예제 #1
def _process_image(image: tf.Tensor,
                   is_training: bool = True,
                   is_ssl: bool = False,
                   num_frames: int = 32,
                   stride: int = 1,
                   num_test_clips: int = 1,
                   min_resize: int = 256,
                   crop_size: int = 224,
                   num_crops: int = 1,
                   zero_centering_image: bool = False,
                   seed: Optional[int] = None) -> tf.Tensor:
    """Processes a serialized image tensor.

    image: Input Tensor of shape [timesteps] and type tf.string of serialized
    is_training: Whether or not in training mode. If True, random sample, crop
      and left right flip is used.
    is_ssl: Whether or not in self-supervised pre-training mode.
    num_frames: Number of frames per subclip.
    stride: Temporal stride to sample frames.
    num_test_clips: Number of test clips (1 by default). If more than 1, this
      will sample multiple linearly spaced clips within each video at test time.
      If 1, then a single clip in the middle of the video is sampled. The clips
      are aggreagated in the batch dimension.
    min_resize: Frames are resized so that min(height, width) is min_resize.
    crop_size: Final size of the frame after cropping the resized frames. Both
      height and width are the same.
    num_crops: Number of crops to perform on the resized frames.
    zero_centering_image: If True, frames are normalized to values in [-1, 1].
      If False, values in [0, 1].
    seed: A deterministic seed to use when sampling.

    Processed frames. Tensor of shape
      [num_frames * num_test_clips, crop_size, crop_size, 3].
    # Validate parameters.
    if is_training and num_test_clips != 1:
            '`num_test_clips` %d is ignored since `is_training` is `True`.',

    # Temporal sampler.
    if is_training:
        # Sampler for training.
        if is_ssl:
            # Sample two clips from linear decreasing distribution.
            image = video_ssl_preprocess_ops.sample_ssl_sequence(
                image, num_frames, True, stride)
            # Sample random clip.
            image = preprocess_ops_3d.sample_sequence(image, num_frames, True,

        # Sampler for evaluation.
        if num_test_clips > 1:
            # Sample linspace clips.
            image = preprocess_ops_3d.sample_linspace_sequence(
                image, num_test_clips, num_frames, stride)
            # Sample middle clip.
            image = preprocess_ops_3d.sample_sequence(image, num_frames, False,

    # Decode JPEG string to tf.uint8.
    image = preprocess_ops_3d.decode_jpeg(image, 3)

    if is_training:
        # Standard image data augmentation: random resized crop and random flip.
        if is_ssl:
            image_1, image_2 = tf.split(image, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=0)
            image_1 = preprocess_ops_3d.random_crop_resize(
                image_1, crop_size, crop_size, num_frames, 3, (0.5, 2),
                (0.3, 1))
            image_1 = preprocess_ops_3d.random_flip_left_right(image_1, seed)
            image_2 = preprocess_ops_3d.random_crop_resize(
                image_2, crop_size, crop_size, num_frames, 3, (0.5, 2),
                (0.3, 1))
            image_2 = preprocess_ops_3d.random_flip_left_right(image_2, seed)

            image = preprocess_ops_3d.random_crop_resize(
                image, crop_size, crop_size, num_frames, 3, (0.5, 2), (0.3, 1))
            image = preprocess_ops_3d.random_flip_left_right(image, seed)
        # Resize images (resize happens only if necessary to save compute).
        image = preprocess_ops_3d.resize_smallest(image, min_resize)
        # Three-crop of the frames.
        image = preprocess_ops_3d.crop_image(image, crop_size, crop_size,
                                             False, num_crops)

    # Cast the frames in float32, normalizing according to zero_centering_image.
    if is_training and is_ssl:
        image_1 = preprocess_ops_3d.normalize_image(image_1,
        image_2 = preprocess_ops_3d.normalize_image(image_2,

        image = preprocess_ops_3d.normalize_image(image, zero_centering_image)

    # Self-supervised pre-training augmentations.
    if is_training and is_ssl:
        # Temporally consistent color jittering.
        image_1 = video_ssl_preprocess_ops.random_color_jitter_3d(image_1)
        image_2 = video_ssl_preprocess_ops.random_color_jitter_3d(image_2)
        # Temporally consistent gaussian blurring.
        image_1 = video_ssl_preprocess_ops.random_blur(image_1, crop_size,
                                                       crop_size, 1.0)
        image_2 = video_ssl_preprocess_ops.random_blur(image_2, crop_size,
                                                       crop_size, 0.1)
        image_2 = video_ssl_preprocess_ops.random_solarization(image_2)
        image = tf.concat([image_1, image_2], axis=0)
        image = tf.clip_by_value(image, 0., 1.)

    return image
예제 #2
 def test_sample_ssl_sequence(self):
     sampled_seq = video_ssl_preprocess_ops.sample_ssl_sequence(
         self._raw_frames, 16, True, 2)
     self.assertAllEqual(sampled_seq.shape, (32, 256, 256, 3))