class EnergyType(enum.EnumClass( ("Total", "All contributions to the energy"), ("Elastic", "Elastic energy-- one half stress times elastic strain"), ("Electric", "Electric energy-- one half total polarization times electric field") )): tip="Varieties of Energy." discussion="""<para>
class AxesPermutation( enum.EnumClass(('xzy', "Swap the y and z axes"), ('yxz', "Swap the x and y axes"), ('zyx', "Swap the x and z axes"), ('yzx', "Cycle the axes"), ('zxy', "Cycle the axes the other way"))): tip = "How to permute the image axes."
class FlipDirection( enum.EnumClass(('x', 'Flip the image about the x axis'), ( 'y', 'Flip the image about the y axis' ), ('xy', 'Flip the image about both the x and y axes (ie, rotate by 180 degrees)' ))): tip = "Axis about which to flip an Image." discussion = """<para>
class DataFileFormat( enum.EnumClass(( 'ascii', 'An ASCII file with Python-like syntax that will NOT be parsed by the Python interpreter. Inflexible, editable, but secure.' ), ('binary', 'A binary file. Inflexible and uneditable, but secure, compact and not subject to round-off error.' ))): tip = "Types of &oof2; data files." discussion = "<para>See <xref linkend='Section:Concepts:FileFormats'/>.</para>"
class ElementSelectionExpansionMode( enum.EnumClass( ("Faces", "Select Elements that share a Face with a selected Element."), ("Segments", "Select Elements that share a Segment with a selected Element."), ("Nodes", "Select Elements that share a Node with a selected Element."))): tip = "How to choose the neighboring Elements."
class SamplingType( enum.EnumClass( 'GRID', # Promises existence of get_bounds() and contains(). 'PIXEL', # Promises existence of get_pixels(). 'ELEMENT', # Promises existence of get_elements(). 'POINT', # Promises existence of get_points(). 'LINE', # Promises existence of get_endpoints(). 'BENTLINE' # Promises existence of get_elemental_segments(). )): pass
class MatPropCompatibilityType( enum.EnumClass( ('bulk_only', 'The property can only be assigned to bulk materials.'), ('interface_only', 'The property can only be assigned to interface materials.'), ('bulk_interface', 'The property can be assigned to either bulk or interface materials.' ))): tip = "Compatibility of &oof2; properties to &oof2; materials." discussion = """<para>
class FlipDirection(enum.EnumClass( # TODO 3D: are these all the flip possibilities? ('x', 'Flip the image in the x direction.'), ('y', 'Flip the image in the y direction.'), ('z', 'Flip the image in the z direction.'), ('xy', 'Flip the image in both the x and y directions.'), ('yz', 'Flip the image in both the y and z directions.'), ('xz', 'Flip the image in both the x and z directions.'), ('xyz', 'Flip the image in each of the x, y, and z directions.'))): tip = "Axis about which to flip an Image." discussion = """<para>
class Units(enum.EnumClass( (Pixel, 'Lengths are relative to the '+pixel+' size'), ('Physical', 'Lengths are given in physical units'), ('Fractional', 'Lengths are fractions of the dimensions of the microstructure') )): tip="Specify units for inputs" discussion="""<para> This type is used to specify whether a length is being given in <link linkend="Section-Concepts-Microstructure-Coordinates">physical</link> units, or as a multiple of the """+pixel+""" size in the relevant µ,
class FlipDirection( enum.EnumClass( ('x', 'Flip the image about the x axis'), ('y', 'Flip the image about the y axis'), ('z', 'Flip the image about the z axis'), ('xy', 'Flip the image about both the x and y axes'), ('yz', 'Flip the image about both the y and z axes'), ('xz', 'Flip the image about both the x and z axes'), ('xyz', 'Flip the image about both the x, y, and z axes'))): tip = "Axis about which to flip an Image." discussion = """<para>
class Coverage( enum.EnumClass( ("Exterior", "Select objects on the exterior of the set"), ("Interior", "Select objects on the interior of the set"), ("All", "Select all objects in the set."))): pass
class AngleUnits(enum.EnumClass('Radians', 'Degrees')): pass
class SegmentSide(enum.EnumClass('LEFT', 'RIGHT')): tip="The side of an element edge on which output data should be computed." discussion=xmlmenudump.loadFile('DISCUSSIONS/engine/enum/segmentside.xml')
class InPlaneSpaceComponent(enum.EnumClass('x', 'y')): tip = "The in-plane components of vectors." discussion = """<para>
class AxesPermutation( enum.EnumClass(('xy', "Don't permute the axes"), ('yx', "Swap the x and y axes."))): tip = "How to permute the image axes."
class PlaneOrientation( enum.EnumClass( ("FRONT", "The side in the direction of the positive normal."), ("BACK", "The side in the direction of the negative normal.")) ): pass
class Separator(enum.EnumClass("space", "comma", "tab")): tip = "Characters used between columns in output files." discussion = """<para>
class WriteMode(enum.EnumClass("w", "a")): pass
class Director( enum.EnumClass('Clockwise', 'Counterclockwise', 'Left to right', 'Right to left', 'Top to bottom', 'Bottom to top', 'Non-sequenceable')): #Interface branch tip = "Directions for arranging objects." discussion = """<para>
class ImageFormatE(enum.EnumClass("bmp", "jpg", "png", "pnm", "ps", "tiff")): pass
class ElementShapeType( enum.EnumClass(('brick', 'topological equivalents of cubes'), ('tetra', 'tetrahedral elements'))): tip = "Shapes of Skeleton Elements." discussion = """<para>
class ThemeEnum(enum.EnumClass(*themes)): pass
class Director(enum.EnumClass(*(unclosedDirections + closedLoopDirections))): tip = "Directions for arranging objects." discussion = """<para>
class OutputType(enum.EnumClass('Scalar', 'Aggregate')): tip = "Different varieties of Output classes." discussion = xmlmenudump.loadFile('DISCUSSIONS/engine/enum/outputtype.xml')
class SurfaceDirector( enum.EnumClass(*(unclosedDirections + closedSurfaceDirections))): tip = "Directions for arranging surfaces."
class ElementShapeType(enum.EnumClass(('triangle', 'triangular elements'), ('quad', 'quadrilateral elements'))): tip = "Shapes of Skeleton Elements." discussion = """<para>
class MenuDumpFormat(enum.EnumClass("text", "xml")): tip = "File formats for the &oof2; API dump." discussion = """<para>
class SpaceComponent(enum.EnumClass('x', 'y', 'z')): tip = 'Components of vectors.' discussion = """<para>
class WriteMode(enum.EnumClass("w", "a")): tip = "Write or append?" discussion = xmlmenudump.loadFile("DISCUSSIONS/common/enum/writemode.xml")
class ReferenceFrame( enum.EnumClass(("Lab", "The laboratory reference frame"), ("Crystal", "The crystal reference frame"))): tip = "Evaluate quantities in the lab or crystal reference frame."