예제 #1
def load_eegData(fpath, eegChans, bitVolts=0.195):
    # Load EEG data of selected channel
    print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: load from file'])
    continuous_data = NWBio.load_continuous_as_array(fpath, eegChans)
    if not (continuous_data is None):
        print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: extract timestamps'])
        timestamps = np.array(continuous_data['timestamps'])
        print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: transforming into float32'])
        data = continuous_data['continuous'].astype(np.float32)
        sampling_rate = NWBio.OpenEphys_SamplingRate()
        # If no raw data available, load downsampled data for that tetrode
        lowpass_data = NWBio.load_tetrode_lowpass(fpath)
        timestamps = np.array(lowpass_data['tetrode_lowpass_timestamps'])
        sampling_rate = NWBio.OpenEphys_SamplingRate() / float(lowpass_downsampling)
        if not isinstance(eegChans, list):
            eegChans = [eegChans]
        tetrodes = []
        for eegChan in eegChans:
        data = np.array(lowpass_data['tetrode_lowpass'][:, tetrodes]).astype(np.float32)
    # Scale data with bitVolts value to convert from raw data to voltage values
    print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: converting to bitVolts'])
    data = data * bitVolts

    return {'data': data, 'timestamps': timestamps, 'sampling_rate': sampling_rate}
예제 #2
def write_set_file(setFileName, new_values_dict):
    sourcefile = os.path.join(package_path, 'Utils', 'SetFileBase.set')
    # Read in base .set file
    with open(sourcefile, 'rb') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
    # Correct lines based on new_values_dict
    for key in new_values_dict.keys():
        for nl, line in enumerate(lines):
            if hfunct.encode_bytes(key + ' ') in line:
                lines[nl] = hfunct.encode_bytes(key + ' ' + new_values_dict[key] + '\r\n')
    # Write the .set file with corrected lines
    with open(setFileName, 'wb') as file:
예제 #3
def concatenate_spike_data_across_recordings(spike_data, data_time_edges, recording_edges):
    new_spike_data = [None] * len(spike_data[0])
    for n_tet in range(len(new_spike_data)):
        print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: concatenating data for tetrode ', n_tet])
        waveforms = [data[n_tet]['waveforms'] for data in spike_data]
        clusterIDs = [data[n_tet]['clusterIDs'] for data in spike_data]
        timestamps = [data[n_tet]['timestamps'] for data in spike_data]
        for n_rec in range(len(timestamps)):
            # Transform timestamps to continuous recordings
            timestamps[n_rec] = timestamps[n_rec] - data_time_edges[n_rec][0] + recording_edges[n_rec][0]
        print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: The concatenation'])
        new_spike_data[n_tet] = {'waveforms': np.concatenate(waveforms, axis=0), 
                                 'clusterIDs': np.concatenate(clusterIDs, axis=0), 
                                 'timestamps': np.concatenate(timestamps, axis=0)}

    return new_spike_data
예제 #4
def concatenate_eegData_across_recordings(eegData, data_time_edges, recording_edges):
    for n_rec in range(len(eegData)):
        # Crop data outside data_time_edges and transform timestamps to continuous recording
        idx_outside_data_time = eegData[n_rec]['timestamps'] < data_time_edges[n_rec][0]
        idx_outside_data_time = np.logical_or(idx_outside_data_time, 
                                              eegData[n_rec]['timestamps'] > data_time_edges[n_rec][1])
        idx_outside_data_time = np.where(idx_outside_data_time)[0]
        eegData[n_rec]['timestamps'] = np.delete(eegData[n_rec]['timestamps'], idx_outside_data_time, axis=0)
        eegData[n_rec]['timestamps'] = eegData[n_rec]['timestamps'] - data_time_edges[n_rec][0] + recording_edges[n_rec][0]
        eegData[n_rec]['data'] = np.delete(eegData[n_rec]['data'], idx_outside_data_time, axis=0)
    # Concatenate data and timestamps
    print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: The concatenation'])
    new_eegData = {'data': np.concatenate([x['data'] for x in eegData], axis=0), 
                   'timestamps': np.concatenate([x['timestamps'] for x in eegData], axis=0), 
                   'sampling_rate': eegData[0]['sampling_rate']}

