예제 #1
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def _test_lincomb(fn, a, b):
    # Validate lincomb against the result on host with randomized
    # data and given a,b, contiguous and non-contiguous

    # Unaliased arguments
    [xarr, yarr, zarr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)
    zarr[:] = a * xarr + b * yarr
    fn.lincomb(a, x, b, y, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z], [xarr, yarr, zarr])

    # First argument aliased with output
    [xarr, yarr, zarr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)
    zarr[:] = a * zarr + b * yarr
    fn.lincomb(a, z, b, y, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z], [xarr, yarr, zarr])

    # Second argument aliased with output
    [xarr, yarr, zarr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)
    zarr[:] = a * xarr + b * zarr
    fn.lincomb(a, x, b, z, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z], [xarr, yarr, zarr])

    # Both arguments aliased with each other
    [xarr, yarr, zarr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)
    zarr[:] = a * xarr + b * xarr
    fn.lincomb(a, x, b, x, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z], [xarr, yarr, zarr])

    # All aliased
    [xarr, yarr, zarr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)
    zarr[:] = a * zarr + b * zarr
    fn.lincomb(a, z, b, z, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z], [xarr, yarr, zarr])
예제 #2
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_multiply(fn):
    # space method
    [x_arr, y_arr, out_arr], [x, y, out] = example_vectors(fn, 3)
    out_arr = x_arr * y_arr

    fn.multiply(x, y, out)
    assert all_almost_equal([x_arr, y_arr, out_arr], [x, y, out])

    # member method
    [x_arr, y_arr, out_arr], [x, y, out] = example_vectors(fn, 3)
    out_arr = x_arr * y_arr

    out.multiply(x, y)
    assert all_almost_equal([x_arr, y_arr, out_arr], [x, y, out])
예제 #3
def test_vector_norm(exponent):
    rn = CudaRn(5)
    xarr, x = example_vectors(rn)

    weight = _pos_vector(CudaRn(5))

    weighting = CudaFnVectorWeighting(weight, exponent=exponent)

    if exponent in (1.0, float('inf')):
        true_norm = np.linalg.norm(weight.asarray() * xarr, ord=exponent)
        true_norm = np.linalg.norm(weight.asarray() ** (1 / exponent) * xarr,

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        assert almost_equal(weighting.norm(x), true_norm)

    # Same with free function
    pnorm = odl.cu_weighted_norm(weight, exponent=exponent)

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        assert almost_equal(pnorm(x), true_norm)
예제 #4
def test_const_dist(exponent):
    rn = CudaRn(5)
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(rn, n=2)

    constant = 1.5
    weighting = CudaFnConstWeighting(constant, exponent=exponent)

    factor = 1 if exponent == float('inf') else constant ** (1 / exponent)
    true_dist = factor * np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr, ord=exponent)

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            weighting.dist(x, y)
        assert almost_equal(weighting.dist(x, y), true_dist)

    # Same with free function
    pdist = odl.cu_weighted_dist(constant, exponent=exponent)
    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            pdist(x, y)
        assert almost_equal(pdist(x, y), true_dist)
예제 #5
def test_custom_inner(fn):
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    def inner(x, y):
        return np.vdot(y, x)

    w = CudaFnCustomInnerProduct(inner)
    w_same = CudaFnCustomInnerProduct(inner)
    w_other = CudaFnCustomInnerProduct(np.dot)
    w_d = CudaFnCustomInnerProduct(inner, dist_using_inner=False)

    assert w == w
    assert w == w_same
    assert w != w_other
    assert w != w_d

    true_inner = inner(xarr, yarr)
    assert almost_equal(w.inner(x, y), true_inner)

    true_norm = np.linalg.norm(xarr)
    assert almost_equal(w.norm(x), true_norm)

    true_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr)
    # Using 3 places (single precision default) since the result is always
    # double even if the underlying computation was only single precision
    assert almost_equal(w.dist(x, y), true_dist, places=3)
    assert almost_equal(w_d.dist(x, y), true_dist)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
예제 #6
def test_const_norm(exponent):
    rn = CudaRn(5)
    xarr, x = example_vectors(rn)

    constant = 1.5
    weighting = CudaFnConstWeighting(constant, exponent=exponent)

    factor = 1 if exponent == float('inf') else constant ** (1 / exponent)
    true_norm = factor * np.linalg.norm(xarr, ord=exponent)

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        assert almost_equal(weighting.norm(x), true_norm)

