class INVBUY(INVBUYSELL): """ Declarative mixin for OFX INVBUY aggregate """ markup = Column(OFXNumeric()) loanid = Column(String(length=32)) loanprincipal = Column(OFXNumeric()) loaninterest = Column(OFXNumeric()) dtpayroll = Column(OFXDateTime) prioryearcontrib = Column(OFXBoolean()) # Be careful about multiple inheritance. Subclasses of INV{BUY,SELL} # also inherit from INVTRAN, which also uses __table_args__ to define # define uniqueness constraint for the natural PKs (acctfrom_id, fitid). # This is OK because the polymorphic inheritance scheme for INVTRAN # subclasses only requires the uniqueness constraint on the base table # (i.e. INVTRAN) which holds these PKs, so INVTRAN subclasses are free # to clobber __table_args__ by inheriting it from INV{BUY,SELL}... # ...but be careful. __table_args__ = ( CheckConstraint( """ total = -1 * units * (unitprice + markup) - (commission + fees + load + taxes) """ ), )
class INVSELL(INVBUYSELL): """ Declarative mixin for OFX INVSELL aggregate """ markdown = Column(OFXNumeric()) withholding = Column(OFXNumeric()) taxexempt = Column(OFXBoolean()) gain = Column(OFXNumeric()) loanid = Column(String(length=32)) statewithholding = Column(OFXNumeric()) penalty = Column(OFXNumeric()) # Be careful about multiple inheritance. Subclasses of INV{BUY,SELL} # also inherit from INVTRAN, which also uses __table_args__ to define # define uniqueness constraint for the natural PKs (acctfrom_id, fitid). # This is OK because the polymorphic inheritance scheme for INVTRAN # subclasses only requires the uniqueness constraint on the base table # (i.e. INVTRAN) which holds these PKs, so INVTRAN subclasses are free # to clobber __table_args__ by inheriting it from INV{BUY,SELL}... # ...but be careful. __table_args__ = ( CheckConstraint( """ total = -1 * units * (unitprice - markdown) - (commission + fees + load + taxes + penalty + withholding + statewithholding) """ ), )
class CLOSUREOPT(SECID, INVTRAN): optaction = Column(Enum('EXERCISE', 'ASSIGN', 'EXPIRE', name='optaction')) units = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) shperctrct = Column(Integer, nullable=False) subacctsec = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctsec'), nullable=False) relfitid = Column(String(length=255)) gain = Column(OFXNumeric())
class INVBAL(Base): """ We deviate from the OFX spec by storing the STMT.dtasof in INVBAL.dtasof in order to uniquely link the balance with the statement without persisting an INVSTMT object. We make INVBAL.dtasof mandatory and use it as part of the primary key. """ # Added for SQLAlchemy object model acctfrom_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True) acctfrom = relationship( 'INVACCTFROM', backref=backref('invbals', cascade='all, delete-orphan', passive_deletes=True, ) ) # Extra attribute definitions not from OFX spec dtasof = Column(OFXDateTime, primary_key=True) # Elements from OFX spec availcash = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) marginbalance = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) shortbalance = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) buypower = Column(OFXNumeric())
class INCOME(SECID, ORIGCURRENCY, INVTRAN): incometype = Column(Enum(*INCOMETYPES, name='incometype'), nullable=False) total = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) subacctsec = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctsec'), nullable=False) subacctfund = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctfund'), nullable=False) taxexempt = Column(OFXBoolean()) withholding = Column(OFXNumeric()) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource'))
class SPLIT(SECID, INVTRAN): subacctsec = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctsec'), nullable=False) oldunits = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) newunits = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) numerator = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) denominator = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) fraccash = Column(OFXNumeric()) subacctfund = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctfund')) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource'))
class TRANSFER(SECID, INVTRAN): subacctsec = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctsec'), nullable=False) units = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) tferaction = Column(Enum('IN', 'OUT', name='tferaction'), nullable=False) postype = Column(Enum('SHORT', 'LONG', name='postype'), nullable=False) avgcostbasis = Column(OFXNumeric()) unitprice = Column(OFXNumeric()) dtpurchase = Column(OFXDateTime) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource'))
