class ODriveNode(object): last_speed = 0.0 driver = None prerolling = False # Robot wheel_track params for velocity -> motor speed conversion wheel_track = None tyre_circumference = None encoder_counts_per_rev = None m_s_to_value = 1.0 axis_for_right = 1 encoder_cpr = 2000 # Startup parameters connect_on_startup = True calibrate_on_startup = False engage_on_startup = True publish_joint_angles = True # Simulation mode # When enabled, output simulated odometry and joint angles (TODO: do joint angles anyway from ?) def __init__(self): self.sim_mode = get_param('simulation_mode', False) self.publish_joint_angles = get_param( 'publish_joint_angles', True) # if self.sim_mode else False self.publish_temperatures = get_param('publish_temperatures', True) self.axis_for_right = float(get_param( '~axis_for_right', 0)) # if right calibrates first, this should be 0, else 1 self.wheel_track = float(get_param( '~wheel_track', 0.285)) # m, distance between wheel centres self.tyre_circumference = float( get_param('~tyre_circumference', 0.341) ) # used to translate velocity commands in m/s into motor rpm self.connect_on_startup = get_param('~connect_on_startup', False) #self.calibrate_on_startup = get_param('~calibrate_on_startup', False) #self.engage_on_startup = get_param('~engage_on_startup', False) self.has_preroll = get_param('~use_preroll', False) self.publish_current = get_param('~publish_current', True) self.publish_raw_odom = get_param('~publish_raw_odom', True) self.publish_odom = get_param('~publish_odom', True) self.publish_tf = get_param('~publish_odom_tf', False) self.odom_topic = get_param('~odom_topic', "/odom") self.odom_frame = get_param('~odom_frame', "/odom") self.base_frame = get_param('~base_frame', "base_link") self.odom_calc_hz = get_param('~odom_calc_hz', 10) rospy.on_shutdown(self.terminate) rospy.Service('connect_driver', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.connect_driver) rospy.Service('disconnect_driver', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.disconnect_driver) rospy.Service('calibrate_motors', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.calibrate_motor) rospy.Service('engage_motors', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.engage_motor) rospy.Service('release_motors', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.release_motor) # odometry update, disable during preroll, whenever wheels off ground self.odometry_update_enabled = True rospy.Service('enable_odometry_updates', std_srvs.srv.SetBool, self.enable_odometry_update_service) self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher('status', std_msgs.msg.String, latch=True, queue_size=2) self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.command_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=5) self.vel_subscribe = rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmd_vel_callback, queue_size=2) self.publish_diagnostics = True if self.publish_diagnostics: self.diagnostic_updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() self.diagnostic_updater.setHardwareID("Not connected, unknown") self.diagnostic_updater.add("ODrive Diagnostics", self.pub_diagnostics) if self.publish_temperatures: self.temperature_publisher_left = rospy.Publisher( 'left/temperature', Float64, queue_size=2) self.temperature_publisher_right = rospy.Publisher( 'right/temperature', Float64, queue_size=2) self.i2t_error_latch = False if self.publish_current: #self.current_loop_count = 0 #self.left_current_accumulator = 0.0 #self.right_current_accumulator = 0.0 self.current_publisher_left = rospy.Publisher('left/current', Float64, queue_size=2) self.current_publisher_right = rospy.Publisher('right/current', Float64, queue_size=2) self.i2t_publisher_left = rospy.Publisher('left/i2t', Float64, queue_size=2) self.i2t_publisher_right = rospy.Publisher('right/i2t', Float64, queue_size=2) rospy.logdebug("ODrive will publish motor currents.") self.i2t_resume_threshold = get_param('~i2t_resume_threshold', 222) self.i2t_warning_threshold = get_param('~i2t_warning_threshold', 333) self.i2t_error_threshold = get_param('~i2t_error_threshold', 666) self.last_cmd_vel_time = if self.publish_raw_odom: self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_left = rospy.Publisher( 'left/raw_odom/encoder', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_right = rospy.Publisher( 'right/raw_odom/encoder', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_left = rospy.Publisher( 'left/raw_odom/velocity', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_right = rospy.Publisher( 'right/raw_odom/velocity', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None if self.publish_odom: rospy.Service('reset_odometry', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.reset_odometry) self.old_pos_l = 0 self.old_pos_r = 0 self.odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher(self.odom_topic, Odometry, tcp_nodelay=True, queue_size=2) # setup message self.odom_msg = Odometry() #print(dir(self.odom_msg)) self.odom_msg.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame self.odom_msg.child_frame_id = self.base_frame self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = 0.0 self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 # always on the ground, we hope self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 # always vertical self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 # always vertical self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = 0.0 self.odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0 # no sideways self.odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z = 0.0 # or upwards... only forward self.odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x = 0.0 # or roll self.odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y = 0.0 # or pitch... only yaw self.odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = 0.0 # store current location to be updated. self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # setup transform self.tf_publisher = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() self.tf_msg = TransformStamped() self.tf_msg.