예제 #1
	def spectrum_scanner(self, samples):

		#measure power for each channel
		power_level_ch = src_power(samples, self.fft_len, self.Fr, self.sample_rate, self.bb_freqs, self.srch_bins)

		#trunc channels outside useful band (filter curve) --> trunc band < sample_rate
		if self.trunc > 0:
			power_level_ch = power_level_ch[self.trunc_ch:-self.trunc_ch]

		#log maximum powers - cumulative
		self.logger.set_cumulative_max_power(np.maximum(power_level_ch, self.logger.cumulative_max_power))

		#log maximum powers - periodic
		self.logger.set_periodic_max_power(np.maximum(power_level_ch, self.logger.periodic_max_power))

		#compute noise estimate (averaged)
		min_power = np.amin (power_level_ch)
		self.noise_estimate = (1-self.alpha_avg) * self.noise_estimate + self.alpha_avg * min_power
		thr = self.noise_estimate * self.thr_leveler
		if self.verbose:
			print 'noise_estimate dB (channel)', 10*np.log10(self.noise_estimate+1e-20)

		#compare channel power with detection threshold
		spectrum_constraint_hz = []
		i = 0
		for item in power_level_ch:
			if item>thr:
			i += 1

		return spectrum_constraint_hz
예제 #2
	def spectrum_scanner(self, samples):

		#measure power for each channel
		power_level_ch = src_power(samples, self.fft_len, self.Fr, self.sample_rate, self.bb_freqs, self.srch_bins)

		#trunc channels outside useful band (filter curve) --> trunc band < sample_rate
		if self.trunc > 0:
			power_level_ch = power_level_ch[self.trunc_ch:-self.trunc_ch]
		#share data among threads
		self.plc = self.plc * 0.6 + np.array(power_level_ch) * 0.4
		#log maximum powers - cumulative
		self.logger.set_cumulative_max_power(np.maximum(power_level_ch, self.logger.cumulative_max_power))

		#log maximum powers - periodic
		self.logger.set_periodic_max_power(np.maximum(power_level_ch, self.logger.periodic_max_power))

		#compute noise estimate (averaged)
		min_power = np.amin (power_level_ch)
		self.noise_estimate = (1-self.alpha_avg) * self.noise_estimate + self.alpha_avg * min_power
		thr = self.noise_estimate * self.thr_leveler
		if self.verbose:
			print 'noise_estimate dB (channel)', 10*np.log10(self.noise_estimate+1e-20)

		#compare channel power with detection threshold
		spectrum_constraint_hz = []
		i = 0
		for item in power_level_ch:
			if item>thr:
			i += 1

		return spectrum_constraint_hz
예제 #3
	def flank_detector(self, samples):

		#measure power for each channel
		power_level_ch = src_power(samples, self.fft_len, self.Fr, self.sample_rate, self.bb_freqs, self.srch_bins)

		#trunc channels outside useful band (filter curve) --> trunc band < sample_rate
		if self.trunc > 0:
			power_level_ch = power_level_ch[self.trunc_ch:-self.trunc_ch]

		#compute noise estimate (averaged)
		min_power = np.amin (power_level_ch)
		self.noise_estimate = (1-self.alpha_avg) * self.noise_estimate + self.alpha_avg * min_power
		thr = self.noise_estimate * self.thr_leveler
		thr2 = thr*20 #2nd thrshold to limit fast growing
		if self.verbose:
			print 'noise_estimate dB (channel)', 10*np.log10(self.noise_estimate+1e-20)

		self.prev_power[:] = self.curr_power[:]
		k = 0
		for channel in self.idx_subject_channels:
			self.curr_power[k] = (1-self.peak_alpha[k]) * np.clip(power_level_ch[channel], 0, thr2) + (self.peak_alpha[k]) * self.prev_power[k]

			if self.curr_power[k] < thr2 and self.curr_power[k] > thr: # kind of an AGC for weaker channels
				self.curr_power[k] = thr2

			#if power_level_ch[channel] > thr: print 'instant power > thr'
			if self.curr_power[k] > self.prev_power[k] and self.curr_power[k] > thr and self.flag[k] == False:
				#print 'detected flanck!', self.ax_ch[channel]/1e6, 'MHz', self.subject_channels[k]/1e6, 'MHz'
				self.flag[k] = True
				self.peak_alpha[k] = 0

