예제 #1
    def test_d_search(self):
        """Tests that SEARCH /rememberedforms/id returns an array of the forms remembered by the user with id=id that match the search criteria.

        Here we show the somewhat complex interplay of the unrestricted users, the
        restricted tag and the remembered_forms relation between users and forms.

        forms = json.loads(json.dumps(h.get_forms(), cls=h.JSONOLDEncoder))

        mysql_engine = Model.__table_args__.get('mysql_engine')
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        viewer_id = viewer.id
        contributor_id = contributor.id
        administrator_id = administrator.id

        viewer_remembered_forms = [f for f in forms
                                 if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]]
        contributor_remembered_forms = [f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0]
        administrator_remembered_forms = [f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 == 0 and f['id'] > 25]
        RDBMSName = h.get_RDBMS_name(config_filename='test.ini')
        _today_timestamp = today_timestamp
        if RDBMSName == u'mysql' and mysql_engine == 'InnoDB':
            _today_timestamp = h.round_datetime(today_timestamp)

        # The query we will use over and over again
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter': [
            'and', [
                ['Translation', 'transcription', 'like', '%1%'],
                ['not', ['Form', 'morpheme_break', 'regex', '[18][5-7]']],
                ['or', [
                    ['Form', 'datetime_modified', '=', today_timestamp.isoformat()],
                    ['Form', 'date_elicited', '=', jan1.isoformat()]]]]]}})

        # A slight variation on the above query so that searches on the admin's
        # remembered forms will return some values
        json_query_admin = json.dumps({'query': {'filter': [
            'and', [
                ['Translation', 'transcription', 'like', '%8%'],
                ['not', ['Form', 'morpheme_break', 'regex', '[18][5-7]']],
                ['or', [
                    ['Form', 'datetime_modified', '=', today_timestamp.isoformat()],
                    ['Form', 'date_elicited', '=', jan1.isoformat()]]]]]}})

        # The expected output of the above query on each of the user's remembered forms list
        result_set_viewer = [
            f for f in viewer_remembered_forms if
            '1' in ' '.join([g['transcription'] for g in f['translations']]) and
            not re.search('[18][5-7]', f['morpheme_break']) and
            (_today_timestamp.isoformat().split('.')[0] == f['datetime_modified'].split('.')[0] or
            (f['date_elicited'] and jan1.isoformat() == f['date_elicited']))]
        result_set_contributor = [
            f for f in contributor_remembered_forms if
            '1' in ' '.join([g['transcription'] for g in f['translations']]) and
            not re.search('[18][5-7]', f['morpheme_break']) and
            (_today_timestamp.isoformat().split('.')[0] == f['datetime_modified'].split('.')[0] or
            (f['date_elicited'] and jan1.isoformat() == f['date_elicited']))]
        result_set_administrator = [
            f for f in administrator_remembered_forms if
            '8' in ' '.join([g['transcription'] for g in f['translations']]) and
            not re.search('[18][5-7]', f['morpheme_break']) and
            (_today_timestamp.isoformat().split('.')[0] == f['datetime_modified'].split('.')[0] or
            (f['date_elicited'] and jan1.isoformat() == f['date_elicited']))]

        # Search the viewer's remembered forms as the viewer
        response = self.app.post(url('/rememberedforms/%d/search' % viewer_id),
                        json_query, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set_viewer] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the same search as above on the contributor's remembered forms,
        # as the contributor.
        response = self.app.request(url('/rememberedforms/%d' % contributor_id),
                        method='SEARCH', body=json_query, headers=self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set_contributor] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the same search as above on the contributor's remembered forms,
        # but search as the viewer and expect not to see the restricted forms,
        # i.e., those with ids > 50.
        response = self.app.post(url('/rememberedforms/%d/search' % contributor_id),
                        json_query, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_view_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [f for f in result_set_contributor if
                     u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]]
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the search on the administrator's remembered forms as the viewer.
        response = self.app.request(url('/rememberedforms/%d' % administrator_id),
                        method='SEARCH', body=json_query_admin, headers=self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [f for f in result_set_administrator if
                     u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]]
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Perform the search on the administrator's remembered forms as the contributor.
        response = self.app.post(url('/rememberedforms/%d/search' % administrator_id),
                        json_query_admin, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = result_set_administrator
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the search on the administrator's remembered forms as the administrator.
        response = self.app.request(url('/rememberedforms/%d' % administrator_id),
                        method='SEARCH', body=json_query_admin, headers=self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = result_set_administrator
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp
예제 #2
    def test_b_update(self):
        """Tests that PUT /rememberedforms/id correctly updates the set of forms remembered by the user with id=id."""
        forms = sorted(json.loads(json.dumps(h.get_forms(), cls=h.JSONOLDEncoder)), key=lambda f: f['id'])
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        viewer_id = viewer.id
        viewer_datetime_modified = viewer.datetime_modified
        contributor_id = contributor.id
        administrator_id = administrator.id

        # Viewer -- play with the viewer's remembered forms

        # Try to add every form in the database to the viewer's remembered forms.
        # Since the viewer is restricted (i.e., not unrestricted), only the
        # unrestricted forms will be added.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_view_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        viewer_remembered_forms = sorted(resp, key=lambda f: f['id'])
        result_set = [f for f in forms if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]]
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        new_viewer_datetime_modified = viewer.datetime_modified
        assert new_viewer_datetime_modified != viewer_datetime_modified
        assert set([f['id'] for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Try to clear the viewer's remembered forms as the contributor and
        # expect the request to be denied.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_contrib_appset, status=403)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'

