예제 #1
def test_hierarchy():

    A = fig.get_config('test2', abc=10.0)

    assert A['a.b'] == 'inside'
    assert A['abc'] == 10.0
    assert 'a123' not in A
    assert A['fruit'][0] == 'apples'
    assert A['fruit'][1] == 'bananas'
    assert 'arg1' not in A

    B = fig.get_config('test1', 'test2')

    assert B['a.b'] == 10
    assert 'a123' in B
    assert B['fruit'][0] == 'tomato'
    assert B['fruit'][1] == 'bananas'
    assert B['arg1'] == 'test'

    C = fig.get_config('test1', 'test2', '--x', '''{"r":10, "z":100}''',
                       '--arg1', 'xx', '--a.b', '11')

    assert C['a.b'] == 11
    assert len(C['x']) == 3
    assert C['x.r'] == 10
    assert C['x.y'] == 'hello'
    assert C['x.z'] == 100
    assert C['arg1'] == 'xx'

    D = fig.get_config('test2', '--fruit', '["strawberries"]')

    assert len(D['fruit']) == 3
    assert D['fruit'][0] == 'strawberries'
    assert D['fruit'][-1] == 'peaches'
예제 #2
def test_register_load_config():

    fig.register_config_dir(os.path.join(tu.TEST_PATH, 'example', 'config'),

    C = fig.get_config('test1')
    assert C['arg1'] == 'test'

    C = fig.get_config('t/h/e')
    assert C['nothing'] == 'special'
예제 #3
def test_update_sub():

    A = fig.get_config('test1')

    # update with config (check parents)

    B = fig.get_config()
    B.push('a', {'x': 10, 'c': 20})
    B.push('fruit', 'not a list')
    B.push('a123', ['pears', 'raspberries'])

    assert B.pull('a123.0') == 'pears'
    assert A.pull('a123.0') == 1

    assert A.pull('a.x') == 1
    assert B.pull('a.x') == 10

    B.push('a.d.a', 'micro')
    assert B.pull('a.d.a')

    B.push('q', {'y': {'m': {'c': {'a': 'hey'}}}})
    B.push('alpha', [-9, 2.1, {'beta': [-4, {'gamma'}]}])

    assert B.pull('alpha.2.beta.1.0') == 'gamma'


    assert A.pull('a.x') == 10
    assert A.pull('q.y.m.c.a') == 'hey'
    assert A.pull('fruit') == 'not a list'
    assert A.pull('a123.0') == 'pears'
    assert A.pull('a123.1') == 'raspberries'
    assert A.pull('a123.2') == 'another'
    assert B.pull('alpha.2.beta.1.0') == 'gamma'

    C = A.sub('q.y.m.c')

    assert C.pull('a') == 'hey'
    assert C.pull('unknown') == 'bad'
    assert C.pull('c.a') == 'hey'

    c = C.push('m', 'tick')
    assert c == 'tick'
    assert C.pull('m') == 'tick'
    assert C.pull('y.m')['c']['a'] == 'hey'

    D = A.sub('alpha.2.beta')

    assert D.pull('0') == -4
    assert D.pull('alpha.0') == -9
    assert D.pull('unknown') == 'bad'
예제 #4
def test_components():
    A = fig.get_config('test5')

    # create
    c = A.pull('a7')

    assert c.a2 == 'worked'
    assert c.a4_a6 == 2
    assert c.a10_0 == '0'
    assert c.x is None
    assert c.a14 == 'success'
    assert c.a14b == 'next'

    assert c.f(10) == 11

    # create nested
    A.push('a7.mn._type', 'c2')
    A.push('a7.mn.a3', 'billion')

    d = A.pull('a7')

    assert d.x is not None
    assert d.x.a1 == 1
    assert d.x.a2 == 'worked'
    assert d.x.a3 == 'billion'

    d.delta = 1234

    # reuse
    e = A.pull('a7', ref=True)

    assert id(e) == id(d)
    assert id(d.x) == id(e.x)
    assert e.delta == d.delta
예제 #5
def test_modifiers():

    A = fig.get_config('test6', 'test5')

    # simple auto modifiers

    c = A.pull('a7')

    assert type(c).__name__ == 'M2_M1_C1'
    assert c.f(1) == 500
    assert c.g(2) == 998
    assert c.h() == 502
    assert c.x is None

    # multiple auto modifiers

    A.push('a7._mod', 'm1')

    d = A.pull('a7')

    assert type(d).__name__ == 'M1_C1'
    assert d.f(1) == 0
    assert d.g(10) == -11
    assert d.h() == 2

