def showSettings(self): """ Create the settings widgets. """ self.settingsLayout = VerticalLayout() self.vLayout.addWidget(self.settingsLayout, 'settingsLayout') self.addSettingsButton('pack', self.settingsLayout, 'name for the main world files') self.addSettingsButton('path', self.settingsLayout, 'path to export to') self.addSettingsButton('server_url', self.settingsLayout, 'server login url') self.addSettingsButton('username', self.settingsLayout, 'server login username') self.addSettingsButton('password', self.settingsLayout, 'server login password') posControls = HorizontalLayout() uuidControls = HorizontalLayout() self.settingsLayout.addWidget(posControls, 'posControls') self.settingsLayout.addWidget(uuidControls, 'uuidControls') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetX:', self.exportSettings.locX, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the x axis.'), 'locX') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetY:', self.exportSettings.locY, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the y axis.'), 'locY') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetZ:', self.exportSettings.locZ, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the z axis.'), 'locZ') for objtype in ['Objects', 'Meshes', 'Materials', 'Textures']: keyName = 'regen' + objtype settingToggle = CheckBox(self.ToggleSettingAction(self, objtype), getattr(self.exportSettings, keyName), 'Regen ' + objtype, [100, 20], tooltip='Regenerate uuids for ' + objtype) uuidControls.addWidget(settingToggle, keyName)
def showSettings(self): """ Create the settings widgets. """ self.settingsLayout = VerticalLayout() self.vLayout.addWidget(self.settingsLayout, "settingsLayout") self.addSettingsButton("pack", self.settingsLayout, "name for the main world files") self.addSettingsButton("path", self.settingsLayout, "path to export to") self.addSettingsButton("server_url", self.settingsLayout, "server login url") self.addSettingsButton("username", self.settingsLayout, "server login username") self.addSettingsButton("password", self.settingsLayout, "server login password") posControls = HorizontalLayout() uuidControls = HorizontalLayout() self.settingsLayout.addWidget(posControls, "posControls") self.settingsLayout.addWidget(uuidControls, "uuidControls") posControls.addWidget( NumberView( "OffsetX:", self.exportSettings.locX, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip="Additional offset on the x axis.", ), "locX", ) posControls.addWidget( NumberView( "OffsetY:", self.exportSettings.locY, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip="Additional offset on the y axis.", ), "locY", ) posControls.addWidget( NumberView( "OffsetZ:", self.exportSettings.locZ, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip="Additional offset on the z axis.", ), "locZ", ) for objtype in ["Objects", "Meshes", "Materials", "Textures"]: keyName = "regen" + objtype settingToggle = CheckBox( RealxtendExporterApplication.ToggleSettingAction(self, objtype), getattr(self.exportSettings, keyName), "Regen " + objtype, [100, 20], tooltip="Regenerate uuids for " + objtype, ) uuidControls.addWidget(settingToggle, keyName)
def initGui(self, title): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.addCallbackButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') #self.addButton('Export', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, title), "layout") settingsButton = CheckBox(self.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, 'Settings', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Settings') self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, 'SettingsButton')
def initGui(self): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.shaderLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() #self.addButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') self.addButton('Refresh', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, 'b2rex material browser'), "layout") self.screen.addWidget(self.shaderLayout, "shaderLayout")
def createMaterialButtons(self, layout, materialExporter): self.matButtonLayout = HorizontalLayout() if materialExporter.material: autodetect = self.getAutodetect() AutodetectButton = CheckBox( RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleAutodetectAction(self), autodetect, 'Autodetect', [100, 20], tooltip='Autodetect shader') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(AutodetectButton, 'autodetect_button') if not autodetect: self.shaderButton = self.addStringButton( materialExporter.getShader(), 'Shader', self.matButtonLayout, 'Shader to use for this material') shaderButton = CheckBox( RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleShaderVisibleAction(self), self.shader_visible, 'Show Shader', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Shader text') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(shaderButton, 'ShaderButton') layout.addWidget(self.matButtonLayout, 'matButtonLayout')
def initGui(self): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() #self.addButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') self.addButton('Export', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') settingsButton = CheckBox(RealxtendCharacterApplication.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, 'Settings', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Settings') self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, 'SettingsButton') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, 'realXtend character exporter'), "layout")
def createMaterialButtons(self, layout, materialExporter): self.matButtonLayout = HorizontalLayout() if materialExporter.material: autodetect = self.getAutodetect() AutodetectButton = CheckBox(RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleAutodetectAction(self), autodetect, 'Autodetect', [100, 20], tooltip='Autodetect shader') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(AutodetectButton, 'autodetect_button') if not autodetect: self.shaderButton = self.addStringButton(materialExporter.getShader() ,'Shader', self.matButtonLayout, 'Shader to use for this material') shaderButton = CheckBox(RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleShaderVisibleAction(self), self.shader_visible, 'Show Shader', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Shader text') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(shaderButton, 'ShaderButton') layout.addWidget(self.matButtonLayout, 'matButtonLayout')
