예제 #1
    def test_ops(self):
        x = K.variable(np.random.rand(8, 12))
        y = K.variable(np.random.rand(12, 25))
        z = K.placeholder((25, 18, 13))
        w = K.placeholder((18, 18))

        # ====== dot ====== #
        t = K.dot(x, y)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(t), (8, 25))
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(t), K.eval(t).shape)
        t = K.dot(t, K.dimshuffle(z, (1, 0, 2)))
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(t), (8, 18, 13))

        # ====== transpose ====== #
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.transpose(z)), (13, 18, 25))
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.transpose(t, axes=(2, 0, 1))),
                          (13, 8, 18))

        # ====== eye ====== #
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.eye(5)), K.eval(K.eye(5)).shape)
        # ====== diag ====== #
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.diag(w)), (18, ))
        # self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.diag(x)),
        # K.eval(K.diag(y)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.square(x)), K.eval(K.square(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.abs(x)), K.eval(K.abs(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.sqrt(x)), K.eval(K.sqrt(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.exp(x)), K.eval(K.exp(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.log(x)), K.eval(K.log(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.round(x)), K.eval(K.round(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.pow(x, 2)), K.eval(K.pow(x, 2)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.clip(x, -1, 1)),
                          K.eval(K.clip(x, -1, 1)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.inv(x)), K.eval(K.inv(x)).shape)
예제 #2
파일: noise.py 프로젝트: imito/odin
  def _apply(self, u, mean, std, z_corr):
    mu = self.a1 * self.activation(self.a2 * u + self.a3) + self.a4 * u + self.a5
    v = self.a6 * self.activation(self.a7 * u + self.a8) + self.a9 * u + self.a10

    z_est = (z_corr - mu) * v + mu
    z_est_bn = (z_est - mean) / K.square(std)
    return z_est_bn
예제 #3
    def _apply(self, u, mean, std, z_corr):
        mu = self.a1 * self.activation(self.a2 * u +
                                       self.a3) + self.a4 * u + self.a5
        v = self.a6 * self.activation(self.a7 * u +
                                      self.a8) + self.a9 * u + self.a10

        z_est = (z_corr - mu) * v + mu
        z_est_bn = (z_est - mean) / K.square(std)
        return z_est_bn
예제 #4
    def test_basic_ops_value(self):
        x = K.variable(np.random.randn(8, 8))
        y = K.variable(np.random.randn(8, 8))
        z = K.variable(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(8, 8)), dtype=np.bool)
        w = K.variable(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(8, 8)), dtype=np.bool)

        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.relu(x, alpha=0.12))) * 10000),
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.elu(x, alpha=0.12))) * 10000),
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.softmax(x))), 8.0)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.softplus(x))) * 10000), 554564)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.softsign(x))) * 100000), 211582)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.sigmoid(x))) * 10000), 330427)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.hard_sigmoid(x))) * 10000),
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.tanh(x))) * 100000), 290165)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.square(x))) * 10000), 744492)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.sqrt(x))) * 10000), 300212)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.abs(x))) * 10000), 559979)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.sign(x))), 6.0)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.inv(x))) * 1000), 495838)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.exp(x))) * 1000), 122062)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.log(K.abs(x)))) * 10000),
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.round(x))), 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.pow(x, 8))) * 100), 398153)
            round(np.sum(K.eval(K.clip(x, -0.12, 0.12))) * 1000000), 620529)
        # TODO: pygpu (libgpuarray) still not support diag
        # self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.diag(x))) * 100000), 325289)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.eye(12, 8))), 8.0)

        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.eq(z, w))), 38)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.neq(z, w))), 26)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.gt(x, y))), 33)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.ge(x, y))), 33)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.lt(x, y))), 31)
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(K.eval(K.le(x, y))), 31)
        self.assertEqual(round(np.sum(K.eval(K.switch(z, x, y))) * 100000),
예제 #5
    def score(self,
      query: Query (or target sequence) tensor of shape
        `[batch_size, Tq, dim]` or `[num_heads, batch_size, Tq, dim]` in case
        of multi-heads attention.
      key: Key (or source sequence) tensor of shape
        `[batch_size, Tv, dim]` or `[num_heads, batch_size, Tv, dim]` in case
        of multi-heads attention.
      scale: single `Scalar` or `Tensor` of shape `[dim]` for scaling
        the attention scores, suggested `1/sqrt(dim)` in (Vaswani et al. 2017).
      window_width : `None`, `Integer` or `Float` ([0, 1]). The total number of
        frames for a single window in local attention (i.e. `left + 1 + right`)
        Can be given as a fixed number of frames (`int`), or percentage of
        the sequence length (`float`). If `None`, use `Tq`
      q_proj : `Dense`, instance of dense or fully connected layer
        - for `ScoreLocation`, the number of hidden unit is `1`
        - for `ScoreGeneral`, the number of hidden unit is `dim`
      target_proj : `Dense`, for predictive local attention, applying
        a fully connected network on target sequence (i.e. the query) to
        predict the position on source sequence (i.e. the key).
        The layer must has output dimension equal to 1 and return logit value.