    # modifications

    A.push('a7._mod', 'm3')

    e = A.pull('a7')

    assert type(e).__name__ == 'C1'
    assert e.a == 'still worked'
예제 #6
def load_run(A):

    silent = A.pull('silent', False, silent=True)

    override = A.pull('override', None, raw=True, silent=True)

    name = A.pull('path', '<>load', '<>resume', None, silent=silent)
    if name is not None:
        path = find_path(name, A)
        A = fig.get_config(str(path))

        if override is not None:
        A.push('path', str(path))

    if 'run' in A:
        config = A.pull('run', None, raw=True)
        if config is not None:
            A = config

    run_type = A.push('_type', 'run', overwrite=False, silent=True)
    if not fig.has_component(run_type):
        prt.error(f'Run type "{run_type}" not found, using default instead')
        A.push('_type', 'run')

    return A.pull_self()
예제 #7
def test_demo():

	A = fig.get_config('demo')

	A.push('budget', 10)
	fig.run(None, A)
예제 #8
def test_push3():
    A = fig.get_config('test1')

    # child pushes
    a = A.push('arg2.a.b', [-1, 10])
    assert a[0] == -1
    assert A.pull('arg2.a')['b'][1] == 10
    assert A.pull('arg2.a.b.1') == 10

    # when parent exists
    a = A.push('deep.unknown', 'gooder')
    assert a == 'gooder'
    assert A.pull('unknown') == 'bad'
    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.1.t.unknown') == 'good'
    assert A.pull('deep.unknown') == 'gooder'

    # push to list (append and indexed)
    a = A.push('fruit._', 'yummy')
    assert a == 'yummy'
    assert A.pull('fruit.1') == 'yummy'
    a = A.push('fruit.2', 'blueberry')
    assert a == 'blueberry'
    assert len(A.pull('fruit')) == 3
    assert A.pull('fruit.2') == 'blueberry'

    a = A.push('fruit.10', 'veggies')
    assert a == 'veggies'
    assert A.pull('fruit.3') is EmptyElement
    assert A.pull('fruit.7') is EmptyElement
    assert A.pull('fruit.10') == 'veggies'
    assert A.pull('fruit.11', 'nope') == 'nope'
    assert A.pull('fruit.20', 'no way') == 'no way'
예제 #9
def test_aliases():

    A = fig.get_config('test4')
    B = A.sub('l4.l5')

    assert A.pull('s1') == 'f1'
    assert B.pull('s2') == 'f2'
예제 #10
def test_update_dict():

    A = fig.get_config('test1')

    assert A.pull('a.x') == 1

    A.update({'y': {'m': {'c': {'a': 'hey'}}}, 'a': {'x': 12}})

    assert A.pull('a.x') == 12
    assert A.pull('y.m.c.a') == 'hey'

    C = A.sub('y.m.c')

    assert C.pull('a') == 'hey'
    assert C.pull('unknown') == 'bad'
    assert C.pull('c.a') == 'hey'

    A.update({'alpha': [-9, 2.1, {'beta': [-4, {'gamma'}]}]})

    assert A.pull('alpha.0') == -9
    assert A.pull('alpha.2.beta.1.0') == 'gamma'

    D = A.sub('alpha.2.beta')

    assert D.pull('0') == -4
    assert D.pull('alpha.0') == -9
    assert D.pull('unknown') == 'bad'
예제 #11
def test_push4():
    A = fig.get_config('test1')

    a = A.push('test', 'not me')
    assert a == 'not me'
    assert A.pull('deep.x1') == 10
    assert A.pull('deep')['x1'] == 10

    a = A.push('deep.qwerty.0', {'x1': 11})
    assert a['x1'] == 11

    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.0')['x1'] == 11
    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.0.x1') == 11
    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.1.x1') == 10

    assert A.pull('deep.x1') == 10
    assert A.pull('deep')['x1'] == 10
    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.x1') == 10

    a = A.push('deep.qwerty.2', 'no more')
    assert a == 'no more'
    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.2') == 'no more'

    a = A.push('deep.qwerty.3', [100])
    assert len(a) == 1 and a[0] == 100
    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.3.0') == 100

    # with/out overwriting
    a = A.push('deep.qwerty.4', 23, overwrite=False)
    assert a == 23
    assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.4') == 23

    a = A.push('a.x', 2, overwrite=False)
    assert a == 1
    assert A.pull('a.x') == 1
예제 #12
def get_report(A):
	root = A.pull('saveroot', '<>root', None)
	if root is None:
		root = os.environ['OMNILEARN_SAVE_DIR'] if 'OMNILEARN_SAVE_DIR' in os.environ else DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH

	# print(root)

	if root is None:
		raise Exception('no saveroot found')
	pbar = A.pull('pbar', True)
	if tqdm is None:
		pbar = None
	names = os.listdir(root)
	# region Load Runs
	A.push('silent', True, overwrite=False)
	A.push('_type', A.pull('run_type', 'run'), overwrite=False)
	runs = belt.Table()
	print(f'Found {len(names)} runs')
	itr = tqdm(names) if pbar else iter(names)
	with A.silenced():
		for name in itr:
			C = fig.get_config()
			C.push('path', os.path.join(root, name))
			run = C.pull_self()
	# endregion
	runs = sorted(runs, key=lambda run: run.info['date'], reverse=True)
	limit = A.pull('limit', None)
	if limit is not None:
		runs = runs[:limit]
	return runs
예제 #13
def test_create_obj():

    A = fig.get_config()

    A['a.b.c'] = 10

    assert 'a' in A
    assert 'b' in A['a']
    assert 'c' in A['a.b']
    assert type(A) == type(A['a'])
    assert A['a.b.c'] == 10
예제 #14
def test_raw_param():

    C = fig.get_config('--b', 'baba', '--a', '''{"r":10, "b":100}''', '--c',
                       '''["asdf", 10, 4.e-4]''')

    assert id(C['a'].get_parent()) == id(C)

    assert C['b'] == 'baba'
    assert C['a.b'] == 100
    assert C['a.r'] == 10
    assert C['c'][0] == 'asdf'
    assert C['c'][-1] == 4e-4
예제 #15
def test_removing():

    A = fig.get_config('test2')

    assert A.pull('papageno') == 10
    assert A.pull('papagena', 'missing') == 'missing'

    A.push('vogel.papagena', '_x_')

    itr = A.pull('vogel', as_iter=True)

    assert len(itr) == 1
    assert next(itr) == ('papagei', 'parrot')
예제 #16
def test_export():

    # load/change/export
    A = fig.get_config('test2', '--a.d', '50')

    A.push('count', [40, 40])

    path = os.path.join(tu.TEST_PATH, 'save.yaml')

    # reload from path (rel and abs) check for change

    B = fig.get_config(path)

    assert B.pull('a.b') == 'inside'
    assert B.pull('unseen') == 45
    assert B.pull('count.0') == 40
    assert B.pull('a.d') == 50
    assert B.pull('others.2.not.mickey') == 'mouse'

    if 'save.yaml' in os.listdir(tu.TEST_PATH):
        os.remove(os.path.join(tu.TEST_PATH, 'save.yaml'))
예제 #17
def test_iteration():

    A = fig.get_config('test2')

    # iterate through a list with as_iter

    itr = A.pull('others', as_iter=True)

    assert len(itr) == 3
    assert next(itr) == 'tom'
    assert len(itr) == 2
    assert next(itr) == 'jerry'
    assert next(itr)['not']['mickey'] == 'mouse'

    # iterate through a dict with as_iter

    A.push('costs.gems', '_x_')

    answers = A.pull('costs')

    itr = A.pull('costs', as_iter=True)

    assert len(itr) == 4
    for _ in range(len(itr)):
        k, v = next(itr)

        assert k in answers
        assert answers[k] == v

    # auto iterate a list with seq

    itr = A.sub('others').seq()

    assert len(itr) == 3
    assert next(itr) == 'tom'
    assert len(itr) == 2
    assert next(itr) == 'jerry'
    assert next(itr)['not']['mickey'] == 'mouse'

    # auto iterate a dict with seq

    itr = A.sub('costs').seq()

    assert len(itr) == 4
    for _ in range(len(itr)):
        k, v = next(itr)

        assert k in answers
        assert answers[k] == v
예제 #18
def test_deep_hierarchy():

    A = fig.get_config('test3', _history_key='_history')

    assert A['tree'] == 'nodes'

    assert A['all'][0] == 0
    assert A['ancestors'][0] == 'test3'
    # assert A['_history'][0] == 'test3'

    order = tuple(A['ancestors'][1:])
    assert order == ('t/n0', 't/n1', 't/n3', 't/n5', 't/n2', 't/n4', 't/n6',
예제 #19
def test_push1():