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame self.tf_msg.child_frame_id = self.base_frame self.tf_msg.transform.translation.x = 0.0 self.tf_msg.transform.translation.y = 0.0 self.tf_msg.transform.translation.z = 0.0 self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.x = 0.0 self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.y = 0.0 self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.w = 0.0 self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.z = 1.0 if self.publish_joint_angles: self.joint_state_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_states', JointState, queue_size=2) jsm = JointState() self.joint_state_msg = jsm #jsm.position.resize(2) = ['left_wheel_joint', 'right_wheel_joint'] jsm.position = [0.0, 0.0] def main_loop(self): # Main control, handle startup and error handling # while a ROS timer will handle the high-rate (~50Hz) comms + odometry calcs main_rate = rospy.Rate(1) # hz # Start timer to run high-rate comms self.fast_timer = rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration(1 / float(self.odom_calc_hz)), self.fast_timer) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: main_rate.sleep() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: # shutdown / stop ODrive?? break # fast timer running, so do nothing and wait for any errors if self.fast_timer_comms_active: continue # check for errors if self.driver: try: # driver connected, but fast_comms not active -> must be an error? # TODO: try resetting errors and recalibrating, not just a full disconnection error_string = self.driver.get_errors(clear=True) if error_string: rospy.logerr( "Had errors, disconnecting and retrying connection." ) rospy.logerr(error_string) self.driver.disconnect() self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None else: # must have called connect service from another node self.fast_timer_comms_active = True except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException, AttributeError): rospy.logerr("ODrive USB connection failure in main_loop.") self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("Unknown errors accessing ODrive:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None if not self.driver: if not self.connect_on_startup: #rospy.loginfo("ODrive node started, but not connected.") continue if not self.connect_driver(None)[0]: rospy.logerr("Failed to connect." ) # TODO: can we check for timeout here? continue if self.publish_diagnostics: self.diagnostic_updater.setHardwareID( self.driver.get_version_string()) else: pass # loop around and try again def fast_timer(self, timer_event): time_now = # in case of failure, assume some values are zero self.vel_l = 0 self.vel_r = 0 self.new_pos_l = 0 self.new_pos_r = 0 self.current_l = 0 self.current_r = 0 self.temp_v_l = 0. self.temp_v_r = 0. self.motor_state_l = "not connected" # undefined self.motor_state_r = "not connected" self.bus_voltage = 0. # Handle reading from Odrive and sending odometry if self.fast_timer_comms_active: try: # check errors error_string = self.driver.get_errors() if error_string: self.fast_timer_comms_active = False else: # reset watchdog self.driver.feed_watchdog() # read all required values from ODrive for odometry self.motor_state_l = self.driver.left_state() self.motor_state_r = self.driver.right_state() self.encoder_cpr = self.driver.encoder_cpr self.m_s_to_value = self.encoder_cpr / self.tyre_circumference # calculated self.driver.update_time(time_now.to_sec()) self.vel_l = self.driver.left_vel_estimate( ) # units: encoder counts/s self.vel_r = -self.driver.right_vel_estimate( ) # neg is forward for right self.new_pos_l = self.driver.left_pos( ) # units: encoder counts self.new_pos_r = -self.driver.right_pos() # sign! # for temperatures self.temp_v_l = self.driver.left_temperature() self.temp_v_r = self.driver.right_temperature() # for current self.current_l = self.driver.left_current() self.current_r = self.driver.right_current() # voltage self.bus_voltage = self.driver.bus_voltage() except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException): rospy.logerr("ODrive USB connection failure in fast_timer." + traceback.format_exc(1)) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("Fast timer ODrive failure:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False # odometry is published regardless of ODrive connection or failure (but assumed zero for those) # as required by SLAM if self.publish_odom: self.pub_odometry(time_now) if self.publish_temperatures: self.pub_temperatures() if self.publish_current: self.pub_current() if self.publish_joint_angles: self.pub_joint_angles(time_now) if self.publish_diagnostics: self.diagnostic_updater.update() try: # check and stop motor if no vel command has been received in > 1s #if self.fast_timer_comms_active: if self.driver: if (time_now - self.last_cmd_vel_time ).to_sec() > 0.5 and self.last_speed > 0:, 0) self.last_speed = 0 self.last_cmd_vel_time = time_now # release motor after 10s stopped if (time_now - self.last_cmd_vel_time ).to_sec() > 10.0 and self.driver.engaged(): self.driver.release() # and release