예제 #1
    def _populate_factories(self):

        location_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['lunch.location']
        partner_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['res.partner']
        user_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['res.users']

        def get_location_ids(random=None, **kwargs):
            nb_locations = random.randint(0, len(location_ids))
            return [(6, 0, random.choices(location_ids, k=nb_locations))]

        return [
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False])),
            ('send_by', populate.cartesian(['phone', 'mail'])),
            ('delivery', populate.cartesian(['delivery', 'no_delivery'])),
            ('mon', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('tue', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('wed', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('thu', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('fri', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('sat', populate.iterate([False, True], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('sun', populate.iterate([False, True], [0.9, 0.1])),
             populate.iterate([[], [(6, 0, location_ids)]],
            ('partner_id', populate.randomize(partner_ids)),
            ('responsible_id', populate.randomize(user_ids)),
            ('moment', populate.iterate(['am', 'pm'])),
            ('automatic_email_time', populate.randfloat(0, 12)),
예제 #2
    def _populate_factories(self):

        location_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['lunch.location']

        def get_location_ids(random=None, **kwargs):
            nb_max = len(location_ids)
            start = random.randint(0, nb_max)
            end = random.randint(start, nb_max)
            return location_ids[start:end]

        return [
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False])),
                 ['everyone', 'last_week', 'last_month', 'last_year'])),
            ('mode', populate.iterate(['alert', 'chat'])),
            ('mon', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('tue', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('wed', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('thu', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('fri', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('sat', populate.iterate([False, True], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('sun', populate.iterate([False, True], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('name', populate.constant('alert_{counter}')),
             populate.constant('<strong>alert message {counter}</strong>')),
            ('notification_time', populate.randfloat(0, 12)),
            ('notification_moment', populate.iterate(['am', 'pm'])),
            ('location_ids', populate.compute(get_location_ids))
예제 #3
 def _populate_factories(self):
     return [('active', populate.cartesian([False, True], [0.1, 0.9])),
                  [False, 'Industry name', 'Industry name {counter}'],
                  [0.08, 0.01, 0.9])),
              populate.iterate([False, 'Industry full name %s']))]
예제 #4
    def _populate_factories(self):
        def get_name(counter, **kwargs):
            return 'model_%s' % counter

        company_ids = self.env['res.company'].search([
            ('chart_template_id', '!=', False),
            ('id', 'in', self.env.registry.populated_models['res.company']),
        return [
            ('company_id', populate.cartesian(company_ids.ids)),
             populate.cartesian(['writeoff_button', 'writeoff_suggestion'])),
            # ('auto_reconcile', populate.cartesian([True, False], [0.1, 0.9])),
            ('name', populate.compute(get_name)),
예제 #5
    def _populate_factories(self):
        # TODO topping_ids_{1,2,3}, topping_label_{1,3}, topping_quantity_{1,3}
        user_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['res.users']
        product_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['lunch.product']
        company_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['res.company']

        return [
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False])),
             populate.cartesian(['new', 'confirmed', 'ordered', 'cancelled'])),
            ('product_id', populate.randomize(product_ids)),
            ('user_id', populate.randomize(user_ids)),
            ('note', populate.constant('lunch_note_{counter}')),
            ('company_id', populate.randomize(company_ids)),
            ('quantity', populate.randint(0, 10)),
예제 #6
    def _populate_factories(self):
        def generate_partner_id(iterator, *args):
            partner_factories = self.env['res.partner']._populate_factories()
            partner_generator = populate.chain_factories(
                partner_factories, self._name)
            for dependant_values in partner_generator:
                values = next(iterator)
                yield {
                    **values, '__complete': values['__complete']

        def get_company_ids(values, **kwargs):
            return [(6, 0, [values['company_id']])]

        return [
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('partner_id', generate_partner_id),
            ('company_ids', populate.compute(get_company_ids)),
            ('login', populate.constant('user_login_{counter}')),
            ('name', populate.constant('user_{counter}')),
예제 #7
 def _populate_factories(self):
     company_ids = self.env['res.company'].search([
         ('chart_template_id', '!=', False),
         ('id', 'in', self.env.registry.populated_models['res.company']),
     return [
         ('company_id', populate.cartesian(company_ids.ids)),
              ['sale', 'purchase', 'cash', 'bank', 'general'])),
              ('active', '=', True),
          ]).ids + [False])),
         ('name', populate.constant("Journal {values[type]} {counter}")),
         ('code', populate.constant("{values[type]:.2}{counter}")),
예제 #8
    def _populate_factories(self):
        def search_account_ids(company_id, type=None, group=None):
            """Search all the accounts of a certain type and group for a company.

