예제 #1
 def analyse_ship(self, ship):
     """Must be executed after analyse_battleground"""
     self.reward = ship.agent.reward
     self.can_shoot = 0 if ship.can_shoot == 0 else 1
     self.pointing = ship.pointing
     self.pos = Point(ship.body.x, ship.body.y)
     self.shipA = True
     # TODO add done to vector ?
     self.done = not ship.is_playable()
예제 #2
 def crazy_runner(self, obs):
     """Ship is a fast boi. Ship can dance to."""
     shoot = False
     thrust = random() < 0.9
     if random() < 0.1:
         pointing = Point(randint(0, obs.dim.x), randint(0, obs.dim.y))
         pointing = obs.pointing
     return Action(shoot=shoot, thrust=thrust, pointing=pointing)
예제 #3
 def crazy_turret(self, obs):
     """Ship don't want to move. Ship only want to kill."""
     shoot = random() < 0.8
     thrust = False
     if random() < 0.3:
         pointing = Point(randint(0, obs.dim.x), randint(0, obs.dim.y))
         pointing = obs.pointing
     return Action(shoot=shoot, thrust=thrust, pointing=pointing)
예제 #4
파일: ship.py 프로젝트: Chthi/Ofighters
 def read_keys(self):
     shoot = "shoot" in self.player.actions_set
     thrust = "thrust" in self.player.actions_set
     if "pointing" in self.player.actions_set:
         pointing = Point(self.player.cursor.x, self.player.cursor.y)
         pointing = self.pointing
     # print(shoot, thrust, pointing)
     return Action(shoot=shoot, thrust=thrust, pointing=pointing)
예제 #5
파일: ship.py 프로젝트: Chthi/Ofighters
    def __init__(self, x, y, battleground, behavior="idle"):

        # id of the fighter
        self.id = Ship.id_max
        Ship.id_max += 1
        self.time = 0
        #  the ship know is own position
        # the ship is not invulnerable. the ship can be hit
        self.body = Circle(x, y, 8)
        # the ship resilience
        self.hull = 1
        # the ship knows in which battleground he is
        self.battleground = battleground
        # the ship know is speed and direction
        self.speed = 0
        self.max_speed = SHIPS_SPEED

        # the ship trajectory is an affine function that goes toward the cell the ship is pointing
        self.pointing = Point(x, y)

        # current state of the ship
        self.state = "flying"
        # there is no cooldown on the laser
        self.can_shoot = 1
        # the human player controlling it. None if no player controls it
        self.player = None

        self.color = "Yellow"
        self.laser_color = "Red"

        # TODO improve. for the moment the score and steps are reset if the bot change in the middle
        if behavior == "network":
            self.agent = BrAIn()
            # self.initial_agent = BrAIn()
        elif behavior == "QlearnIA":
            self.agent = QlearnIA()
            # self.initial_agent = QlearnIA()
            # self.color = '#AA3300'
            self.color = "Green"
            self.laser_color = "Pink"
            self.agent = Agent(behavior)
            # self.initial_agent = Agent(behavior)

        # if the ia is in leroy mode time > 0
        self.leroy_time = 0

        # if the ship need to be actualised graphically
        self.actualise = False

        #  the ship is colorful
        self.laser_speed = 10

        self.obs_vector = np.array([])
        self.act_vector = np.array([])
예제 #6
파일: action.py 프로젝트: Chthi/Ofighters
    def fromVector(self, vector):
        # print("vector", vector)
        # if vector.size != Action.size:
        if vector.shape != Action.shape:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid vector : expected shape {} but got shape {}.".format(
                    Action.shape, vector.shape))

        self.shoot = bool(vector[0][0])
        self.thrust = bool(vector[1][0])
        self.pointing = Point(vector[2][0], vector[3][0])
예제 #7
 def random_play(self, obs):
     """Ship is confused. Ship don't know how to play."""
     possibles = ["shoot", "thrust", "pointing"]
     action = choice(possibles)
     shoot = action == "shoot"
     thrust = action == "thrust"
     if action == "pointing":
         pointing = Point(randint(0, obs.dim.x), randint(0, obs.dim.y))
         pointing = obs.pointing
     return Action(shoot=shoot, thrust=thrust, pointing=pointing)
예제 #8
파일: ship.py 프로젝트: Chthi/Ofighters
    def reset(self, x=None, y=None):
        # print("ship reset")
        # print(self.agent)

        self.time = 0
        self.speed = 0
        self.pointing = Point(self.body.x, self.body.y)
        self.body.x = x or self.body.x
        self.body.y = y or self.body.y
        self.state = "flying"
        self.can_shoot = 1

        self.obs_vector = np.array([])
        self.act_vector = np.array([])
예제 #9
파일: ship.py 프로젝트: Chthi/Ofighters
    def move(self, action):
        """The ship can think. The ship can act. The ship is a smart boi."""
        self.time += 1

        # If ship is destroyed ship can only contemplate sadness and despair
        if not action or not self.is_playable():
            return None

        self.actualise = False

        if self.leroy_time == 1:
        if self.leroy_time > 0:
            self.leroy_time -= 1

        # there is a chance that the ia enter in leroy mode
        # the ia goes mad for some time, acting randomly
        # added to allow the ships to explore the possible actions and not stay passive
        if not self.player and self.leroy_time == 0 and self.agent.behavior == "network" and random(
        ) < LEROY_RATE:

        # training reward depending on position
        # self.agent.reward = self.go_bottom_reward()

        if isinstance(action, ActionOneHot):
            if action.pointing:
                self.pointing = Point(randint(0, DEFAULT_WIDTH - 1),
                                      randint(0, DEFAULT_HEIGHT - 1))
        elif isinstance(action, Action):
            if action.pointing:
                self.pointing = action.pointing
                # print("action.pointing", action.pointing)
        # print("turn ", self.direction)

        if action.thrust:
        if action.shoot:
예제 #10
    def __init__(self,
        # print("piouu")
        self.id = Laser.id_max
        Laser.id_max += 1
        self.body = Circle(x, y, radius=2)
        self.speed = speed * LIGHT_SPEED

        # the laser trajectory is an affine function that goes toward the cell the ship is pointing
        self.fired = Point(x, y)
        self.pointing = pointing

        self.battleground = battleground
        self.color = color
        self.time = 0
        self.owner = owner
        self.state = "flying"
예제 #11
파일: ship.py 프로젝트: Chthi/Ofighters
    def shoot(self):
        edge = self.body.edge(self.pointing.x, self.pointing.y, 2)
        # there is no guarantee that such a edge exists
        if edge:
            laser = Laser(edge[0],

            # if we point inside the ship hitbox the fired point of the laser become the center of the ship
            # but the real spawn point stay the same
            if self.body.collide(Circle(self.pointing.x, self.pointing.y, 2)):
                laser.fired = Point(self.body.x, self.body.y)


            if self.any_enemy_aimed(self.pointing):
                self.agent.reward += REWARDS["aim"]

            if self.any_enemy_on_trajectory(self.pointing):
                self.agent.reward += REWARDS["trajectory"]
예제 #12
class Observation():
     Observations can be stored in a vector of form
     0   (binary) 1 if the ship can shot 0 otherwise
     1   (int) reward from the last frame
     2-3 (int>=0) cell on the map toward the ship is pointing
     4-5 (int>=0) maxX, maxY. Dimensions of the map
     6-7 (int>=0) position of the ship on the map
     w*h (binary 2d array) presence or absence of ship
     w*h (binary 2d array) presence or absence of laser

    observations = {
        "can_shoot": 1,
        "reward": 1,
        "pointing": 2,
        "dim": 2,
        "pos": 2,
        "ships_map": DEFAULT_WIDTH * DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
        "lasers_map": DEFAULT_WIDTH * DEFAULT_HEIGHT,

    size = sum(observations.values())
    print("size observations", size)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        reward (int) value of the last frame reward
        can_shoot (bool) True if we can shoot
        pointing (Point) point on the map we are pointing
        dim (Couple) pair of integers storing the size of the map
        pos (Point) pair of integers storing the position of the ship
        ships_map (2d array/list like) presence or absence of ship
        lasers_map (2d array/list like) presence or absence of laser
        # vector storing the observation
        self.vector = None

        # are ship and battleground analysed
        self.btlgA = False
        self.shipA = False

        # battleground related infos
        self.battleground = None
        self.dim = None
        self.ship_map = None
        self.laser_map = None

        # ship related infos
        self.reward = None
        self.can_shoot = None
        self.pointing = None
        self.pos = None
        self.done = None

        battleground = kwargs.get('battleground')
        ship = kwargs.get('ship')

        if battleground:
        if ship:

    def analyse_battleground(self, battleground):
        self.battleground = battleground
        self.dim = battleground.dim

        # TODO check if coords need to be reverses as it is a numpy array and y comes first
        # could pose problems if the map is a rectangle
        # or we can try to create them already transposed
        self.ship_map = np.zeros((self.dim.x, self.dim.y))
        for ship in battleground.ships:
            if ship.is_playable():
                self.ship_map = ship.body.binary_draw(self.ship_map)

        self.laser_map = np.zeros((self.dim.x, self.dim.y))
        for laser in battleground.lasers:
            self.laser_map = laser.body.binary_draw(self.laser_map)

        self.btlgA = True
        # .T to transpose to print it the right way
        # print("ship_map\n", self.ship_map.T)
        # print("laser_map\n", self.laser_map.T)

    def analyse_ship(self, ship):
        """Must be executed after analyse_battleground"""
        self.reward = ship.agent.reward
        self.can_shoot = 0 if ship.can_shoot == 0 else 1
        self.pointing = ship.pointing
        self.pos = Point(ship.body.x, ship.body.y)
        self.shipA = True
        # TODO add done to vector ?
        self.done = not ship.is_playable()

    # TODO add information isPlayer
    def toVector(self):
        if not self.btlgA:
            raise Exception("You must execute analyse_battleground first.")
        if not self.shipA:
            raise Exception("You must execute analyse_ship first.")

        vector = np.array(self.reward)
        vector = np.append(vector, self.can_shoot)
        vector = np.append(vector, self.pointing.toArray())
        vector = np.append(vector, self.dim.toArray())
        vector = np.append(vector, self.pos.toArray())
        vector = np.append(vector, self.ship_map)
        vector = np.append(vector, self.laser_map)
        # print(vector)
        # putting the vector vertically instead of horizontally
        vector = vector.reshape(vector.size, 1)
        # print("observations vector\n", vector)
        # print("vector size\n", vector.size)
        # print("expected size\n", Observation.size)
        self.vector = vector
        return vector

    def toNumpy(self):
        if not self.btlgA:
            raise Exception("You must execute analyse_battleground first.")
        if not self.shipA:
            raise Exception("You must execute analyse_ship first.")

    def fromVector(self, vector):
        raise Exception("Not implemented.")

    def toBattleground(self):
        raise Exception("Not implemented.")