    # Same with free function
    pnorm = odl.cu_weighted_norm(constant, exponent=exponent)
    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        assert almost_equal(pnorm(x), true_norm)
예제 #7
def test_multiply(fn):
    # Validates multiply against the result on host with randomized data
    [xarr, yarr, zarr], [x_device, y_device, z_device] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    # Host side calculation
    zarr[:] = xarr * yarr

    # Device side calculation
    fn.multiply(x_device, y_device, out=z_device)

    assert all_almost_equal([x_device, y_device, z_device],
                            [xarr, yarr, zarr])

    # Aliased
    zarr[:] = xarr * zarr
    fn.multiply(z_device, x_device, out=z_device)

    assert all_almost_equal([x_device, z_device],
                            [xarr, zarr])

    # Aliased
    zarr[:] = zarr * zarr
    fn.multiply(z_device, z_device, out=z_device)

    assert all_almost_equal(z_device, zarr)
예제 #8
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_dist(fn):
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, n=2)

    correct_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr)

    assert almost_equal(fn.dist(x, y), correct_dist)
    assert almost_equal(x.dist(y), correct_dist)
예제 #9
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_pnorm(exponent):
    for fn in (Rn(3, exponent=exponent), Cn(3, exponent=exponent)):
        xarr, x = example_vectors(fn)
        correct_norm = np.linalg.norm(xarr, ord=exponent)

        assert almost_equal(fn.norm(x), correct_norm)
        assert almost_equal(x.norm(), correct_norm)
예제 #10
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_norm(fn):
    xarr, x = example_vectors(fn)

    correct_norm = np.linalg.norm(xarr)

    assert almost_equal(fn.norm(x), correct_norm)
    assert almost_equal(x.norm(), correct_norm)
예제 #11
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def _impl_test_reduction(fn, name):
    ufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    x_arr, x = example_vectors(fn, 1)

    assert ufunc(x_arr) == getattr(x.ufunc, name)()
예제 #12
def test_custom_dist(fn):
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    def dist(x, y):
        return np.linalg.norm(x - y)

    def other_dist(x, y):
        return np.linalg.norm(x - y, ord=1)

    w = CudaFnCustomDist(dist)
    w_same = CudaFnCustomDist(dist)
    w_other = CudaFnCustomDist(other_dist)

    assert w == w
    assert w == w_same
    assert w != w_other

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        w.inner(x, y)

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    true_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr)
    assert almost_equal(w.dist(x, y), true_dist)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
예제 #13
def test_vector_dist(exponent):
    rn = CudaRn(5)
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(rn, n=2)

    weight = _pos_vector(CudaRn(5))

    weighting = CudaFnVectorWeighting(weight, exponent=exponent)

    if exponent in (1.0, float('inf')):
        true_dist = np.linalg.norm(weight.asarray() * (xarr - yarr),
        true_dist = np.linalg.norm(
            weight.asarray() ** (1 / exponent) * (xarr - yarr), ord=exponent)

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            weighting.dist(x, y)
        assert almost_equal(weighting.dist(x, y), true_dist)

    # Same with free function
    pdist = odl.cu_weighted_dist(weight, exponent=exponent)

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            pdist(x, y)
        assert almost_equal(pdist(x, y), true_dist)
예제 #14
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_custom_norm(fn):
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    norm = np.linalg.norm

    def other_norm(x):
        return np.linalg.norm(x, ord=1)

    w = FnCustomNorm(norm)
    w_same = FnCustomNorm(norm)
    w_other = FnCustomNorm(other_norm)

    assert w == w
    assert w == w_same
    assert w != w_other

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        w.inner(x, y)

    true_norm = np.linalg.norm(xarr)
    assert almost_equal(w.norm(x), true_norm)

    true_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr)
    assert almost_equal(w.dist(x, y), true_dist)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
예제 #15
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_pdist(exponent):
    for fn in (Rn(3, exponent=exponent), Cn(3, exponent=exponent)):
        [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, n=2)

        correct_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr, ord=exponent)

        assert almost_equal(fn.dist(x, y), correct_dist)
        assert almost_equal(x.dist(y), correct_dist)
예제 #16
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_conj(fn):
    xarr, x = example_vectors(fn)
    xconj = x.conj()
    assert all_equal(xconj, xarr.conj())
    y = x.copy()
    xconj = x.conj(out=y)
    assert xconj is y
    assert all_equal(y, xarr.conj())
예제 #17
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_array_wrap_method(fn):
    # Verify that the __array_wrap__ method works. This enables numpy ufuncs
    # on vectors
    x_h, x = example_vectors(fn)
    y_h = np.sin(x_h)
    y = np.sin(x)