        # Get the list of ids from the userforms relational table.  This is used
        # to show that resetting a user's remembered_forms attribute via SQLAlchemy
        # does not wastefully recreate all relations.  See below
        user_forms = Session.query(model.UserForm).filter(model.UserForm.user_id==viewer_id).all()
        expected_new_user_form_ids = [uf.id for uf in user_forms
                                  if uf.form_id != viewer_remembered_forms[-1]['id']]

        # Remove the last of the viewer's remembered forms as the administrator.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in viewer_remembered_forms][:-1]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = result_set[:-1]
        assert set([f['id'] for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # See what happens when a large list of remembered forms is altered like this;
        # are all the relations destroyed and recreated?
        # Get the list of ids from the userforms relational table
        user_forms = Session.query(model.UserForm).filter(model.UserForm.user_id==viewer_id).all()
        current_user_form_ids = sorted([uf.id for uf in user_forms])
        assert set(expected_new_user_form_ids) == set(current_user_form_ids)

        # Attempted update fails: bad user id
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=100896),
                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset, status=404)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no user with id 100896'

        # Attempted update fails: invalid array of form ids
        params = json.dumps({'forms': ['a', 1000000087654]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset, status=400)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['errors']['forms'] == [u'Please enter an integer value',
                                           u'There is no form with id 1000000087654.']

        # Attempted update fails: array of form ids is bad JSON
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})[:-1]
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset, status=400)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'JSON decode error: the parameters provided were not valid JSON.'

        # Clear the forms
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        viewer = Session.query(model.User).filter(model.User.role==u'viewer').first()
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert viewer.remembered_forms == []
        assert resp == []

        # Attempt to clear the forms again and fail because the submitted data are not new.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_view_appset, status=400)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'The update request failed because the submitted data were not new.'

        # Attempt to add all unrestricted forms to the viewer's remembered forms.
        # Fail because unauthenticated.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                                    params, self.json_headers, status=401)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'Authentication is required to access this resource.'

        # Finally for the viewer, re-add all unrestricted forms to the viewer's
        # remembered forms for subsequent searches and GETs.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
                            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_view_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        result_set = [f for f in forms if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]]
        assert set([f['id'] for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Contributor -- play with the contributor's remembered forms

        # The contributor is unrestricted.  Add all forms to this user's
        # remembered forms.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=contributor_id),
                            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id'] for f in forms]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Change the contributor's remembered forms to contain only the forms
        # with odd numbered ids.
        odd_numbered_form_ids = [f['id'] for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0]
        params = json.dumps({'forms': odd_numbered_form_ids})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=contributor_id),
                            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set(odd_numbered_form_ids) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Administrator -- play with the administrator's remembered forms

        # Make sure even an unrestricted contributor cannot update another user's
        # remembered forms.
        form_ids_for_admin = [f['id'] for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0 and f['id'] > 25]
        params = json.dumps({'forms': form_ids_for_admin})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=administrator_id),
                            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_contrib_appset, status=403)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'

        # The administrator's remembered forms are all the evenly id-ed ones with
        # ids greater than 25.
        form_ids_for_admin = [f['id'] for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 == 0 and f['id'] > 25]
        params = json.dumps({'forms': form_ids_for_admin})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=administrator_id),
                            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set(form_ids_for_admin) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
예제 #3
    def test_c_show(self):
        """Tests that GET /rememberedforms/id returns an array of the forms remembered by the user with id=id."""
        forms = json.loads(json.dumps(h.get_forms(), cls=h.JSONOLDEncoder))
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        viewer_id = viewer.id
        contributor_id = contributor.id
        administrator_id = administrator.id

        # Viewer

        # Get the viewer's remembered forms (show that a contributor can do this)
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [f for f in forms if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id'] for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
        # Test the pagination and order by

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 7, 'page': 3}
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
                        paginator, headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert len(resp['items']) == 7
        assert resp['items'][0]['transcription'] == result_set[14]['transcription']

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {'order_by_model': 'Form', 'order_by_attribute': 'transcription',
                     'order_by_direction': 'desc'}
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
                        order_by_params, headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set_ordered = sorted(result_set, key=lambda f: f['transcription'], reverse=True)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert result_set_ordered == resp

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.
        params = {'order_by_model': 'Form', 'order_by_attribute': 'transcription',
                     'order_by_direction': 'desc', 'items_per_page': 7, 'page': 3}
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
                        params, headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 7
        assert result_set_ordered[14]['transcription'] == resp['items'][0]['transcription']

        # Expect a 400 error when the order_by_direction param is invalid
        order_by_params = {'order_by_model': 'Form', 'order_by_attribute': 'transcription',
                     'order_by_direction': 'descending'}
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
            order_by_params, headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset, status=400)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['errors']['order_by_direction'] == u"Value must be one of: asc; desc (not u'descending')"

        # Expect the default BY id ASCENDING ordering when the order_by_model/Attribute
        # param is invalid.
        order_by_params = {'order_by_model': 'Formosa', 'order_by_attribute': 'transcrumption',
                     'order_by_direction': 'desc'}
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
            order_by_params, headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp[0]['id'] == forms[0]['id']

        # Expect a 400 error when the paginator GET params are, empty, not
        # or integers that are less than 1
        paginator = {'items_per_page': u'a', 'page': u''}
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
            paginator, headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset, status=400)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['errors']['items_per_page'] == u'Please enter an integer value'
        assert resp['errors']['page'] == u'Please enter a value'

        paginator = {'items_per_page': 0, 'page': -1}
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
            paginator, headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset, status=400)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['errors']['items_per_page'] == u'Please enter a number that is 1 or greater'
        assert resp['errors']['page'] == u'Please enter a number that is 1 or greater'

        # Contributor

        # Get the contributor's remembered forms
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=contributor_id),
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id'] for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Invalid user id returns a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=200987654),
                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib_appset, status=404)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no user with id 200987654'

