i], steps[i + 1]
        qp_vec = qp_vecs[i]
        u_vec, t, failFlag, iter_i = ode.ode_rk23(
        if len(u_vec) > 1:
            u_vec_next = u_vec[-1]
            u_vec_next = u_vec
        )  # one u_vec for each step, append them and you have all the u_vecs for one bucket
        u_vec = u_vec_next
    return u_vecs
예제 #4
    def test_ode_rk23_backwardCase(self):
        test backward integration of 2x2 matrix dynamics (i.e. in the dx/dt function x is 2x2 matrix)
        Note: this test case is the reversed test case of 
              i.e. use result of TestCaseMatrix('test_ode_rk23_simpleCase') as 
              inital point, and integrate from the ending time of 
              and all the way back to the starting time of 
              The expected result of this test case should be very close to the 
              initial point of TestCaseMatrix('test_ode_rk23_simpleCase')
        # setup parameters and initial point for testing function
        matrixX0 = np.array([[0.47734137, 0.10362487],
                              0.00871929]])  #np.array([[0.5,-0.2],[1.3,2.4]])
        matrixA = np.array([[0.2, -0.1], [-0.4, 0.7]])
        matrixB = np.array([[0.006, -0.003], [-0.002, 0.008]])
        matrixQ = np.array([[0.006, -0.002], [-0.001, 0.005]])

        # setup time interval [a,b] for integration  (a>b, backward integration)
        a = 5.0
        b = 0.0

        # setup algorithm parameters for the chosen ode method to be tested
        tol = 1e-8
        maxIter = 1000

        # reshape matrixX0 from 2x2 matrix to 4x1 vector
        dim_matrixX0 = matrixX0.shape
        vectorX0 = matrixX0.reshape((dim_matrixX0[0] * dim_matrixX0[1], ))
        # call integration methos
        vectorX, t, failFlag, iter_i = ode.ode_rk23(self.myfun,

        # reshape result from 4x1 to 2x2, and compare with expected result
        # (note: the expected result values here is not the reversed values of real expected result, but copied
        #       from the output of ode_rk23, need a way to get expected result)
        matrixX_result = vectorX[-1].reshape(matrixX0.shape)
        matrixX_expect = np.array([[0.5, -0.2], [
            1.3, 2.4
        ]])  #np.array([[ 0.47734137,  0.10362487],[0.11596301,  0.00871929]])
        self.assertTrue(np.amax(abs(matrixX_expect - matrixX_result)) < 1e-4,
예제 #5
    def test_ode_rk23_simpleCase(self):
        test forward integration of 2x2 matrix dynamics (i.e. in the dx/dt function x is 2x2 matrix)
        # setup parameters and initial point for testing function
        matrixX0 = np.array([[0.5, -0.2], [1.3, 2.4]])
        matrixA = np.array([[0.2, -0.1], [-0.4, 0.7]])
        matrixB = np.array([[0.006, -0.003], [-0.002, 0.008]])
        matrixQ = np.array([[0.006, -0.002], [-0.001, 0.005]])

        # setup time interval [a,b] for integration
        a = 0
        b = 5

        # setup algorithm parameters for the chosen ode method to be tested
        tol = 1e-8
        maxIter = 1000

        # reshape matrixX0 from 2x2 matrix to 4x1 vector
        dim_matrixX0 = matrixX0.shape
        vectorX0 = matrixX0.reshape((dim_matrixX0[0] * dim_matrixX0[1], ))
        # call integration methos
        vectorX, t, failFlag, iter_i = ode.ode_rk23(self.myfun,

