예제 #1
def login():
    c = OLDClient('<URL>')
    logged_in = c.login('<USERNAME>', '<PASSWORD>')
    if not logged_in:
        sys.exit(u'%sUnable to log in to %s with username %s and password %s.'
            u' Aborting.%s' % (ANSI_FAIL, old_url, old_username, old_password,
    return c
예제 #2
"""Simple script to delete all forms with "PLACEHOLDER" as their transcription
and translation value.
import sys
import json
from old_client import OLDClient

url = 'URL'
username = '******'
password = '******'
c = OLDClient(url)

logged_in = c.login(username, password)
if not logged_in:
    sys.exit('Could not log in')

search = {
    "query": {
        "filter": ['and', [
            ['Form', 'transcription', '=', 'PLACEHOLDER'],
            ['Form', 'translations', 'transcription', '=', 'PLACEHOLDER']
empty_forms = c.search('forms', search)
print 'Deleting %d forms.' % len(empty_forms)

deleted_count = 0
for form in empty_forms:
    delete_path = 'forms/%d' % form['id']
    resp = c.delete(delete_path)
def fix_collections(options):
    """Make HTTP requests to fix the order of forms in the OLD's collections.


    # Get raw LingSync JSON data.
    ls_json_file = getattr(options, 'ls_json_file')
        ls_data = json.load(open(ls_json_file))
        sys.exit(u'%sUnable to locate file %s. Aborting.%s' % (ANSI_FAIL,
            ls_json_file, ANSI_ENDC))

    # Get converted OLD data.
    old_json_file = getattr(options, 'old_json_file')
        old_data = json.load(open(old_json_file))
        sys.exit(u'%sUnable to locate file %s. Aborting.%s' % (ANSI_FAIL,
            old_json_file, ANSI_ENDC))
    forms = old_data['forms']

    # `datums` holds the raw LingSync dicts representing all of the datums.
    datumid2dateentered = {}
    for datum in (r['doc'] for r in ls_data['rows']
        if get_collection_for_lingsync_doc(r['doc']) == 'datums'):
        datumid2dateentered[datum['_id']] = datum['dateEntered']

    # Get an OLD client.
    old_url = getattr(options, 'old_url', None)
    old_username = getattr(options, 'old_username', None)
    old_password = getattr(options, 'old_password', None)
    c = OLDClient(old_url)

    # Log in to the OLD.
    logged_in = c.login(old_username, old_password)
    if not logged_in:
        sys.exit(u'%sUnable to log in to %s with username %s and password %s.'
            u' Aborting.%s' % (ANSI_FAIL, old_url, old_username, old_password,

    # Populate the `formid2dateentered` dict, so that it maps OLD form ids to
    # date entered values taken from the raw LingSync data.
    formid2dateentered = {}
    patt3 = re.compile('This form was created from LingSync datum (\w+)')
    for form in c.get('forms'):
        form_id = form['id']
        datum_id = patt3.findall(form['comments'])
        if len(datum_id) == 0:
            print '%sUnable to find LingSync datum id for OLD form %d: %s.%s' % (
                ANSI_WARNING, form_id, form['transcription'], ANSI_ENDC)
            datum_id = None
            if len(datum_id) > 1:
                print ('%sWarning: found multiple LingSync datum ids for OLD'
                    ' form %d.%s' % (ANSI_WARNING, form_id, ANSI_ENDC))
            datum_id = datum_id[0]
        if datum_id:
            date_entered = datumid2dateentered[datum_id]
            date_entered = '0'
        formid2dateentered[form_id] = date_entered

    # Issue the requests to fix each of the OLD collections, in turn.
    collections = c.get('collections')
    # print len(collections)
    patt1 = re.compile('^(form\[\d+\])*$')
    patt2 = re.compile('form\[(\d+)\]')
    manualfix = {}
    for collection in collections:
        # print collection['contents']
        # If there's anything besides form references in the collection, then
        # we know the user has manually updated it and we can't fix it
        # automatedly; best we can do is tell the user the order of form
        # references that matches the LingSync version.
        tmp = collection['contents'].replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
        if patt1.search(tmp) or collection['contents'].strip() == '':
            contents_modified = False
            contents_modified = True

        # print '\n%d' % collection['id']
        current_form_ids = map(int, patt2.findall(tmp))
        sorted_form_ids = [x[1] for x in sorted(
            [(formid2dateentered[id_], id_) for id_ in current_form_ids])]
        new_contents = '\n'.join(['form[%d]' % x for x in sorted_form_ids])
        if contents_modified:
            manualfix[collection['id']] = new_contents
            if current_form_ids == sorted_form_ids:
                print ('Collection %d already has its forms in the correct'
                    ' order.' % collection['id'])
                print 'Fixing collection %d.' % collection['id']
                collection['contents'] = new_contents
                # We must fix any relational data and or date elicited values
                # for the update request.
                if collection['elicitor']:
                    collection['elicitor'] = collection['elicitor']['id']
                if collection['speaker']:
                    collection['speaker'] = collection['speaker']['id']
                if collection['source']:
                    collection['source'] = collection['source']['id']
                if collection['tags']:
                    collection['tags'] = [t['id'] for t in collection['tags']]
                if collection['files']:
                    collection['files'] = [t['id'] for t in collection['files']]
                if collection['date_elicited']:
                    # Convert yyyy-mm-dd to mm/dd/yyyy format
                    parts = collection['date_elicited'].split('-')
                    collection['date_elicited'] = '%s/%s/%s' % (parts[1],
                        parts[2], parts[0])
                resp = c.put('collections/%d' % collection['id'], collection)
                if resp.get('contents') != new_contents:
                    print ('Something went wrong when attempting to update the'
                        ' contents of collection %d. It should have the following'
                        ' contents value\n%s' % (collection['id'], new_contents))

    for id in manualfix:
        new_contents = manualfix[id]
        print ('Collection %d has been altered by a user on the OLD so we'
            ' can\'t fix its form order here. You will have to do it. Please make'
            ' sure that the order of form references matches the following:\n%s.' % (
            id, new_contents))

    print 'Done.'