        # Administrator

        # Get the administrator's remembered forms
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=administrator_id),
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_admin_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 == 0 and f['id'] > 25]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id'] for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
예제 #4
    def test_c_show(self):
        """Tests that GET /rememberedforms/id returns an array of the forms remembered by the user with id=id."""
        forms = json.loads(json.dumps(h.get_forms(), cls=h.JSONOLDEncoder))
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        viewer_id = viewer.id
        contributor_id = contributor.id
        administrator_id = administrator.id

        # Viewer

        # Get the viewer's remembered forms (show that a contributor can do this)
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            f for f in forms
            if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id']
                    for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
        # Test the pagination and order by

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 7, 'page': 3}
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert len(resp['items']) == 7
        assert resp['items'][0]['transcription'] == result_set[14][

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {
            'order_by_model': 'Form',
            'order_by_attribute': 'transcription',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc'
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set_ordered = sorted(result_set,
                                    key=lambda f: f['transcription'],
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert result_set_ordered == resp

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.
        params = {
            'order_by_model': 'Form',
            'order_by_attribute': 'transcription',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc',
            'items_per_page': 7,
            'page': 3
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 7
        assert result_set_ordered[14]['transcription'] == resp['items'][0][

        # Expect a 400 error when the order_by_direction param is invalid
        order_by_params = {
            'order_by_model': 'Form',
            'order_by_attribute': 'transcription',
            'order_by_direction': 'descending'
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['errors'][
            'order_by_direction'] == u"Value must be one of: asc; desc (not u'descending')"

        # Expect the default BY id ASCENDING ordering when the order_by_model/Attribute
        # param is invalid.
        order_by_params = {
            'order_by_model': 'Formosa',
            'order_by_attribute': 'transcrumption',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc'
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp[0]['id'] == forms[0]['id']

        # Expect a 400 error when the paginator GET params are, empty, not
        # or integers that are less than 1
        paginator = {'items_per_page': u'a', 'page': u''}
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['errors'][
            'items_per_page'] == u'Please enter an integer value'
        assert resp['errors']['page'] == u'Please enter a value'

        paginator = {'items_per_page': 0, 'page': -1}
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=viewer_id),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['errors'][
            'items_per_page'] == u'Please enter a number that is 1 or greater'
        assert resp['errors'][
            'page'] == u'Please enter a number that is 1 or greater'

        # Contributor

        # Get the contributor's remembered forms
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id']
                    for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Invalid user id returns a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='show', id=200987654),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no user with id 200987654'

        # Administrator

        # Get the administrator's remembered forms
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 == 0 and f['id'] > 25]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id']
                    for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
예제 #5
    def test_d_search(self):
        """Tests that SEARCH /rememberedforms/id returns an array of the forms remembered by the user with id=id that match the search criteria.

        Here we show the somewhat complex interplay of the unrestricted users, the
        restricted tag and the remembered_forms relation between users and forms.

        forms = json.loads(json.dumps(h.get_forms(), cls=h.JSONOLDEncoder))

        mysql_engine = Model.__table_args__.get('mysql_engine')
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        viewer_id = viewer.id
        contributor_id = contributor.id
        administrator_id = administrator.id

        viewer_remembered_forms = [
            f for f in forms
            if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]
        contributor_remembered_forms = [f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0]
        administrator_remembered_forms = [
            f for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 == 0 and f['id'] > 25
        RDBMSName = h.get_RDBMS_name(config_filename='test.ini')
        _today_timestamp = today_timestamp
        if RDBMSName == u'mysql' and mysql_engine == 'InnoDB':
            _today_timestamp = h.round_datetime(today_timestamp)

        # The query we will use over and over again
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                'filter': [
                    [['Translation', 'transcription', 'like', '%1%'],
                     ['not', ['Form', 'morpheme_break', 'regex', '[18][5-7]']],
                             'Form', 'datetime_modified', '=',
                         ], ['Form', 'date_elicited', '=',

        # A slight variation on the above query so that searches on the admin's
        # remembered forms will return some values
        json_query_admin = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                'filter': [
                    [['Translation', 'transcription', 'like', '%8%'],
                     ['not', ['Form', 'morpheme_break', 'regex', '[18][5-7]']],
                             'Form', 'datetime_modified', '=',
                         ], ['Form', 'date_elicited', '=',

        # The expected output of the above query on each of the user's remembered forms list
        result_set_viewer = [
            f for f in viewer_remembered_forms
            if '1' in ' '.join([g['transcription'] for g in f['translations']])
            and not re.search('[18][5-7]', f['morpheme_break']) and
                '.')[0] == f['datetime_modified'].split('.')[0] or
             (f['date_elicited'] and jan1.isoformat() == f['date_elicited']))
        result_set_contributor = [
            f for f in contributor_remembered_forms
            if '1' in ' '.join([g['transcription'] for g in f['translations']])
            and not re.search('[18][5-7]', f['morpheme_break']) and
                '.')[0] == f['datetime_modified'].split('.')[0] or
             (f['date_elicited'] and jan1.isoformat() == f['date_elicited']))
        result_set_administrator = [
            f for f in administrator_remembered_forms
            if '8' in ' '.join([g['transcription'] for g in f['translations']])
            and not re.search('[18][5-7]', f['morpheme_break']) and
                '.')[0] == f['datetime_modified'].split('.')[0] or
             (f['date_elicited'] and jan1.isoformat() == f['date_elicited']))