except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException): rospy.logerr("ODrive USB connection failure in cmd_vel timeout." + traceback.format_exc(1)) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("cmd_vel timeout unknown failure:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False # handle sending drive commands. # from here, any errors return to get out if self.fast_timer_comms_active and not self.command_queue.empty(): # check to see if we're initialised and engaged motor try: if not self.driver.has_prerolled(): #ensure_prerolled(): rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, "ODrive has not been prerolled, ignoring drive command." ) motor_command = self.command_queue.get_nowait() return except: rospy.logerr("Fast timer exception on preroll." + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False try: motor_command = self.command_queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: rospy.logerr("Queue was empty??" + traceback.format_exc()) return if motor_command[0] == 'drive': try: if self.publish_current and self.i2t_error_latch: # have exceeded i2t bounds return if not self.driver.engaged(): self.driver.engage() self.status = "engaged" left_linear_val, right_linear_val = motor_command[1], right_linear_val) self.last_speed = max(abs(left_linear_val), abs(right_linear_val)) self.last_cmd_vel_time = time_now except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException): rospy.logerr( "ODrive USB connection failure in drive_cmd." + traceback.format_exc(1)) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("motor drive unknown failure:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False elif motor_command[0] == 'release': pass # ? else: pass def terminate(self): self.fast_timer.shutdown() if self.driver: self.driver.release() # ROS services def connect_driver(self, request): if self.driver: return (False, "Already connected.") if self.sim_mode: ODriveClass = ODriveInterfaceSimulator self.driver = ODriveInterfaceSimulator(logger=ROSLogger()) else: ODriveClass = ODriveInterfaceAPI self.driver = ODriveInterfaceAPI(logger=ROSLogger()) rospy.loginfo("Connecting to ODrive...") if not self.driver.connect(right_axis=self.axis_for_right): self.driver = None #rospy.logerr("Failed to connect.") return (False, "Failed to connect.") #rospy.loginfo("ODrive connected.") # okay, connected, self.m_s_to_value = self.driver.encoder_cpr / self.tyre_circumference if self.publish_odom: self.old_pos_l = self.driver.left_axis.encoder.pos_cpr self.old_pos_r = self.driver.right_axis.encoder.pos_cpr self.fast_timer_comms_active = True self.status = "connected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) return (True, "ODrive connected successfully") def disconnect_driver(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") try: if not self.driver.disconnect(): return (False, "Failed disconnection, but try reconnecting.") except: rospy.logerr('Error while disconnecting: {}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) finally: self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status_pub) self.driver = None return (True, "Disconnection success.") def calibrate_motor(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") if self.has_preroll: self.odometry_update_enabled = False # disable odometry updates while we preroll if not self.driver.preroll(wait=True): self.status = "preroll_fail" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) return (False, "Failed preroll.") self.status_pub.publish("ready") rospy.sleep(1) self.odometry_update_enabled = True else: if not self.driver.calibrate(): return (False, "Failed calibration.") return (True, "Calibration success.") def engage_motor(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") if not self.driver.has_prerolled(): return (False, "Not prerolled.") if not self.driver.engage(): return (False, "Failed to engage motor.") return (True, "Engage motor success.") def release_motor(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") if not self.driver.release(): return (False, "Failed to release motor.") return (True, "Release motor success.") def enable_odometry_update_service(self, request): enable = if enable: self.odometry_update_enabled = True return (True, "Odometry enabled.") else: self.odometry_update_enabled = False return (True, "Odometry disabled.") def reset_odometry(self, request): self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 return (True, "Odometry reset.") # Helpers and callbacks def convert(self, forward, ccw): angular_to_linear = ccw * (self.wheel_track / 2.0) left_linear_val = int( (forward - angular_to_linear) * self.m_s_to_value) right_linear_val = int( (forward + angular_to_linear) * self.m_s_to_value) return left_linear_val, right_linear_val def cmd_vel_callback(self, msg): #rospy.loginfo("Received a /cmd_vel message!") #rospy.loginfo("Linear Components: [%f, %f, %f]"%(msg.linear.x, msg.linear.y, msg.linear.z)) #rospy.loginfo("Angular Components: [%f, %f, %f]"%(msg.angular.x, msg.angular.y, msg.angular.z)) # rostopic pub -r 1 /commands/motor/current std_msgs/Float64 -- -1.0 # Do velocity processing here: # Use the kinematics of your robot to map linear and angular velocities into motor commands # 3600 ERPM = 360 RPM ~= 6 km/hr #angular_to_linear = msg.angular.z * (wheel_track/2.0) #left_linear_rpm = (msg.linear.x - angular_to_linear) * m_s_to_erpm #right_linear_rpm = (msg.linear.x + angular_to_linear) * m_s_to_erpm left_linear_val, right_linear_val = self.convert( msg.linear.x, msg.angular.z) # if wheel speed = 0, stop publishing after sending 0 once. #TODO add error term, work out why VESC turns