    A = fig.get_config('test1')

    assert A.pull('arg1') == 'test'

    a = A.push('arg1', 'another')
    assert a == 'another'

    assert A.pull('arg1') == 'another'

    a = A.push('a.d', 'one')
    assert a == 'one'
    assert A.pull('a.d') == 'one'

    a = A.push('a.c.c', 123)
    assert a == 123
    assert A.pull('a.c')['c'] == 123
예제 #20
 def _load_runs(self):
     kwargs = {}
     if self._root is not None:
         kwargs['saveroot'] = str(self._root)
     if self._override is not None:
         kwargs['override'] = self._override.copy()
     todo = [None] * len(self._names), self._names
     if isinstance(self._names, dict):
         todo = self._names.items()
     todo = todo if self._pbar is None else self._pbar(todo)
     for title, name in todo:
         load_config = fig.get_config(load=name, **kwargs)
         run = fig.run('load-run', load_config)
         if title is not None:
             run.ident = title
     self.active = self._runs.copy()
예제 #21
def test_sub():

    A = fig.get_config('test1')

    # making subs
    D = A.sub('deep')

    assert D['x1'] == 10
    assert D.pull('fruit')[0] == 'tomato'
    assert D.pull('x2.a') == 1.2
    assert D.pull('plus1') == 10
    assert D.pull('arg1') == 'test'

    # sub past a list
    B = A.sub('deep.qwerty.1.t')

    assert B['d'] == 2
    assert B.pull('check.1.H') == 'asdf'
    assert B.pull('x5') == 10
    assert B.pull('check.2.for.q')
    assert B.pull('difficult') == 'good'
예제 #22
def test_pull_simple():

    A = fig.get_config('test2', **{'roman.greek': 'linguistics'})

    assert A.pull('roman.greek') == 'linguistics'

    assert A.pull('simple') == 'p'

    assert A.pull('default', 'worked') == 'worked'

    assert A.pull('not_there', '<>try_again', '<>alias_option') == 'found'

    assert A.pull('n1', '<>n2', 2.5) == 2.5

    assert A.pull('unseen', silent=True) == 45

    assert A.pull('a.b') == 'inside'

    assert A.pull('x.y') == 'hello'

    a = A.pull('x.list', '<>x')
    a = a['z']
    assert len(a) == 2 and a[0] == 1 and a[1] == 2

    a = A.pull('veggies', '<>fruit')
    assert len(a) == 3 and a[0] == 'apples'
    assert type(a) == tuple

    a = A.pull('others')
    assert type(a) == tuple and len(
        a) == 3 and a[2]['not']['mickey'] == 'mouse'

    a = A.pull('costs')
    assert type(a) == dict and len(
        a) == 5 and 'rubies' in a['gems'] and a['steel'] > 1000

    assert A.pull('others.2.not.mickey') == 'mouse'
    assert A.pull('others.3', '<>others.1') == 'jerry'
    assert A.pull('others.2.not.goofy', '<>fruit.0.apples',
                  '<>others.2.not')['mickey'] == 'mouse'
예제 #23
def test_push2():
    A = fig.get_config('test1')

    assert A.pull('fruit.0') == 'tomato'

    a = A.pull('fruit')
    assert len(a) == 1 and a[0] == 'tomato'
    a = A.push('new_fruit', a)
    assert len(a) == 1 and a[0] == 'tomato'

    a = A.push('new_fruit', 'no')
    assert a == 'no'
    assert A.pull('new_fruit.0', 'failed') == 'failed'
    assert A.pull('new_fruit') == 'no'

    assert A.pull('a.b', 10)
    a = A.push('a.b', 11)
    assert a == 11
    assert A.pull('a.b') == 11
    # a = A.push('a.b.c', 0.25)
    # assert a == 0.25
    # assert A.pull('a.b')['c'] == 0.25

    a = A.push('a123', 'removed')
    assert a == 'removed'

    a = A.push('new', [1, 2, 4])
    assert a[-1] == 4
    assert A.pull('new.0') == 1

    a = A.push('nd', ['no', {'k': [0]}])
    assert a[0] == 'no'
    assert 'k' in a[1]
    a = A.pull('nd')
    assert len(a) == 2 and a[0] == 'no' and a[1]['k'][0] == 0
    assert A.pull('nd.0') == 'no'
    assert A.pull('nd.o', 'w') == 'w'
    assert A.pull('nd.1.j', '<>nd.0') == 'no'
    assert A.pull('deep.x1.qwer.asdf', '<>nd.1.k.0') == 0
예제 #24
def test_raw_and_cousins():