    assert all_equal(y, y_h)
    assert y in fn
예제 #18
def test_reductions(fn, reduction):
    name, _ = reduction

    ufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    x_arr, x = example_vectors(fn, 1)

    assert almost_equal(ufunc(x_arr), getattr(x.ufunc, name)())
예제 #19
def test_const_inner():
    rn = CudaRn(5)
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(rn, 2)

    constant = 1.5
    weighting = CudaFnConstWeighting(constant)

    true_inner = constant * np.vdot(yarr, xarr)
    assert almost_equal(weighting.inner(x, y), true_inner)
예제 #20
def test_norm(fn):
    weighting = np.sqrt(fn_weighting(fn))

    xarr, x = example_vectors(fn)

    correct_norm = np.linalg.norm(xarr) * weighting

    assert almost_equal(fn.norm(x), correct_norm, places=2)
    assert almost_equal(x.norm(), correct_norm, places=2)
예제 #21
def test_dist(fn):
    weighting = np.sqrt(fn_weighting(fn))

    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    correct_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr) * weighting

    assert almost_equal(fn.dist(x, y), correct_dist, places=2)
    assert almost_equal(x.dist(y), correct_dist, places=2)
예제 #22
def _test_binary_operator(discr, function):
    # Verify that the statement z=function(x,y) gives equivalent results
    # to NumPy
    [x_arr, y_arr], [x, y] = example_vectors(discr, 2)

    z_arr = function(x_arr, y_arr)
    z = function(x, y)

    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z], [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr])
예제 #23
def _test_unary_operator(spc, function):
    # Verify that the statement y=function(x) gives equivalent
    # results to Numpy.
    x_arr, x = example_vectors(spc)

    y_arr = function(x_arr)
    y = function(x)

    assert all_almost_equal([x, y], [x_arr, y_arr])
예제 #24
def _test_binary_operator(spc, function):
    # Verify that the statement z=function(x,y) gives equivalent
    # results to Numpy.
    [x_arr, y_arr], [x, y] = example_vectors(spc, 2)

    z_arr = function(x_arr, y_arr)
    z = function(x, y)

    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z], [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr])
예제 #25
def test_dist(fn):
    weighting = np.sqrt(fn_weighting(fn))

    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    correct_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr) * weighting

    assert almost_equal(fn.dist(x, y), correct_dist, places=2)
    assert almost_equal(x.dist(y), correct_dist, places=2)
예제 #26
def test_inner(fn):
    weighting = fn_weighting(fn)

    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    correct_inner = np.vdot(yarr, xarr) * weighting

    assert almost_equal(fn.inner(x, y), correct_inner, places=2)
    assert almost_equal(x.inner(y), correct_inner, places=2)
예제 #27
def test_norm(fn):
    weighting = np.sqrt(fn_weighting(fn))

    xarr, x = example_vectors(fn)

    correct_norm = np.linalg.norm(xarr) * weighting

    assert almost_equal(fn.norm(x), correct_norm, places=2)
    assert almost_equal(x.norm(), correct_norm, places=2)
예제 #28
def test_inner(fn):
    weighting = fn_weighting(fn)

    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    correct_inner = np.vdot(yarr, xarr) * weighting

    assert almost_equal(fn.inner(x, y), correct_inner, places=2)
    assert almost_equal(x.inner(y), correct_inner, places=2)
예제 #29
def test_reduction(impl, reduction):
    space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], impl=impl)

    name, _ = reduction

    ufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    x_arr, x = example_vectors(space, 1)
    assert almost_equal(ufunc(x_arr), getattr(x.ufunc, name)())
예제 #30
def test_reduction(impl, reduction):
    space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], impl=impl)

    name, _ = reduction

    ufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    x_arr, x = example_vectors(space, 1)
    assert almost_equal(ufunc(x_arr), getattr(x.ufunc, name)())
예제 #31
def _test_unary_operator(spc, function):
    # Verify that the statement y=function(x) gives equivalent
    # results to Numpy.
    x_arr, x = example_vectors(spc)

    y_arr = function(x_arr)
    y = function(x)

    assert all_almost_equal([x, y],
                            [x_arr, y_arr])
예제 #32
def _test_lincomb(fn, a, b):
    # Validates lincomb against the result on host with randomized
    # data and given a,b

