예제 #1
    def derivative(self, vf):
        """Derivative of the point-wise norm operator at ``vf``.

        The derivative at ``F`` of the point-wise norm operator ``N``
        with finite exponent ``p`` and weights ``w`` is the pointwise
        inner product with the vector field

            ``x --> N(F)(x)^(1-p) * [ F_j(x) * |F_j(x)|^(p-2) ]_j``.

        Note that this is not well-defined for ``F = 0``. If ``p < 2``,
        any zero component will result in a singularity.

        vf : `domain` `element-like`
            Vector field ``F`` at which to evaluate the derivative.

        deriv : `PointwiseInner`
            Derivative operator at the given point ``vf``.

            * if the vector field space is complex, since the derivative
              is not linear in that case
            * if the exponent is ``inf``
        if self.domain.field == ComplexNumbers():
            raise NotImplementedError('operator not Frechet-differentiable '
                                      'on a complex space')

        if self.exponent == float('inf'):
            raise NotImplementedError('operator not Frechet-differentiable '
                                      'for exponent = inf')

        vf = self.domain.element(vf)
        vf_pwnorm_fac = self(vf)
        if self.exponent != 2:  # optimize away most common case.
            vf_pwnorm_fac **= (self.exponent - 1)

        inner_vf = vf.copy()

        for gi in inner_vf:
            # This is the old line from odl version 0.6.0.
            #gi /= vf_pwnorm_fac * gi ** (self.exponent - 2)
            tmp = vf_pwnorm_fac * gi**(self.exponent - 2)
            gi = np.divide(gi, tmp, where=tmp != 0)

        return PointwiseInner(self.domain, inner_vf, weighting=self.weights)
예제 #2
    def _call(self, vf, out):
        """Implement ``self(vf, out)``."""
        if self.domain.field == ComplexNumbers():
            vf[0].multiply(self._vecfield[0].conj(), out=out)
            vf[0].multiply(self._vecfield[0], out=out)

        if self.is_weighted:
            out *= self.weights[0]

        if self.domain.size == 1:

        tmp = self.range.element()
        for vfi, gi, wi in zip(vf[1:], self.vecfield[1:], self.weights[1:]):

            if self.domain.field == ComplexNumbers():
                vfi.multiply(gi.conj(), out=tmp)
                vfi.multiply(gi, out=tmp)

            if self.is_weighted:
                tmp *= wi
            out += tmp
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, size, dtype):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        size : non-negative int
            Number of entries in a tuple.
        dtype :
            Data type for each tuple entry. Can be provided in any
            way the `numpy.dtype` function understands, most notably
            as built-in type, as one of NumPy's internal datatype
            objects or as string.
            Only scalar data types (numbers) are allowed.
        NtuplesBase.__init__(self, size, dtype)

        if not is_scalar_dtype(self.dtype):
            raise TypeError('{!r} is not a scalar data type'.format(dtype))

        if is_real_dtype(self.dtype):
            field = RealNumbers()
            self.__is_real = True
            self.__real_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__real_space = self
                self.__complex_dtype = complex_dtype(self.dtype)
            except ValueError:
                self.__complex_dtype = None
            self.__complex_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            field = ComplexNumbers()
            self.__is_real = False
                self.__real_dtype = real_dtype(self.dtype)
            except ValueError:
                self.__real_dtype = None
            self.__real_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            self.__complex_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__complex_space = self

        self.__is_floating = is_floating_dtype(self.dtype)
        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
예제 #4
def cn(size, dtype=None, impl='numpy', **kwargs):
    """Return the complex vector space ``C^n``.

    size : positive int
        The number of dimensions of the space
    dtype : `object`, optional
        The data type of the storage array. Can be provided in any
        way the `numpy.dtype` function understands, most notably
        as built-in type, as one of NumPy's internal datatype
        objects or as string.

        Only complex floating-point data types are allowed.

        Default: default of the implementation given by calling
        ``default_dtype(ComplexNumbers())`` on the `FnBase` implementation.
    impl : string, optional
        The backend to use. See `odl.space.entry_points.FN_IMPLS` for
        available options.
    kwargs :
        Extra keyword arguments to pass to the implmentation.

    cn : `FnBase`

    See Also
    fn : n-tuples over a field with arbitrary scalar data type.
    cn_impl = FN_IMPLS[impl]

    if dtype is None:
        dtype = cn_impl.default_dtype(ComplexNumbers())

    cn = cn_impl(size, dtype, **kwargs)

    if not cn.is_cn:
        raise TypeError('data type {!r} not a complex floating-point type.'
    return cn
예제 #5
    def __str__(self):
        """Return ``str(self)``."""
        inner_str = '{}'.format(self.domain)
        dtype_str = dtype_repr(self.out_dtype)

        if self.field == RealNumbers():
            if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('float64'):
                inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        elif self.field == ComplexNumbers():
            if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('complex128'):
                inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field)
                inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        else:  # different field, name explicitly
            inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field)
            inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str)

        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, domain, field=None, out_dtype=None):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        domain : `Set`
            The domain of the functions
        field : `Field`, optional
            The range of the functions, usually the `RealNumbers` or
            `ComplexNumbers`. If not given, the field is either inferred
            from ``out_dtype``, or, if the latter is also ``None``, set
            to ``RealNumbers()``.
        out_dtype : optional
            Data type of the return value of a function in this space.
            Can be given in any way `numpy.dtype` understands, e.g. as
            string (``'float64'``) or data type (``float``).
            By default, ``'float64'`` is used for real and ``'complex128'``
            for complex spaces.
        if not isinstance(domain, Set):
            raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} not a Set instance'.format(domain))

        if field is not None and not isinstance(field, Field):
            raise TypeError('`field` {!r} not a `Field` instance'