        # reshape result from 4x1 to 2x2, and compare with expected result
        # (note: the values here is not the real expected result, but copied
        #       from the output of ode_rk23, need a way to get expected result)
        matrixX_result = vectorX[-1].reshape(matrixX0.shape)
        matrixX_expect = np.array([[0.47734137, 0.10362487],
                                   [0.11596301, 0.00871929]])
        self.assertTrue(np.amax(abs(matrixX_expect - matrixX_result)) < 1e-6,
예제 #6
    def test_ode_rk23_normaleCase(self):
        test forward integration of 9x9 matrix dynamics (i.e. in the dx/dt function x is 9x9 matrix)
        # setup parameters and initial point for testing function
        matrixX0=np.array([[ 0.76,  0.22,  0.67,  0.19,  0.71,  0.26,  0.53,  0.14,  0.25],\
                   [ 0.45,  0.17,  0.74,  0.28,  0.17,  0.25,  0.8 ,  0.08,  0.43],\
                   [ 0.69,  0.02,  0.6 ,  0.29,  0.92,  0.32,  0.08,  0.56,  0.32],
                   [ 0.99,  0.08,  0.84,  0.24,  0.42,  0.25,  0.24,  0.52,  0.95],\
                   [ 0.31,  0.33,  0.06,  0.13,  0.38,  0.6 ,  0.22,  0.83,  0.51],\
                   [ 0.2 ,  0.21,  0.1 ,  0.48,  0.89,  0.96,  0.09,  0.48,  0.25],\
                   [ 0.36,  0.16,  0.34,  0.49,  0.54,  0.32,  0.5 ,  0.8 ,  0.24],\
                   [ 0.69,  0.37,  0.69,  0.88,  0.89,  0.26,  0.36,  0.83,  0.72],\
                   [ 0.8 ,  0.64,  0.93,  0.01,  0.59,  0.85,  0.84,  0.13,  0.92]])
        matrixX0 = matrixX0 + np.eye(9) * 10

        matrixA=np.array([[ 3.54,  0.5 ,  0.3 ,  0.06,  0.63,  0.68,  0.57,  0.41,  0.13],\
                       [ 0.04,  3.05,  0.46,  0.42,  0.57,  0.45,  0.49,  0.32,  0.27],\
                       [ 0.32,  0.79,  3.66,  0.19,  0.11,  0.37,  0.32,  0.63,  0.1 ],\
                       [ 0.24,  0.35,  0.59,  3.12,  0.93,  0.51,  0.86,  0.76,  0.48],\
                       [ 0.97,  0.86,  0.4 ,  0.92,  3.35,  0.74,  0.62,  0.42,  0.37],\
                       [ 0.79,  0.02,  0.64,  0.64,  0.17,  3.42,  0.44,  0.26,  0.96],\
                       [ 0.48,  0.49,  0.4 ,  0.45,  0.3 ,  0.61,  3.24,  0.26,  0.65],\
                       [ 0.7 ,  0.17,  0.91,  0.5 ,  0.65,  0.55,  0.01,  3.69,  0.11],\
                       [ 0.15,  0.14,  0.39,  0.25,  0.44,  0.53,  0.93,  0.84,  3.  ]])

        matrixB=np.array([[-9.68,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.33,  0.8 ,  0.  ,  0.93,  0.91,  0.85],\
               [ 0.79, -9.02,  0.55,  0.56,  0.64,  0.  ,  0.06,  0.46,  0.25],\
               [ 0.62,  0.47, -9.82,  0.18,  0.41,  0.7 ,  0.03,  0.84,  0.26],\
               [ 0.32,  0.05,  0.59, -9.42,  0.63,  0.99,  0.47,  0.37,  0.2 ],\
               [ 0.59,  0.38,  0.71,  0.27, -9.75,  0.82,  0.4 ,  1.  ,  0.38],\
               [ 0.85,  0.2 ,  0.18,  0.46,  0.22, -9.05,  0.61,  0.97,  0.76],\
               [ 0.75,  0.93,  0.53,  0.74,  0.52,  0.54, -9.8 ,  0.31,  0.63],\
               [ 0.32,  0.62,  0.  ,  0.62,  0.65,  0.9 ,  0.74, -9.68,  0.07],\
               [ 0.59,  0.4 ,  0.57,  0.49,  0.58,  0.5 ,  0.86,  0.  , -9.94]])