    return new_eegData
예제 #5
def createAxonaData_for_NWBfile(OpenEphysDataPath, spike_name='first_available', channel_map=None, 
                                subfolder='AxonaData', eegChans=None, pixels_per_metre=None, 
                                show_output=False, clustering_name=None):
    # Construct path for AxonaData and get experiment info
    AxonaDataPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(OpenEphysDataPath), subfolder)
    experiment_info = getExperimentInfo(OpenEphysDataPath)
    # Get channel_map for this dataset
    if channel_map is None:
        if NWBio.check_if_settings_available(OpenEphysDataPath,'/General/channel_map/'):
            channel_map = NWBio.load_settings(OpenEphysDataPath,'/General/channel_map/')
            raise ValueError('Channel map could not be generated. Enter channels to process.')
    # Get position data for this recording
    data_time_edges = NWBio.get_processed_tracking_data_timestamp_edges(OpenEphysDataPath)
    if NWBio.check_if_processed_position_data_available(OpenEphysDataPath):
        posdata = NWBio.load_processed_tracking_data(OpenEphysDataPath)
        posdata = None
    # Create AxonaData separately for each recording area
    for area in channel_map.keys():
        # Load spike data
        tetrode_nrs = hfunct.get_tetrode_nrs(channel_map[area]['list'])
        print('Loading spikes for tetrodes nr: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, tetrode_nrs)))
        if spike_name == 'first_available':
            spike_data = get_first_available_spike_data(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs, 
                                                        use_idx_keep=True, use_badChan=True,
            spike_data = NWBio.load_spikes(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs=tetrode_nrs, 
                                           spike_name=spike_name, use_idx_keep=True, 
                                           use_badChan=True, clustering_name=clustering_name)
        # Load eeg data
        if eegChans is None:
            eegData = None
            eegChansInArea_Bool = [x in channel_map[area]['list'] for x in eegChans]
            if any(eegChansInArea_Bool):
                eegChansInArea = [x for (x,y) in zip(eegChans, eegChansInArea_Bool) if y]
                print('Loading LFP data for channels: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, eegChansInArea)))
                eegData = load_eegData(OpenEphysDataPath, eegChansInArea)
                eegData = None
        createAxonaData(AxonaDataPath, spike_data, data_time_edges, posdata=posdata, 
                        experiment_info=experiment_info, axona_file_name=area, 
                        eegData=eegData, pixels_per_metre=pixels_per_metre, 
예제 #6
def create_DACQ_waveform_data(spike_data, data_time_edges, 
    This is a function to create_AxonaData waveforms using multiprocessing.
    See create_DACQ_waveform_data_for_single_tetrode() for description of input arguments.

    spike_data - list of spike_data_tet - see create_DACQ_waveform_data_for_single_tetrode()
    input_args = []
    for spike_data_tet in spike_data:
        input_args.append((spike_data_tet, data_time_edges, input_sampling_frequency, 
                           output_sampling_frequency, output_timestemps))
    multiprocessor = hfunct.multiprocess()
    waveform_data_dacq = multiprocessor.map(create_DACQ_waveform_data_for_single_tetrode, 
                                            len(input_args), args_list=input_args, 