def setRegion(self, region_uuid): """ Set the selected region. """ if not self.region_uuid: # setting for the first time hLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(hLayout, "regionButtons") self.addButton("ExportUpload", hLayout, 'Export scene and upload to opensim region') self.addCallbackButton("Upload", hLayout, 'Upload previously exported scene') self.addCallbackButton("Clear", hLayout, 'Clear the selected region in the opensim server') self.addCallbackButton("Check", hLayout, 'Check blend file against region contents') self.addCallbackButton("Sync", hLayout, 'Sync blend file objects from region') self.addCallbackButton("Import", hLayout, 'Import all objects from current region') self.region_uuid = region_uuid self.addStatus("Region set to " + region_uuid) self.regionInfoLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(self.regionInfoLayout, "regionInfoLayout") self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label(" \n"), "regionInfoSpace") self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label("\n"+region_uuid), "regionInfo")
def initGui(self, title=None): """ Initialize the interface system. """ if not title: title = "realXtend exporter" self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.addCallbackButton( "Connect", self.buttonLayout, "Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly." ) self.addCallbackButton("Export", self.buttonLayout, "Export to disk") self.addButton("Quit", self.buttonLayout, "Quit the exporter") settingsButton = CheckBox( RealxtendExporterApplication.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, "Settings", [100, 20], tooltip="Show Settings", ) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, "SettingsButton") self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, "buttonPanel") self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, "realXtend exporter"), "layout")
class BaseApplication(object): def __init__(self, title="RealXtend"): self.screen = Screen() self.gridinfo = GridInfo() self.buttons = {} self.settings_visible = False self.exportSettings = ExportSettings() self.initGui(title) self.addStatus("b2rex started") def connect(self, base_url, username="", password=""): """ Connect to an opensim instance """ self.gridinfo.connect(base_url, username, password) #self.sim.connect(base_url) def initGui(self, title): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.addCallbackButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') #self.addButton('Export', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, title), "layout") settingsButton = CheckBox(self.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, 'Settings', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Settings') self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, 'SettingsButton') def addSettingsButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Create a settings string button. """ val = getattr(self.exportSettings, button_name) self.buttons[button_name] = StringButton(val, self.ChangeSettingAction(self, button_name), button_name+": ", [200, 20], tooltip) layout.addWidget(self.buttons[button_name], 'buttonPanelButton' + button_name) def showSettings(self): """ Create the settings widgets. """ self.settingsLayout = VerticalLayout() self.vLayout.addWidget(self.settingsLayout, 'settingsLayout') self.addSettingsButton('pack', self.settingsLayout, 'name for the main world files') self.addSettingsButton('path', self.settingsLayout, 'path to export to') self.addSettingsButton('server_url', self.settingsLayout, 'server login url') self.addSettingsButton('username', self.settingsLayout, 'server login username') self.addSettingsButton('password', self.settingsLayout, 'server login password') posControls = HorizontalLayout() uuidControls = HorizontalLayout() self.settingsLayout.addWidget(posControls, 'posControls') self.settingsLayout.addWidget(uuidControls, 'uuidControls') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetX:', self.exportSettings.locX, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the x axis.'), 'locX') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetY:', self.exportSettings.locY, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the y axis.'), 'locY') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetZ:', self.exportSettings.locZ, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the z axis.'), 'locZ') for objtype in ['Objects', 'Meshes', 'Materials', 'Textures']: keyName = 'regen' + objtype settingToggle = CheckBox(self.ToggleSettingAction(self, objtype), getattr(self.exportSettings, keyName), 'Regen ' + objtype, [100, 20], tooltip='Regenerate uuids for ' + objtype) uuidControls.addWidget(settingToggle, keyName) def addRegionsPanel(self, regions, griddata): """ Show available regions """ vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout = vLayout title = griddata['gridname'] + ' (' + griddata['mode'] + ')' vLayout.addWidget(Label(title), 'scene_key_title') self.screen.addWidget(Box(vLayout, griddata['gridnick']), "layout2") pack = SelectablePack() for key, region in regions.iteritems(): selectable = SelectableRegion(0, region["id"], self, pack) label_text = region["name"] + " (" + str(region["x"]) + "," + str(region["y"]) + ")" vLayout.addWidget(SelectableLabel(selectable, region['name']),'region_'+key) return griddata def onConnectAction(self): """ Connect Action """ base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url self.addStatus("Connecting to " + base_url, IMMEDIATE) self.connect(base_url, self.exportSettings.username, self.exportSettings.password) self.region_uuid = '' self.regionLayout = None try: regions = self.gridinfo.getRegions() griddata = self.gridinfo.getGridInfo() except: self.addStatus("Error: couldnt connect to " + base_url, ERROR) traceback.print_exc() return self.addRegionsPanel(regions, griddata) # create the regions panel self.addStatus("Connected to " + griddata['gridnick']) def toggleSettings(self): """ Toggle the settings widget. """ if self.settings_visible: self.vLayout.removeWidget('settingsLayout') self.settings_visible = False else: self.showSettings() self.settings_visible = True def addCallbackButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to a function in the class, called like "on" + button_name + "Action" """ cb = getattr(self, 'on' + button_name.replace(" ", "") + 'Action') return layout.addWidget(Button(self.CallbackAction(cb), button_name, [100, 20], tooltip), button_name + 'Button') def addButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to an action on this clss. """ action = getattr(self, button_name + 'Action') return layout.addWidget(Button(action(self), button_name, [100, 20], tooltip), button_name + 'Button') def addStatus(self, text, level = OK): """ Add status information. """ self.screen.addWidget(Box(Label(text), 'status'), 'b2rex initialized') if level in [ERROR, IMMEDIATE]: # Force a redraw Blender.Draw.Draw() else: Blender.Draw.Redraw(1) def go(self): """ Start the ogre interface system """ self.screen.activate() class ToggleSettingAction(Action): """ Toggle a boolean setting. """ def __init__(self, app, objtype): = app self.objtype = objtype def execute(self): keyName = 'regen' + self.objtype setattr(, keyName, not getattr(, keyName)) class ChangeSettingAction(Action): """ Change a setting from the application. """ def __init__(self, app, name): = app = name def execute(self): setattr(,,[].string.val) class ToggleSettingsAction(Action): """ Toggle the settings panel. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): class CallbackAction(Action): """ Connect to the opensim server. """ def __init__(self, cb): self.cb = cb def execute(self): try: self.cb() except: traceback.print_exc()"Error: couldnt rum. Check your settings to see they are ok", ERROR) return False class QuitAction(Action): """ Quit the application. """ def __init__(self, app): self.settings = app.exportSettings def execute(self): import Blender Blender.Draw.Exit()