        matrixQ=np.array([[ 0.57,  0.08,  0.05,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.06,  0.01,  0.02,  0.06],\
               [ 0.07,  0.5 ,  0.01,  0.06,  0.02,  0.09,  0.02,  0.09,  0.06],\
               [ 0.02,  0.01,  0.57,  0.01,  0.07,  0.07,  0.05,  0.07,  0.06],\
               [ 0.  ,  0.06,  0.02,  0.54,  0.06,  0.03,  0.08,  0.09,  0.02],\
               [ 0.03,  0.  ,  0.05,  0.  ,  0.54,  0.04,  0.06,  0.03,  0.02],\
               [ 0.05,  0.06,  0.04,  0.02,  0.05,  0.6 ,  0.07,  0.08,  0.05],\
               [ 0.  ,  0.03,  0.07,  0.09,  0.06,  0.02,  0.52,  0.04,  0.01],\
               [ 0.05,  0.06,  0.03,  0.1 ,  0.05,  0.03,  0.03,  0.6 ,  0.02],\
               [ 0.02,  0.02,  0.04,  0.09,  0.05,  0.01,  0.03,  0.  ,  0.5 ]])

        # setup time interval [a,b] for integration
        a = 0.0
        b = 1.0

        # setup algorithm parameters for the chosen ode method to be tested
        tol = 1e-8
        maxIter = 1000

        # reshape matrixX0 from 9x9 matrix to 81x1 vector
        dim_matrixX0 = matrixX0.shape
        vectorX0 = matrixX0.reshape((dim_matrixX0[0] * dim_matrixX0[1], ))
        # call integration methos
        vectorX, t, failFlag, iter_i = ode.ode_rk23(self.myfun,

        # reshape result from 81x1 to 9x9, and compare with expected result
        # (note: the values here is not the real expected result, but copied
        #       from the output of ode_rk23, need a way to get expected result)
        matrixX_result = vectorX[-1].reshape(matrixX0.shape)
        matrixX_expect = np.array([
                [-0.05614609, -0.02764642,  0.00442386, -0.03128679,  0.0379626 ,\
                -0.00210206,  0.02055731,  0.01708753, -0.01079675],\
               [ 0.01076375, -0.075299  ,  0.04635011, -0.00160557,  0.02930959,\
                -0.01371929, -0.01172549, -0.03845662,  0.00592987],\
               [-0.01827535,  0.02592572, -0.06526755, -0.01455321, -0.00696632,\
                 0.0123018 ,  0.00875977,  0.03707331, -0.02007888],\
               [-0.01917939, -0.04928098,  0.01923522, -0.07813147,  0.05341208,\
                 0.0136149 , -0.00085168,  0.00241213,  0.0005026 ],\
               [ 0.00643727,  0.06033435, -0.04005195,  0.0275839 , -0.07949216,\
                 0.00268929, -0.00399012,  0.01671832, -0.00206837],\
               [ 0.01743537,  0.00612319, -0.0026365 ,  0.01606572, -0.01925   ,\
                -0.04091118, -0.00317609, -0.0098151 ,  0.00212008],\
               [ 0.00996543,  0.00499091, -0.00098197,  0.02704245, -0.01822727,\
                -0.00234791, -0.04023058, -0.00917272, -0.00128094],\
               [ 0.03103352,  0.002872  ,  0.01410333,  0.03743825, -0.0293213 ,\
                -0.01646853, -0.01985861, -0.07105586,  0.026175  ],\
               [-0.0198831 , -0.00450292,  0.00266541, -0.03444674,  0.01946599,\
                 0.00968283,  0.01935828,  0.01385639, -0.04228292]])
        self.assertTrue(np.amax(abs(matrixX_expect - matrixX_result)) < 1e-6,
def propagate_q_p(qpu_vec, t_start, t_end, sliding_window_instance, q_mf,
    This method propagates q and p to the end of one bucket, with a constant control.
        qpu_vec (1D np.array of dimension self.state_dim*3+control_dim): Most current values for local qpu_vec containing q_s, p_l, p_mf, u_s, concatenated in one array
        t_start (np.float): start time of bucket
        t_end (np.float): end time of bucket
        sliding_window_instance (instance of user-defined class which inherits SlidingWindow): object defining the dynamics, and the initial conditions and parameters for numerical integration/propagation. 
        q_mf (1D np.array of dimension of total number of states): vector containing mean field state values for states not pertaining to this agent, and containing local values otherwise.
        u_mf (1D np.array of dimension of total number of states): vector containing mean field control values for control variables not pertaining to this agent, and local values otherwise.
        qp_vecs (list of 1-D numpy arrays): holds qp values for each time interval
        qp_dot_vecs (list of 1-D numpy arrays): holds q_s_dot, p_mf_dot, p_l_dot  values for each time interval
    state_dim = sliding_window_instance.state_dim
    state_indices = sliding_window_instance.state_indices
    n_s = sliding_window_instance.n_s
    q_l_0 = qpu_vec[:state_dim]
    p_l_0 = qpu_vec[state_dim:2 * state_dim]
    p_mf_0 = qpu_vec[2 * state_dim:3 * state_dim]
    u_0 = qpu_vec[3 * state_dim:]
    qp_vecs = []
    qp_vec = np.concatenate([
        q_l_0, p_l_0, p_mf_0
    ])  # pass in all three: q_0, p_0, u_0, but in the qp_rhs function
    qp_dot_vecs = []
    steps = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, n_s + 1)
    # pass in values from blackboard as kwargs to qp_rhs
    for i in range(n_s):
        n_start, n_end = steps[i], steps[i + 1]