on for 0 rpm # Then set your wheel speeds (using wheel_left and wheel_right as examples) #self.left_motor_pub.publish(left_linear_rpm) #self.right_motor_pub.publish(right_linear_rpm) #wheel_left.set_speed(v_l) #wheel_right.set_speed(v_r) #rospy.logdebug("Driving left: %d, right: %d, from linear.x %.2f and angular.z %.2f" % (left_linear_val, right_linear_val, msg.linear.x, msg.angular.z)) try: drive_command = ('drive', (left_linear_val, right_linear_val)) self.command_queue.put_nowait(drive_command) except Queue.Full: pass self.last_cmd_vel_time = def pub_diagnostics(self, stat): stat.add("Status", self.status) stat.add("Motor state L", self.motor_state_l) stat.add("Motor state R", self.motor_state_r) stat.add("FET temp L (C)", round(self.temp_v_l, 1)) stat.add("FET temp R (C)", round(self.temp_v_r, 1)) stat.add("Motor temp L (C)", "unimplemented") stat.add("Motor temp R (C)", "unimplemented") stat.add("Motor current L (A)", round(self.current_l, 1)) stat.add("Motor current R (A)", round(self.current_r, 1)) stat.add("Voltage (V)", round(self.bus_voltage, 2)) stat.add("Motor i2t L", round(self.left_energy_acc, 1)) stat.add("Motor i2t R", round(self.right_energy_acc, 1)) # if self.status == "disconnected": stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Not connected") else: if self.i2t_error_latch: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "i2t overheated, drive ignored until cool") elif self.left_energy_acc > self.i2t_warning_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Left motor over i2t warning threshold") elif self.left_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Left motor over i2t error threshold") elif self.right_energy_acc > self.i2t_warning_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Right motor over i2t warning threshold") elif self.right_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Right motor over i2t error threshold") # Everything is okay: else: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "Running") def pub_temperatures(self): # # # #p3 = 363.0 #p2 = -459.2 #p1 = 308.3 #p0 = -28.1 # #vl = self.temp_v_l #vr = self.temp_v_r #temperature_l = p3*vl**3 + p2*vl**2 + p1*vl + p0 #temperature_r = p3*vr**3 + p2*vr**2 + p1*vr + p0 #print(temperature_l, temperature_r) self.temperature_publisher_left.publish(self.temp_v_l) self.temperature_publisher_right.publish(self.temp_v_r) # Current publishing and i2t calculation i2t_current_nominal = 2.0 i2t_update_rate = 0.01 def pub_current(self): self.current_publisher_left.publish(float(self.current_l)) self.current_publisher_right.publish(float(self.current_r)) now = time.time() if not hasattr(self, 'last_pub_current_time'): self.last_pub_current_time = now self.left_energy_acc = 0 self.right_energy_acc = 0 return # calculate and publish i2t dt = now - self.last_pub_current_time power = max(0, self.current_l**2 - self.i2t_current_nominal**2) energy = power * dt self.left_energy_acc *= 1 - self.i2t_update_rate * dt self.left_energy_acc += energy power = max(0, self.current_r**2 - self.i2t_current_nominal**2) energy = power * dt self.right_energy_acc *= 1 - self.i2t_update_rate * dt self.right_energy_acc += energy self.last_pub_current_time = now self.i2t_publisher_left.publish(float(self.left_energy_acc)) self.i2t_publisher_right.publish(float(self.right_energy_acc)) # stop odrive if overheated if self.left_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold or self.right_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold: if not self.i2t_error_latch: self.driver.release() self.status = "overheated" self.i2t_error_latch = True rospy.logerr( "ODrive has exceeded i2t error threshold, ignoring drive commands. Waiting to cool down." ) elif self.i2t_error_latch: if self.left_energy_acc < self.i2t_resume_threshold and self.right_energy_acc < self.i2t_resume_threshold: # have cooled enough now self.status = "ready" self.i2t_error_latch = False rospy.logerr( "ODrive has cooled below i2t resume threshold, ignoring drive commands. Waiting to cool down." ) # current_quantizer = 5 # # self.left_current_accumulator += self.current_l # self.right_current_accumulator += self.current_r # # self.current_loop_count += 1 # if self.current_loop_count >= current_quantizer: # self.current_publisher_left.publish(float(self.left_current_accumulator) / current_quantizer) # self.current_publisher_right.publish(float(self.right_current_accumulator) / current_quantizer) # # self.current_loop_count = 0 # self.left_current_accumulator = 0.0 # self.right_current_accumulator = 0.0 def pub_odometry(self, time_now): now = time_now self.odom_msg.header.stamp = now self.tf_msg.header.stamp = now wheel_track = self.wheel_track # check these. Values in m tyre_circumference = self.tyre_circumference # self.m_s_to_value = encoder_cpr/tyre_circumference set earlier # if odometry updates disabled, just return the old position and zero twist. if not self.odometry_update_enabled: self.odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = 0. self.odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = 0. # but update the old encoder positions, so when we restart updates # it will start by giving zero change from the old position. self.old_pos_l = self.new_pos_l self.old_pos_r = self.new_pos_r self.odom_publisher.publish(self.odom_msg) if self.publish_tf: self.tf_publisher.sendTransform(self.tf_msg) return # Twist/velocity: calculated from motor values only s = tyre_circumference * (self.vel_l + self.vel_r) / (2.0 * self.encoder_cpr) w = tyre_circumference * (self.vel_r - self.vel_l) / ( wheel_track * self.encoder_cpr ) # angle: vel_r*tyre_radius - vel_l*tyre_radius