예제 #1
def metadata2eic(bin_lid,parallax,merge=False):
    """Convert bin image metadata to CSV"""
    if merge:
        (PITCH_COL, ROLL_COL) = (4, 5)
        fields = ['imagename', 'alt', 'pitch','roll']
        imgdata = resolver['img'].resolve(pid=bin_lid).value
        logging.info('reading CSV data from .img file %s' % imgdata)
        (pitch,roll) = ({}, {})
        for row in read_csv(LocalFileSource(imgdata)):
            imagename = remove_extension(row[0])
                pitch[imagename] = row[PITCH_COL]
                roll[imagename] = row[ROLL_COL]
            except KeyError:
        logging.info('merging with parallax-based altitude from %s' % parallax)
        logging.info('reading parallax-based altitude from %s' % parallax)
    for l in open(parallax):
        (imagename, _, _, alt) = re.split(r',',l.rstrip())
            if merge:
                yield [imagename, alt, pitch[imagename], roll[imagename]]
                yield [imagename, alt, '0.0', '0.0']
        except KeyError:
예제 #2
def alt(bin_lid):
    tmp = mkdirs(scratch(bin_lid))
    csv_filename = os.path.join(tmp,bin_lid+'_alt.csv')
    logging.info('listing images for %s' % bin_lid)
    imagenames = [remove_extension(i) for i in list_images(bin_lid)]
    logging.info('looking for existing altitude data...')
    already_done = []
    if os.path.exists(csv_filename):
        for row in read_csv(LocalFileSource(csv_filename)):
            already_done += [remove_extension(row[0])]
    logging.info('found %d existing altitude records' % len(already_done))
    if len(already_done) == -1:
        logging.info('emptying CSV file ...')
        with open(csv_filename,'w') as csv_out:
    pids = []
    for n in range(NUM_PROCS):
        pid = os.fork()
        if pid == 0:
            for imagename in imagenames[n::NUM_PROCS]:
                if imagename not in already_done:
                    tif = img_as_float(read_image(imagename+'.tif'))
                    logging.info('[%d] START aligning %s' % (n, imagename))
                    x,y,m = stereo2altitude(tif)
                    line = '%s,%d,%d,%.2f' % (imagename,x,y,m) 
                    logging.info('[%d] DONE aligned %s' % (n, line))
                    with open(csv_filename,'a') as csv_out:
                        print >>csv_out, line
            logging.info('spawned process %d' % pid)
            pids += [pid]
    for pid in pids:
        logging.info('waiting for process %d' % pid)
        logging.info('joined alignment process %d' % pid)
    # now sort file
    logging.info('sorting CSV data...')
    rows = list(read_csv(LocalFileSource(csv_filename)))
    rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda r: r[0])
    csv_out = csv_filename # same as in
    with open(csv_out,'w') as co:
        for row in rows:
            print >>co, ','.join([row[n] for n in range(4)])
    logging.info('wrote CSV data to %s' % csv_out)
예제 #3
파일: app.py 프로젝트: LouisK130/oii
def get_features_schema(req, features_path=None):
    if features_path is None:
        # will raise NotFound if not features file is found,
        # caller must catch to provide default value in this case
        features_path = get_product_file(req.parsed,'features')
    features_source = LocalFileSource(features_path)
    for row in read_csv(features_source, None, 0, 1):
        return row
예제 #4
파일: adc.py 프로젝트: LouisK130/oii
def read_adc(source, target_no=1, limit=-1, schema_version=SCHEMA_VERSION_1):
    """Convert ADC data in its native format to dictionaries representing each target.
    Read starting at the specified target number (default 1)"""
    target_number = target_no-1
    for row in read_csv(source, ADC_SCHEMA[schema_version], target_no-1, limit):
        target_number += 1
        # skip 0x0 targets
        if row[WIDTH] * row[HEIGHT] > 0:
            # add target number
            row[TARGET_NUMBER] = target_number
            yield row
예제 #5
파일: adc.py 프로젝트: LouisK130/oii
def read_adc(adc_path, target_no=1, limit=-1, schema=None):
    """Convert ADC data in its native format to dictionaries representing each target.
    Read starting at the specified target number (default 1)"""
    target_number = target_no-1
    adc_source = LocalFileSource(adc_path)
    for row in read_csv(adc_source, schema, target_no-1, limit):
        target_number += 1
        # skip 0x0 targets
        if row[WIDTH] * row[HEIGHT] > 0:
            # add target number
            row[TARGET_NUMBER] = target_number
            yield row
예제 #6
파일: app.py 프로젝트: LouisK130/oii
def read_features(features_path):
    features_source = LocalFileSource(features_path)
    for row in read_csv(features_source, None, 1, NO_LIMIT):
        yield row