        # update q_mf with the most recent local values in q_s
        q_s = qp_vec[:state_dim]
        q_mf = update_q_mf(q_mf, q_s, sliding_window_instance)
        qp_vec, t, failFlag, iter_i = ode.ode_rk23(
        qp_vec_orig = qp_vec

        # rk23 returns 2 arrays but we remove the first array by doing qp_vec[1] because rk_23 returns the initial value you passed in
        if len(np.shape(qp_vec_orig)) >= 2:
            qp_vec = qp_vec[-1]
        # get time derivatives
        qp_dot_vec = sliding_window_instance.qp_rhs(

    return qp_vecs, qp_dot_vecs
                #       - note:  set it to be backward constant, i.e., find rows of the first
                #                time index > tStart_j, for numerical purpose, add epsilon as tolerance
                uTimeIndex = uControl[uControl.index > tbegin + 1e-10].index[0]
                uControlData = uControl.loc[uTimeIndex]
                tEnd = min(uTimeIndex, tStop_j)

                #print ("Var. checking: tbegin={}, tStop_j={} sec. ".format(tbegin, tStop_j, tEnd))

                # add noise (varying to each element?)
                ns = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, len(vectorStateStart))
                vectorStateStart = vectorStateStart + ns

                # call the ode integrator ...
                fn = system_dyn
                vector_out, t, failFlag, iter_i = \
                    ode.ode_rk23(fn, tbegin, tEnd, vectorStateStart,
                                 integrateTol, integrateMaxIter, C=C, L=L, k=k, V0=V0, Vu= Vu, Rs=np.float(uControlData))

                    "integration happening from {} - {} sec. with ctrl at {}".
                    format(tbegin, tEnd, uTimeIndex))