self.odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = s self.odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = w #rospy.loginfo("vel_l: % 2.2f vel_r: % 2.2f vel_l: % 2.2f vel_r: % 2.2f x: % 2.2f th: % 2.2f pos_l: % 5.1f pos_r: % 5.1f " % ( # vel_l, -vel_r, # vel_l/encoder_cpr, vel_r/encoder_cpr, self.odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x, self.odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z, # self.driver.left_axis.encoder.pos_cpr, self.driver.right_axis.encoder.pos_cpr)) # Position delta_pos_l = self.new_pos_l - self.old_pos_l delta_pos_r = self.new_pos_r - self.old_pos_r self.old_pos_l = self.new_pos_l self.old_pos_r = self.new_pos_r # Check for overflow. Assume we can't move more than half a circumference in a single timestep. half_cpr = self.encoder_cpr / 2.0 if delta_pos_l > half_cpr: delta_pos_l = delta_pos_l - self.encoder_cpr elif delta_pos_l < -half_cpr: delta_pos_l = delta_pos_l + self.encoder_cpr if delta_pos_r > half_cpr: delta_pos_r = delta_pos_r - self.encoder_cpr elif delta_pos_r < -half_cpr: delta_pos_r = delta_pos_r + self.encoder_cpr # counts to metres delta_pos_l_m = delta_pos_l / self.m_s_to_value delta_pos_r_m = delta_pos_r / self.m_s_to_value # Distance travelled d = (delta_pos_l_m + delta_pos_r_m) / 2.0 # delta_ps th = (delta_pos_r_m - delta_pos_l_m) / wheel_track # works for small angles xd = math.cos(th) * d yd = -math.sin(th) * d # elapsed time = event.last_real, event.current_real #elapsed = (event.current_real-event.last_real).to_sec() # calc_vel: d/elapsed, th/elapsed # Pose: updated from previous pose + position delta self.x += math.cos(self.theta) * xd - math.sin(self.theta) * yd self.y += math.sin(self.theta) * xd + math.cos(self.theta) * yd self.theta = (self.theta + th) % (2 * math.pi) #rospy.loginfo("dl_m: % 2.2f dr_m: % 2.2f d: % 2.2f th: % 2.2f xd: % 2.2f yd: % 2.2f x: % 5.1f y: % 5.1f th: % 5.1f" % ( # delta_pos_l_m, delta_pos_r_m, # d, th, xd, yd, # self.x, self.y, self.theta # )) # fill odom message and publish self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = self.x self.odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = self.y q = tf_conversions.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0.0, 0.0, self.theta) self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] # math.sin(self.theta)/2 self.odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] # math.cos(self.theta)/2 #rospy.loginfo("theta: % 2.2f z_m: % 2.2f w_m: % 2.2f q[2]: % 2.2f q[3]: % 2.2f (q[0]: %2.2f q[1]: %2.2f)" % ( # self.theta, # math.sin(self.theta)/2, math.cos(self.theta)/2, # q[2],q[3],q[0],q[1] # )) #self.odom_msg.pose.covariance # x y z # x y z #rospy.loginfo("Odom Pose Position: [%f, %f]"%(self.x, self.y)) self.tf_msg.transform.translation.x = self.x self.tf_msg.transform.translation.y = self.y #self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.x #self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.x self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.z = q[2] self.tf_msg.transform.rotation.w = q[3] if self.publish_raw_odom: self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_left.publish(self.new_pos_l) self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_right.publish(self.new_pos_r) self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_left.publish(self.vel_l) self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_right.publish(self.vel_r) # ... and publish! self.odom_publisher.publish(self.odom_msg) if self.publish_tf: self.tf_publisher.sendTransform(self.tf_msg) def pub_joint_angles(self, time_now): jsm = self.joint_state_msg jsm.header.stamp = time_now if self.driver: jsm.position[0] = 2 * math.pi * self.new_pos_l / self.encoder_cpr jsm.position[1] = -2 * math.pi * self.new_pos_r / self.encoder_cpr self.joint_state_publisher.publish(jsm)
class ODriveNode(object): #To adjust encoder to horizontal position for zero radians tilt_encoder_index_offset = -500 yaw_encoder_index_offset = 0 last_pos = 0.0 driver = None prerolling = False yaw_angle_skip_queue_val = 0 tilt_angle_skip_queue_val = 0 new_pos_yaw = 0 new_pos_tilt = 0 # Robot params for radians -> cpr conversion #AS5048 -> 16384 Steps/rev (SPI/I2C interface) #AS5047P -> 4000 Steps/rev = 1000PPR (ABI Interface) #AS5047D -> 2000 Steps/rev = 500PPR (ABI Interface) axis_for_tilt = 1 encoder_cpr = 2000 # Startup parameters connect_on_startup = True calibrate_on_startup = False engage_on_startup = True publish_joint_angles = True # Simulation mode sim_mode = False def __init__(self): self.sim_mode = get_param('simulation_mode', False) self.publish_joint_angles = get_param( 'publish_joint_angles', True) # if self.sim_mode else False self.publish_temperatures = get_param('publish_temperatures', True) self.axis_for_tilt = float( get_param('~axis_for_tilt', 0)) # if tilt calibrates first, this should be 0, else 1 self.connect_on_startup = get_param('~connect_on_startup', False) #self.calibrate_on_startup = get_param('~calibrate_on_startup', False) #self.engage_on_startup = get_param('~engage_on_startup', False) self.has_preroll = get_param('~use_preroll', False) self.publish_current = get_param('~publish_current', True) self.publish_raw_odom = get_param('~publish_raw_odom', True) self.odom_calc_hz = get_param('~odom_calc_hz', 