      Tensor of shape `[num_heads, batch_size, Tq, Tv]`, or
       `[num_heads, batch_size, Tq, 1]` if `ScoreLocation`
        ### Check if multi-head attention is used
        num_heads = _get_num_heads(query)
        if num_heads > 0:
            query = bk.reshape(query, [-1] + [i for i in query.shape[2:]])
            if key is not None:
                key = bk.reshape(key, [-1] + [i for i in key.shape[2:]])
        Tq = query.shape[1]
        Tv = Tq if key is None else key.shape[1]
        # scale shape is `[]` or `[dim]`
        scale = bk.array(scale, dtype=query.dtype)
        ### Check the window width
        if window_width is None:
            window_width = Tq
        elif window_width < 1:
            window_width = window_width * Tv
        window_width = int(window_width)
        ### Locative attention
        if AttentionMechanism.ScoreLocation in self:
            if PosLocalM in self or PosLocalP in self:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "ScoreLocation only support Global attention, but given: %s"
                    % str(self))
            # [batch_size * num_heads, Tq, dim]
            scores = bk.reduce_mean(scale) * q_proj(query)
            assert scores.shape[-1] == 1, \
              " q_proj must have only 1 hidden unit, but given %d" % scores.shape[-1]
        ### Other score mode need the key tensor
            if key is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "key must be provided for attention type: %s" % str(self))
            ### Attention position (local or global)
            if PosLocalM in self:
                key = key[:, -window_width:]
            elif PosLocalP in self:
                pt = bk.sigmoid(target_proj(bk.reshape(query, ([0], -1))))
                assert pt.shape[-1] == 1, \
                  "target_proj must project the query [., Tq * dim] to [., 1], i.e. " + \
                    "predicting the attention position on source sequence using " + \
                      "knowledge from target sequence."
                pt = Tv * pt  # `[batch_size * num_heads, 1]`
                # `[batch_size * num_heads, Tv]`
                # Eq (10) (Luong et al. 2015)
                gauss_est = bk.exp(
                    -bk.square(bk.arange(Tv, dtype=pt.dtype) - pt) /
                    (2 * bk.square(window_width / 2)))
                # `[batch_size * num_heads, 1, Tv]`
                gauss_est = bk.expand_dims(gauss_est, axis=1)
            ### Additive or concat method
            if AttentionMechanism.ScoreAdditive in self:
                # [batch_size * num_heads, Tq, 1, dim]
                q = bk.expand_dims(query, axis=2)
                # [batch_size * num_heads, 1, Tv, dim]
                k = bk.expand_dims(key, axis=1)
                # [batch_size * num_heads, Tq, Tv]
                scores = bk.reduce_sum(scale * bk.tanh(q + k), axis=-1)
            ### Dot product or multiplicative scoring
            elif AttentionMechanism.ScoreDotProd in self:
                # this is a trick to make attention_scale broadcastable when
                # scale_tied=False
                scores = bk.matmul(scale * query, bk.swapaxes(key, 1, 2))
            ### cosine scoring
            elif AttentionMechanism.ScoreCosine in self:
                # [batch_size * num_heads, Tq, 1, dim]
                q = bk.expand_dims(query, axis=2)
                # [batch_size * num_heads, 1, Tv, dim]
                k = bk.expand_dims(key, axis=1)
                # [batch_size * num_heads, Tq, Tv, dim]
                scores = (q * k) / (bk.norm(q, p=2) * bk.norm(k, p=2))
                scores = bk.reduce_sum(scale * scores, axis=-1, keepdims=False)
            ### general method with only project on the query
            elif AttentionMechanism.ScoreGeneral in self:
                query = q_proj(query)
                assert query.shape[-1] == key.shape[-1], \
                  " q_proj must have %d hidden units, but given %d units" % \
                    (key.shape[-1], query.shape[-1])
                scores = bk.matmul(scale * query, bk.swapaxes(key, 1, 2))
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "No support for attention_type='%s'" % str(self))
            ### applying the local-predictive attention
            if PosLocalP in self:
                scores = scores * gauss_est
        ### get back the multi-heads shape
        if num_heads > 0:
            scores = bk.reshape(scores,
                                shape=[num_heads, -1] +
                                [i for i in scores.shape[1:]])
        return scores