예제 #1
 def test_03_get_image_info(self):
     gif_base64 = "R0lGODdhAQABAIAAAP///////ywAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs="
     self.authenticate('admin', 'admin')
     # Upload document.
     response = self.url_open(
         headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
         data=json_safe.dumps({'params': {
             'name': 'test.gif',
             'data': gif_base64,
             'is_image': True,
     self.assertFalse('error' in response, 'Upload failed: %s' % response.get('error', {}).get('message'))
     attachment_id = response['result']['id']
     image_src = response['result']['image_src']
     mimetype = response['result']['mimetype']
     self.assertEqual('image/gif', mimetype, "Wrong mimetype")
     # Ensure image info can be retrieved.
     response = self.url_open('/web_editor/get_image_info',
         headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
             "params": {
                 "src": image_src,
     self.assertEqual(attachment_id, response['result']['original']['id'], "Wrong id")
     self.assertEqual(image_src, response['result']['original']['image_src'], "Wrong image_src")
     self.assertEqual(mimetype, response['result']['original']['mimetype'], "Wrong mimetype")
예제 #2
파일: mixins.py 프로젝트: WilldooIT/odoo
    def write(self, vals):
        if 'cover_properties' not in vals:
            return super().write(vals)

        cover_properties = json_safe.loads(vals['cover_properties'])
        resize_classes = cover_properties.get('resize_class', '').split()
        classes = [
            'o_half_screen_height', 'o_full_screen_height', 'cover_auto'
        if not set(resize_classes).isdisjoint(classes):
            # Updating cover properties and the given 'resize_class' set is
            # valid, normal write.
            return super().write(vals)

        # If we do not receive a valid resize_class via the cover_properties, we
        # keep the original one (prevents updates on list displays from
        # destroying resize_class).
        copy_vals = dict(vals)
        for item in self:
            old_cover_properties = json_safe.loads(item.cover_properties)
            cover_properties['resize_class'] = old_cover_properties.get(
                'resize_class', classes[0])
            copy_vals['cover_properties'] = json_safe.dumps(cover_properties)
            super(WebsiteCoverPropertiesMixin, item).write(copy_vals)
        return True
예제 #3
파일: mixins.py 프로젝트: yjiang-dev/odoo
class WebsiteCoverPropertiesMixin(models.AbstractModel):

    _name = 'website.cover_properties.mixin'
    _description = 'Cover Properties Website Mixin'

    cover_properties = fields.Text(
        'Cover Properties',
        default=lambda s: json_safe.dumps(s._default_cover_properties()))

    def _default_cover_properties(self):
        return {
            "background_color_class": "o_cc3",
            "background-image": "none",
            "opacity": "0.2",
            "resize_class": "o_half_screen_height",

    def _get_background(self, height=None, width=None):
        properties = json_safe.loads(self.cover_properties)
        img = properties.get('background-image', "none")

        if img.startswith('url(/web/image/'):
            suffix = ""
            if height is not None:
                suffix += "&height=%s" % height
            if width is not None:
                suffix += "&width=%s" % width
            if suffix:
                suffix = '?' not in img and "?%s" % suffix or suffix
                img = img[:-1] + suffix + ')'
        return img
예제 #4
파일: mixins.py 프로젝트: WilldooIT/odoo
class WebsiteCoverPropertiesMixin(models.AbstractModel):

    _name = 'website.cover_properties.mixin'
    _description = 'Cover Properties Website Mixin'

    cover_properties = fields.Text(
        'Cover Properties',
        default=lambda s: json_safe.dumps(s._default_cover_properties()))

    def _default_cover_properties(self):
        return {
            "background_color_class": "o_cc3",
            "background-image": "none",
            "opacity": "0.2",
            "resize_class": "o_half_screen_height",

    def _get_background(self, height=None, width=None):
        properties = json_safe.loads(self.cover_properties)
        img = properties.get('background-image', "none")

        if img.startswith('url(/web/image/'):
            suffix = ""
            if height is not None:
                suffix += "&height=%s" % height
            if width is not None:
                suffix += "&width=%s" % width
            if suffix:
                suffix = '?' not in img and "?%s" % suffix or suffix
                img = img[:-1] + suffix + ')'
        return img

    def write(self, vals):
        if 'cover_properties' not in vals:
            return super().write(vals)

        cover_properties = json_safe.loads(vals['cover_properties'])
        resize_classes = cover_properties.get('resize_class', '').split()
        classes = [
            'o_half_screen_height', 'o_full_screen_height', 'cover_auto'
        if not set(resize_classes).isdisjoint(classes):
            # Updating cover properties and the given 'resize_class' set is
            # valid, normal write.
            return super().write(vals)