            This method is cached, only one search is done per tuple(company_id, type, group).
            :param company_id (int): the company to search accounts for.
            :param type (str): the type to filter on. If not set, do not filter. Valid values are:
                               payable, receivable, liquidity, other, False.
            :param group (str): the group to filter on. If not set, do not filter. Valid values are:
                                asset, liability, equity, off_balance, False.
            :return (Model<account.account>): the recordset of accounts found.
            domain = [('company_id', '=', company_id)]
            if type:
                domain += [('internal_type', '=', type)]
            if group:
                domain += [('internal_group', '=', group)]
            return self.env['account.account'].search(domain)

        def get_amount(random, values, **kwargs):
            """Get an amount dending on the amount_type.

            :param random: seeded random number generator.
            :param values (dict): the values already selected for the record.
            :return (int, str):
                If amount_type is fixed, a random number between 1 and 1000
                If amount type is percentage, a random number between 1 and 100
                Else, amount_type is regex, a random regex out of 2
            if values['amount_type'] == 'fixed':
                return '%s' % random.randint(1, 1000)
            elif values['amount_type'] == 'percentage':
                return '%s' % random.randint(1, 100)
                return random.choice([r'^invoice \d+ (\d+)$', r'xd no-(\d+)'])

        def get_account(random, values, **kwargs):
            """Get a random account depending on the company.

            :param random: seeded random number generator.
            :param values (dict): the values already selected for the record.
            :return (int): the id of the account randomly selected
            company_id = self.env['account.reconcile.model'].browse(
            return random.choice(search_account_ids(company_id).ids)

        return [
             populate.randomize(['fixed', 'percentage', 'regex'])),
            ('amount_string', populate.compute(get_amount)),
            ('account_id', populate.compute(get_account)),
예제 #9
    def _populate_factories(self):

        location_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['lunch.location']

        def get_notification_time(random=None, **kwargs):
            return random.randint(0, 120) / 10

        def get_until_date(random=None, **kwargs):
            delta = random.randint(-731, 731)
            return datetime(2020, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=delta)

        def get_location_ids(random=None, **kwargs):
            nb_max = len(location_ids)
            start = random.randint(0, nb_max)
            end = random.randint(start, nb_max)
            return location_ids[start:end]

        return [
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False])),
                 ['everyone', 'last_week', 'last_month', 'last_year'])),
            ('mode', populate.iterate(['alert', 'chat'])),
            ('recurrency_monday', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('recurrency_tuesday', populate.iterate([True, False],
                                                    [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('recurrency_wednesday', populate.iterate([True, False],
                                                      [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('recurrency_thursday', populate.iterate([True, False],
                                                     [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('recurrency_friday', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('recurrency_saturday', populate.iterate([False, True],
                                                     [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('recurrency_sunday', populate.iterate([False, True], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('name', populate.constant('alert_{counter}')),
             populate.constant('<strong>alert message {counter}</strong>')),
            ('notification_time', populate.compute(get_notification_time)),
            ('notification_moment', populate.iterate(['am', 'pm'])),
            ('until', populate.compute(get_until_date)),
            ('location_ids', populate.compute(get_location_ids))
예제 #10
    def _populate_factories(self):
        partner_ids = list(self.env.registry.populated_models["res.partner"])

        def get_partner_id(random=None, **kwargs):
            partner_id = random.choice(partner_ids)
            return partner_id

        return [
            ("active", populate.cartesian([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ("partner_id", populate.compute(get_partner_id)),
            ("login", populate.constant("user_login_{counter}")),
예제 #11
    def _populate_factories(self):