        # Search the viewer's remembered forms as the viewer
        response = self.app.post(url('/rememberedforms/%d/search' % viewer_id),
                                 json_query, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set_viewer] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the same search as above on the contributor's remembered forms,
        # as the contributor.
        response = self.app.request(url('/rememberedforms/%d' %
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert [f['id']
                for f in result_set_contributor] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the same search as above on the contributor's remembered forms,
        # but search as the viewer and expect not to see the restricted forms,
        # i.e., those with ids > 50.
        response = self.app.post(
            url('/rememberedforms/%d/search' % contributor_id), json_query,
            self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_view_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            f for f in result_set_contributor
            if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the search on the administrator's remembered forms as the viewer.
        response = self.app.request(url('/rememberedforms/%d' %
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            f for f in result_set_administrator
            if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Perform the search on the administrator's remembered forms as the contributor.
        response = self.app.post(
            url('/rememberedforms/%d/search' % administrator_id),
            json_query_admin, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = result_set_administrator
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp

        # Perform the search on the administrator's remembered forms as the administrator.
        response = self.app.request(url('/rememberedforms/%d' %
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = result_set_administrator
        assert [f['id'] for f in result_set] == [f['id'] for f in resp]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp
예제 #6
    def test_b_update(self):
        """Tests that PUT /rememberedforms/id correctly updates the set of forms remembered by the user with id=id."""
        forms = sorted(json.loads(
            json.dumps(h.get_forms(), cls=h.JSONOLDEncoder)),
                       key=lambda f: f['id'])
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        viewer_id = viewer.id
        viewer_datetime_modified = viewer.datetime_modified
        contributor_id = contributor.id
        administrator_id = administrator.id

        # Viewer -- play with the viewer's remembered forms

        # Try to add every form in the database to the viewer's remembered forms.
        # Since the viewer is restricted (i.e., not unrestricted), only the
        # unrestricted forms will be added.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_view_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        viewer_remembered_forms = sorted(resp, key=lambda f: f['id'])
        result_set = [
            f for f in forms
            if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]
        viewer, contributor, administrator = get_users()
        new_viewer_datetime_modified = viewer.datetime_modified
        assert new_viewer_datetime_modified != viewer_datetime_modified
        assert set([f['id']
                    for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Try to clear the viewer's remembered forms as the contributor and
        # expect the request to be denied.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'

        # Get the list of ids from the userforms relational table.  This is used
        # to show that resetting a user's remembered_forms attribute via SQLAlchemy
        # does not wastefully recreate all relations.  See below
        user_forms = Session.query(
            model.UserForm).filter(model.UserForm.user_id == viewer_id).all()
        expected_new_user_form_ids = [
            uf.id for uf in user_forms
            if uf.form_id != viewer_remembered_forms[-1]['id']

        # Remove the last of the viewer's remembered forms as the administrator.
        params = json.dumps(
            {'forms': [f['id'] for f in viewer_remembered_forms][:-1]})
        response = self.app.put(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = result_set[:-1]
        assert set([f['id']
                    for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # See what happens when a large list of remembered forms is altered like this;
        # are all the relations destroyed and recreated?
        # Get the list of ids from the userforms relational table
        user_forms = Session.query(
            model.UserForm).filter(model.UserForm.user_id == viewer_id).all()
        current_user_form_ids = sorted([uf.id for uf in user_forms])
        assert set(expected_new_user_form_ids) == set(current_user_form_ids)

        # Attempted update fails: bad user id
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no user with id 100896'

        # Attempted update fails: invalid array of form ids
        params = json.dumps({'forms': ['a', 1000000087654]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['errors']['forms'] == [
            u'Please enter an integer value',
            u'There is no form with id 1000000087654.'

        # Attempted update fails: array of form ids is bad JSON
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})[:-1]
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'JSON decode error: the parameters provided were not valid JSON.'

        # Clear the forms
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        viewer = Session.query(
            model.User).filter(model.User.role == u'viewer').first()
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert viewer.remembered_forms == []
        assert resp == []

        # Attempt to clear the forms again and fail because the submitted data are not new.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': []})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'The update request failed because the submitted data were not new.'

        # Attempt to add all unrestricted forms to the viewer's remembered forms.
        # Fail because unauthenticated.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'Authentication is required to access this resource.'

        # Finally for the viewer, re-add all unrestricted forms to the viewer's
        # remembered forms for subsequent searches and GETs.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(
            url(controller='rememberedforms', action='update', id=viewer_id),
            params, self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_view_appset)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        result_set = [
            f for f in forms
            if u'restricted' not in [t['name'] for t in f['tags']]
        assert set([f['id']
                    for f in result_set]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Contributor -- play with the contributor's remembered forms

        # The contributor is unrestricted.  Add all forms to this user's
        # remembered forms.
        params = json.dumps({'forms': [f['id'] for f in forms]})
        response = self.app.put(
                id=contributor_id), params, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set([f['id'] for f in forms]) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Change the contributor's remembered forms to contain only the forms
        # with odd numbered ids.
        odd_numbered_form_ids = [f['id'] for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0]
        params = json.dumps({'forms': odd_numbered_form_ids})
        response = self.app.put(
                id=contributor_id), params, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set(odd_numbered_form_ids) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])

        # Administrator -- play with the administrator's remembered forms

        # Make sure even an unrestricted contributor cannot update another user's
        # remembered forms.
        form_ids_for_admin = [
            f['id'] for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 != 0 and f['id'] > 25
        params = json.dumps({'forms': form_ids_for_admin})
        response = self.app.put(url(controller='rememberedforms',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'

        # The administrator's remembered forms are all the evenly id-ed ones with
        # ids greater than 25.
        form_ids_for_admin = [
            f['id'] for f in forms if f['id'] % 2 == 0 and f['id'] > 25
        params = json.dumps({'forms': form_ids_for_admin})
        response = self.app.put(
                id=administrator_id), params, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert set(form_ids_for_admin) == set([f['id'] for f in resp])
예제 #7
    def test_index(self):
        """Tests that GET & SEARCH /corpusbackups behave correctly.