        # Data type: check if consistent with field, take default for None
        dtype, dtype_in = np.dtype(out_dtype), out_dtype

        # Default for both None
        if field is None and out_dtype is None:
            field = RealNumbers()
            out_dtype = np.dtype('float64')

        # field None, dtype given -> infer field
        elif field is None:
            if is_real_dtype(dtype):
                field = RealNumbers()
            elif is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
                field = ComplexNumbers()
                raise ValueError('{} is not a scalar data type'

        # field given -> infer dtype if not given, else check consistency
        elif field == RealNumbers():
            if out_dtype is None:
                out_dtype = np.dtype('float64')
            elif not is_real_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('{} is not a real data type'
        elif field == ComplexNumbers():
            if out_dtype is None:
                out_dtype = np.dtype('complex128')
            elif not is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('{} is not a complex data type'

        # Else: keep out_dtype=None, which results in lazy dtype determination

        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
        FunctionSet.__init__(self, domain, field, out_dtype)

        # Init cache attributes for real / complex variants
        if self.field == RealNumbers():
            self.__real_out_dtype = self.out_dtype
            self.__real_space = self
            self.__complex_out_dtype = complex_dtype(self.out_dtype,
            self.__complex_space = None
        elif self.field == ComplexNumbers():
            self.__real_out_dtype = real_dtype(self.out_dtype)
            self.__real_space = None
            self.__complex_out_dtype = self.out_dtype
            self.__complex_space = self
            self.__real_out_dtype = None
            self.__real_space = None
            self.__complex_out_dtype = None
            self.__complex_space = None
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, adjoint, vfspace, vecfield, weighting=None):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        All parameters are given according to the specifics of the "usual"
        operator. The ``adjoint`` parameter is used to control conversions
        for the inverse transform.

        adjoint : bool
            ``True`` if the operator should be the adjoint, ``False``
        vfspace : `ProductSpace`
            Space of vector fields on which the operator acts.
            It has to be a product space of identical spaces, i.e. a
            power space.
        vecfield : ``vfspace`` `element-like`
            Vector field with which to calculate the point-wise inner
            product of an input vector field
        weighting : `array-like` or float, optional
            Weighting array or constant for the norm. If an array is
            given, its length must be equal to ``domain.size``.
            By default, the weights are is taken from
            ``domain.weighting``. Note that this excludes unusual
            weightings with custom inner product, norm or dist.
        if not isinstance(vfspace, ProductSpace):
            raise TypeError('`vfsoace` {!r} is not a ProductSpace '
        if adjoint:

        # Bail out if the space is complex but we cannot take the complex
        # conjugate.
        if (vfspace.field == ComplexNumbers()
                and not hasattr(self.base_space.element_type, 'conj')):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'base space element type {!r} does not implement conj() '
                'method required for complex inner products'

        self._vecfield = vfspace.element(vecfield)

        # Handle weighting, including sanity checks
        if weighting is None:
            if hasattr(vfspace.weighting, 'array'):
                self.__weights = vfspace.weighting.array
            elif hasattr(vfspace.weighting, 'const'):
                self.__weights = (vfspace.weighting.const *
                raise ValueError('weighting scheme {!r} of the domain does '
                                 'not define a weighting array or constant'
        elif np.isscalar(weighting):
            self.__weights = float(weighting) * np.ones(vfspace.size)
            self.__weights = np.asarray(weighting, dtype='float64')
        self.__is_weighted = not np.array_equiv(self.weights, 1.0)
def cn(shape, dtype=None, impl='numpy', **kwargs):
    """Return a space of complex tensors.

    shape : positive int or sequence of positive ints
        Number of entries per axis for elements in this space. A
        single integer results in a space with 1 axis.
    dtype : optional
        Data type of each element. Can be provided in any way the
        `numpy.dtype` function understands, e.g. as built-in type or
        as a string. Only complex floating-point data types are allowed.
        For ``None``, the `TensorSpace.default_dtype` of the
        created space is used in the form
    impl : str, optional
        Impmlementation back-end for the space. See
        `odl.space.entry_points.tensor_space_impl_names` for available
    kwargs :
        Extra keyword arguments passed to the space constructor.

    cn : `TensorSpace`

    Space of complex 3-tuples with ``complex64`` entries:

    >>> odl.cn(3, dtype='complex64')
    cn(3, dtype='complex64')

    Complex 2x3 tensors with ``complex64`` entries:

    >>> odl.cn((2, 3), dtype='complex64')
    cn((2, 3), dtype='complex64')

    The default data type depends on the implementation. For
    ``impl='numpy'``, it is ``'complex128'``:

    >>> space = odl.cn((2, 3))
    >>> space
    cn((2, 3))
    >>> space.dtype

    See Also
    tensor_space : Space of tensors with arbitrary scalar data type.
    rn : Real tensor space.
    cn_cls = tensor_space_impl(impl)

    if dtype is None:
        dtype = cn_cls.default_dtype(ComplexNumbers())

    # Use args by keyword since the constructor may take other arguments
    # by position
    cn = cn_cls(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
    if not cn.is_complex:
        raise ValueError('data type {!r} not a complex floating-point type.'
    return cn