    return waveform_data_dacq
예제 #7
def write_file_in_axona_format(filename, header, header_keyorder, data):
    Writes data in axona format
    # Set data start and end tokens
    DATA_START_TOKEN = 'data_start'
    DATA_END_TOKEN = '\r\ndata_end\r\n'
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
        # Write header in the correct order
        for key in header_keyorder:
            if 'num_spikes' in key:
                # Replicate spaces following num_spikes in original dacq files
                stringval = header[key]
                while len(stringval) < 10:
                    stringval += ' '
                f.write(hfunct.encode_bytes(key + ' ' + stringval + '\r\n'))
            elif 'num_pos_samples' in key:
                # Replicate spaces following num_pos_samples in original dacq files
                stringval = header[key]
                while len(stringval) < 10:
                    stringval += ' '
                f.write(hfunct.encode_bytes(key + ' ' + stringval + '\r\n'))
            elif 'duration' in key:
                # Replicate spaces following duration in original dacq files
                stringval = header[key]
                while len(stringval) < 10:
                    stringval += ' '
                f.write(hfunct.encode_bytes(key + ' ' + stringval + '\r\n'))
                f.write(hfunct.encode_bytes(key + ' ' + header[key] + '\r\n'))
        # Write the start token string
        # Write the data into the file in binary format
        # Write the end token string
예제 #8
def createAxonaData_for_multiple_NWBfiles(OpenEphysDataPaths, AxonaDataPath, 
                                          spike_name='first_available', channel_map=None, 
                                          eegChans=None, pixels_per_metre=None, 
                                          show_output=False, clustering_name=None):
    # Get experiment info
    if len(OpenEphysDataPaths) > 1:
        print('Using experiment_info from first recording only.')
    experiment_info = getExperimentInfo(OpenEphysDataPaths[0])
    # Get channel_map for this dataset
    if channel_map is None:
        if len(OpenEphysDataPaths) > 1:
            print('Using channel_map from first recording only.')
        if NWBio.check_if_settings_available(OpenEphysDataPaths[0],'/General/channel_map/'):
            channel_map = NWBio.load_settings(OpenEphysDataPaths[0],'/General/channel_map/')
            raise ValueError('Channel map could not be generated. Enter channels to process.')
    # Compute start and end times of each segment of the recording
    data_time_edges = []
    for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
    recording_edges = []
    recording_duration = 0
    for dte in data_time_edges:
        end_of_this_recording = recording_duration + (dte[1] - dte[0])
        recording_edges.append([recording_duration, end_of_this_recording])
        recording_duration = end_of_this_recording
    combined_data_time_edges = [recording_edges[0][0], recording_edges[-1][1]]
    # Get position data for these recordings
    print('Loading position data.')
    posdata = []
    for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
        if NWBio.check_if_processed_position_data_available(OpenEphysDataPath):
    if any([x is None for x in posdata]):
        posdata = None
        posdata = concatenate_posdata_across_recordings(posdata, data_time_edges, 
    # Create AxonaData separately for each recording area
    for area in channel_map.keys():
        # Load spike data
        tetrode_nrs = hfunct.get_tetrode_nrs(channel_map[area]['list'])
        print('Loading spikes for tetrodes nr: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, tetrode_nrs)))
        spike_data = []
        for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
            if spike_name == 'first_available':
                spike_data.append(get_first_available_spike_data(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs, 
                                                                 use_idx_keep=True, use_badChan=True))
                print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: loading spikes of tet ', tetrode_nrs, ' from ', OpenEphysDataPath])
                spike_data.append(NWBio.load_spikes(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs=tetrode_nrs, 
                                                    spike_name=spike_name, use_idx_keep=True, 
                                                    use_badChan=True, clustering_name=clustering_name))
        spike_data = concatenate_spike_data_across_recordings(spike_data, data_time_edges, 
        # Load eeg data
        if eegChans is None:
            eegData = None
            eegChansInArea_Bool = [x in channel_map[area]['list'] for x in eegChans]
            if any(eegChansInArea_Bool):
                eegChansInArea = [x for (x,y) in zip(eegChans, eegChansInArea_Bool) if y]
                print('Loading LFP data for channels: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, eegChansInArea)))
                eegData = []
                for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
                    print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: loading eegData for ', OpenEphysDataPath])
                    eegData.append(load_eegData(OpenEphysDataPath, eegChansInArea))
                print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: concatenating eeg data'])
                eegData = concatenate_eegData_across_recordings(eegData, data_time_edges, 
                eegData = None
        createAxonaData(AxonaDataPath, spike_data, combined_data_time_edges, 
                        posdata=posdata, experiment_info=experiment_info, 
                        axona_file_name=area, eegData=eegData, 
                        pixels_per_metre=pixels_per_metre, show_output=show_output)
    with open(os.path.join(AxonaDataPath, 'recording_edges'), 'w') as file:
        for edges, OpenEphysDataPath in zip(recording_edges, OpenEphysDataPaths):
            file.write(str(edges) + ' path: ' + OpenEphysDataPath + '\n')
예제 #9
def write_clusterIDs_in_CLU_format(clusterIDs, cluFileName):
    lines = [hfunct.encode_bytes(str(max(clusterIDs)) + '\r\n')]
    for nclu in list(clusterIDs):
        lines.append(hfunct.encode_bytes(str(nclu) + '\r\n'))
    with open(cluFileName, 'wb') as file:
예제 #10
def create_DACQ_eeg_or_egf_data(eeg_or_egf, data, data_time_edges, target_range=1000):
    EEG is lowpass filtered to half the target sampling rate, 
    downsampled to dacq_eeg_samplingrate and 
    inverted to same polarity as spikes in AxonaFormat.
    The data is also clipped to specified range in values and time.

