def __init__(self, path, maj=False, data=None): """initialisation d'un générateur odt pour les tuteurs. En haut de chaque page A5 en sortie, il créée un tableau +----------------+-----------+--------+ | Responsable | Élève | Classe | +================+===========+========+ | nom resp | nom eleve | cl | +----------------+-----------+--------+ :param str path: chemin vers le fichier des csv tuteurs :param boolean maj: mode màj ou complet :param dict data: si maj=True, il doit contenir le dictionnaire des pp et tuteurs """ self.nom = basename(path)[:-4] #nom du fichier sans extension base = dirname(path) #fallacieux en cas de màj. # .. todo:: vérifier utilité et effacer self.classe = ((self.nom).split('Tuteur_'))[-1] #vraiment lié au nom de fichier self.document = OpenDocumentText() self.defineStyles() # def du header complet head_style = getattr(self, "Header", None) p = P(stylename=head_style) mp = MasterPage(name="Standard", pagelayoutname="Mpm1") h = Header() h.addElement(p) mp.addElement(h) self.document.masterstyles.addElement(mp) #import des textes de la page odt tuteur try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader home = expanduser("~/.refnumtool.d") with open(join(home,"text_extract_tuteur.yaml")) as file: self.msg = load(file, Loader=Loader) if not(maj): file = open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") dialect=csv.Sniffer().sniff(file.readline()) # se remettre en début de fichier reader = csv.DictReader(file, dialect=dialect) for d in reader: self.make_parent_id(d) file.close(), "ENT_id_Tuteur_"+self.classe+".odt")) else: # cas d'une màj #for pp in data.values(): # superflu, génération par classe pour les tuteurs if "Tuteur" in data: # test superflu en principe for d in data["Tuteur"]: self.make_parent_id(d), "ENT_id_Tuteur_"+data["elycee"]+"_"+time.strftime("%d%m%Y")+".odt"))
def addHeaderFooter(self,header=None,footer=None): if header or footer: mp = MasterPage(name="Standard", pagelayoutname=self.plheaderstyle) self.textdoc.masterstyles.addElement(mp) if header: h = Header() hp = P(text=header)#,stylename=self.headerstyle) h.addElement(hp) mp.addElement(h) if footer: f = Footer() fp = P(text=footer,stylename=self.footercenterstyle) f.addElement(fp) mp.addElement(f)
def addImageHeaderFooter(self,header=None,footer=None): if header or footer: mp = MasterPage(name="Standard", pagelayoutname=self.pliheaderstyle) self.textdoc.masterstyles.addElement(mp) if header: h = Header() p = P() href = self.textdoc.addPicture(header) f = Frame(name="membrete", anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="1.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) h.addElement(p) mp.addElement(h) if footer: fo = Footer() pn = PageNumber() fp = P(text=footer,stylename=self.footercenterstyle)#FIXME: Pagen number shoulb be better fp.addElement(pn) fo.addElement(fp) mp.addElement(fo)
# This is free software. You may redistribute it under the terms # of the Apache license and the GNU General Public License Version # 2 or at your option any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Contributor(s): # from odf.opendocument import OpenDocumentText from import PageLayout, MasterPage, Header, Footer from odf.text import P textdoc = OpenDocumentText() pl = PageLayout(name="pagelayout") textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(pl) mp = MasterPage(name="Standard", pagelayoutname=pl) textdoc.masterstyles.addElement(mp) h = Header() hp = P(text="header try") h.addElement(hp) mp.addElement(h)"headers.odt")
class Plantilla(): def __init__(self, *datos): self.textDoc = OpenDocumentText() self.h = Header() self.f = Footer() self.s = self.textDoc.styles = PageLayout(name="pagelayout") #datos para la cabecera Autor = datos[0] Obra = datos[1] #margenes para la pagina (PageLayout) layoutPagina = datos[2] print("layoutPagina") print(layoutPagina) MRight = str(layoutPagina[0]) + "cm" print("MRight " + MRight) MLeft = str(layoutPagina[1]) + "cm" MTop = str(layoutPagina[2]) + "cm" MBottom = str(layoutPagina[3]) + "cm" PaginaInicial = layoutPagina[4] #anadimos los datos a la pagina PageLayoutProperties(margintop=MTop, marginbottom=MBottom, marginleft=MRight, marginright=MLeft)) self.textDoc.automaticstyles.addElement( = MasterPage(name="Standard", self.textDoc.masterstyles.addElement( #Cabecera estilos #Normal EstiloCabeceraNormal = "CabeceraNormal" estilo = Style(name=EstiloCabeceraNormal, family="text", parentstylename="Standard") estilo.addElement( TextProperties(fontweight="light", fontfamily="helvetica", fontsize="9pt")) self.s.addElement(estilo) #Negritas EstiloCabeceraNegritas = "CabeceraNegritas" estilo = Style(name=EstiloCabeceraNegritas, family="text", parentstylename=EstiloCabeceraNormal) estilo.addElement(TextProperties(fontweight="bold")) self.s.addElement(estilo) #Normal centrado EstiloCabeceraNormalCentrado = "CabeceraNormalCentrado" estilo = Style(name=EstiloCabeceraNormalCentrado, family="paragraph", parentstylename=EstiloCabeceraNormal) estilo.addElement( ParagraphProperties(textalign="center", numberlines="true", linenumber="0")) self.s.addElement(estilo) #linea horizontal fina linea_horizontal_fina = Style(name="Lineahorizontalfina", displayname="Horizontal Line Thin", family="paragraph") linea_horizontal_fina.addElement(ParagraphProperties(margintop="0cm", marginbottom="0cm", marginright="0cm", marginleft="0cm", \ contextualspacing="false", borderlinewidthbottom="0cm 0.030cm 0.02cm", padding="0cm", borderleft="none", borderright="none", \ bordertop="none", borderbottom="0.06pt double #3a3b3d", numberlines="false", linenumber="0", joinborder="false")) self.s.addElement(linea_horizontal_fina) #numeracion numeracion = "Numeracion" estilo = Style(name=numeracion, family="paragraph") #estilo.addElement(PageNumber(selectpage="current")) #Cabecera contenidos hp = P() texto_cabecera = Span(stylename=EstiloCabeceraNegritas, text="Proyecto:\t") hp.addElement(texto_cabecera) texto_cabecera = Span(stylename=EstiloCabeceraNormal, text=Obra) hp.addElement(texto_cabecera) self.h.addElement(hp) hp = P() texto_cabecera = Span(stylename=EstiloCabeceraNegritas, text="Autor:\t") hp.addElement(texto_cabecera) texto_cabecera = Span(stylename=EstiloCabeceraNormal, text=Autor) hp.addElement(texto_cabecera) self.h.addElement(hp) hp = P(stylename=linea_horizontal_fina) self.h.addElement(hp) #Pie de pagina fp = P(stylename=EstiloCabeceraNormalCentrado) pagina = Span(stylename=EstiloCabeceraNormal, text="Página: ") fp.addElement(pagina) numero = PageNumber(selectpage="auto", text=4) fp.addElement(numero) self.f.addElement(fp) def Documento(self): return self.textDoc def Estilo(self, nombre): return self.estilos[nombre] def UpdateEstilos(self, nombre, estilo): self.s.addElement(estilo) self.estilos.update({nombre: estilo})
h1style = Style(name="Heading 1", family="paragraph") h1style.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'fontsize':"24pt",'fontweight':"bold" })) s.addElement(h1style) # An automatic style boldstyle = Style(name="Bold", family="text") boldprop = TextProperties(fontweight="bold") boldstyle.addElement(boldprop) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(boldstyle) algo = Style(name = "kk") numeracion = ParagraphProperties(pagenumber = "2") algo.addElement(numeracion) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(algo) # Text h=H(outlinelevel=1, stylename=h1style, text="My first text") textdoc.text.addElement(h) p = P(text="Hello world. ") boldpart = Span(stylename=boldstyle, text="This part is bold. ") p.addElement(boldpart) p.addText("This is after bold.") textdoc.text.addElement(p) fp = P(stylename=" foot") pagina = Span(stylename="foot2", text="Página: ") fp.addElement(pagina) numero = PageNumber(selectpage="auto") fp.addElement(numero) f.addElement(fp) mp.addElement(f)"myfirstdocument.odt")