                # records results with nicer format,
                #   note: do not record the starting point since it is given, not computed
                countRows = len(t)
                sumCountRows = sumCountRows + countRows - 1
                if initFlag:
                    state_j['Time'] = t[1:countRows]
                    state_j['State'] = vector_out[1:countRows, :]
                    initFlag = False
                    state_j['Time'] = np.append(state_j['Time'],
def kfc_propagate_state_and_cov(t0, t1, x0, stateCov0, stateDim, controlDim, observeDim, 
                                uControl, yObserve, dynParA, dynParB, dynParF, observeParH, dynCovW, 
                                observeCovV, outputNum, integrateTol, integrateMaxIter):
    # propagate state and state covariance for continuous Kalman Filter by forward integration 
    #   (note: propagate state and covariance of the state simultaneously) 
    #### define the inital condition of covariance and state
    ####   note: need to reshape covariance as a vector, and combine covariance vector and state vector as one vector
    covVectorDim = stateDim*stateDim
    vectorCovStateStart = construct_cov_state_vector(stateCov0, x0, covVectorDim)    
    ### solve integration eqs of state and covariance of the state simultaneously
    ###    note: (1) evenly divide the time interval between two adjacent observation 
    ###              and output filtered state values at those time points
    ###          (2) time index of uControl yObserve may not align each other, 
    ###              therefore the time interval of two adjacent time points given by (1) 
    ###              may be split into multiple segments which each has different uControl data
    listFilterResult = [] # it will be a 2D list to record the filtered state and state covariance as well as the time array
    tStart_i = t0
    for i in range(len(yObserve)-1): # iteration i: the time interval of two adjacent observation
        tEnd_i = yObserve.index[i+1]        
        # pull observation data from yObserve for the time interval [tStart_i, tEnd_i], 
        #      note:  set it to be backward constant, i.e. observation data = yObserve(tEnd_i)
        yObserveData = np.array(yObserve.iloc[i+1])        
        # evenly divide the time interval between two adjacent observation 
        #     in order to output filtered state values at those time points
        stepSize = (tEnd_i-tStart_i)/outputNum
        tStart_j = tStart_i   
        # initiate variable for counting total rows of integration output of the jth iteration
        sumCountRows = 0
        for j in range(outputNum):  
            # setup time and initiate dictionary for recording the results of the jth iteration
            stateAndCov_j = {"Time" : [], "countRows": 0, "vectorState" : [], "matrixCov" : []} 
            initFlag = True
            tEnd_j = tStart_j + stepSize
            tStart = tStart_j
            while tStart < tEnd_j - 1e-12: # 1e-12: give some tolerance for numerical purpose
                # pull control data from uControl
                #       - note:  set it to be backward constant, i.e., find rows of the first 
                #                time index > tStart_j, for numerical purpose, add epsilon as tolerance
                uTimeIndex = uControl[uControl.index > tStart+1e-10].index[0]
                uControlData = np.array(uControl.loc[uTimeIndex])
                tEnd = min(uTimeIndex, tEnd_j)
                # To do: need to raise exception when integration is fail
                vectorCovState, t, failFlag, iter_i = \
                    ode.ode_rk23(continuous_kalman_filter_dyn, tStart, tEnd, vectorCovStateStart, 
                                 integrateTol, integrateMaxIter, dynParA = dynParA, dynParB=dynParB, 
                                 dynParF = dynParF, observeParH=observeParH, uControlData=uControlData,
                                 yObserveData=yObserveData, dynCovW=dynCovW, observeCovV=observeCovV,                             
                                 covVectorDim = covVectorDim, stateDim = stateDim)