        # If we do not receive a valid resize_class via the cover_properties, we
        # keep the original one (prevents updates on list displays from
        # destroying resize_class).
        copy_vals = dict(vals)
        for item in self:
            old_cover_properties = json_safe.loads(item.cover_properties)
            cover_properties['resize_class'] = old_cover_properties.get(
                'resize_class', classes[0])
            copy_vals['cover_properties'] = json_safe.dumps(cover_properties)
            super(WebsiteCoverPropertiesMixin, item).write(copy_vals)
        return True
예제 #5
 def test_01_upload_document(self):
     self.authenticate('admin', 'admin')
     # Upload document.
     response = self.url_open(
         headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
         data=json_safe.dumps({'params': {
             'name': 'test.txt',
             'data': 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=',  # base64 Hello world
             'is_image': False,
     self.assertFalse('error' in response, 'Upload failed: %s' % response.get('error', {}).get('message'))
     attachment_id = response['result']['id']
     checksum = response['result']['checksum']
     # Download document and check content.
     response = self.url_open(
         '/web/content/%s?unique=%s&download=true' % (attachment_id, checksum)
     self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code, 'Expect response')
     self.assertEqual(b'Hello world', response.content, 'Expect raw content')
예제 #6
파일: main.py 프로젝트: GSLabIt/odoo
    def google_map(self, *arg, **post):
        clean_ids = []
        for partner_id in post.get('partner_ids', "").split(","):
            except ValueError:
        partners = request.env['res.partner'].sudo().search([
            ("id", "in", clean_ids), ('website_published', '=', True),
            ('is_company', '=', True)
        partner_data = {"counter": len(partners), "partners": []}
        for partner in partners.with_context(show_address=True):
                if partner.partner_latitude else False,
                if partner.partner_longitude else False,
        if 'customers' in post.get('partner_url', ''):
            partner_url = '/customers/'
            partner_url = '/partners/'

        google_maps_api_key = request.website.google_maps_api_key
        values = {
            'partner_url': partner_url,
            'partner_data': scriptsafe.dumps(partner_data),
            'google_maps_api_key': google_maps_api_key,
        return request.render("website_google_map.google_map", values)
예제 #7
파일: mixins.py 프로젝트: OCA/OCB
class WebsiteCoverPropertiesMixin(models.AbstractModel):

    _name = 'website.cover_properties.mixin'
    _description = 'Cover Properties Website Mixin'

    cover_properties = fields.Text('Cover Properties', default=lambda s: json_scriptsafe.dumps(s._default_cover_properties()))

    def _default_cover_properties(self):
        return {
            "background_color_class": "o_cc3",
            "background-image": "none",
            "opacity": "0.2",
            "resize_class": "o_half_screen_height",

    def write(self, vals):
        if 'cover_properties' not in vals:
            return super().write(vals)

        cover_properties = json_scriptsafe.loads(vals['cover_properties'])
        resize_classes = cover_properties.get('resize_class', '').split()
        classes = ['o_half_screen_height', 'o_full_screen_height', 'cover_auto']
        if not set(resize_classes).isdisjoint(classes):
            # Updating cover properties and the given 'resize_class' set is
            # valid, normal write.
            return super().write(vals)

        # If we do not receive a valid resize_class via the cover_properties, we
        # keep the original one (prevents updates on list displays from
        # destroying resize_class).
        copy_vals = dict(vals)
        for item in self:
            old_cover_properties = json_scriptsafe.loads(item.cover_properties)
            cover_properties['resize_class'] = old_cover_properties.get('resize_class', classes[0])
            copy_vals['cover_properties'] = json_scriptsafe.dumps(cover_properties)
            super(WebsiteCoverPropertiesMixin, item).write(copy_vals)
        return True
예제 #8
파일: portal.py 프로젝트: shadowoneau/odoo
    def donation_pay(self, **kwargs):
        """ Behaves like PaymentPortal.payment_pay but for donation

        :param dict kwargs: As the parameters of in payment_pay, with the additional:
            - str donation_options: The options settled in the donation snippet
            - str donation_descriptions: The descriptions for all prefilled amounts
        :return: The rendered donation form
        :rtype: str
        :raise: werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound if the access token is invalid
        kwargs['is_donation'] = True
        kwargs['currency_id'] = int(
            kwargs.get('currency_id', request.env.company.currency_id.id))
        kwargs['amount'] = float(kwargs.get('amount', 25))
        kwargs['donation_options'] = kwargs.get(

        if request.env.user._is_public():
            kwargs['partner_id'] = request.env.user.partner_id.id
            kwargs['access_token'] = payment_utils.generate_access_token(
                kwargs['partner_id'], kwargs['amount'], kwargs['currency_id'])

        return self.payment_pay(**kwargs)