예제 #1
파일: display.py 프로젝트: rbarillot/caribu
    def build_scene_with_colors(self, colors):
        scene = pgl.Scene()
        n = len(colors)
        for i, (label, count) in enumerate(self.indexes):
            pid = plant_id(label)
            plant = self.plants[pid]
            if is_leaf(label):
                lid = leaf_id(label)
                geom = plant["leaves"][lid]
            elif is_stem(label):
                geom = plant["stems"]
                geom = self.soil["soil"]
            if count == 0:
                geom.colorList = []
                geom.colorPerVertex = False

            assert 3 * len(geom.colorList) == count
            if i >= n or type(colors[i]) == float:
                geom.colorList.append(pgl.Color4(10, 10, 10, 0))
                r, g, b = colors[i]
                geom.colorList.append(pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0))

        for plant in list(self.plants.values()):
            leaves = plant["leaves"]
            stems = plant["stems"]
            for leaf in list(leaves.values()):
                scene += leaf
            if len(stems.pointList) > 0:
                scene += stems
        if "soil" in self.soil:
            scene += self.soil["soil"]

        self.scene = scene
예제 #2
파일: RatpScene.py 프로젝트: yww2567/PyRATP
    def plot(self, dfvox, dfmap, minval=None, maxval=None):
        output = pandas.merge(dfmap, dfvox)
        output = output.sort_values(
        )  # sort is needed to ensure matching with triangulation indices
        par = output['PAR']
        if minval is None:
            minval = min(par)
        if maxval is None:
            maxval = max(par)
        cmap = ColorMap()

        scene = pgl.Scene()
        discretizer = pgl.Discretizer()

        for sh in self.scene:
            mesh = discretizer.result
            mesh.colorList = []
            mesh.colorPerVertex = False
            colors = map(lambda x: cmap(x, minval, maxval, 250., 20.),
                         par[output['shape_id'] == sh.id])
            for color in colors:
                r, g, b = color
                mesh.colorList.append(pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0))



        return scene
    def to_geom_args(self,
                     _as_obj=False):  # pragma: lpy
        r"""Get arguments for creating a PlantGL geometry.

            conversion (float, optional): Conversion factor that should be
                applied to the vertices. Defaults to 1.0.
            name (str, optional): Name that should be given to the created
                PlantGL symbol. Defaults to None and is ignored.

            tuple: Class, arguments and keyword arguments for PlantGL geometry.

        import openalea.plantgl.all as pgl
        kwargs = dict()
        # Add vertices
        obj_points = []
        obj_colors = []
        for v in self['vertices']:
            xarr = conversion * np.array([v[k] for k in ['x', 'y', 'z']])
                pgl.Vector3(np.float64(xarr[0]), np.float64(xarr[1]),
            c = [v.get(k, None) for k in ['red', 'green', 'blue']]
            if None not in c:
                cast_type = int
                    pgl.Color4(cast_type(c[0]), cast_type(c[1]),
                               cast_type(c[2]), cast_type(1)))
        points = pgl.Point3Array(obj_points)
        if obj_colors:
            colors = pgl.Color4Array(obj_colors)
            kwargs['colorList'] = colors
            kwargs['colorPerVertex'] = True
        # Add indices
        obj_indices = []
        index_class = pgl.Index
        array_class = pgl.IndexArray
        smb_class = pgl.FaceSet
        # index_class = pgl.Index3
        # array_class = pgl.Index3Array
        # smb_class = pgl.TriangleSet
        for f in self['faces']:
            if _as_obj:
                f_int = [int(_f['vertex_index']) for _f in f]
                f_int = [int(_f) for _f in f['vertex_index']]
        indices = array_class(obj_indices)
        args = (points, indices)
        return smb_class, args, kwargs
예제 #4
def from_scene_mesh(scene_mesh, colors=None):
    plant_color = (0, 180, 0)

    if colors is None:
        colors = {k: plant_color for k in scene_mesh}

    scene = pgl.Scene()
    for sh_id, mesh in scene_mesh.iteritems():
        vertices, faces = mesh
        if isinstance(colors[sh_id], tuple):
            r, g, b = colors[sh_id]
            color_list = [pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0)] * len(faces)
            color_list = [pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0) for r, g, b in colors[sh_id]]
        shape = pgl.TriangleSet(vertices, faces)
        shape.colorList = color_list
        shape.colorPerVertex = False
        shape.id = sh_id
        scene += shape

    return scene
예제 #5
    def to_geom_args(self, conversion=1.0, name=None):
        r"""Get arguments for creating a PlantGL geometry.