10) rospy.on_shutdown(self.terminate) rospy.Service('connect_driver', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.connect_driver) rospy.Service('disconnect_driver', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.disconnect_driver) rospy.Service('calibrate_motors', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.calibrate_motor) rospy.Service('engage_motors', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.engage_motor) rospy.Service('release_motors', std_srvs.srv.Trigger, self.release_motor) self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher('status', std_msgs.msg.String, latch=True, queue_size=2) self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.command_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=1) # subscribed to simple radian angle message (x axis is tilt, z axis is yaw) self.gimbal_angle_subscribe = rospy.Subscriber( "/cmd_gimbal_angle", Vector3, self.cmd_gimble_angle_callback, queue_size=2) self.publish_diagnostics = True if self.publish_diagnostics: self.diagnostic_updater = diagnostic_updater.Updater() self.diagnostic_updater.setHardwareID("Not connected, unknown") self.diagnostic_updater.add("ODrive Diagnostics", self.pub_diagnostics) if self.publish_temperatures: self.temperature_publisher_yaw = rospy.Publisher('yaw/temperature', Float64, queue_size=2) self.temperature_publisher_tilt = rospy.Publisher( 'tilt/temperature', Float64, queue_size=2) self.i2t_error_latch = False if self.publish_current: #self.current_yawoop_count = 0 #self.yaw_current_accumulator = 0.0 #self.tilt_current_accumulator = 0.0 self.current_publisher_yaw = rospy.Publisher('yaw/current', Float64, queue_size=2) self.current_publisher_tilt = rospy.Publisher('tilt/current', Float64, queue_size=2) self.i2t_publisher_yaw = rospy.Publisher('yaw/i2t', Float64, queue_size=2) self.i2t_publisher_tilt = rospy.Publisher('tilt/i2t', Float64, queue_size=2) rospy.logdebug("ODrive will publish motor currents.") self.i2t_resume_threshold = get_param('~i2t_resume_threshold', 222) self.i2t_warning_threshold = get_param('~i2t_warning_threshold', 333) self.i2t_error_threshold = get_param('~i2t_error_threshold', 666) self.last_cmd_gimble_angle_time = if self.publish_raw_odom: self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_yaw = rospy.Publisher( 'yaw/raw_odom/encoder', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_tilt = rospy.Publisher( 'tilt/raw_odom/encoder', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_yaw = rospy.Publisher( 'yaw/raw_odom/velocity', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_tilt = rospy.Publisher( 'tilt/raw_odom/velocity', Int32, queue_size=2) if self.publish_raw_odom else None if self.publish_joint_angles: self.joint_state_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_states', JointState, queue_size=2) jsm = JointState() self.joint_state_msg = jsm #jsm.position.resize(2) = ['camera_yaw_joint', 'camera_tilt_joint'] jsm.position = [0.0, 0.0] def main_loop(self): # Main control, handle startup and error handling # while a ROS timer will handle the high-rate (~50Hz) comms + odometry calcs main_rate = rospy.Rate(1) # hz # Start timer to run high-rate comms self.fast_timer = rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration(1 / float(self.odom_calc_hz)), self.fast_timer) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: main_rate.sleep() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: # shutdown / stop ODrive?? break # fast timer running, so do nothing and wait for any errors if self.fast_timer_comms_active: continue # check for errors if self.driver: try: # driver connected, but fast_comms not active -> must be an error? # TODO: try resetting errors and recalibrating, not just a full disconnection error_string = self.driver.get_errors(clear=True) if error_string: rospy.logerr( "Had errors, disconnecting and retrying connection." ) rospy.logerr(error_string) self.driver.disconnect() self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None else: # must have called connect service from another node self.fast_timer_comms_active = True except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException, AttributeError): rospy.logerr("ODrive USB connection failure in main_loop.") self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("Unknown errors accessing ODrive:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None if not self.driver: if not self.connect_on_startup: #rospy.loginfo("ODrive node started, but not connected.") continue if not self.connect_driver(None)[0]: rospy.logerr("Failed to connect." ) # TODO: can we check for timeout here? continue if self.publish_diagnostics: self.diagnostic_updater.setHardwareID( self.driver.get_version_string()) else: pass # loop around and try again def fast_timer(self, timer_event): time_now = # in case of failure, assume some values are zero self.vel_yaw = 0 self.vel_tilt = 0 self.current_tilt = 0 self.current_yaw = 0 self.temp_v_yaw = 0 self.temp_v_tilt = 0 self.motor_state_yaw = "not connected" # undefined self.motor_state_tilt = "not connected" self.bus_voltage = 0 # Handle reading from Odrive and sending odometry if self.fast_timer_comms_active: try: # check errors error_string = self.driver.get_errors() if error_string: self.fast_timer_comms_active = False else: # reset watchdog self.driver.feed_watchdog() # read all required values from ODrive for odometry self.motor_state_yaw = self.driver.yaw_state() self.motor_state_tilt = self.driver.tilt_state() self.encoder_cpr = self.driver.encoder_cpr self.driver.update_time(time_now.to_sec()) self.vel_yaw = self.driver.yaw_vel_estimate( ) # units: encoder counts/s self.vel_tilt = -self.driver.tilt_vel_estimate( ) # neg is forward for tilt self.new_pos_yaw = self.driver.yaw_pos( ) # units: encoder counts self.new_pos_tilt = -self.driver.tilt_pos() # sign! # for temperatures self.temp_v_yaw = self.driver.yaw_temperature() self.temp_v_tilt = self.driver.tilt_temperature() # for