예제 #1
    def image_rois(self, user1, shapes):
        """Return Image with ROIs."""
        image = ImageI()
        image.name = rstring('Image for ROIs')
        image = get_update_service(user1).saveAndReturnObject(image)

        # ROI with all but one shapes
        rois = []
        roi = RoiI()
        for shape in shapes[:-1]:

        # roi without shapes
        roi = RoiI()

        # roi without image
        roi = RoiI()

        rois = get_update_service(user1).saveAndReturnArray(rois)
        rois.sort(key=lambda x: x.id.val)
        return image, rois
def image_no_acquisition_date(request, gatewaywrapper):
    """Creates an Image."""
    gw = gatewaywrapper.gateway
    update_service = gw.getUpdateService()
    image = ImageI()
    image.name = rstring('an image')
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0L)
    image_id, = update_service.saveAndReturnIds([image])
    return gw.getObject('Image', image_id)
예제 #3
def image_no_acquisition_date(request, gatewaywrapper):
    """Creates an Image."""
    gw = gatewaywrapper.gateway
    update_service = gw.getUpdateService()
    image = ImageI()
    image.name = rstring('an image')
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0L)
    image_id, = update_service.saveAndReturnIds([image])
    return gw.getObject('Image', image_id)
예제 #4
def wrapped_image():
    image = ImageI()
    image.id = rlong(1L)
    image.description = rstring('description')
    image.name = rstring('name')
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(1000)  # In milliseconds
    image.details.owner = ExperimenterI(1L, False)
    creation_event = EventI()
    creation_event.time = rtime(2000)  # In milliseconds
    image.details.creationEvent = creation_event
    return ImageWrapper(conn=MockConnection(), obj=image)
예제 #5
def wrapped_image():
    image = ImageI()
    image.id = rlong(1L)
    image.description = rstring('description')
    image.name = rstring('name')
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(1000)  # In milliseconds
    image.details.owner = ExperimenterI(1L, False)
    creation_event = EventI()
    creation_event.time = rtime(2000)  # In milliseconds
    image.details.creationEvent = creation_event
    return ImageWrapper(conn=MockConnection(), obj=image)
예제 #6
def image(request, gatewaywrapper):
    """Creates an Image."""
    gw = gatewaywrapper.gateway
    update_service = gw.getUpdateService()
    image = ImageI()
    image.name = rstring('an image')
    # 2015-04-21 01:15:00
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(int(1429578900000))
    image_id, = update_service.saveAndReturnIds([image])
    return gw.getObject('Image', image_id)
예제 #7
    def testListOrphans(self, orphaned, load_pixels, gatewaywrapper):
        # We login as 'User', since they have no other orphaned images
        conn = gatewaywrapper.gateway
        eid = conn.getUserId()

        # Create 5 orphaned images
        iids = []
        for i in range(0, 5):
            img = gatewaywrapper.createTestImage(imageName=str(uuid.uuid1()))
        # Create image in Dataset, to check this isn't found
        dataset = DatasetI()
        dataset.name = wrap('testListOrphans')
        image = ImageI()
        image.name = wrap('testListOrphans')
        dataset = conn.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(dataset)

            # Only test listOrphans() if orphaned
            if orphaned:
                # Pagination
                params = omero.sys.ParametersI()
                params.page(1, 3)
                findImagesInPage = list(
                    conn.listOrphans("Image", eid=eid, params=params))
                assert len(findImagesInPage) == 3

                # No pagination (all orphans)
                findImages = list(
                    conn.listOrphans("Image", loadPixels=load_pixels))
                assert len(findImages) == 5
                for p in findImages:
                    assert p._obj.pixelsLoaded == load_pixels

            # Test getObjects() with 'orphaned' option
            opts = {'orphaned': orphaned, 'load_pixels': load_pixels}
            getImages = list(conn.getObjects("Image", opts=opts))
            assert orphaned == (len(getImages) == 5)
            for p in getImages:
                assert p._obj.pixelsLoaded == load_pixels