        tag = model.Tag()
        tag.name = u'random tag name'
        tag_id = tag.id

        # Add 10 forms and use them to generate a valid value for ``test_corpus_content``
        def create_form_from_index(index):
            form = model.Form()
            form.transcription = u'Form %d' % index
            translation = model.Translation()
            translation.transcription = u'Translation %d' % index
            form.translation = translation
            return form

        forms = [create_form_from_index(i) for i in range(1, 10)]
        forms = h.get_forms()
        half_forms = forms[:5]
        form_ids = [form.id for form in forms]
        half_form_ids = [form.id for form in half_forms]
        test_corpus_content = u','.join(map(str, form_ids))
        test_corpus_half_content = u','.join(map(str, half_form_ids))

        # Create a form search model
        query = {'filter': ['Form', 'transcription', 'regex', u'[a-zA-Z]{3,}']}
        params = json.dumps({
            'name': u'form search',
            'description': u'This one\'s worth saving!',
            'search': query
        response = self.app.post(url('formsearches'), params,
                                 self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        form_search_id = resp['id']

        # Generate some valid corpus creation input parameters.
        params = self.corpus_create_params.copy()
            'name': u'Corpus',
            'description': u'Covers a lot of the data.',
            'content': test_corpus_content
        params = json.dumps(params)

        # Attempt to create a corpus as a viewer and expect to fail
        response = self.app.post(url('corpora'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Successfully create a corpus as the admin
        assert os.listdir(self.corpora_path) == []
        original_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        response = self.app.post(url('corpora'), params, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        corpus_id = resp['id']
        new_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(corpus_id)
        corpus_form_ids = sorted([f.id for f in corpus.forms])
        corpus_dir = os.path.join(self.corpora_path, 'corpus_%d' % corpus_id)
        corpus_dir_contents = os.listdir(corpus_dir)
        assert new_corpus_count == original_corpus_count + 1
        assert resp['name'] == u'Corpus'
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a lot of the data.'
        assert corpus_dir_contents == []
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_content
        assert corpus_form_ids == sorted(form_ids)

        # Update the corpus as the contributor -- now we should have one backup
        params = self.corpus_create_params.copy()
            'name': u'Corpus',
            'description': u'Covers a little less data.',
            'content': test_corpus_half_content
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('corpus', id=corpus_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        corpus_count = new_corpus_count
        new_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(corpus_id)
        corpus_form_ids = sorted([f.id for f in corpus.forms])
        assert new_corpus_count == corpus_count
        assert resp['name'] == u'Corpus'
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a little less data.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_half_content
        assert corpus_form_ids == sorted(half_form_ids)

        # Update the corpus again -- now we should have two backups
        params = self.corpus_create_params.copy()
            'name': u'Corpus',
            'description': u'Covers a little less data.',
            'content': test_corpus_half_content,
            'tags': [tag_id]
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('corpus', id=corpus_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        corpus_count = new_corpus_count
        new_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(corpus_id)
        corpus_form_ids = sorted([f.id for f in corpus.forms])
        assert new_corpus_count == corpus_count
        assert resp['name'] == u'Corpus'
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a little less data.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_half_content
        assert corpus_form_ids == sorted(half_form_ids)

        all_corpus_backups = Session.query(CorpusBackup).order_by(
        all_corpus_backup_ids = [cb.id for cb in all_corpus_backups]
        all_corpus_backup_descriptions = [
            cb.description for cb in all_corpus_backups

        # Now request the corpus backups as either the contributor or the viewer and
        # expect to get them all.
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp[0]['modifier']['role'] == u'administrator'
        assert resp[1]['modifier']['role'] == u'contributor'

        # The admin should get them all too.
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == all_corpus_backup_ids

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 2}
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 1
        assert resp['paginator']['count'] == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['items'][0]['id'] == all_corpus_backup_ids[1]

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {
            'order_by_model': 'CorpusBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc'
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = list(reversed(all_corpus_backup_ids))
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == result_set

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.
        params = {
            'order_by_model': 'CorpusBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc',
            'items_per_page': 1,
            'page': 1
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert result_set[0] == resp['items'][0]['id']

        # Now test the show action:

        # Get a specific corpus backup.
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackup',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a lot of the data.'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_content
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A nonexistent cb id will return a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackup', id=100987),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no corpus backup with id 100987'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the search action

        # A search on corpus backup titles using POST /corpusbackups/search
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                'filter': ['CorpusBackup', 'description', 'like', u'%less%']
        response = self.app.post(url('/corpusbackups/search'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            name for name in all_corpus_backup_descriptions if u'less' in name
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert resp[0]['description'] == result_set[0]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A search on corpus backup titles using SEARCH /corpusbackups
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                'filter': ['CorpusBackup', 'description', 'like', u'%less%']
        response = self.app.request(url('corpusbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert resp[0]['description'] == result_set[0]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Attempting to call edit/new/create/delete/update on a read-only resource
        # will return a 404 response
        response = self.app.get(url('edit_corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.get(url('new_corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.post(url('corpusbackups'), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.put(url('corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.delete(url('corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
예제 #8
    def test_aaa_initialize(self):
        """Initialize the database using pseudo-data generated from random lorem ipsum sentences.

        These are located in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.
        The data contain morphologically analyzed sentences, their component
        morphemes, and syntactic categories.  The sentences have phrase
        structure trees in bracket notation.