        # cross dependant field in a sub generator, cartesian product of two fields
        dependant_factories = [
            ('dependant_field_1', populate.cartesian(['d1_1', 'd1_2'])),
             populate.cartesian(['d2_1', 'd2_2', 'd2_3_{counter}'])),

        def generate_dependant(iterator, *args):
            dependants_generator = populate.chain_factories(
                dependant_factories, self._name)
            for values in dependants_generator:
                dependant_values = next(iterator)
                yield {
                    **dependant_values, '__complete':
                    values['__complete'] and dependant_values['__complete']

        def get_name(values=None, counter=0, **kwargs):
            active = 'active' if values['active'] else 'inactive'
            cat = 'filling' if values['__complete'] else 'corner'
            return '%s_%s_%s' % (active, cat, counter)

        category_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models[

        return [
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False], [3, 1])),
             populate.cartesian([False] + self.env['test.populate'].
            ('some_ref', populate.iterate([False, 1, 2, 3, 4])),
            ('_dependant', generate_dependant),
            ('name', populate.compute(get_name)),
            ('category_id', populate.randomize([False] + category_ids)),
예제 #12
 def _populate_factories(self):
     return [
         ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False], [9, 1])),
         ('name', populate.cartesian(['Cat1', 'Cat2', 'Cat3'])),
예제 #13
    def _populate_factories(self):
        def search_partner_ids(company_id):
            """Search all the partners that a company has access to.

            This method is cached, only one search is done per company_id.
            :param company_id (int): the company to search partners for.
            :return (list<int>): the ids of partner the company has access to.
            return self.env['res.partner'].search([
                ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                ('company_id', '=', False),
                ('id', 'in',

        def search_journal_ids(company_id):
            """Search all the journal of a certain type for a company.

            This method is cached, only one search is done per company_id.
            :param company_id (int): the company to search journals for.
            :return (list<int>): the ids of the bank and cash journals of a company
            return self.env['account.journal'].search([
                ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                ('type', 'in', ('cash', 'bank')),

        def search_payment_method_ids(type):
            """Search all the payment methods of a certain type.

            This method is cached, only one search is done per type.
            :param type (str): the type of payment method. Valid values are customer and supplier.
            :return list<int>: list of ids of payment methods of the selected type
            need_bank_account = self._get_method_codes_needing_bank_account()
            other_blacklist = ['sdd']
            return self.env['account.payment.method'].search([
                ('payment_type', '=', type),
                ('code', 'not in', need_bank_account + other_blacklist),

        def get_partner(random, values, **kwargs):
            """Get a random partner depending on the company and the partner_type.

            The first 3/5 of the available partners are used as customer
            The last 3/5 of the available partners are used as suppliers
            It means 1/5 is both customer/supplier
            -> Same proportions as in account.move
            :param random: seeded random number generator.
            :param values (dict): the values already selected for the record.
            :return (int): the id of the partner randomly selected.
            partner_type = values['partner_type']
            company_id = values['company_id']
            partner_ids = search_partner_ids(company_id)
            if partner_type == 'customer':
                return random.choice(
                    partner_ids[:math.ceil(len(partner_ids) / 5 * 2)])
                return random.choice(
                    partner_ids[math.floor(len(partner_ids) / 5 * 2):])

        def get_journal(random, values, **kwargs):
            """Get a random bank or cash journal depending on the company.

            :param random: seeded random number generator.
            :param values (dict): the values already selected for the record.
            :return (int): the id of the journal randomly selected
            return random.choice(search_journal_ids(values['company_id']))

        def get_payment_method(random, values, **kwargs):
            """Get the payment method depending on the payment type.

            :param random: seeded random number generator.
            :param values (dict): the values already selected for the record.
            return random.choice(

        company_ids = self.env['res.company'].search([
            ('chart_template_id', '!=', False),
            ('id', 'in', self.env.registry.populated_models['res.company']),
        return [
            ('company_id', populate.cartesian(company_ids.ids)),
            ('payment_type', populate.cartesian(['inbound', 'outbound'])),
            ('partner_type', populate.cartesian(['customer', 'supplier'])),
            ('payment_method_id', populate.compute(get_payment_method)),
            ('partner_id', populate.compute(get_partner)),
            ('journal_id', populate.compute(get_journal)),
            ('amount', populate.randfloat(0, 1000)),
예제 #14
    def _populate_factories(self):