                # records results with nicer format, 
                #   note: do not record the starting point since it is given, not computed
                countRows = len(t)
                sumCountRows = sumCountRows+countRows-1
                if initFlag:
                    stateAndCov_j['Time'] = t[1:countRows]                
                    stateAndCov_j['vectorState'] = vectorCovState[1:countRows,-stateDim:]
                    stateAndCov_j['matrixCov'] = vectorCovState[1:countRows,0:covVectorDim].reshape((countRows-1, stateDim,stateDim))
                    initFlag = False
                    stateAndCov_j['Time'] = np.append(stateAndCov_j['Time'],t[1:countRows])
                    stateAndCov_j['vectorState'] = np.append(stateAndCov_j['vectorState'],
                                 vectorCovState[1:countRows,-stateDim:], axis=0)
                    stateAndCov_j['matrixCov'] = np.append(stateAndCov_j['matrixCov'],
                                 vectorCovState[1:countRows,0:covVectorDim].reshape((countRows-1, stateDim,stateDim)), axis=0)
                # update tStart and the start point, i.e. vectorCovStateStart
                tStart = tEnd
                vectorCovStateStart = vectorCovState[-1]
            # add results of jth iteration to the list, and update start time of j loop
            tStart_j = tEnd_j
        # update start time of i loop
        tStart_i = tEnd_i
    return listFilterResult
def lqt_propogate_state(x0, t0, t1, stateDim, controlDim, listRiccati,
                      riccatiInvRB, dynParA, dynParB, dynParF, integrateTol, integrateMaxIter):
    #forward integration of state dynamics with results of riccati equations as input
    #     note: form a given time interval time to be processed, 
    #           set results of riccati equations to be constants equal the 
    #           values at the end of the time interval
    vectorStateStart = x0
    tStart = t0
    listStateAndControl = [] # it will be a 2D list to record the results of state
    startFlag = True
    iterNum = len(listRiccati)
    for i in range(iterNum): # iteration i: work in the ith time interval in which zTrack is a constant
        listRiccatiRow = iterNum-i-1
        if i+1 < iterNum:
            tEnd = listRiccati[listRiccatiRow-1][-1]['Time'][-1] #zTrack.index[i+1]
            tEnd = t1                    
        # evenly divided time interval [tStart_i, tEnd_i) by outputNum
        #tStep = (tEnd-tStart)/outputNum
        ### outputNum = len(listRiccati[listRiccatiRow-1])
        # forward integration for each tStep
        riccatiSteps_j = len(listRiccati[listRiccatiRow-1])
        tStart_j = tStart     
        for j in range(riccatiSteps_j): # iteration j: work in the jth sub-time-interval within the zTrack constant interval            
            listRiccatiCol = riccatiSteps_j-j-1
            if listRiccatiCol > 0:
                tEnd_j = listRiccati[listRiccatiRow][listRiccatiCol-1]['Time'][-1] # tStart_j+tStep
                tEnd_j = tEnd
            # initiate dictionary for recording the results of the jth iteration
            stateAndControl_j = {"Time" : [], "countRows": 0, "vectorState" : [], "vectorControl" : []} 
            initFlag = True
            sumCountRows = 0
            tStart_k = tStart_j
            for k in range(listRiccati[listRiccatiRow][listRiccatiCol]['countRows']-1,-1,-1): 
                # iteration k: the smallest time interval in which ricatti numerical results are constant
                if k > 0:
                    tEnd_k = listRiccati[listRiccatiRow][listRiccatiCol]['Time'][k-1]
                    tEnd_k = tEnd_j
                # construct parameters from results of riccati equations for forward integration                
                riccatiKlq = -riccatiInvRB.dot(listRiccati[listRiccatiRow][listRiccatiCol]['matrixSigma'][k])
                riccatiPsi = -riccatiInvRB.dot(listRiccati[listRiccatiRow][listRiccatiCol]['vectorPhi'][k])                
                stateAPlusBKlq = dynParA+dynParB.dot(riccatiKlq)
                stateBPsiPlusF = dynParB.dot(riccatiPsi)+dynParF

