예제 #1
 def test_13_provider_licence_error(self):
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_13_1")
     # no provider
     record = {}
     ret = workflow.provider_licence(record)
     print ret
     assert "error" in ret
     # no plugin to handle provider
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_13_2")
     if "error" in record: del record["error"]
     record['provider'] = {"url" : ["testprovider"]}
     ret = workflow.provider_licence(record)
     assert "error" in ret
     # some error in license detect
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_13_3")
     if "error" in record: del record["error"]
     ret = workflow.provider_licence(record)
     assert "error" in ret
     # some error in licence detect and record corrupt
     ret = workflow.detect_provider("whatever")
     assert "error" in ret
예제 #2
 def test_11_provider_licence(self):
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_11_1")
     # first check that no provider results in no change
     record = {}
     assert not record.has_key("bibjson")
     # now check there's no change if there's no plugin
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_11_2")
     record = models.MessageObject(record=record)
     record = record.record
     assert not record.has_key("bibjson")
     # check that it works when it's right
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_11_1")
     record['provider'] = {"url" : ["testprovider"]}
     assert record.has_key("bibjson")
     assert record['bibjson'].has_key("license") # american spelling
     assert len(record['bibjson']['license']) == 1
 def test_14_chain(self):
     global CACHE
     global ARCHIVE
     record = {'identifier' : {"id" : "10.1", "type" : "doi", "canonical" : "doi:10.1"}, "queued" : True}
     config.provider_detection = {"doi" : ["mock_detect_provider"]}
     config.license_detection = ["mock_licence_plugin"]
     cache.cache = mock_cache
     models.Record.store = mock_store
     # run the chain synchronously
     record = workflow.detect_provider(record)
     record = workflow.provider_licence(record)
     record = workflow.store_results(record)
     assert "provider" in record
     assert record["provider"]["url"][0] == "http://provider"
     assert record.has_key("bibjson")
     assert record['bibjson'].has_key("license")
     assert CACHE.has_key("doi:10.1")
     assert not CACHE["doi:10.1"].has_key("queued")
     assert len(ARCHIVE) == 1
     assert ARCHIVE[0]["title"] == "mytitle"
     del CACHE['doi:10.1']
     del ARCHIVE[0]
 def test_11_provider_unknown_licence(self):
     config.license_detection = ["mock_unknown_licence_plugin"]
     # check that it works when it's right
     record = {}
     record['provider'] = {"url" : ["testprovider"]}
     # mock_unknown_plugin runs but does not provide us with a licence,
     # but nonetheless, we expect an unknown licence to exist
     assert record.has_key("bibjson")
     assert record['bibjson'].has_key("license") # american spelling
     assert len(record['bibjson']['license']) == 1
     licence = record['bibjson']['license'][0]
     assert licence['url'] == config.unknown_url, (licence['url'], config.unknown_url)
     assert licence["type"] == "failed-to-obtain-license"
     assert licence['provenance']['handler'] == "test_workflow", licence['provenance']['handler']
     assert licence['provenance']['handler_version'] == "1.0", licence['provenance']['handler_version']
예제 #5
 def test_12_provider_unknown_licence(self):
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_12")
     # check that it works when it's right
     record = {}
     record['provider'] = {"url" : ["testprovider"]}
     # mock_unknown_plugin runs but does not provide us with a licence,
     # but nonetheless, we expect an unknown licence to exist
     assert record.has_key("bibjson")
     assert record['bibjson'].has_key("license") # american spelling
     assert len(record['bibjson']['license']) == 1
     licence = record['bibjson']['license'][0]
     assert licence['url'] == config.unknown_url, (licence['url'], config.unknown_url)
     assert licence["type"] == "failed-to-obtain-license"
     assert licence['provenance']['handler'] == "test_workflow", licence['provenance']['handler']
     assert licence['provenance']['handler_version'] == "1.0", licence['provenance']['handler_version']
예제 #6
 def test_18_provider_licence_was_licences(self):
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_18")
     record = {
         'provider' : {"url" : ["testprovider"]},
         "bibjson" : {
             "license" : [
                 {"title" : "l1"}
     record = models.MessageObject(record=record)
     record = record.prep_for_backend()
     # check that it works when it's right
     # mock_unknown_plugin runs but does not provide us with a licence,
     # but because there was a licence initially, we expect there not to have been one added
     assert not record.has_key("bibjson")
예제 #7
 def test_17_chain(self):
     global CACHE
     global ARCHIVE
     record = {
         'identifier' : {"id" : "10.1", "type" : "doi", "canonical" : "doi:10.1"}, 
         "queued" : True,
         "bibjson" : {
             "license" : [
                 {"title" : "l1"}
     record = models.MessageObject(record=record)
     record = record.prep_for_backend()
     # check that this sets up the chainable object correctly
     assert record.get("licensed", False)
     assert "bibjson" not in record
     pdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "plugins", "test_workflow", "test_17")
     cache.cache = mock_cache
     models.Record.store = mock_store
     old_check_archive = workflow._check_archive
     workflow._check_archive = lambda x: {"license" : [{"title" : "l1"}]}
     # run the chain synchronously
     record = workflow.detect_provider(record)
     record = workflow.provider_licence(record)
     record = workflow.store_results(record)
     assert "provider" in record
     assert record["provider"]["url"][0] == "http://provider"
     assert record.has_key("bibjson")
     assert record['bibjson'].has_key("license")
     assert len(record["bibjson"]["license"]) == 2, ARCHIVE # should have picked up the archive copy
     assert CACHE.has_key("doi:10.1")
     assert not CACHE["doi:10.1"].get("queued", False)
     assert len(ARCHIVE) == 1, len(ARCHIVE) 
     assert ARCHIVE[0]["license"][0]["title"] == "mytitle"
     assert ARCHIVE[0]["license"][1]["title"] == "l1"
     del CACHE['doi:10.1']
     del ARCHIVE[:]
     workflow._check_archive = old_check_archive
 def test_10_provider_licence(self):
     config.license_detection = ["mock_licence_plugin"]
     # first check that no provider results in no change
     record = {}
     assert not record.has_key("bibjson")
     # now check there's no change if there's no plugin
     mock_licence_plugin.sup = False
     record['provider'] = {"url" : ["provider"]}
     assert not record.has_key("bibjson")
     # check that it works when it's right
     mock_licence_plugin.sup = True
     record['provider'] = {"url" : ["testprovider"]}
     assert record.has_key("bibjson")
     assert record['bibjson'].has_key("license") # american spelling
     assert len(record['bibjson']['license']) == 1