예제 #1
def test_client_endpoint():
    cli = Client()
    cli.authorization_endpoint = "https://example.org/oauth2/as"
    cli.token_endpoint = "https://example.org/oauth2/token"
    cli.token_revocation_endpoint = "https://example.org/oauth2/token_rev"

    ae = cli._endpoint("authorization_endpoint")
    assert ae == "https://example.org/oauth2/as"
    te = cli._endpoint("token_endpoint")
    assert te == "https://example.org/oauth2/token"
    tre = cli._endpoint("token_revocation_endpoint")
    assert tre == "https://example.org/oauth2/token_rev"

    ae = cli._endpoint("authorization_endpoint", **{"authorization_endpoint": "https://example.com/as"})
    assert ae == "https://example.com/as"

    cli.token_endpoint = ""
    raises(Exception, 'cli._endpoint("token_endpoint")')
    raises(Exception, 'cli._endpoint("foo_endpoint")')
예제 #2
def test_client_endpoint():
    cli = Client()
    cli.authorization_endpoint = "https://example.org/oauth2/as"
    cli.token_endpoint = "https://example.org/oauth2/token"
    cli.token_revocation_endpoint = "https://example.org/oauth2/token_rev"

    ae = cli._endpoint("authorization_endpoint")
    assert ae == "https://example.org/oauth2/as"
    te = cli._endpoint("token_endpoint")
    assert te == "https://example.org/oauth2/token"
    tre = cli._endpoint("token_revocation_endpoint")
    assert tre == "https://example.org/oauth2/token_rev"

    ae = cli._endpoint("authorization_endpoint",
                       **{"authorization_endpoint": "https://example.com/as"})
    assert ae == "https://example.com/as"

    cli.token_endpoint = ""
    raises(Exception, 'cli._endpoint("token_endpoint")')
    raises(Exception, 'cli._endpoint("foo_endpoint")')
 def authenticate(self, request):
     """Take a request with an 'access_token' query parameter and attempt to
     authenticate them by validating this token using a 'userinfo' endpoint
     in CAS. If succeeded, return a tuple of (user, data) where data is json
     payload received from 'userinfo' endpoint in CAS. It will be a
     dictionary containing 'universal_id' key and {claim_name: True} for each
     scope claim owned by the user. Raise a CASResponseError exception if
     there is some problem with CAS. If access_token is invalid or (local)
     user instance is not found, raise AuthenticationFailed.
     access_token = request.query_params.get('access_token')
     if not access_token:
         return None
     c = Client(client_authn_method=CLIENT_AUTHN_METHOD, verify_ssl=False)
     c.provider_config(settings.CAS_SERVER_URL + 'openid')
     r = requests.get(c._endpoint('userinfo_endpoint'),
                      params={'access_token': access_token})
     if r.status_code == 200:
         resp = json.loads(r.text)
         universal_id = resp.get('universal_id')
         if universal_id is None:
             raise CASResponseError(
                 'cas response contains no universal_id')
         cas_user = CASUser.objects.filter(universal_id=universal_id).first()
         if cas_user is None:
             # FIXME
             raise AuthenticationFailed(
                 'user not found, login to the site with the browser '
                 'and try again'
         return (cas_user.user, resp)
     elif r.status_code in (401, 403):
         msg = r.headers['WWW-Authenticate']
         raise AuthenticationFailed({"detail": msg})
         response_text = r.text
         response_status_code = r.status_code
         response_headers = r.headers
         raise CASResponseError("CAS returned: {} {} {}".format(