        The test will try to load the lorem ipsum dataset from a MySQL/SQLite
        dump file in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.  If the
        dump file corresponding to ``loremipsum_path`` does not exist, it will
        import the lorem ipsum data directly from the text files and create
        the dump file so that future tests can run more speedily.  The
        ``loremipsum100_path``, ``loremipsum1000_path``, ``loremipsum10000_path``
        and ``loremipsum30000_path`` files are available and contain 100, 1000
        and 10,000 sentences, respectively.

        Setting the ``via_request`` variable to ``True`` will cause all of the
        forms to be created via request, i.e., via
        ``self.app.post(url('forms))...``.  This is much slower but may be
        desirable since values for the morphological analysis attributes
        will be generated.

        .. note::

            In order to run ``mysqldump`` with the MySQL user listed in
            ``test.ini``, that user must have permission to lock and update

                mysql -u root -p<root_password>
                grant lock tables, update on old_test.* to 'old'@'localhost';

        .. warning::

            Loading the .txt or .sql files with the ``via_request`` option set to
            ``True`` will take a very long time.  This might be an argument for
            separating the interface and logic components of the controllers so
            that a "core" HTTP-less OLD application could be exposed.  This
            would facilitate the creation of models with system-generated data
            and validation but without the HTTP overhead...


        # Configure lorem ipsum data set import

        # Set ``loremipsum_path`` this to ``self.loremipsum100_path``,
        # ``self.loremipsum1000_path`` or ``self.loremipsum10000_path``.
        # WARNING: the larger ones will take a long time.
        # Use the 10,000-sentence lorem ipsum dataset to ensure that
        # very large corpora are handled correctly.
        loremipsum_path = self.loremipsum100_path 

        # Set ``via_request`` to ``True`` to create all forms via HTTP requests.
        via_request = True


        # Add an application settings so that morpheme references will work out right.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()

        def create_model(line, categories, via_request=False):
            """Create a model (form or syncat) using the string in ``line``."""
            model = 'Form'
            elements = unicode(line).split('\t')
            non_empty_elements = filter(None, elements)
                ol, mb, mg, ml, sc, sx = non_empty_elements
            except Exception:
                    ol, mb, mg, ml, sc = non_empty_elements
                    sx = u''
                except Exception:
                        model = 'SyntacticCategory'
                        n, t = non_empty_elements
                    except Exception:
                        return categories
            if via_request:
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    params = self.syntactic_category_create_params.copy()
                        'name': n,
                        'type': t
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    response = self.app.post(url('syntacticcategories'), params, self.json_headers,
                    cat_id = json.loads(response.body)['id']
                    categories[n] = cat_id
                    params = self.form_create_params.copy()
                        'transcription': ol,
                        'morpheme_break': mb,
                        'morpheme_gloss': mg,
                        'translations': [{'transcription': ml, 'grammaticality': u''}],
                        'syntax': sx,
                        'syntactic_category': categories.get(sc, u'')
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    self.app.post(url('forms'), params, self.json_headers,
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    syntactic_category = model.SyntacticCategory()
                    syntactic_category.name = n
                    syntactic_category.type = t
                    categories[n] = syntactic_category.id
                    form = model.Form()
                    form.transcription = ol
                    form.morpheme_break = mb
                    form.morpheme_gloss = mg
                    translation = model.Translation()
                    translation.transcription = ml
                    form.syntax = sx
                    form.syntacticcategory_id = categories.get(sc, None)
            return categories

        def add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=False):
            """Add the contents of the file at ``loremipsum_path`` to the database."""
            categories = {}
            with open(loremipsum_path, 'r') as f:
                i = 0
                for l in f:
                    if i % 100 == 0:
                        if not via_request: Session.commit()
                        log.debug('%d lines processed' % i)
                    i = i + 1
                    categories = create_model(l.replace('\n', ''), categories,

        loremipsum_path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(loremipsum_path)[0]
        sqlalchemy_URL = self.config['sqlalchemy.url']
        sqlalchemy_URL_list = sqlalchemy_URL.split(':')
        olddump_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path, 'olddump.sh')
        oldload_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path, 'oldload.sh')
        RDBMS = sqlalchemy_URL_list[0]

        if RDBMS == 'mysql':
            mysql_dump_path = '%s_mysql.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            username = sqlalchemy_URL_list[1][2:]
            password = sqlalchemy_URL_list[2].split('@')[0]
            dbname = sqlalchemy_URL_list[3].split('/')[1]
            if os.path.exists(mysql_dump_path):
                log.debug('The lorem ipsum MySQL dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysql -u %s -p%s %s < %s' % (
                    username, password, dbname, mysql_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                log.debug('Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the MySQL dump file.')
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysqldump -u %s -p%s --no-create-info %s > %s' % (
                    username, password, dbname, mysql_dump_path)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        elif RDBMS == 'sqlite' and h.command_line_program_installed('sqlite3'):
            sqlite_dump_path = '%s_sqlite.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            sqlite_db = sqlalchemy_URL.split('/')[-1]
            dbpath = os.path.join(self.here, sqlite_db)
            if os.path.exists(sqlite_dump_path):
                log.debug('The lorem ipsum SQLite dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s < %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                log.debug('Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the SQLite dump file.')
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s ".dump" | grep -v "^CREATE" > %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        forms = h.get_forms()
        log.debug('Lorem ipsum data loaded.  There are now %d forms in the db.' % len(forms))

        # Restrict one sentential form in the db.
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        a_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        a_form_id = a_form.id
        restricted_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        assert a_form_id == restricted_form.id
예제 #9
    def test_aaa_initialize(self):
        """Initialize the database using pseudo-data generated from random lorem ipsum sentences.

        These are located in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.
        The data contain morphologically analyzed sentences, their component
        morphemes, and syntactic categories.  The sentences have phrase
        structure trees in bracket notation.