            # Simply check this doesn't fail See https://github.com/
            # openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy/pull/4950#issuecomment-264142956
            dsIds = [d.id for d in conn.listOrphans("Dataset")]
            assert dataset.id.val in dsIds
            # Cleanup - Delete what we created
            conn.deleteObjects('Image', iids, deleteAnns=True, wait=True)
            conn.deleteObjects('Dataset', [dataset.id.val],
예제 #8
def create_image(image_index):
    image = ImageI()
    image.name = rstring("%s_%d" % (uuid(), image_index))
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
    pixels = PixelsI()
    pixels.sha1 = rstring("")
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = DimensionOrderI(1L, False)  # XYZCT
    pixels.pixelsType = PixelsTypeI(1L, False)  # bit
    return image
예제 #9
def create_image(image_index):
    image = ImageI()
    image.name = rstring('%s_%d' % (uuid(), image_index))
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
    pixels = PixelsI()
    pixels.sha1 = rstring('')
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = DimensionOrderI(1L, False)  # XYZCT
    pixels.pixelsType = PixelsTypeI(1L, False)  # bit
    return image
def plate(request, gatewaywrapper):
    """Creates a Plate."""
    gw = gatewaywrapper.gateway
    update_service = gw.getUpdateService()
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(uuid())
    for well_index in range(3):
        well = WellI()
        well.row = rint(well_index**2)
        well.column = rint(well_index**3)
        for well_sample_index in range(2):
            well_sample = WellSampleI()
            image = ImageI()
            image.name = rstring('%s_%d' % (uuid(), well_sample_index))
            image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
            well_sample.image = image
    plate_id, = update_service.saveAndReturnIds([plate])
    return gw.getObject('Plate', plate_id)
def plate(request, gatewaywrapper):
    """Creates a Plate."""
    gw = gatewaywrapper.gateway
    update_service = gw.getUpdateService()
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(uuid())
    for well_index in range(3):
        well = WellI()
        well.row = rint(well_index**2)
        well.column = rint(well_index**3)
        for well_sample_index in range(2):
            well_sample = WellSampleI()
            image = ImageI()
            image.name = rstring('%s_%d' % (uuid(), well_sample_index))
            image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
            well_sample.image = image
    plate_id, = update_service.saveAndReturnIds([plate])
    return gw.getObject('Plate', plate_id)
예제 #12
def create_image(image_id, with_pixels=False):
    image_format = FormatI(1L)
    image_format.value = rstring("PNG")

    image = ImageI()
    image.id = rlong(image_id)
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(1L)
    image.archived = rbool(False)
    image.description = rstring("image_description_%d" % image_id)
    image.name = rstring("image_name_%d" % image_id)
    image.partial = rbool(False)
    image.series = rint(0)
    image.format = image_format
    if not with_pixels:
        return image
    dimension_order = DimensionOrderI(1L)
    dimension_order.value = rstring("XYZCT")
    pixels_type = PixelsTypeI(1L)
    pixels_type.value = "bit"

    pixels = PixelsI(1L)
    pixels.methodology = rstring("methodology")
    pixels.physicalSizeX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeZ = LengthI(3.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.sha1 = rstring("61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089")
    pixels.significantBits = rint(16)
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(2)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(3)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(4)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(5)
    pixels.timeIncrement = TimeI(1.0, UnitsTime.MILLISECOND)
    pixels.waveIncrement = rdouble(2.0)
    pixels.waveStart = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = dimension_order
    pixels.pixelsType = pixels_type

    contrast_method = ContrastMethodI(8L)
    contrast_method.value = rstring("Fluorescence")
    illumination = IlluminationI(1L)
    illumination.value = rstring("Transmitted")
    acquisition_mode = AcquisitionModeI(1L)
    acquisition_mode.value = rstring("WideField")
    photometric_interpretation = PhotometricInterpretationI(1L)
    photometric_interpretation.value = rstring("RGB")