class RealxtendExporterApplication(Exporter, Importer, BaseApplication): def __init__(self): self.region_uuid = "" self.regionLayout = None Exporter.__init__(self) Importer.__init__(self, self.gridinfo) BaseApplication.__init__(self) self.addStatus("b2rex started") def initGui(self, title=None): """ Initialize the interface system. """ if not title: title = "realXtend exporter" self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.addCallbackButton( "Connect", self.buttonLayout, "Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly." ) self.addCallbackButton("Export", self.buttonLayout, "Export to disk") self.addButton("Quit", self.buttonLayout, "Quit the exporter") settingsButton = CheckBox( RealxtendExporterApplication.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, "Settings", [100, 20], tooltip="Show Settings", ) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, "SettingsButton") self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, "buttonPanel") self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, "realXtend exporter"), "layout") def showSettings(self): """ Create the settings widgets. """ self.settingsLayout = VerticalLayout() self.vLayout.addWidget(self.settingsLayout, "settingsLayout") self.addSettingsButton("pack", self.settingsLayout, "name for the main world files") self.addSettingsButton("path", self.settingsLayout, "path to export to") self.addSettingsButton("server_url", self.settingsLayout, "server login url") self.addSettingsButton("username", self.settingsLayout, "server login username") self.addSettingsButton("password", self.settingsLayout, "server login password") posControls = HorizontalLayout() uuidControls = HorizontalLayout() self.settingsLayout.addWidget(posControls, "posControls") self.settingsLayout.addWidget(uuidControls, "uuidControls") posControls.addWidget( NumberView( "OffsetX:", self.exportSettings.locX, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip="Additional offset on the x axis.", ), "locX", ) posControls.addWidget( NumberView( "OffsetY:", self.exportSettings.locY, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip="Additional offset on the y axis.", ), "locY", ) posControls.addWidget( NumberView( "OffsetZ:", self.exportSettings.locZ, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip="Additional offset on the z axis.", ), "locZ", ) for objtype in ["Objects", "Meshes", "Materials", "Textures"]: keyName = "regen" + objtype settingToggle = CheckBox( RealxtendExporterApplication.ToggleSettingAction(self, objtype), getattr(self.exportSettings, keyName), "Regen " + objtype, [100, 20], tooltip="Regenerate uuids for " + objtype, ) uuidControls.addWidget(settingToggle, keyName) def setRegion(self, region_uuid): """ Set the selected region. """ if not self.region_uuid: # setting for the first time hLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(hLayout, "regionButtons") self.addButton("ExportUpload", hLayout, "Export scene and upload to opensim region") self.addCallbackButton("Upload", hLayout, "Upload previously exported scene") self.addCallbackButton("Clear", hLayout, "Clear the selected region in the opensim server") self.addCallbackButton("Check", hLayout, "Check blend file against region contents") self.addCallbackButton("Sync", hLayout, "Sync blend file objects from region") self.addCallbackButton("Import", hLayout, "Import all objects from current region") self.region_uuid = region_uuid self.addStatus("Region set to " + region_uuid) self.regionInfoLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(self.regionInfoLayout, "regionInfoLayout") self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label(" \n"), "regionInfoSpace") self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label("\n" + region_uuid), "regionInfo") def packTo(self, from_path, to_zip): """ Pack a directory to a file. """ import zipfile zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(to_zip, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(from_path): for name in filenames: file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, name) zfile.write(file_path, file_path[len(from_path + "/") :]) zfile.close() def onCheckAction(self): """ Check region contents against server. """ text = self.check_region(self.region_uuid) self.regionInfoLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(self.regionInfoLayout, "regionInfoLayout") for idx, line in enumerate(text): self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label(line), "regionInfoSpace" + str(idx)) Blender.Draw.Draw() def onSyncAction(self): """ Sync selected region contents against server. """ text = self.sync_region(self.region_uuid) Blender.Draw.Draw() def onImportAction(self): """ Import region from OpenSim. """ text = self.import_region(self.region_uuid) self.addStatus("Scene imported " + self.region_uuid) Blender.Draw.Draw() def onClearAction(self): """ Clear Action """ base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url pack_name = self.exportSettings.pack if not self.region_uuid: self.addStatus("No region selected ") return self.sim.sceneClear(self.region_uuid, pack_name) self.addStatus("Scene cleared " + self.region_uuid) def onUploadAction(self): """ Upload Action """ base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url pack_name = self.exportSettings.pack if not self.region_uuid: self.addStatus("Error: No region selected ", ERROR) return self.addStatus("Uploading to " + base_url, IMMEDIATE) export_dir = self.getExportDir() res = self.sim.sceneUpload(self.region_uuid, pack_name, os.path.join(export_dir, "")) if res.has_key("success") and res["success"] == True: self.addStatus("Uploaded to " + base_url) else: self.addStatus("Error: Something went wrong uploading", ERROR) def onExportAction(self): """ Export Action """ tempfile.gettempdir() base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url pack_name = self.exportSettings.pack export_dir = self.getExportDir() self.addStatus("Exporting to " + export_dir, IMMEDIATE) destfolder = os.path.join(export_dir, "b2rx_export") if not os.path.exists(destfolder): os.makedirs(destfolder) else: shutil.rmtree(destfolder) os.makedirs(destfolder) x = self.exportSettings.locX.getValue() y = self.exportSettings.locY.getValue() z = self.exportSettings.locZ.getValue() self.export(destfolder, pack_name, [x, y, z], self.exportSettings) dest_file = os.path.join(export_dir, "") self.packTo(destfolder, dest_file) self.addStatus("Exported to " + dest_file) def getExportDir(self): """ Get export directory. """ export_dir = self.exportSettings.path if not export_dir: export_dir = tempfile.tempdir return export_dir class ExportUploadAction(Action): """ Export and upload selected objects. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): if not == False: Blender.Draw.Draw()