        The test will try to load the lorem ipsum dataset from a MySQL/SQLite
        dump file in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.  If the
        dump file corresponding to ``loremipsum_path`` does not exist, it will
        import the lorem ipsum data directly from the text files and create
        the dump file so that future tests can run more speedily.  The
        ``loremipsum100_path``, ``loremipsum1000_path``, ``loremipsum10000_path``
        and ``loremipsum30000_path`` files are available and contain 100, 1000
        and 10,000 sentences, respectively.

        Setting the ``via_request`` variable to ``True`` will cause all of the
        forms to be created via request, i.e., via
        ``self.app.post(url('forms))...``.  This is much slower but may be
        desirable since values for the morphological analysis attributes
        will be generated.

        .. note::

            In order to run ``mysqldump`` with the MySQL user listed in
            ``test.ini``, that user must have permission to lock and update
            tables (alter and file privileges may also be required ...)::

                mysql -u root -p<root_password>
                grant lock tables, update on old_test.* to 'old'@'localhost';

        .. warning::

            Loading the .txt or .sql files with the ``via_request`` option set to
            ``True`` will take a very long time.  This might be an argument for
            separating the interface and logic components of the controllers so
            that a "core" HTTP-less OLD application could be exposed.  This
            would facilitate the creation of models with system-generated data
            and validation but without the HTTP overhead...


        # Configure lorem ipsum data set import

        # Set ``loremipsum_path`` this to ``self.loremipsum100_path``,
        # ``self.loremipsum1000_path`` or ``self.loremipsum10000_path``.
        # WARNING: the larger ones will take a long time.
        # Use the 10,000-sentence lorem ipsum dataset to ensure that
        # very large corpora are handled correctly.
        loremipsum_path = self.loremipsum100_path

        # Set ``via_request`` to ``True`` to create all forms via HTTP requests.
        via_request = True


        # Add an application settings so that morpheme references will work out right.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()

        def create_model(line, categories, via_request=False):
            """Create a model (form or syncat) using the string in ``line``."""
            model = 'Form'
            elements = unicode(line).split('\t')
            non_empty_elements = filter(None, elements)
                ol, mb, mg, ml, sc, sx = non_empty_elements
            except Exception:
                    ol, mb, mg, ml, sc = non_empty_elements
                    sx = u''
                except Exception:
                        model = 'SyntacticCategory'
                        n, t = non_empty_elements
                    except Exception:
                        return categories
            if via_request:
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    params = self.syntactic_category_create_params.copy()
                    params.update({'name': n, 'type': t})
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    response = self.app.post(url('syntacticcategories'),
                                             params, self.json_headers,
                    cat_id = json.loads(response.body)['id']
                    categories[n] = cat_id
                    params = self.form_create_params.copy()
                        'translations': [{
                            'transcription': ml,
                            'grammaticality': u''
                        categories.get(sc, u'')
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    self.app.post(url('forms'), params, self.json_headers,
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    syntactic_category = model.SyntacticCategory()
                    syntactic_category.name = n
                    syntactic_category.type = t
                    categories[n] = syntactic_category.id
                    form = model.Form()
                    form.transcription = ol
                    form.morpheme_break = mb
                    form.morpheme_gloss = mg
                    translation = model.Translation()
                    translation.transcription = ml
                    form.syntax = sx
                    form.syntacticcategory_id = categories.get(sc, None)
            return categories

        def add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=False):
            """Add the contents of the file at ``loremipsum_path`` to the database."""
            categories = {}
            with open(loremipsum_path, 'r') as f:
                i = 0
                for l in f:
                    if i % 100 == 0:
                        if not via_request: Session.commit()
                        log.debug('%d lines processed' % i)
                    i = i + 1
                    categories = create_model(l.replace('\n', ''), categories,

        loremipsum_path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(loremipsum_path)[0]
        sqlalchemy_URL = self.config['sqlalchemy.url']
        sqlalchemy_URL_list = sqlalchemy_URL.split(':')
        olddump_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path,
        oldload_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path,
        RDBMS = sqlalchemy_URL_list[0]

        if RDBMS == 'mysql':
            mysql_dump_path = '%s_mysql.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            username = sqlalchemy_URL_list[1][2:]
            password = sqlalchemy_URL_list[2].split('@')[0]
            dbname = sqlalchemy_URL_list[3].split('/')[1]
            if os.path.exists(mysql_dump_path):
                    'The lorem ipsum MySQL dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysql -u %s -p%s %s < %s' % (
                    username, password, dbname, mysql_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                    'Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the MySQL dump file.'
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                # Note: the --single-transaction option seems to be required (on Mac MySQL 5.6 using InnoDB tables ...)
                # see http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?10,108835,112951#msg-112951
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysqldump -u %s -p%s --single-transaction --no-create-info --result-file=%s %s' % (
                    username, password, mysql_dump_path, dbname)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        elif RDBMS == 'sqlite' and h.command_line_program_installed('sqlite3'):
            sqlite_dump_path = '%s_sqlite.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            sqlite_db = sqlalchemy_URL.split('/')[-1]
            dbpath = os.path.join(self.here, sqlite_db)
            if os.path.exists(sqlite_dump_path):
                    'The lorem ipsum SQLite dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s < %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                    'Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the SQLite dump file.'
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s ".dump" | grep -v "^CREATE" > %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        forms = h.get_forms()
            'Lorem ipsum data loaded.  There are now %d forms in the db.' %

        # Restrict one sentential form in the db.
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        a_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        a_form_id = a_form.id
        restricted_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        assert a_form_id == restricted_form.id
예제 #10
    def test_index(self):
        """Tests that GET & SEARCH /corpusbackups behave correctly.

