def create_id_token(user, aud, nonce='', at_hash='', request=None, scope=[]): """ Creates the id_token dictionary. See: Return a dic. """ sub = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR', import_str=True)(user=user) expires_in = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE') # Convert datetimes into timestamps. now = int(time.time()) iat_time = now exp_time = int(now + expires_in) user_auth_time = user.last_login or user.date_joined auth_time = int(dateformat.format(user_auth_time, 'U')) dic = { 'iss': get_issuer(request=request), 'sub': sub, 'aud': str(aud), 'exp': exp_time, 'iat': iat_time, 'auth_time': auth_time, } if nonce: dic['nonce'] = str(nonce) if at_hash: dic['at_hash'] = at_hash if settings.get('OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS'): custom_claims = settings.get('OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS', import_str=True)(user, scope) claims = custom_claims.create_response_dic() else: claims = StandardScopeClaims(user=user, scope=scope).create_response_dic() dic.update(claims) # modifies dic, adding all requested claims processing_hook = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK') if isinstance(processing_hook, (list, tuple)): for hook in processing_hook: dic = settings.import_from_str(hook)(dic, user=user) else: dic = settings.import_from_str(processing_hook)(dic, user=user) return dic
def create_id_token(user, aud, nonce='', at_hash='', request=None, scope=None): """ Creates the id_token dictionary. See: Return a dic. """ if scope is None: scope = [] sub = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR', import_str=True)(user=user) expires_in = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE') # Convert datetimes into timestamps. now = int(time.time()) iat_time = now exp_time = int(now + expires_in) user_auth_time = user.last_login or user.date_joined auth_time = int(dateformat.format(user_auth_time, 'U')) dic = { 'iss': get_issuer(request=request), 'sub': sub, 'aud': str(aud), 'exp': exp_time, 'iat': iat_time, 'auth_time': auth_time, } if nonce: dic['nonce'] = str(nonce) if at_hash: dic['at_hash'] = at_hash if ('email' in scope) and getattr(user, 'email', None): dic['email'] = processing_hook = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK') if isinstance(processing_hook, (list, tuple)): for hook in processing_hook: dic = settings.import_from_str(hook)(dic, user=user) else: dic = settings.import_from_str(processing_hook)(dic, user=user) return dic
def create_id_token(user, aud, nonce, at_hash=None, request=None): """ Receives a user object and aud (audience). Then creates the id_token dictionary. See: Return a dic. """ sub = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR', import_str=True)(user=user) expires_in = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE') # Convert datetimes into timestamps. now = iat_time = int(time.mktime(now.timetuple())) exp_time = int( time.mktime((now + timedelta(seconds=expires_in)).timetuple())) user_auth_time = user.last_login or user.date_joined auth_time = int(time.mktime(user_auth_time.timetuple())) dic = { 'iss': get_issuer(request=request), 'sub': sub, 'aud': str(aud), 'exp': exp_time, 'iat': iat_time, 'auth_time': auth_time, } if nonce: dic['nonce'] = str(nonce) if at_hash: dic['at_hash'] = at_hash processing_hook = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK') if isinstance(processing_hook, (list, tuple)): for hook in processing_hook: dic = settings.import_from_str(hook)(dic, user=user) else: dic = settings.import_from_str(processing_hook)(dic, user=user) return dic
def create_id_token(user, aud, nonce='', at_hash='', request=None, scope=[]): """ Creates the id_token dictionary. See: Return a dic. """ sub = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR', import_str=True)(user=user) expires_in = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_EXPIRE') # Convert datetimes into timestamps. now = iat_time = int(time.mktime(now.timetuple())) exp_time = int(time.mktime((now + timedelta(seconds=expires_in)).timetuple())) user_auth_time = user.last_login or user.date_joined auth_time = int(time.mktime(user_auth_time.timetuple())) dic = { 'iss': get_issuer(request=request), 'sub': sub, 'aud': str(aud), 'exp': exp_time, 'iat': iat_time, 'auth_time': auth_time, } if nonce: dic['nonce'] = str(nonce) if at_hash: dic['at_hash'] = at_hash if ('email' in scope) and getattr(user, 'email', None): dic['email'] = processing_hook = settings.get('OIDC_IDTOKEN_PROCESSING_HOOK') if isinstance(processing_hook, (list, tuple)): for hook in processing_hook: dic = settings.import_from_str(hook)(dic, user=user) else: dic = settings.import_from_str(processing_hook)(dic, user=user) return dic
def run_processing_hook(subject, hook_settings_name, **kwargs): processing_hooks = settings.get(hook_settings_name) if not isinstance(processing_hooks, (list, tuple)): processing_hooks = [processing_hooks] for hook_string in processing_hooks: hook = settings.import_from_str(hook_string) subject = hook(subject, **kwargs) return subject