class Base24Application(Screen, BaseApplication): def __init__(self, title="RealXtend"): Screen.__init__(self) self.exportSettings = ExportSettings() BaseApplication.__init__(self, title) self.initGui(title) self.addStatus("b2rex started") def initGui(self, title): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.addCallbackButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') #self.addButton('Export', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, title), "layout") settingsButton = CheckBox(self.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, 'Settings', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Settings') self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, 'SettingsButton') def addSettingsButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Create a settings string button. """ val = getattr(self.exportSettings, button_name) self.buttons[button_name] = StringButton(val, self.ChangeSettingAction(self, button_name), button_name+": ", [200, 20], tooltip) layout.addWidget(self.buttons[button_name], 'buttonPanelButton' + button_name) def showSettings(self): """ Create the settings widgets. """ self.settingsLayout = VerticalLayout() self.vLayout.addWidget(self.settingsLayout, 'settingsLayout') self.addSettingsButton('pack', self.settingsLayout, 'name for the main world files') self.addSettingsButton('path', self.settingsLayout, 'path to export to') self.addSettingsButton('server_url', self.settingsLayout, 'server login url') self.addSettingsButton('username', self.settingsLayout, 'server login username') self.addSettingsButton('password', self.settingsLayout, 'server login password') posControls = HorizontalLayout() uuidControls = HorizontalLayout() self.settingsLayout.addWidget(posControls, 'posControls') self.settingsLayout.addWidget(uuidControls, 'uuidControls') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetX:', self.exportSettings.locX, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the x axis.'), 'locX') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetY:', self.exportSettings.locY, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the y axis.'), 'locY') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetZ:', self.exportSettings.locZ, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the z axis.'), 'locZ') for objtype in ['Objects', 'Meshes', 'Materials', 'Textures']: keyName = 'regen' + objtype settingToggle = CheckBox(self.ToggleSettingAction(self, objtype), getattr(self.exportSettings, keyName), 'Regen ' + objtype, [100, 20], tooltip='Regenerate uuids for ' + objtype) uuidControls.addWidget(settingToggle, keyName) def _draw(self): Screen._draw(self) if self.rt_on: self.processUpdates() Blender.Window.QAdd(Blender.Window.GetAreaID(),Blender.Draw.REDRAW,0,1) def addRegionsPanel(self, regions, griddata): """ Show available regions """ vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout = vLayout title = griddata['gridname'] + ' (' + griddata['mode'] + ')' vLayout.addWidget(Label(title), 'scene_key_title') self.screen.addWidget(Box(vLayout, griddata['gridnick']), "layout2") pack = SelectablePack() for key, region in regions.iteritems(): selectable = SelectableRegion(0, region["id"], self, pack) label_text = region["name"] + " (" + str(region["x"]) + "," + str(region["y"]) + ")" vLayout.addWidget(SelectableLabel(selectable, region['name']),'region_'+key) return griddata def addRtCheckBox(self): rtButton = CheckBox(self.CallbackAction(self.onToggleRt), self.rt_on, 'RT', [20, 20], tooltip='Toggle real time connection') self.buttonLayout.addWidget(rtButton, 'RtButton') def queueRedraw(self, pars=None, immediate=False): if pars: Blender.Window.Redraw(Blender.Window.Types[pars]) elif immediate: Blender.Window.QRedrawAll() else: info = Blender.Window.GetScreenInfo() for win in info: Blender.Window.QAdd(win['id'], Blender.Draw.REDRAW,0,1) def addCallbackButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to a function in the class, called like "on" + button_name + "Action" """ cb = getattr(self, 'on' + button_name.replace(" ", "") + 'Action') return layout.addWidget(Button(self.CallbackAction(cb), button_name, [100, 20], tooltip), button_name + 'Button') def addButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to an action on this clss. """ action = getattr(self, button_name + 'Action') return layout.addWidget(Button(action(self), button_name, [100, 20], tooltip), button_name + 'Button') def addStatus(self, text, level = OK): """ Add status information. """ self.screen.addWidget(Box(Label(text), 'status'), 'b2rex initialized') if level in [ERROR, IMMEDIATE]: # Force a redraw Blender.Draw.Draw() else: Blender.Draw.Redraw(1) class ToggleSettingAction(Action): """ Toggle a boolean setting. """ def __init__(self, app, objtype): = app self.objtype = objtype def execute(self): keyName = 'regen' + self.objtype setattr(, keyName, not getattr(, keyName)) class ChangeSettingAction(Action): """ Change a setting from the application. """ def __init__(self, app, name): = app = name def execute(self): setattr(,,[].string.val) class ToggleSettingsAction(Action): """ Toggle the settings panel. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): class CallbackAction(Action): """ Connect to the opensim server. """ def __init__(self, cb): self.cb = cb def execute(self): try: self.cb() except: traceback.print_exc() logger.error("Error: couldnt rum. Check your settings to see they are ok") return False class QuitAction(Action): """ Quit the application. """ def __init__(self, app): self.settings = app.exportSettings def execute(self): import Blender Blender.Draw.Exit() def toggleSettings(self): """ Toggle the settings widget. """ if self.settings_visible: self.vLayout.removeWidget('settingsLayout') self.settings_visible = False else: self.showSettings() self.settings_visible = True def _processPosCommand(self, obj, objId, pos): self.apply_position(obj, pos) self.positions[str(objId)] = list(obj.getLocation()) self.queueRedraw() def _processScaleCommand(self, obj, objId, scale): prev_scale = list(obj.getSize()) if not prev_scale == scale: obj.setSize(*scale) self.scales[str(objId)] = list(obj.getSize()) self.queueRedraw() def _processRotCommand(self, obj, objId, rot): self.apply_rotation(obj, rot) self.rotations[str(objId)] = list(obj.getEuler()) self.queueRedraw() def getObjectProperties(self, obj): pos = list(obj.getLocation()) rot = list(obj.getEuler()) scale = list(obj.getSize()) return pos, rot, scale