    The returned array is in correct format to written to binary Axona file.

    eeg_or_egf - str - 'eeg' or 'egf' specifies ouput data format and sampling rate
    data - dict with following fields:
           'data' - numpy  array in dtype=numpy.float32 with dimensions (N x n_chan) - 
                  LFP data to convert.
           'timestamps' - numpy one dimensional array in dtype=numpy.float32 - 
                        timestamps in seconds for each of the datapoints in data
           'sampling_rate' - int or float - sampling rate of data
    data_time_edges - tuple with two elements: start and end time of data (in seconds).
                      This is used with timestamps to crop EEG data outside data range.
    target_range - int or float - EEG data with voltage values above this will be clipped.
    # AxonaData eeg data parameters
    if eeg_or_egf == 'eeg':
        output_SamplingRate = AxonaDataEEG_SamplingRate()
    elif eeg_or_egf == 'egf':
        output_SamplingRate = AxonaDataEGF_SamplingRate()
    if output_SamplingRate > data['sampling_rate']:
        raise ValueError('Input data sampling rate is lower than requested output data.')
    if data['data'].dtype  != np.float32:
        raise ValueError('Input data dtype is not numpy.float32.')
    lowpass_frequency = output_SamplingRate / 2.0
    # Filter data with lowpass butter filter
    data_in_processing = []
    for n_chan in range(data['data'].shape[1]):
        data_in_processing.append(hfunct.butter_lowpass_filter(data['data'][:, n_chan].copy(), 
    # Crop data outside data_time_edges
    idx_outside_data_time = data['timestamps'] < data_time_edges[0]
    idx_outside_data_time = np.logical_or(idx_outside_data_time, data['timestamps'] > data_time_edges[1])
    idx_outside_data_time = np.where(idx_outside_data_time)[0]
    cropped_timestamps = np.delete(data['timestamps'].copy(), idx_outside_data_time, 0)
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        data_in_processing[n_chan] = np.delete(data_in_processing[n_chan], idx_outside_data_time, 0)
    # Resample data to dacq_eeg sampling rate
    original_timestamps = (cropped_timestamps - cropped_timestamps[0])
    target_timestamps = np.arange(0, original_timestamps[-1], 1.0 / float(output_SamplingRate))
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        interfunct = interpolate.interp1d(original_timestamps, data_in_processing[n_chan])
        data_in_processing[n_chan] = interfunct(target_timestamps)
    # Invert data
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        data_in_processing[n_chan] = -data_in_processing[n_chan]
    # Adjust EEG data format and range
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        data_in_processing[n_chan] = data_in_processing[n_chan] - np.mean(data_in_processing[n_chan])
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        data_in_processing[n_chan] = data_in_processing[n_chan] / target_range
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        data_in_processing[n_chan] = data_in_processing[n_chan] * 127
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        data_in_processing[n_chan][data_in_processing[n_chan] > 127] = 127
        data_in_processing[n_chan][data_in_processing[n_chan] < -127] = -127
    # Create DACQ data eeg format
    if eeg_or_egf == 'eeg':
        dacq_eeg_dtype = [('eeg', '=b')]
        dacq_eeg_data_dtype = '=b'
    elif eeg_or_egf == 'egf':
        dacq_eeg_dtype = [('eeg', np.int16)]
        dacq_eeg_data_dtype = np.int16
    eeg_data_dacq = [None] * len(data_in_processing)
    for n_chan in range(len(data_in_processing)):
        dacq_eeg = data_in_processing[n_chan].astype(dtype=dacq_eeg_data_dtype)
        eeg_data_dacq[n_chan] = np.zeros(dacq_eeg.size, dtype=dacq_eeg_dtype)
        eeg_data_dacq[n_chan]['eeg'] = dacq_eeg

    return eeg_data_dacq