    # Unaliased arguments
    [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    z_arr[:] = a * x_arr + b * y_arr
    fn.lincomb(a, x, b, y, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z],
                            [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr])

    # First argument aliased with output
    [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    z_arr[:] = a * z_arr + b * y_arr
    fn.lincomb(a, z, b, y, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z],
                            [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr])

    # Second argument aliased with output
    [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    z_arr[:] = a * x_arr + b * z_arr
    fn.lincomb(a, x, b, z, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z],
                            [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr])

    # Both arguments aliased with each other
    [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    z_arr[:] = a * x_arr + b * x_arr
    fn.lincomb(a, x, b, x, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z],
                            [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr])

    # All aliased
    [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    z_arr[:] = a * z_arr + b * z_arr
    fn.lincomb(a, z, b, z, out=z)
    assert all_almost_equal([x, y, z],
                            [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr])
예제 #33
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_ufuncs(fn, ufunc):
    name, n_args, n_out, _ = ufunc
    if (np.issubsctype(fn.dtype, np.floating)
            or np.issubsctype(fn.dtype, np.complexfloating) and name in [
                'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'invert',
                'left_shift', 'right_shift'
        # Skip integer only methods if floating point type

    if (np.issubsctype(fn.dtype, np.complexfloating) and name in [
            'remainder', 'trunc', 'signbit', 'invert', 'left_shift',
            'right_shift', 'rad2deg', 'deg2rad', 'copysign', 'mod', 'modf',
            'fmod', 'logaddexp2', 'logaddexp', 'hypot', 'arctan2', 'floor',
        # Skip real only methods for complex

    # Get the ufunc from numpy as reference
    npufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    arrays, vectors = example_vectors(fn, n_args + n_out)
    in_arrays = arrays[:n_args]
    out_arrays = arrays[n_args:]
    data_vector = vectors[0]
    in_vectors = vectors[1:n_args]
    out_vectors = vectors[n_args:]

    # Out of place:
    np_result = npufunc(*in_arrays)
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*in_vectors)
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test type of output
    if n_out == 1:
        assert isinstance(odl_result, fn.element_type)
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert isinstance(odl_result[i], fn.element_type)

    # In place:
    np_result = npufunc(*(in_arrays + out_arrays))
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*(in_vectors + out_vectors))
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test inplace actually holds:
    if n_out == 1:
        assert odl_result is out_vectors[0]
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert odl_result[i] is out_vectors[i]
예제 #34
def _test_lincomb(fn, a, b):
    # Validates lincomb against the result on host with randomized
    # data and given a,b

    # Unaliased arguments
    [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    z_arr[:] = a * x_arr + b * y_arr
    z.lincomb(a, x, b, y)

    order = getattr(z, 'order', None)
    assert all_almost_equal(z.asarray().ravel(order), z_arr, places=2)
예제 #35
def _test_lincomb(fn, a, b):
    # Validates lincomb against the result on host with randomized
    # data and given a,b

    # Unaliased arguments
    [x_arr, y_arr, z_arr], [x, y, z] = example_vectors(fn, 3)

    z_arr[:] = a * x_arr + b * y_arr
    z.lincomb(a, x, b, y)

    order = getattr(z, 'order', None)
    assert all_almost_equal(z.asarray().ravel(order), z_arr, places=2)
예제 #36
def test_member_multiply(fn):
    # Validate vector member multiply against the result on host
    # with randomized data
    [x_host, y_host], [x_device, y_device] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    # Host side calculation
    y_host *= x_host

    # Device side calculation
    y_device *= x_device

    # Cuda only uses floats, so require 5 places
    assert all_almost_equal(y_device, y_host)
예제 #37
파일: ntuples_test.py 프로젝트: rajmund/odl
def test_constant_inner(fn):
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(fn, 2)

    constant = 1.5
    true_result_const = constant * np.vdot(yarr, xarr)

    w_const = FnConstWeighting(constant)
    assert almost_equal(w_const.inner(x, y), true_result_const)

    # Exponent != 2 -> no inner
    w_const = FnConstWeighting(constant, exponent=1)
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        w_const.inner(x, y)
예제 #38
def _test_member_lincomb(spc, a):
    # Validates vector member lincomb against the result on host