current self.current_yaw = self.driver.yaw_current() self.current_tilt = self.driver.tilt_current() # voltage self.bus_voltage = self.driver.bus_voltage() except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException): rospy.logerr("ODrive USB connection failure in fast_timer." + traceback.format_exc(1)) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("Fast timer ODrive failure:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False # as required by SLAM if self.publish_temperatures: self.pub_temperatures() if self.publish_current: self.pub_current() if self.publish_joint_angles: self.pub_joint_angles(time_now) if self.publish_diagnostics: self.diagnostic_updater.update() if self.publish_raw_odom: self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_yaw.publish(self.new_pos_yaw) self.raw_odom_publisher_encoder_tilt.publish(self.new_pos_tilt) self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_yaw.publish(self.vel_yaw) self.raw_odom_publisher_vel_tilt.publish(self.vel_tilt) """ try: # check and stop motor if no pos command has been received in > 1s #if self.fast_timer_comms_active: if self.driver: if (time_now - self.last_cmd_gimble_angle_time).to_sec() > 0.5 and self.last_pos > 0:,0) self.last_pos = 0 self.last_cmd_gimble_angle_time = time_now # release motor after 10s stopped if (time_now - self.last_cmd_gimble_angle_time).to_sec() > 10.0 and self.driver.engaged(): self.driver.release() # and release except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException): rospy.logerr("ODrive USB connection failure in cmd_gimble_angle timeout." + traceback.format_exc(1)) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("cmd_gimble_angle timeout unknown failure:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False """ # handle sending drive commands. # from here, any errors return to get out if self.fast_timer_comms_active and not self.command_queue.empty(): # check to see if we're initialised and engaged motor try: if not self.driver.has_prerolled(): #ensure_prerolled(): rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, "ODrive has not been prerolled, ignoring drive command." ) motor_command = self.command_queue.get_nowait() return except: rospy.logerr("Fast timer exception on preroll." + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False try: motor_command = self.command_queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: rospy.logerr("Queue was empty??" + traceback.format_exc()) return if motor_command[0] == 'drive': try: if self.publish_current and self.i2t_error_latch: # have exceeded i2t bounds return if not self.driver.engaged(): self.driver.engage() self.status = "engaged" #yaw_angle_val, tilt_angle_val = motor_command[1] self.yaw_angle_skip_queue_val - self.yaw_encoder_index_offset, self.tilt_angle_skip_queue_val - self.tilt_encoder_index_offset) #self.last_pos = max(abs(yaw_angle_val), abs(tilt_angle_val)) self.last_cmd_gimble_angle_time = time_now except (ChannelBrokenException, ChannelDamagedException): rospy.logerr( "ODrive USB connection failure in drive_cmd." + traceback.format_exc(1)) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False self.driver = None except: rospy.logerr("motor drive unknown failure:" + traceback.format_exc()) self.fast_timer_comms_active = False elif motor_command[0] == 'release': pass # ? else: pass def terminate(self): self.fast_timer.shutdown() if self.driver: self.driver.release() # ROS services def connect_driver(self, request): if self.driver: return (False, "Already connected.") ODriveClass = ODriveInterfaceAPI if not self.sim_mode else ODriveInterfaceSimulator self.driver = ODriveInterfaceAPI(logger=ROSLogger()) rospy.loginfo("Connecting to ODrive...") if not self.driver.connect(tilt_axis=self.axis_for_tilt): self.driver = None #rospy.logerr("Failed to connect.") return (False, "Failed to connect.") #rospy.loginfo("ODrive connected.") # okay, connected, self.fast_timer_comms_active = True self.status = "connected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) return (True, "ODrive connected successfully") def disconnect_driver(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") try: if not self.driver.disconnect(): return (False, "Failed disconnection, but try reconnecting.") except: rospy.logerr('Error while disconnecting: {}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) finally: self.status = "disconnected" self.status_pub.publish(self.status_pub) self.driver = None return (True, "Disconnection success.") def calibrate_motor(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") if self.has_preroll: if not self.driver.preroll(wait=True): self.status = "preroll_fail" self.status_pub.publish(self.status) return (False, "Failed preroll.") self.status_pub.publish("ready") rospy.sleep(1) else: if not self.driver.calibrate(): return (False, "Failed calibration.") return (True, "Calibration success.") def engage_motor(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") if not self.driver.has_prerolled(): return (False, "Not prerolled.") if not self.driver.engage(): return (False, "Failed to engage motor.") return (True, "Engage motor success.") def release_motor(self, request): if not self.driver: rospy.logerr("Not connected.") return (False, "Not connected.") if not self.driver.release(): return (False, "Failed to release motor.") return (True, "Release motor success.") # Helpers and callbacks def convert(self, yaw_radians, tilt_radians): # convert message radian values into CPR values applicable to Odrive yaw_angle_val = int((yaw_radians / (2 * math.pi)) * self.encoder_cpr) tilt_angle_val = int((tilt_radians / (2 * math.pi)) * self.encoder_cpr) return yaw_angle_val, tilt_angle_val def cmd_gimble_angle_callback(self, msg): #rospy.loginfo("Received a /cmd_gimbal_angle message!") #rospy.loginfo("Yaw Axis: [%f]"%(msg.z)) #rospy.loginfo("Tilt Axis: [%f]"%(msg.x)) yaw_angle_val, tilt_angle_val = self.convert(msg.z, msg.x) yaw_angle_val *= -1 #rospy.loginfo("Sending encoder set point!") #rospy.loginfo("Yaw Axis: [%f]"%(yaw_angle_val)) #rospy.loginfo("Tilt Axis: [%f]"%(tilt_angle_val)) #Insure motors never exceed half rotation if (yaw_angle_val > 400): yaw_angle_val = 400 rospy.logwarn("Yaw Axis received cmd > 400 of [%f]" % (msg.z)) elif (yaw_angle_val < -400): yaw_angle_val = -400 rospy.logwarn("Yaw Axis received cmd < -400 of [%f]" % (msg.z)) if (tilt_angle_val > 300): tilt_angle_val = 300 rospy.logwarn("Tilt Axis received cmd > 300 of [%f]" % (msg.x)) elif (tilt_angle_val < -300): tilt_angle_val = -300 rospy.logwarn("Tilt Axis received cmd < -300 of [%f]" % (msg.x)) try: self.yaw_angle_skip_queue_val = yaw_angle_val self.tilt_angle_skip_queue_val = tilt_angle_val drive_command = ('drive', (yaw_angle_val, tilt_angle_val)) self.command_queue.put_nowait(drive_command) except Queue.Full: pass self.last_cmd_gimble_angle_time = def pub_diagnostics(self, stat): stat.add("Status", self.status) stat.add("Motor state YAW", self.motor_state_yaw) stat.add("Motor state TILT", self.motor_state_tilt) stat.add("FET temp YAW (C)", round(self.temp_v_yaw, 1)) stat.add("FET temp TILT (C)", round(self.temp_v_tilt, 1)) stat.add("Motor temp YAW (C)", "unimplemented") stat.add("Motor temp TILT (C)", "unimplemented") stat.add("Motor current YAW (A)", round(self.current_yaw, 1)) stat.add("Motor current TILT (A)", round(self.current_tilt, 1)) stat.add("Voltage (V)", round(self.bus_voltage, 2)) stat.add("Motor i2t YAW", round(self.yaw_energy_acc, 1)) stat.add("Motor i2t TILT", round(self.tilt_energy_acc, 1)) # if self.status == "disconnected": stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Not connected") else: if self.i2t_error_latch: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "i2t overheated, drive ignored until cool") elif self.yaw_energy_acc > self.i2t_warning_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "yaw motor over i2t warning threshold") elif self.yaw_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "yaw motor over i2t error threshold") elif self.tilt_energy_acc > self.i2t_warning_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "tilt motor over i2t warning threshold") elif self.tilt_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "tilt motor over i2t error threshold") # Everything is okay: else: stat.summary(diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "Running") def pub_temperatures(self): # # # #p3 = 363.0 #p2 = -459.2 #p1 = 308.3 #p0 = -28.1 # #vl = self.temp_v_yaw #vr = self.temp_v_tilt #temperature_l = p3*vl**3 + p2*vl**2 + p1*vl + p0 #temperature_r = p3*vr**3 + p2*vr**2 + p1*vr + p0 #print(temperature_l, temperature_r) self.temperature_publisher_yaw.publish(self.temp_v_yaw) self.temperature_publisher_tilt.publish(self.temp_v_tilt) # Current publishing and i2t calculation i2t_current_nominal = 2.0 i2t_update_rate = 0.01 def pub_current(self): self.current_publisher_yaw.publish(float(self.current_yaw)) self.current_publisher_tilt.publish(float(self.current_tilt)) now = time.time() if not hasattr(self, 'last_pub_current_time'): self.last_pub_current_time = now self.yaw_energy_acc = 0 self.tilt_energy_acc = 0 return # calculate and publish i2t dt = now - self.last_pub_current_time power = max(0, self.current_yaw**2 - self.i2t_current_nominal**2) energy = power * dt self.yaw_energy_acc *= 1 - self.i2t_update_rate * dt self.yaw_energy_acc += energy power = max(0, self.current_tilt**2 - self.i2t_current_nominal**2) energy = power * dt self.tilt_energy_acc *= 1 - self.i2t_update_rate * dt self.tilt_energy_acc += energy self.last_pub_current_time = now self.i2t_publisher_yaw.publish(float(self.yaw_energy_acc)) self.i2t_publisher_tilt.publish(float(self.tilt_energy_acc)) # stop odrive if overheated if self.yaw_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold or self.tilt_energy_acc > self.i2t_error_threshold: if not self.i2t_error_latch: self.driver.release() self.status = "overheated" self.i2t_error_latch = True rospy.logerr( "ODrive has exceeded i2t error threshold, ignoring drive commands. Waiting to cool down." ) elif self.i2t_error_latch: if self.yaw_energy_acc < self.i2t_resume_threshold and self.tilt_energy_acc < self.i2t_resume_threshold: # have cooled enough now self.status = "ready" self.i2t_error_latch = False rospy.logerr( "ODrive has cooled below i2t resume threshold, ignoring drive commands. Waiting to cool down." ) # current_quantizer = 5 # # self.yaw_current_accumulator += self.current_yaw # self.tilt_current_accumulator += self.current_tilt # # self.current_yawoop_count += 1 # if self.current_yawoop_count >= current_quantizer: # self.current_publisher_yaw.publish(float(self.yaw_current_accumulator) / current_quantizer) # self.current_publisher_tilt.publish(float(self.tilt_current_accumulator) / current_quantizer) # # self.current_yawoop_count = 0 # self.yaw_current_accumulator = 0.0 # self.tilt_current_accumulator = 0.0 def pub_joint_angles(self, time_now): jsm = self.joint_state_msg jsm.header.stamp = time_now if self.driver: jsm.position[0] = -( float(self.new_pos_yaw + self.yaw_encoder_index_offset) / self.encoder_cpr) * 2 * math.pi jsm.position[1] = ( float(self.new_pos_tilt + self.tilt_encoder_index_offset) / self.encoder_cpr) * 2 * math.pi self.joint_state_publisher.publish(jsm)