    channel_1 = ChannelI(1L)
    channel_1.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_1.blue = rint(0)
    channel_1.green = rint(255)
    channel_1.red = rint(0)
    channel_1.lookupTable = rstring("rainbow")
    logical_channel_1 = LogicalChannelI(1L)
    logical_channel_1.emissionWave = LengthI(509.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.excitationWave = LengthI(488.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.fluor = rstring("GFP")
    logical_channel_1.name = rstring("GFP/488")
    logical_channel_1.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_1.pinHoleSize = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_1.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_1.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_1.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_1.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_1.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_1.logicalChannel = logical_channel_1

    channel_2 = ChannelI(2L)
    channel_2.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_2.blue = rint(255)
    channel_2.green = rint(0)
    channel_2.red = rint(0)
    channel_2.lookupTable = rstring("rainbow")
    logical_channel_2 = LogicalChannelI(2L)
    logical_channel_2.emissionWave = LengthI(470.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.excitationWave = LengthI(405.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.fluor = rstring("DAPI")
    logical_channel_2.name = rstring("DAPI/405")
    logical_channel_2.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_2.pinHoleSize = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_2.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_2.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_2.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_2.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_2.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_2.logicalChannel = logical_channel_2

    return image
예제 #13
def create_image(image_id, with_pixels=False):
    image_format = FormatI(1L)
    image_format.value = rstring('PNG')

    image = ImageI()
    image.id = rlong(image_id)
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(1L)
    image.archived = rbool(False)
    image.description = rstring('image_description_%d' % image_id)
    image.name = rstring('image_name_%d' % image_id)
    image.partial = rbool(False)
    image.series = rint(0)
    image.format = image_format
    if not with_pixels:
        return image
    dimension_order = DimensionOrderI(1L)
    dimension_order.value = rstring('XYZCT')
    pixels_type = PixelsTypeI(1L)
    pixels_type.value = 'bit'

    pixels = PixelsI(1L)
    pixels.methodology = rstring('methodology')
    pixels.physicalSizeX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeZ = LengthI(3.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.sha1 = rstring('61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089')
    pixels.significantBits = rint(16)
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(2)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(3)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(4)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(5)
    pixels.timeIncrement = TimeI(1.0, UnitsTime.MILLISECOND)
    pixels.waveIncrement = rdouble(2.0)
    pixels.waveStart = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = dimension_order
    pixels.pixelsType = pixels_type

    contrast_method = ContrastMethodI(8L)
    contrast_method.value = rstring('Fluorescence')
    illumination = IlluminationI(1L)
    illumination.value = rstring('Transmitted')
    acquisition_mode = AcquisitionModeI(1L)
    acquisition_mode.value = rstring('WideField')
    photometric_interpretation = PhotometricInterpretationI(1L)
    photometric_interpretation.value = rstring('RGB')

    channel_1 = ChannelI(1L)
    channel_1.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_1.blue = rint(0)
    channel_1.green = rint(255)
    channel_1.red = rint(0)
    channel_1.lookupTable = rstring('rainbow')
    logical_channel_1 = LogicalChannelI(1L)
    logical_channel_1.emissionWave = LengthI(509.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.excitationWave = LengthI(488.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.fluor = rstring('GFP')
    logical_channel_1.name = rstring('GFP/488')
    logical_channel_1.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_1.pinHoleSize = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_1.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_1.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_1.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_1.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_1.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_1.logicalChannel = logical_channel_1

    channel_2 = ChannelI(2L)
    channel_2.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_2.blue = rint(255)
    channel_2.green = rint(0)
    channel_2.red = rint(0)
    channel_2.lookupTable = rstring('rainbow')
    logical_channel_2 = LogicalChannelI(2L)
    logical_channel_2.emissionWave = LengthI(470.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.excitationWave = LengthI(405.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.fluor = rstring('DAPI')
    logical_channel_2.name = rstring('DAPI/405')
    logical_channel_2.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_2.pinHoleSize = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_2.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_2.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_2.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_2.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_2.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_2.logicalChannel = logical_channel_2

    return image