        tag = model.Tag()
        tag.name = u'random tag name'
        tag_id = tag.id

        # Add 10 forms and use them to generate a valid value for ``test_corpus_content``
        def create_form_from_index(index):
            form = model.Form()
            form.transcription = u'Form %d' % index
            translation = model.Translation()
            translation.transcription = u'Translation %d' % index
            form.translation = translation
            return form
        forms = [create_form_from_index(i) for i in range(1, 10)]
        forms = h.get_forms()
        half_forms = forms[:5]
        form_ids = [form.id for form in forms]
        half_form_ids = [form.id for form in half_forms]
        test_corpus_content = u','.join(map(str, form_ids))
        test_corpus_half_content = u','.join(map(str, half_form_ids))

        # Create a form search model
        query = {'filter': ['Form', 'transcription', 'regex', u'[a-zA-Z]{3,}']}
        params = json.dumps({
            'name': u'form search',
            'description': u'This one\'s worth saving!',
            'search': query
        response = self.app.post(url('formsearches'), params, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        form_search_id = resp['id']

        # Generate some valid corpus creation input parameters.
        params = self.corpus_create_params.copy()
            'name': u'Corpus',
            'description': u'Covers a lot of the data.',
            'content': test_corpus_content
        params = json.dumps(params)

        # Attempt to create a corpus as a viewer and expect to fail
        response = self.app.post(url('corpora'), params, self.json_headers,
                                 self.extra_environ_view, status=403)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Successfully create a corpus as the admin
        assert os.listdir(self.corpora_path) == []
        original_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        response = self.app.post(url('corpora'), params, self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        corpus_id = resp['id']
        new_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(corpus_id)
        corpus_form_ids = sorted([f.id for f in corpus.forms])
        corpus_dir = os.path.join(self.corpora_path, 'corpus_%d' % corpus_id)
        corpus_dir_contents = os.listdir(corpus_dir)
        assert new_corpus_count == original_corpus_count + 1
        assert resp['name'] == u'Corpus'
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a lot of the data.'
        assert corpus_dir_contents == []
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_content
        assert corpus_form_ids == sorted(form_ids)

        # Update the corpus as the contributor -- now we should have one backup
        params = self.corpus_create_params.copy()
            'name': u'Corpus',
            'description': u'Covers a little less data.',
            'content': test_corpus_half_content
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('corpus', id=corpus_id), params,
                self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        corpus_count = new_corpus_count
        new_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(corpus_id)
        corpus_form_ids = sorted([f.id for f in corpus.forms])
        assert new_corpus_count == corpus_count
        assert resp['name'] == u'Corpus'
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a little less data.' 
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_half_content
        assert corpus_form_ids == sorted(half_form_ids)

        # Update the corpus again -- now we should have two backups
        params = self.corpus_create_params.copy()
            'name': u'Corpus',
            'description': u'Covers a little less data.',
            'content': test_corpus_half_content,
            'tags': [tag_id]
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('corpus', id=corpus_id), params,
                self.json_headers, self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        corpus_count = new_corpus_count
        new_corpus_count = Session.query(Corpus).count()
        corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(corpus_id)
        corpus_form_ids = sorted([f.id for f in corpus.forms])
        assert new_corpus_count == corpus_count
        assert resp['name'] == u'Corpus'
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a little less data.' 
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_half_content
        assert corpus_form_ids == sorted(half_form_ids)

        all_corpus_backups = Session.query(CorpusBackup).order_by(CorpusBackup.id).all()
        all_corpus_backup_ids = [cb.id for cb in all_corpus_backups]
        all_corpus_backup_descriptions = [cb.description for cb in all_corpus_backups]

        # Now request the corpus backups as either the contributor or the viewer and 
        # expect to get them all.
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp[0]['modifier']['role'] == u'administrator'
        assert resp[1]['modifier']['role'] == u'contributor'

        # The admin should get them all too.
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == all_corpus_backup_ids

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 2}
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'), paginator, headers=self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 1
        assert resp['paginator']['count'] == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert resp['items'][0]['id'] == all_corpus_backup_ids[1]

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {'order_by_model': 'CorpusBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id', 'order_by_direction': 'desc'}
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'), order_by_params,
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = list(reversed(all_corpus_backup_ids))
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == result_set

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.  
        params = {'order_by_model': 'CorpusBackup', 'order_by_attribute': 'id',
                     'order_by_direction': 'desc', 'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 1}
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackups'), params,
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert result_set[0] == resp['items'][0]['id']

        # Now test the show action:

        # Get a specific corpus backup. 
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackup', id=all_corpus_backup_ids[0]),
                                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['description'] == u'Covers a lot of the data.'
        assert resp['content'] == test_corpus_content
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A nonexistent cb id will return a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(url('corpusbackup', id=100987),
                    headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_view, status=404)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no corpus backup with id 100987'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the search action

        # A search on corpus backup titles using POST /corpusbackups/search
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['CorpusBackup', 'description', 'like', u'%less%']}})
        response = self.app.post(url('/corpusbackups/search'), json_query,
                        self.json_headers, extra_environ=self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [name for name in all_corpus_backup_descriptions if u'less' in name]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert resp[0]['description'] == result_set[0]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A search on corpus backup titles using SEARCH /corpusbackups
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['CorpusBackup', 'description', 'like', u'%less%']}})
        response = self.app.request(url('corpusbackups'), method='SEARCH', body=json_query,
                        headers=self.json_headers, environ=self.extra_environ_admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert resp[0]['description'] == result_set[0]
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Attempting to call edit/new/create/delete/update on a read-only resource
        # will return a 404 response
        response = self.app.get(url('edit_corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.get(url('new_corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.post(url('corpusbackups'), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.put(url('corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.delete(url('corpusbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'