    A = fig.get_config('test5')

    raw = A.pull('a7', raw=True)
    assert isinstance(raw, ConfigType)

    A.push('pocket.a7', raw, process=False)
    A.push('a2', '_x_')
    A.push('a7', '_x_')
    A.push('a7.a2', 'cousin')
    A.push('pocket.a7.a2', '_x_')

    pocket = A.pull('pocket', raw=True)

    # create
    c = pocket.pull('a7')

    assert c.a2 == 'cousin'
    assert c.a4_a6 == 2
    assert c.a10_0 == '0'
    assert c.x is None
    assert c.a14 == 'success'
    assert c.a14b == 'next'
예제 #25
	def run(cls, *args, _compute_args=(), _compute_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
		if isinstance(self, fig.Configurable) and (len(args) < 1 or not isinstance(args[0], fig.ConfigType)):
			args = fig.get_config(), *args
		return cls(*args, **kwargs).compute(*_compute_args, **_compute_kwargs)
예제 #26
import sys, os
import omnifig as fig
from omnifig.config import EmptyElement

import _test_util as tu

fig.register_config_dir(os.path.join(tu.TEST_PATH, 'example', 'config'),

A = fig.get_config('test1')

# child pushes
a = A.push('arg2.a.b', [-1, 10])
assert a[0] == -1
assert A.pull('arg2.a')['b'][1] == 10
assert A.pull('arg2.a.b.1') == 10

# when parent exists
a = A.push('deep.unknown', 'gooder')
assert a == 'gooder'
assert A.pull('unknown') == 'bad'
assert A.pull('deep.qwerty.1.t.unknown') == 'good'
assert A.pull('deep.unknown') == 'gooder'

# push to list (append and indexed)
a = A.push('fruit._', 'yummy')
assert a == 'yummy'
assert A.pull('fruit.1') == 'yummy'
a = A.push('fruit.2', 'blueberry')
assert a == 'blueberry'
assert len(A.pull('fruit')) == 3
예제 #27
def load_model(A, silent=None):
	Creates the model and possibly loads existing model parameters
	if silent is None:
		silent = A.pull('silent', False, silent=True)
	model_config = A
	# legacy = A.pull('legacy', False) # TODO: remove
	ckpt = A.pull('_load-ckpt', '<>load-model', '<>load', None)
	if ckpt is not None:
			path = runs.find_path(ckpt, A, silent=silent, allow_file=False)
		except runs.RunNotFoundError:
			prt.warning(f'Failed to find config from: {str(ckpt)}')
			model_config = fig.get_config(str(path))
			# if legacy: # TODO: remove
			# 	addr = A.pull('load-model', None)
			# 	if addr is not None:
			# 		model_config = fig.get_config(str(Path(ckpt).parents[1]/addr))
			src_config = model_config.pull('_loaded_model', None, silent=True, raw=True)
			if src_config is not None:
				model_config = src_config
			model_config.update(A.pull('model-override', {}, raw=True, silent=True))
			A.push('_loaded_model', model_config, silent=True, process=False)
	raw_type = model_config.pull('_type', None, silent=True)
	if raw_type is None:
		assert model_config.contains_nodefault('model'), 'No model found'
		model_config = model_config.sub('model')
		raw_type = model_config.pull('_type', None, silent=True)
	if raw_type == 'model':
		model_type = model_config.pull('_model_type', None, silent=True)
		if model_type is None:
			assert model_config.contains_nodefault('model')
			model_config = model_config.sub('model')
			model_config.push('_type', model_type, silent=True)
			model_config.push('_mod', model_config.pull('_model_mod', []), silent=True)
	# model = fig.create_component(A)
	model = model_config.pull_self()
	# TODO: check if model needs the dataset (eg. a batch) to initialize params before creating the optim
	optim = model.set_optim(model_config) if isinstance(model, fm.Optimizable) else None
		device = model.get_device()
	except AttributeError:
		device = A.pull('device')
	print_model = A.pull('_print_model', False)
	if print_model:
		if A.pull('_print_optim', False):
		print(f'Number of model parameters: {util.count_parameters(model)}')
	if ckpt is not None:
		ckpt = runs.find_ckpt_path(ckpt, A, silent=silent)
		if print_model:
			print(f'Loaded parameters from {ckpt}')
	# origin_name = A.pull('__origin_key', None, silent=True)
	return model
예제 #28
    def __init__(self, meter_info=None, **kwargs):
        if meter_info is None:
            meter_info = fig.get_config(_type='meter')

        self.meter_info = meter_info