예제 #1
def publisher_edit(publisher_id=None):
    p = Publisher.pull(publisher_id)
    form = PublisherLicenseForm(request.form, p)

    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
        if not p:
            p = Publisher()
        p.publisher_name = form.publisher_name.data
        p.journal_urls = form.journal_urls.data
        p.licenses = form.licenses.data
        for l in p.licenses:
            new_ls = LicenseStatement(**l)
        return redirect(url_for('.publisher_edit', publisher_id=p.id))
    return render_template('publisher.html', form=form)
def statement_edit(statement_id=None):
    ls = LicenseStatement.pull(statement_id)
    form = LicenseForm(request.form, ls)

    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
        if not ls:
            ls = LicenseStatement()
        ls.license_statement = form.license_statement.data
        ls.license_type = form.license_type.data
        if form.version.data:
            ls.version = form.version.data
        if form.example_doi.data:
            ls.example_doi = form.example_doi.data
        sleep(1.5)  # ugly hack, make sure statement is saved before showing to user
        return redirect(url_for(".list_statements", _anchor=ls.edit_id))

    return render_template("statement.html", form=form)