            conversion (float, optional): Conversion factor that should be
                applied to the vertices. Defaults to 1.0.
            name (str, optional): Name that should be given to the created
                PlantGL symbol. Defaults to None and is ignored.

            tuple: Class, arguments and keyword arguments for PlantGL geometry.

        import openalea.plantgl.all as pgl
        kwargs = dict()
        # Add vertices
        obj_points = []
        for v in self['vertices']:
            xarr = conversion * np.array(v)
            obj_points.append(pgl.Vector3(xarr[0], xarr[1], xarr[2]))
        points = pgl.Point3Array(obj_points)
        # Add indices
        obj_indices = []
        nind = None
        index_class = pgl.Index3
        array_class = pgl.Index3Array
        smb_class = pgl.TriangleSet
        for f in self['faces']:
            if nind is None:
                nind = len(f)
                if nind == 3:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "No PlantGL class for faces with %d vertices." % nind)
                if len(f) != nind:
                    raise ValueError("Faces do not all contain %d vertices." %
            f_int = [int(_f) for _f in f]
        indices = array_class(obj_indices)
        # Add colors
        if self['vertex_colors']:
            obj_colors = []
            for c in self['vertex_colors']:
                assert (len(c) == 3)
                obj_colors.append(pgl.Color4(c[0], c[1], c[2], 1))
            colors = pgl.Color4Array(obj_colors)
            kwargs['colorList'] = colors
            kwargs['colorPerVertex'] = True
        args = (points, indices)
        return smb_class, args, kwargs
예제 #6
파일: display.py 프로젝트: rbarillot/caribu
def generate_scene(triangle_scene, colors=None, soil=None, soil_colors=None):
    """ Build a colored PlantGL scene

        triangle_scene: (dict of list of list of tuples) a {primitive_id: [triangles, ]} dict,
                each triangle being defined by an ordered triplet of 3-tuple points coordinates.
        colors: (dict of list of tuples) : a {primitive_id: [colors,]} dict
                defining colors of primitives in the scene. A color is a (r, g, b) tuple.
        soil: (list of triangles) : a list of triangles of the soil
        soil_colors : a list of (r, g, b) tuples defining the colors of the soil triangles

        A plantGL scene of colored shapes
    plant_color = (0, 180, 0)
    soil_color = (170, 85, 0)
    missing_color = (0, 0, 0)
    scene = pgl.Scene()

    if colors is None:
        colors = {
            k: [plant_color] * len(triangle_scene[k])
            for k in triangle_scene
        colors = {
            k: colors.get(k, [missing_color] * len(triangle_scene[k]))
            for k in triangle_scene

    for k, triangles in triangle_scene.items():
        shape = pgl.TriangleSet([], [])
        shape.colorList = []
        shape.colorPerVertex = False
        shape.id = k
        for i, triangle in enumerate(triangles):
            shape.indexList.append(pgl.Index3(3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2))
            r, g, b = colors[k][i]
            shape.colorList.append(pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0))

        scene += shape

    if soil is not None:
        if soil_colors is None:
            soil_colors = [soil_color] * len(soil)
        sid = max([sh.id for sh in scene])
        shape = pgl.TriangleSet([], [])
        shape.colorList = []
        shape.colorPerVertex = False
        shape.id = sid
        for i, triangle in enumerate(soil):
            shape.indexList.append(pgl.Index3(3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2))
            r, g, b = soil_colors[i]
            shape.colorList.append(pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0))

        scene += shape

    return scene
예제 #7
import PyQGLViewer as qgl
import openalea.plantgl.all as pgl

toVec = lambda v: qgl.Vec(v.x, v.y, v.z)
toV3 = lambda v: pgl.Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z)

toC3 = lambda v: pgl.Color3(v.red(), v.green(), v.blue())
toC4 = lambda v: pgl.Color4(v.red(), v.green(), v.blue(), v.alpha())
toQC = lambda v: pgl.QColor(v.red, v.green, v.blue)

bbx2qgl = lambda bbx: (toVec(bbx.lowerLeftCorner), toVec(bbx.upperRightCorner))