        # example of more complex generator composed of multiple sub generators
        # this define one subgenerator per "country"
        address_factories_groups = [
            [  # Falsy, 2 records
                ('street', populate.iterate([False, ''])),
                ('street2', populate.iterate([False, ''])),
                ('city', populate.iterate([False, ''])),
                ('zip', populate.iterate([False, ''])),
                ('country_id', populate.iterate([False])),
            [  # BE, 1 record
                ('street', populate.iterate(['Boulevard Tintin {counter}'])),
                ('city', populate.iterate(['Brussels'])),
                ('zip', populate.iterate([1020])),
                ('country_id', populate.iterate([self.env.ref('base.be').id])),
            [  # US, 3 records
                     ['Main street', '3th street {counter}', False])),
                 populate.iterate([False, '', 'Behind the tree {counter}'],
                                  [90, 5, 5])),
                     ['Sans Fransisco', 'Los Angeles', '', False])),
                ('zip', populate.iterate([False, '', '50231'])),
                ('country_id', populate.iterate([self.env.ref('base.us').id])),
            [  # IN, 2 records
                 populate.iterate(['Main Street', 'Some Street {counter}'])),
                ('city', populate.iterate(['ગાંધીનગર (Gandhinagar)'])),
                ('zip', populate.randomize(['382002', '382008'])),
                ('country_id', populate.randomize([self.env.ref('base.in').id
            [  # other corner cases, 4 records
                     '万泉寺村', 'საბჭოს სკვერი {counter}', '10th Street {counter}'
                ('city', populate.iterate(['北京市', 'თბილისი', 'دبي'])),
                ('zip', populate.iterate([False, 'UF47', '0', '10201'])),
                 populate.randomize([False] +

        def generate_address(iterator, *args):
            address_generators = [
                populate.chain_factories(address_factories, self._name)
                for address_factories in address_factories_groups
            # first, exhaust all address_generators
            for adress_generator in address_generators:
                for adress_values in adress_generator:
                    if adress_values['__complete']:
                    values = next(
                        iterator)  # only consume main iterator if usefull
                    yield {**values, **adress_values}

            # then, go pseudorandom between generators
            r = populate.Random('res.partner+address_generator_selector')
            for values in iterator:
                adress_generator = r.choice(address_generators)
                adress_values = next(adress_generator)
                yield {**adress_values, **values}

        # state based on country
        states = self.env['res.country.state'].search([])
        states_per_country = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for state in states:

        def get_state(values=None, random=None, **kwargs):
            country_id = values['country_id']
            if not country_id:
                return False
            return random.choice([False] + states_per_country[country_id])

        def get_name(values=None, counter=0, **kwargs):
            is_company = values['is_company']
            complete = values['__complete']
            return '%s_%s_%s' % ('company' if is_company else 'partner',
                                 int(complete), counter)

        industry_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models[
        company_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['res.company']

        # not defined fields: vat, partner_longitude, date, partner_latitude, color, company_name, employee, lang, user_id
        return [
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False], [0.9, 0.1])),
            ('employee', populate.cartesian([True, False], [0.1, 0.9])),
                 False, '', 'email{counter}@example.com',
                 '<contact 万> contact{counter}@anotherexample.com',
                'type', populate.constant('contact')
            ),  # todo add more logic, manage 'invoice', 'delivery', 'other', 'private'
            ('is_company', populate.iterate([True, False], [0.05, 0.95])),
            ('_address', generate_address),
            ('state_id', populate.compute(get_state)),
                 [False, '', '+3212345678', '003212345678', '12345678'])),
                 [False, '', '+32412345678', '0032412345678', '412345678'])),
                 False, '', 'President of Sales', 'Senior Consultant',
                 'Product owner', 'Functional Consultant',
                 'Chief Executive Officer'
             ], [50, 10, 2, 20, 5, 10, 1])),
                 tz for tz in self.env['res.partner']._fields['tz'].get_values(
             populate.randomize([False, '', 'http://www.example.com'])),
             populate.randomize([False, 0, 500, 2500, 5000, 10000],
                                [50, 30, 5, 5, 5, 5])),
            ('name', populate.compute(get_name)),  # keep after is_company
             populate.randomize([False, '', '{counter}', 'p-{counter}'],
                                [10, 10, 30, 50])),
                 [False] + industry_ids, [0.5] +
                 ([0.5 / (len(industry_ids) or 1)] * len(industry_ids)))),
             populate.iterate([False, '', 'This is a partner {counter}'])),
                 [False, self.env.ref('base.main_company').id] + company_ids,
                 [1, 1] + [1 / (len(company_ids) or 1)] * len(company_ids))),
             populate.constant(False)),  # will be setted in _populate override