                # TO DO: need raise failture message when integration fail
                # propogate state dynamics with feedback policy
                vectorState, t, failFlag, iter_i = \
                    ode.ode_rk23(feedback_policy_state_dot, tStart_k, tEnd_k, vectorStateStart, 
                                 integrateTol, integrateMaxIter, stateAPlusBKlq=stateAPlusBKlq, 
                # compute optimal feedback control
                listControl = []
                for tmp_i in range(len(t)):
                vectorControl = np.array(listControl)
                # records results with nicer format for forward integration, 
                #   note: if at time tStart_k=t0, record the state and control values at starting time point  
                #         if at tStart_k>t0, no need to record the values at tStart_k, 
                #         since it has been recorded at the previous iteration
                countRows = len(t)
                if startFlag:
                    startRow = 0
                    sumCountRows = sumCountRows+countRows                    
                    startFlag = False
                    startRow = 1
                    sumCountRows = sumCountRows+countRows-1
                if initFlag:
                    stateAndControl_j['Time'] = t[startRow:countRows]                
                    stateAndControl_j['vectorState'] = vectorState[startRow:countRows]
                    stateAndControl_j['vectorControl'] = vectorControl[startRow:countRows]
                    initFlag = False
                    stateAndControl_j['Time'] = np.append(stateAndControl_j['Time'],t[startRow:countRows])
                    stateAndControl_j['vectorState'] = np.append(stateAndControl_j['vectorState'],
                                 vectorState[startRow:countRows], axis=0)
                    stateAndControl_j['vectorControl'] = np.append(stateAndControl_j['vectorControl'],
                                 vectorControl[startRow:countRows], axis=0)
                # update tStart_k and the start point, i.e. vectorStateStart
                tStart_k = tEnd_k
                vectorStateStart = vectorState[-1]
            # update tStart_j for outer loop j
            tStart_j = tEnd_j
        # update tStart for outer loop i
        tStart = tEnd 
    return listStateAndControl
def lqt_solve_riccati(t1, stateDim, zTrack, dynParA, dynParF, trackParF, 
                    trackParQ, riccatiBInvRB, outputNum, integrateTol, integrateMaxIter):
    # solve riccati  equations 
    #    i.e. backward integrate sigma and phi dynamics together:
    #      sigma_dot = -sigma*dynParA-Transpose(dynParA)*sigma+sigma*dynParB*Inv(trackParR)*Transpose(dynParB)-trackParQ
    #      phi_dot = (-Transpose(dynParA)+sigma*dynParB*Inv(trackParR)*Transpose(dynParB))*phi-sigma*dynParF+trackParQ*zTrack
    #    with terminal condition sigma_end=trackParF, phi_end=(nx1 zeros)
    #    Note: sigma is a symmetric 2D matrix
    #### define the terminal condition of sigma and phi
    ####   note: need to reshape sigma as a vector, and make sigma vector and phi as one vector
    sigmaVectorDim = stateDim*stateDim
    vectorSigmaPhiBackStart = construct_sigma_phi_vector(trackParF, -trackParF.dot(np.array(zTrack.iloc[-1])), sigmaVectorDim)    
    ### solve riccati equations by backward integration 
    ####  i.e. for each piecewise constant of zTrack time interval,
    ####       call ode method to barckward integrate riccati equations
    iterNum = len(zTrack)-1
    tStart = t1
    listRiccati = [] # it will be a 2D list to record the results of riccati equations 
    for i in range(iterNum-1,-1,-1): # iteration i: work in the ith time interval in which zTrack is a constant        
        listRiccatiRow = iterNum-i-1
        tEnd = zTrack.index[i]
        zTrackData = np.array(zTrack.iloc[i])
        # evenly divided time interval [tStart_i, tEnd_i) by outputNum
        tStep = (tEnd-tStart)/outputNum
        # backward integration for each tStep
        tStart_j = tStart
        for j in range(outputNum):
            # iteration j: work in the jth sub-time-interval within the zTrack constant interval
            tEnd_j = tStart_j+tStep
            # TO DO: need raise failure message when integration fail
            # backward propagate riccati equations
            vectorSigmaPhiBack, t, failFlag, iter_i = \
                ode.ode_rk23(riccati_eqs, tStart_j, tEnd_j, vectorSigmaPhiBackStart, 
                             integrateTol, integrateMaxIter, dynParA = dynParA, dynParF = dynParF, 
                             trackParQ = trackParQ, riccatiBInvRB = riccatiBInvRB,
                             zTrackData = zTrackData, sigmaVectorDim = sigmaVectorDim,
                             stateDim = stateDim)
            # records results with nicer format for forward integration, 
            #   note: do not record the starting point since it is given, not computed
            countRows = len(vectorSigmaPhiBack)
            riccatiResults = {"Time" : t[1:countRows], "countRows":countRows-1, 
                              "matrixSigma" : vectorSigmaPhiBack[1:countRows,0:sigmaVectorDim].reshape((countRows-1,stateDim,stateDim)), 
                              "vectorPhi" : vectorSigmaPhiBack[1:countRows,-stateDim:]}
            # update tStart_j and the start point, i.e. vectorSigmaPhiBackStart
            tStart_j = tEnd_j
            vectorSigmaPhiBackStart = vectorSigmaPhiBack[-1]
        # update tStart for outer loop i
        tStart = tEnd
    return listRiccati