예제 #1
    def owriteDefinitionDescription(self, obj):
        li = text.ListItem()
        p = ParagraphProxy(stylename=style.indentedSingle)
        li.writeto = p
        # FIXME, this should be handled in advtree!
        if not isinstance(obj.parent, advtree.DefinitionList):
            dl = text.List(stylename=style.definitionlist)
            dl.writeto = p
            return dl

        return li
예제 #2
파일: html2odf.py 프로젝트: zyrobin/lino
def html2odf(e, ct=None, **ctargs):
    Convert a :mod:`etgen.html` element to an ODF text element.
    Most formats are not implemented.
    There's probably a better way to do this...

    :ct: the root element ("container"). If not specified, we create one.

    sections_counter = 1
    #~ print "20120613 html2odf()", e.tag, e.text
    if ct is None:
        ct = text.P(**ctargs)
        #~ if e.tag in PTAGS:
        #~ oe = text.P(**ctargs)
        #~ else:
        #~ oe = text.P(**ctargs)
        #~ logger.info("20130201 %s", tostring(e))
        #~ raise NotImplementedError("<%s> without container" % e.tag)
    if isinstance(e, six.string_types):
        #~ oe = text.Span()
        #~ oe.addText(e)
        #~ yield oe
        return ct

    if e.tag == 'ul':
        ct = text.List(stylename='podBulletedList')
        ctargs = dict(stylename='podBulletItem')
        #~ ctargs = dict()

    text_container = None

    if e.tag in ('b', 'strong'):
        #~ oe = text.Span(stylename='Bold Text')
        oe = text.Span(stylename='Strong Emphasis')
    elif e.tag == 'a':
        oe = text.Span(stylename='Strong Emphasis')
        #~ oe = text.Span(stylename='Bold Text')
    elif e.tag in ('i', 'em'):
        oe = text.Span(stylename='Emphasis')
    elif e.tag == 'span':
        oe = text.Span()
    elif e.tag == 'br':
        oe = text.LineBreak()

    elif e.tag == 'h1':
        <text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level="1">
        oe = ct = text.H(stylename="Heading 1", outlinelevel=1)
    elif e.tag == 'h2':
        oe = ct = text.H(stylename="Heading 2", outlinelevel=2)
    elif e.tag == 'h3':
        oe = ct = text.H(stylename="Heading 3", outlinelevel=3)
    elif e.tag == 'div':
        oe = ct = text.Section(name="S" + str(sections_counter))

    elif e.tag == 'img':
        return  # ignore images
    elif e.tag == 'ul':
        oe = ct
    #~ elif e.tag in ('ul','ol'):
    #~ oe = text.List(stylename=e.tag.upper())
    #~ ctargs = dict(stylename=e.tag.upper()+"_P")
    elif e.tag == 'li':
        #~ oe = ct
        oe = text.ListItem()
        text_container = text.P(**ctargs)

    elif e.tag in PTAGS:
        oe = ct
        #~ if ct.tagName == 'p':
        #~ oe = ct
        #~ else:
        #~ oe = text.P(**ctargs)
        logger.info("20130201 %s", tostring(e))
        raise NotImplementedError("<%s> inside <%s>" % (e.tag, ct.tagName))
        #~ oe = text.Span()

    if text_container is None:
        text_container = oe
    if e.text:
    for child in e:
        #~ html2odf(child,oe)
        html2odf(child, text_container, **ctargs)
        #~ for oc in html2odf(child,oe):
        # ~ # oe.addElement(oc)
        #~ oe.appendChild(oc)
    #~ if not True:
    #~ if e.tail:
    #~ oe.addText(e.tail)
    if oe is not ct:
        #~ yield oe
    #~ if True:
    if e.tail:
        #~ yield e.tail
        #~ yield text.Span(text=e.tail)
        #~ yield Text(e.tail)
    return ct
예제 #3
 def owriteDefinitionList(self, obj):
     return text.List(stylename=style.definitionlist)
예제 #4
 def owriteItemList(self, lst):
     if lst.numbered:
         return text.List(stylename=style.numberedlist)
         return text.List(stylename=style.unorderedlist)