class RealxtendMaterialBrowser(object): def __init__(self): # Exporter.__init__(self) self.buttons = {} self.screen = Screen() self.exportSettings = ExportSettings() self.shader_visible = False self.region_uuid = '' self.regionLayout = None self.initGui() self.addStatus("b2rex started") def createMaterialButtons(self, layout, materialExporter): self.matButtonLayout = HorizontalLayout() if materialExporter.material: autodetect = self.getAutodetect() AutodetectButton = CheckBox( RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleAutodetectAction(self), autodetect, 'Autodetect', [100, 20], tooltip='Autodetect shader') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(AutodetectButton, 'autodetect_button') if not autodetect: self.shaderButton = self.addStringButton( materialExporter.getShader(), 'Shader', self.matButtonLayout, 'Shader to use for this material') shaderButton = CheckBox( RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleShaderVisibleAction(self), self.shader_visible, 'Show Shader', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Shader text') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(shaderButton, 'ShaderButton') layout.addWidget(self.matButtonLayout, 'matButtonLayout') def parseSelected(self): all_selected = Blender.Object.GetSelected() if all_selected: shaderLayoutBox = VerticalLayout() self.shaderLayoutBox = shaderLayoutBox colouredAmbient = False mesh = all_selected[0].getData(0, True) face = mesh.faces[0] materialExporter = RexMaterialExporter(self, mesh, face, colouredAmbient) self.createMaterialButtons(shaderLayoutBox, materialExporter) self.shaderLayout.addWidget( Box(shaderLayoutBox, materialExporter._createName()), 'shaderBox') lineWidget = Label("") shaderLayoutBox.addWidget(lineWidget, 'lineShader3') lineWidget = Label("Shader: " + materialExporter.shader) shaderLayoutBox.addWidget(lineWidget, 'lineShader') if self.shader_visible: self.showShader() Blender.Draw.Draw() def registerTextureImage(self, bimage): # to fake the texture manager return os.path.basename(bimage.filename) def initGui(self): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.shaderLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() #self.addButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') self.addButton('Refresh', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, 'b2rex material browser'), "layout") self.screen.addWidget(self.shaderLayout, "shaderLayout") def showShader(self): """ Show the shader text """ materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() shaderText = VerticalLayout() lineWidget = Label("") shaderText.addWidget(lineWidget, 'lineShader2') f = StringIO() materialExporter.writeTechniques(f) rexMaterial = f.getvalue() for idx, line in enumerate(rexMaterial.split('\n')): color = [0, 0, 0] if "program_ref" in line: color = [0.2, 0.2, 0.8] if "texture_unit" in line: color = [0.2, 0.5, 0.2] lineWidget = Label(line, 'small', color) shaderText.addWidget(lineWidget, 'line' + str(idx)) self.shaderLayoutBox.addWidget(shaderText, 'shaderText') def setShader(self, value): materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() materialExporter.setShader(value) self.parseSelected() def toggleAutodetect(self): materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() materialExporter.toggleAutodetect() # XXX update interface self.parseSelected() #self.createMaterialButtons(self.shaderLayoutBox, materialExporter) def getAutodetect(self): materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() return materialExporter.getAutodetect() def getMaterialExporter(self, obj=None): if not obj: obj = self.getSelected() if not obj: return mesh = obj.getData(0, True) face = mesh.faces[0] colouredAmbient = False materialExporter = RexMaterialExporter(self, mesh, face, colouredAmbient) return materialExporter def getSelected(self): objs = Blender.Object.GetSelected() if not objs: return obj = objs[0] return obj def toggleShaderVisible(self): """ Toggle the settings widget. """ if self.shader_visible: self.shaderLayoutBox.removeWidget('shaderText') self.shader_visible = False else: self.showShader() self.shader_visible = True def addStatus(self, text, level=OK): """ Add status information. """ self.screen.addWidget(Box(Label(text), 'status'), 'b2rex initialized') if level in [ERROR, IMMEDIATE]: # Force a redraw Blender.Draw.Draw() else: Blender.Draw.Redraw(1) def addStringButton(self, value, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to an action on this clss. """ action = getattr(RealxtendMaterialBrowser, button_name + 'Action') button = StringButton(value, action(self), button_name + ": ", [100, 20], tooltip) layout.addWidget(button, button_name + 'Button') return button def addButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to an action on this clss. """ action = getattr(RealxtendMaterialBrowser, button_name + 'Action') return layout.addWidget( Button(action(self), button_name, [100, 20], tooltip), button_name + 'Button') def go(self): """ Start the ogre interface system """ self.screen.activate() class RefreshAction(Action): """ Refresh the material view """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): import Blender # class ToggleAutodetectAction(Action): """ Refresh the material view """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): import Blender # class QuitAction(Action): """ Quit the application. """ def __init__(self, app): self.settings = app.exportSettings def execute(self): import Blender Blender.Draw.Exit() class ConnectAction(Action): """ Connect to the opensim server. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): try: except: traceback.print_exc() "Error: couldnt connect. Check your settings to see they are ok", ERROR) return False class ToggleShaderVisibleAction(Action): """ Toggle the shader text """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): class ShaderAction(Action): """ Change the shader on the material """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): button =