				#count occurrences -> cumulative
				if self.ax_ch[channel] in self.logger.cumulative_statistics:
					self.logger.cumulative_statistics[self.ax_ch[channel]] += 1
					self.logger.cumulative_statistics[self.ax_ch[channel]] = 1
				#count occurrences -> periodic
				if self.ax_ch[channel] in self.logger.periodic_statistic:
					self.logger.periodic_statistic[self.ax_ch[channel]] += 1
					self.logger.periodic_statistic[self.ax_ch[channel]] = 1

			elif self.flag[k] == True and self.curr_power[k] < thr:
				#print 'detected negative flanck!' , self.ax_ch[channel]/1e6, 'MHz', self.subject_channels[k]/1e6, 'MHz'
				self.flag[k] = False
				self.peak_alpha[k] = self.peak_alpha_original
			k += 1

		#update thread that logs data
예제 #4
	def spectrum_scanner(self, samples):

		#measure power for each channel
		power_level_ch = src_power(samples, self.fft_len, self.Fr, self.sample_rate, self.bb_freqs, self.srch_bins)

		#trunc channels outside useful band (filter curve) --> trunc band < sample_rate
		if self.trunc > 0:
			power_level_ch = power_level_ch[self.trunc_ch:-self.trunc_ch]
		#share data among threads
		self.plc = self.plc * 0.6 + np.array(power_level_ch) * 0.4
예제 #5
    def spectrum_scanner(self, samples):

        #measure power for each channel
        power_level_ch = src_power(samples, self.fft_len, self.Fr,
                                   self.sample_rate, self.bb_freqs,

        #trunc channels outside useful band (filter curve) --> trunc band < sample_rate
        if self.trunc > 0:
            power_level_ch = power_level_ch[self.trunc_ch:-self.trunc_ch]

        #share data among threads
        self.plc = self.plc * 0.6 + np.array(power_level_ch) * 0.4
예제 #6
    def flank_detector(self, samples):

        #measure power for each channel
        power_level_ch = src_power(samples, self.fft_len, self.Fr,
                                   self.sample_rate, self.bb_freqs,

        #trunc channels outside useful band (filter curve) --> trunc band < sample_rate
        if self.trunc > 0:
            power_level_ch = power_level_ch[self.trunc_ch:-self.trunc_ch]

        #compute noise estimate (averaged)
        min_power = np.amin(power_level_ch)
        self.noise_estimate = (
            1 -
            self.alpha_avg) * self.noise_estimate + self.alpha_avg * min_power
        thr = self.noise_estimate * self.thr_leveler
        thr2 = thr * 20  #2nd thrshold to limit fast growing
        if self.verbose:
            print 'noise_estimate dB (channel)', 10 * np.log10(
                self.noise_estimate + 1e-20)

        self.prev_power[:] = self.curr_power[:]
        k = 0
        for channel in self.idx_subject_channels:
            self.curr_power[k] = (1 - self.peak_alpha[k]) * np.clip(
                power_level_ch[channel], 0,
                thr2) + (self.peak_alpha[k]) * self.prev_power[k]

            if self.curr_power[k] < thr2 and self.curr_power[
                    k] > thr:  # kind of an AGC for weaker channels
                self.curr_power[k] = thr2

            #if power_level_ch[channel] > thr: print 'instant power > thr'
            if self.curr_power[k] > self.prev_power[k] and self.curr_power[
                    k] > thr and self.flag[k] == False:
                #print 'detected flanck!', self.ax_ch[channel]/1e6, 'MHz', self.subject_channels[k]/1e6, 'MHz'
                self.flag[k] = True
                self.peak_alpha[k] = 0

                #count occurrences -> cumulative
                if self.ax_ch[channel] in self.logger.cumulative_statistics:
                    self.logger.cumulative_statistics[self.ax_ch[channel]] += 1
                    self.logger.cumulative_statistics[self.ax_ch[channel]] = 1
                #count occurrences -> periodic
                if self.ax_ch[channel] in self.logger.periodic_statistic:
                    self.logger.periodic_statistic[self.ax_ch[channel]] += 1
                    self.logger.periodic_statistic[self.ax_ch[channel]] = 1

            elif self.flag[k] == True and self.curr_power[k] < thr:
                #print 'detected negative flanck!' , self.ax_ch[channel]/1e6, 'MHz', self.subject_channels[k]/1e6, 'MHz'
                self.flag[k] = False
                self.peak_alpha[k] = self.peak_alpha_original
            k += 1

        #update thread that logs data