class OPTINFO(SECINFO): opttype = Column(Enum('CALL', 'PUT', name='opttype'), nullable=False) strikeprice = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) dtexpire = Column(OFXDateTime, nullable=False) shperctrct = Column(Integer, nullable=False) assetclass = Column(Enum(*ASSETCLASSES, name='assetclass')) fiassetclass = Column(String(length=32))
class REINVEST(SECID, ORIGCURRENCY, INVTRAN): incometype = Column(Enum(*INCOMETYPES, name='incometype'), nullable=False) total = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) subacctsec = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctsec')) units = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) unitprice = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) commission = Column(OFXNumeric()) taxes = Column(OFXNumeric()) fees = Column(OFXNumeric()) load = Column(OFXNumeric()) taxexempt = Column(OFXBoolean()) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource')) # Be careful about multiple inheritance. REINVEST also inherits from # INVTRAN, which also uses __table_args__ to define uniqueness constraint # for the natural PKs (acctfrom_id, fitid). This is OK because the # polymorphic inheritance scheme for INVTRAN subclasses only requires the # uniqueness constraint on the base table (i.e. INVTRAN) # which holds these PKs, so REINVEST is free to clobber __table_args__ ... # ...but be careful. __table_args__ = ( CheckConstraint( """ total = units * (unitprice) + (commission + fees + load + taxes) """ ), )
class STOCKINFO(SECINFO): typedesc = Column(String(length=32)) stocktype = Column(Enum('COMMON', 'PREFERRED', 'CONVERTIBLE', 'OTHER', name='stocktype') ) yld = Column(OFXNumeric()) # 'yield' is a reserved word in Python dtyieldasof = Column(OFXDateTime) typedesc = Column(String(length=32)) assetclass = Column(Enum(*ASSETCLASSES, name='assetclass')) fiassetclass = Column(String(length=32))
class DEBTINFO(SECINFO): parvalue = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) debttype = Column(Enum('COUPON', 'ZERO', name='debttype'), nullable=False) debtclass = Column(Enum('TREASURY', 'MUNICIPAL', 'CORPORATE', 'OTHER', name='debtclass') ) couponrt = Column(OFXNumeric()) dtcoupon = Column(OFXDateTime) couponfreq = Column(Enum('MONTHLY', 'QUARTERLY', 'SEMIANNUAL', 'ANNUAL', 'OTHER', name='couponfreq') ) callprice = Column(OFXNumeric()) yieldtocall = Column(OFXNumeric()) dtcall = Column(OFXDateTime) calltype = Column(Enum('CALL', 'PUT', 'PREFUND', 'MATURITY', name='calltype') ) ytmat = Column(OFXNumeric()) dtmat = Column(OFXDateTime) assetclass = Column(Enum(*ASSETCLASSES, name='assetclass')) fiassetclass = Column(String(length=32))
class INVBUYSELL(SECID, ORIGCURRENCY): """ Synthetic base class of INVBUY/INVSELL - not in OFX spec """ units = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) unitprice = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) commission = Column(OFXNumeric()) taxes = Column(OFXNumeric()) fees = Column(OFXNumeric()) load = Column(OFXNumeric()) total = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) subacctsec = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctsec')) subacctfund = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctfund')) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource'))
class BANKTRAN(ORIGCURRENCY): """ Synthetic mixin for common elements of STMTTRN/INVBANKTRAN - not in OFX spec """ # Added for SQLAlchemy object model @declared_attr def acctto_id(cls): return Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE')) @declared_attr def payee_name(cls): return Column( String(32), ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE')) # Elements from OFX spec fitid = Column(String(length=255), primary_key=True) srvrtid = Column(String(length=10)) trntype = Column(Enum('CREDIT', 'DEBIT', 'INT', 'DIV', 'FEE', 'SRVCHG', 'DEP', 'ATM', 'POS', 'XFER', 'CHECK', 'PAYMENT', 'CASH', 'DIRECTDEP', 'DIRECTDEBIT', 'REPEATPMT', 'OTHER', name='trntype'), nullable=False) dtposted = Column(OFXDateTime, nullable=False) dtuser = Column(OFXDateTime) dtavail = Column(OFXDateTime) trnamt = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) correctfitid = Column(OFXNumeric()) correctaction = Column(Enum('REPLACE', 'DELETE', name='correctaction')) checknum = Column(String(length=12)) refnum = Column(String(length=32)) sic = Column(Integer()) payeeid = Column(String(length=12)) name = Column(String(length=32)) memo = Column(String(length=255)) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource'))