class RealxtendCharacterApplication(CharacterExporter): def __init__(self): CharacterExporter.__init__(self) self.buttons = {} self.screen = Screen() self.exportSettings = CharacterSettings() self.settings_visible = False self.region_uuid = '' self.regionLayout = None self.initGui() self.addStatus("b2rex started") def initGui(self): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() #self.addButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') self.addButton('Export', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') settingsButton = CheckBox(RealxtendCharacterApplication.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, 'Settings', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Settings') self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, 'SettingsButton') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, 'realXtend character exporter'), "layout") def showSettings(self): """ Create the settings widgets. """ self.settingsLayout = VerticalLayout() self.vLayout.addWidget(self.settingsLayout, 'settingsLayout') #self.addSettingsButton('pack', self.settingsLayout, 'name for the main world files') self.addSettingsButton('path', self.settingsLayout, 'path to export to') #self.addSettingsButton('server_url', self.settingsLayout, 'server login url') properties = self.exportSettings.getProperties() for prop in properties.keys(): self.addSettingsButton(prop, self.settingsLayout, properties[prop]) #posControls = HorizontalLayout() #uuidControls = HorizontalLayout() #self.settingsLayout.addWidget(posControls, 'posControls') #self.settingsLayout.addWidget(uuidControls, 'uuidControls') #posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetX:', self.exportSettings.locX, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], # tooltip='Additional offset on the x axis.'), 'locX') #posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetY:', self.exportSettings.locY, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], # tooltip='Additional offset on the y axis.'), 'locY') #posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetZ:', self.exportSettings.locZ, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], # tooltip='Additional offset on the z axis.'), 'locZ') #for objtype in ['Objects', 'Meshes', 'Materials', 'Textures']: # keyName = 'regen' + objtype #settingToggle = CheckBox(RealxtendCharacterApplication.ToggleSettingAction(self, objtype), # getattr(self.exportSettings, keyName), # 'Regen ' + objtype, # [100, 20], # tooltip='Regenerate uuids for ' + objtype) #uuidControls.addWidget(settingToggle, keyName) def toggleSettings(self): """ Toggle the settings widget. """ if self.settings_visible: self.vLayout.removeWidget('settingsLayout') self.settings_visible = False else: self.showSettings() self.settings_visible = True def setRegion(self, region_uuid): """ Set the selected region. """ if not self.region_uuid: # setting for the first time hLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(hLayout, "regionButtons") self.addButton("ExportUpload", hLayout, 'Export scene and upload to opensim region') self.addButton("Upload", hLayout, 'Upload previously exported scene') self.addButton("Clear", hLayout, 'Clear the selected region in the opensim server') self.region_uuid = region_uuid self.addStatus("Region set to " + region_uuid) def addStatus(self, text, level = OK): """ Add status information. """ self.screen.addWidget(Box(Label(text), 'status'), 'b2rex initialized') if level in [ERROR, IMMEDIATE]: # Force a redraw Blender.Draw.Draw() else: Blender.Draw.Redraw(1) def addSettingsButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Create a settings string button. """ val = getattr(self.exportSettings, button_name) self.buttons[button_name] = StringButton(val, RealxtendCharacterApplication.ChangeSettingAction(self, button_name), button_name+": ", [200, 20], tooltip) layout.addWidget(self.buttons[button_name], 'buttonPanelButton' + button_name) def addButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to an action on this clss. """ action = getattr(RealxtendCharacterApplication, button_name + 'Action') return layout.addWidget(Button(action(self), button_name, [100, 20], tooltip), button_name + 'Button') def go(self): """ Start the ogre interface system """ self.screen.activate() def packTo(self, from_path, to_zip): """ Pack a directory to a file. """ import zipfile zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(to_zip, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(from_path): for name in filenames: file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, name) zfile.write(file_path, file_path[len(from_path+"/"):]) zfile.close() def addRegionsPanel(self, regions, griddata): """ Show available regions """ vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout = vLayout title = griddata['gridname'] + ' (' + griddata['mode'] + ')' vLayout.addWidget(Label(title), 'scene_key_title') self.screen.addWidget(Box(vLayout, griddata['gridnick']), "layout2") pack = SelectablePack() for key, region in regions.iteritems(): selectable = SelectableRegion(0, region["id"], self, pack) label_text = region["name"] + " (" + str(region["x"]) + "," + str(region["y"]) + ")" vLayout.addWidget(SelectableLabel(selectable, region['name']),'region_'+key) return griddata def clearAction(self): """ Clear Action """ base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url pack_name = self.exportSettings.pack if not self.region_uuid: self.addStatus("No region selected ") return self.sim.sceneClear(self.region_uuid, pack_name) self.addStatus("Scene cleared " + self.region_uuid) def uploadAction(self): """ Upload Action """ base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url pack_name = self.exportSettings.pack if not self.region_uuid: self.addStatus("Error: No region selected ", ERROR) return self.addStatus("Uploading to " + base_url, IMMEDIATE) export_dir = self.getExportDir() res = self.sim.sceneUpload(self.region_uuid, pack_name, os.path.join(export_dir, "")) if res.has_key('success') and res['success'] == True: self.addStatus("Uploaded to " + base_url) else: self.addStatus("Error: Something went wrong uploading", ERROR) def connectAction(self): """ Connect Action """ base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url self.addStatus("Connecting to " + base_url, IMMEDIATE) self.connect(base_url) self.region_uuid = '' self.regionLayout = None try: regions = self.gridinfo.getRegions() griddata = self.gridinfo.getGridInfo() except: self.addStatus("Error: couldnt connect to " + base_url, ERROR) return self.addRegionsPanel(regions, griddata) # create the regions panel self.addStatus("Connected to " + griddata['gridnick']) def exportAction(self): """ Export Action """ tempfile.gettempdir() base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url pack_name = self.exportSettings.pack export_dir = self.getExportDir() self.addStatus("Exporting to " + export_dir, IMMEDIATE) destfolder = os.path.join(export_dir, 'b2rx_export') if not os.path.exists(destfolder): os.makedirs(destfolder) else: shutil.rmtree(destfolder) os.makedirs(destfolder) x = self.exportSettings.locX.getValue() y = self.exportSettings.locY.getValue() z = self.exportSettings.locZ.getValue() self.export(destfolder, pack_name, [x, y, z], self.exportSettings) dest_file = os.path.join(export_dir, "") self.packTo(destfolder, dest_file) self.addStatus("Exported to " + dest_file) def getExportDir(self): export_dir = self.exportSettings.path if not export_dir: export_dir = tempfile.tempdir return export_dir class ChangeSettingAction(Action): """ Change a setting from the application. """ def __init__(self, app, name): = app = name def execute(self): setattr(,,[].string.val) class QuitAction(Action): """ Quit the application. """ def __init__(self, app): self.settings = app.exportSettings def execute(self): import Blender Blender.Draw.Exit() class ConnectAction(Action): """ Connect to the opensim server. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): try: except: traceback.print_exc()"Error: couldnt connect. Check your settings to see they are ok", ERROR) return False class ToggleSettingsAction(Action): """ Toggle the settings panel. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): class ToggleSettingAction(Action): """ Toggle a boolean setting. """ def __init__(self, app, objtype): = app self.objtype = objtype def execute(self): keyName = 'regen' + self.objtype setattr(, keyName, not getattr(, keyName)) class ExportUploadAction(Action): """ Export and upload selected objects. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): exportAction = RealxtendCharacterApplication.ExportAction( uploadAction = RealxtendCharacterApplication.UploadAction( if not exportAction.execute() == False: Blender.Draw.Draw() uploadAction.execute() class ExportAction(Action): """ Export selected objects. """ def __init__(self, app): = app return def execute(self): try: except: traceback.print_exc()"Error: couldnt export", ERROR) return False class UploadAction(Action): """ Upload a previously exported world. """ def __init__(self, exportSettings): = exportSettings def execute(self): try: except: traceback.print_exc()"Error: couldnt upload", ERROR) return False class ClearAction(Action): """ Clear the selected scene. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): try: except: traceback.print_exc()"Error: couldnt clear", ERROR) return False
class RealxtendMaterialBrowser(object): def __init__(self): # Exporter.__init__(self) self.buttons = {} self.screen = Screen() self.exportSettings = ExportSettings() self.shader_visible = False self.region_uuid = '' self.regionLayout = None self.initGui() self.addStatus("b2rex started") def createMaterialButtons(self, layout, materialExporter): self.matButtonLayout = HorizontalLayout() if materialExporter.material: autodetect = self.getAutodetect() AutodetectButton = CheckBox(RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleAutodetectAction(self), autodetect, 'Autodetect', [100, 20], tooltip='Autodetect shader') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(AutodetectButton, 'autodetect_button') if not autodetect: self.shaderButton = self.addStringButton(materialExporter.getShader() ,'Shader', self.matButtonLayout, 'Shader to use for this material') shaderButton = CheckBox(RealxtendMaterialBrowser.ToggleShaderVisibleAction(self), self.shader_visible, 'Show Shader', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Shader text') self.matButtonLayout.addWidget(shaderButton, 'ShaderButton') layout.addWidget(self.matButtonLayout, 'matButtonLayout') def parseSelected(self): all_selected = Blender.Object.GetSelected() if all_selected: shaderLayoutBox = VerticalLayout() self.shaderLayoutBox = shaderLayoutBox colouredAmbient = False mesh = all_selected[0].getData(0, True) face = mesh.faces[0] materialExporter = RexMaterialExporter(self, mesh, face, colouredAmbient) self.createMaterialButtons(shaderLayoutBox, materialExporter) self.shaderLayout.addWidget(Box(shaderLayoutBox, materialExporter._createName()), 'shaderBox') lineWidget = Label("") shaderLayoutBox.addWidget(lineWidget, 'lineShader3') lineWidget = Label("Shader: "+materialExporter.shader) shaderLayoutBox.addWidget(lineWidget, 'lineShader') if self.shader_visible: self.showShader() Blender.Draw.Draw() def registerTextureImage(self, bimage): # to fake the texture manager return os.path.basename(bimage.filename) def initGui(self): """ Initialize the interface system. """ self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.shaderLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() #self.addButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') self.addButton('Refresh', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, 'b2rex material browser'), "layout") self.screen.addWidget(self.shaderLayout, "shaderLayout") def showShader(self): """ Show the shader text """ materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() shaderText = VerticalLayout() lineWidget = Label("") shaderText.addWidget(lineWidget, 'lineShader2') f = StringIO() materialExporter.writeTechniques(f) rexMaterial = f.getvalue() for idx, line in enumerate(rexMaterial.split('\n')): color = [0,0,0] if "program_ref" in line: color = [0.2, 0.2, 0.8] if "texture_unit" in line: color = [0.2, 0.5, 0.2] lineWidget = Label(line, 'small', color) shaderText.addWidget(lineWidget, 'line'+str(idx)) self.shaderLayoutBox.addWidget(shaderText, 'shaderText') def setShader(self, value): materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() materialExporter.setShader(value) self.parseSelected() def toggleAutodetect(self): materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() materialExporter.toggleAutodetect() # XXX update interface self.parseSelected() #self.createMaterialButtons(self.shaderLayoutBox, materialExporter) def getAutodetect(self): materialExporter = self.getMaterialExporter() return materialExporter.getAutodetect() def getMaterialExporter(self, obj=None): if not obj: obj = self.getSelected() if not obj: return mesh = obj.getData(0, True) face = mesh.faces[0] colouredAmbient = False materialExporter = RexMaterialExporter(self, mesh, face, colouredAmbient) return materialExporter def getSelected(self): objs = Blender.Object.GetSelected() if not objs: return obj = objs[0] return obj def toggleShaderVisible(self): """ Toggle the settings widget. """ if self.shader_visible: self.shaderLayoutBox.removeWidget('shaderText') self.shader_visible = False else: self.showShader() self.shader_visible = True def addStatus(self, text, level = OK): """ Add status information. """ self.screen.addWidget(Box(Label(text), 'status'), 'b2rex initialized') if level in [ERROR, IMMEDIATE]: # Force a redraw Blender.Draw.Draw() else: Blender.Draw.Redraw(1) def addStringButton(self, value, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to an action on this clss. """ action = getattr(RealxtendMaterialBrowser, button_name + 'Action') button = StringButton(value, action(self), button_name+": ", [100, 20], tooltip) layout.addWidget(button, button_name + 'Button') return button def addButton(self, button_name, layout, tooltip=""): """ Add a button to the interface. This function prelinks the button to an action on this clss. """ action = getattr(RealxtendMaterialBrowser, button_name + 'Action') return layout.addWidget(Button(action(self), button_name, [100, 20], tooltip), button_name + 'Button') def go(self): """ Start the ogre interface system """ self.screen.activate() class RefreshAction(Action): """ Refresh the material view """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): import Blender # class ToggleAutodetectAction(Action): """ Refresh the material view """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): import Blender # class QuitAction(Action): """ Quit the application. """ def __init__(self, app): self.settings = app.exportSettings def execute(self): import Blender Blender.Draw.Exit() class ConnectAction(Action): """ Connect to the opensim server. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): try: except: traceback.print_exc()"Error: couldnt connect. Check your settings to see they are ok", ERROR) return False class ToggleShaderVisibleAction(Action): """ Toggle the shader text """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): class ShaderAction(Action): """ Change the shader on the material """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): button =
class RealxtendExporterApplication(BaseApplication): def __init__(self): self.region_uuid = '' self.regionLayout = None BaseApplication.__init__(self) self.addStatus("b2rex started") def initGui(self, title=None): """ Initialize the interface system. """ if not title: title = 'realXtend exporter' self.vLayout = VerticalLayout() self.buttonLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.addCallbackButton('Connect', self.buttonLayout, 'Connect to opensim server. Needed if you want to upload worlds directly.') self.addCallbackButton('Export', self.buttonLayout, 'Export to disk') self.addButton('Quit', self.buttonLayout, 'Quit the exporter') settingsButton = CheckBox(RealxtendExporterApplication.ToggleSettingsAction(self), self.settings_visible, 'Settings', [100, 20], tooltip='Show Settings') self.buttonLayout.addWidget(settingsButton, 'SettingsButton') self.vLayout.addWidget(self.buttonLayout, 'buttonPanel') self.screen.addWidget(Box(self.vLayout, 'realXtend exporter'), "layout") def showSettings(self): """ Create the settings widgets. """ self.settingsLayout = VerticalLayout() self.vLayout.addWidget(self.settingsLayout, 'settingsLayout') self.addSettingsButton('pack', self.settingsLayout, 'name for the main world files') self.addSettingsButton('path', self.settingsLayout, 'path to export to') self.addSettingsButton('server_url', self.settingsLayout, 'server login url') self.addSettingsButton('username', self.settingsLayout, 'server login username') self.addSettingsButton('password', self.settingsLayout, 'server login password') posControls = HorizontalLayout() uuidControls = HorizontalLayout() self.settingsLayout.addWidget(posControls, 'posControls') self.settingsLayout.addWidget(uuidControls, 'uuidControls') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetX:', self.exportSettings.locX, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the x axis.'), 'locX') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetY:', self.exportSettings.locY, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the y axis.'), 'locY') posControls.addWidget(NumberView('OffsetZ:', self.exportSettings.locZ, [100, 20], [Widget.INFINITY, 20], tooltip='Additional offset on the z axis.'), 'locZ') for objtype in ['Objects', 'Meshes', 'Materials', 'Textures']: keyName = 'regen' + objtype settingToggle = CheckBox(RealxtendExporterApplication.ToggleSettingAction(self, objtype), getattr(self.exportSettings, keyName), 'Regen ' + objtype, [100, 20], tooltip='Regenerate uuids for ' + objtype) uuidControls.addWidget(settingToggle, keyName) def setRegion(self, region_uuid): """ Set the selected region. """ if not self.region_uuid: # setting for the first time hLayout = HorizontalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(hLayout, "regionButtons") self.addButton("ExportUpload", hLayout, 'Export scene and upload to opensim region') self.addCallbackButton("Upload", hLayout, 'Upload previously exported scene') self.addCallbackButton("Clear", hLayout, 'Clear the selected region in the opensim server') self.addCallbackButton("Check", hLayout, 'Check blend file against region contents') self.addCallbackButton("Sync", hLayout, 'Sync blend file objects from region') self.addCallbackButton("Import", hLayout, 'Import all objects from current region') self.region_uuid = region_uuid self.addStatus("Region set to " + region_uuid) self.regionInfoLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(self.regionInfoLayout, "regionInfoLayout") self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label(" \n"), "regionInfoSpace") self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label("\n"+region_uuid), "regionInfo") def onCheckAction(self): """ Check region contents against server. """ text = self.check_region(self.region_uuid) self.regionInfoLayout = VerticalLayout() self.regionLayout.addWidget(self.regionInfoLayout, "regionInfoLayout") for idx, line in enumerate(text): self.regionInfoLayout.addWidget(Label(line), "regionInfoSpace"+str(idx)) Blender.Draw.Draw() def onSyncAction(self): """ Sync selected region contents against server. """ text = self.sync_region(self.region_uuid) Blender.Draw.Draw() def onImportAction(self): """ Import region from OpenSim. """ text = self.import_region(self.region_uuid) self.addStatus("Scene imported " + self.region_uuid) Blender.Draw.Draw() def onClearAction(self): """ Clear Action """ base_url = self.exportSettings.server_url pack_name = self.exportSettings.pack if not self.region_uuid: self.addStatus("No region selected ") return self.sim.sceneClear(self.region_uuid, pack_name) self.addStatus("Scene cleared " + self.region_uuid) def onUploadAction(self): """ Upload Action """ self.doUpload() def onExportAction(self): """ Export Action """ x = self.exportSettings.locX.getValue() y = self.exportSettings.locY.getValue() z = self.exportSettings.locZ.getValue() self.doExport(self.exportSettings, [x, y, z]) class ExportUploadAction(Action): """ Export and upload selected objects. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def execute(self): if not == False: Blender.Draw.Draw()