    # Generate vectors
    [x_host, y_host], [x_device, y_device] = example_vectors(spc, 2)

    # Host side calculation
    y_host[:] = a * x_host

    # Device side calculation
    y_device.lincomb(a, x_device)

    # Cuda only uses floats, so require 5 places
    assert all_almost_equal(y_device, y_host, places=2)
예제 #39
def test_norm(exponent):
    r3 = CudaRn(3, exponent=exponent)
    xarr, x = example_vectors(r3)

    correct_norm = np.linalg.norm(xarr, ord=exponent)

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        assert almost_equal(r3.norm(x), correct_norm)
        assert almost_equal(x.norm(), correct_norm)
예제 #40
def _test_member_lincomb(spc, a):
    # Validates vector member lincomb against the result on host

    # Generate vectors
    [x_host, y_host], [x_device, y_device] = example_vectors(spc, 2)

    # Host side calculation
    y_host[:] = a * x_host

    # Device side calculation
    y_device.lincomb(a, x_device)

    # Cuda only uses floats, so require 5 places
    assert all_almost_equal(y_device, y_host, places=2)
예제 #41
def test_dist(exponent):
    r3 = CudaRn(3, exponent=exponent)
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(r3, n=2)

    correct_dist = np.linalg.norm(xarr - yarr, ord=exponent)

    if exponent == float('inf'):
        # Not yet implemented, should raise
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            r3.dist(x, y)
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        assert almost_equal(r3.dist(x, y), correct_dist)
        assert almost_equal(x.dist(y), correct_dist)
예제 #42
def test_ufuncs(fn, ufunc):
    name, n_args, n_out, _ = ufunc
    if (np.issubsctype(fn.dtype, np.floating) and
            name in ['bitwise_and',
        # Skip integer only methods if floating point type

    # Get the ufunc from numpy as reference
    ufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    arrays, vectors = example_vectors(fn, n_args + n_out)
    in_arrays = arrays[:n_args]
    out_arrays = arrays[n_args:]
    data_vector = vectors[0]
    in_vectors = vectors[1:n_args]
    out_vectors = vectors[n_args:]

    # Out of place:
    np_result = ufunc(*in_arrays)
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*in_vectors)
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test type of output
    if n_out == 1:
        assert isinstance(odl_result, fn.element_type)
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert isinstance(odl_result[i], fn.element_type)

    # In place:
    np_result = ufunc(*(in_arrays + out_arrays))
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*(in_vectors + out_vectors))
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test inplace actually holds:
    if n_out == 1:
        assert odl_result is out_vectors[0]
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert odl_result[i] is out_vectors[i]
예제 #43
def test_vector_inner():
    rn = CudaRn(5)
    [xarr, yarr], [x, y] = example_vectors(rn, 2)

    weight = _pos_vector(CudaRn(5))

    weighting = CudaFnVectorWeighting(weight)

    true_inner = np.vdot(yarr, xarr * weight.asarray())

    assert almost_equal(weighting.inner(x, y), true_inner)

    # Same with free function
    inner_vec = odl.cu_weighted_inner(weight)

    assert almost_equal(inner_vec(x, y), true_inner)

    # Exponent != 2 -> no inner product, should raise
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        CudaFnVectorWeighting(weight, exponent=1.0).inner(x, y)
예제 #44
def test_ufunc(impl, ufunc):
    space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (2, 2), impl=impl)
    name, n_args, n_out, _ = ufunc
    if (np.issubsctype(space.dtype, np.floating) and
            name in ['bitwise_and',
        # Skip integer only methods if floating point type

    # Get the ufunc from numpy as reference
    ufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    arrays, vectors = example_vectors(space, n_args + n_out)
    in_arrays = arrays[:n_args]
    out_arrays = arrays[n_args:]
    data_vector = vectors[0]
    in_vectors = vectors[1:n_args]
    out_vectors = vectors[n_args:]

    # Verify type
    assert isinstance(data_vector.ufunc,

    # Out of place:
    np_result = ufunc(*in_arrays)
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*in_vectors)
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test type of output
    if n_out == 1:
        assert isinstance(odl_result, space.element_type)
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert isinstance(odl_result[i], space.element_type)

    # In place:
    np_result = ufunc(*(in_arrays + out_arrays))
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*(in_vectors + out_vectors))
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test inplace actually holds:
    if n_out == 1:
        assert odl_result is out_vectors[0]
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert odl_result[i] is out_vectors[i]

    # Test out of place with np data
    np_result = ufunc(*in_arrays)
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*in_arrays[1:])
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test type of output
    if n_out == 1:
        assert isinstance(odl_result, space.element_type)
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert isinstance(odl_result[i], space.element_type)