class INVPOS(Inheritor('invpos'), SECID, CURRENCY, Base): # Added for SQLAlchemy object model acctfrom_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE')) acctfrom = relationship( 'INVACCTFROM', backref=backref('invposs', cascade='all, delete-orphan', passive_deletes=True, ) ) dtasof = Column(OFXDateTime) # Elements from OFX spec heldinacct = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='heldinacct'), nullable=False) postype = Column(Enum('SHORT', 'LONG', name='postype'), nullable=False) units = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) unitprice = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) mktval = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) dtpriceasof = Column(OFXDateTime, nullable=False) memo = Column(String(length=255)) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource')) pks = ['acctfrom_id', 'secinfo_id', 'dtasof']
class SECINFO(Inheritor('secinfo'), CURRENCY, Base): uniqueidtype = Column(String(length=10), nullable=False) uniqueid = Column(String(length=32), nullable=False) # FIs *cough* IBKR *cough* abuse SECNAME/TICKER with too much information # Relaxing the length constraints from the OFX spec does little harm #secname = Column(String(length=120), nullable=False) secname = Column(String(length=255), nullable=False) #ticker = Column(String(length=32)) ticker = Column(String(length=255)) fiid = Column(String(length=32)) rating = Column(String(length=10)) unitprice = Column(OFXNumeric()) dtasof = Column(OFXDateTime) memo = Column(String(length=255)) pks = ['uniqueid', 'uniqueidtype']
class FIPORTION(Base): # Added for SQLAlchemy object model mfinfo_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True) mfinfo = relationship( 'MFINFO', backref=backref('fimfassetclasses', cascade='all, delete-orphan', passive_deletes=True, ) ) # Elements from OFX spec fiassetclass = Column( Enum(*ASSETCLASSES, name='assetclass'), primary_key=True ) percent = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False)
class SELLMF(INVSELL, INVTRAN): selltype = Column(Enum(*SELLTYPES, name='selltype'), nullable=False) avgcostbasis = Column(OFXNumeric()) relfitid = Column(String(length=255))
class SELLDEBT(INVSELL, INVTRAN): sellreason = Column(Enum('CALL', 'SELL', 'MATURITY', name='sellreason'), nullable=False ) accrdint = Column(OFXNumeric())
class RETOFCAP(SECID, ORIGCURRENCY, INVTRAN): total = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) subacctsec = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctsec'), nullable=False) subacctfund = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctfund'), nullable=False) inv401ksource = Column(Enum(*INV401KSOURCES, name='inv401ksource'))
class BAL(Balance, CURRENCY, Base): name = Column(String(length=32), primary_key=True) desc = Column(String(length=80), nullable=False) baltype = Column(Enum('DOLLAR', 'PERCENT', 'NUMBER', name='baltype'), nullable=False) value = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False)
class MARGININTEREST(ORIGCURRENCY, INVTRAN): total = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False) subacctfund = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctfund'), nullable=False)
class JRNLSEC(SECID, INVTRAN): subacctto = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctto'), nullable=False) subacctfrom = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctfrom'), nullable=False) units = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False)
class JRNLFUND(INVTRAN): subacctto = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctto'), nullable=False) subacctfrom = Column(Enum(*INVSUBACCTS, name='subacctfrom'), nullable=False) total = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False)
class MFINFO(SECINFO): mftype = Column(Enum('OPENEND', 'CLOSEEND', 'OTHER', name='mftype')) yld = Column(OFXNumeric()) dtyieldasof = Column(OFXDateTime)
class BUYDEBT(INVBUY, INVTRAN): accrdint = Column(OFXNumeric())
class OTHERINFO(SECINFO): typedesc = Column(String(length=32)) assetclass = Column(Enum(*ASSETCLASSES, name='assetclass')) fiassetclass = Column(String(length=32)) percent = Column(OFXNumeric())
class LEDGERBAL(Balance, Base): balamt = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False)
class AVAILBAL(Balance, Base): balamt = Column(OFXNumeric(), nullable=False)
class POSSTOCK(INVPOS): unitsstreet = Column(OFXNumeric()) unitsuser = Column(OFXNumeric()) reinvdiv = Column(OFXBoolean())
class CURRENCY(object): """ Declarative mixin representing OFX <CURRENCY> aggregate """ cursym = Column(Enum(*CURRENCY_CODES, name='cursym')) currate = Column(OFXNumeric())