예제 #1
def create_assessment(submission_uuid, user_id, options_selected, rubric_dict, scored_at=None):
    Create a self-assessment for a submission.

        submission_uuid (str): The unique identifier for the submission being assessed.
        user_id (str): The ID of the user creating the assessment.  This must match the ID of the user who made the submission.
        options_selected (dict): Mapping of rubric criterion names to option values selected.
        rubric_dict (dict): Serialized Rubric model.

        scored_at (datetime): The timestamp of the assessment; defaults to the current time.

        dict: serialized Assessment model

        SelfAssessmentRequestError: Could not retrieve a submission that the user is allowed to score.
    # Check that there are not any assessments for this submission
    if Assessment.objects.filter(submission_uuid=submission_uuid, score_type=SELF_TYPE).exists():
        raise SelfAssessmentRequestError(_("You've already completed your self assessment for this response."))

    # Check that the student is allowed to assess this submission
        submission = get_submission_and_student(submission_uuid)
        if submission['student_item']['student_id'] != user_id:
            raise SelfAssessmentRequestError(_("You can only complete a self assessment on your own response."))
    except SubmissionNotFoundError:
        raise SelfAssessmentRequestError(_("Could not retrieve the response."))

    # Get or create the rubric
        rubric = rubric_from_dict(rubric_dict)
        option_ids = rubric.options_ids(options_selected)
    except InvalidRubric as ex:
        msg = _("Invalid rubric definition: {errors}").format(errors=ex.errors)
        raise SelfAssessmentRequestError(msg)
    except InvalidOptionSelection:
        msg = _("Selected options do not match the rubric")
        raise SelfAssessmentRequestError(msg)

    # Create the assessment
    # Since we have already retrieved the submission, we can assume that
    # the user who created the submission exists.
    self_assessment = {
        "rubric": rubric.id,
        "scorer_id": user_id,
        "submission_uuid": submission_uuid,
        "score_type": SELF_TYPE,
        "feedback": u"",

    if scored_at is not None:
        self_assessment['scored_at'] = scored_at

    # Serialize the assessment
    serializer = AssessmentSerializer(data=self_assessment)
    if not serializer.is_valid():
        msg = _("Could not create self assessment: {errors}").format(errors=serializer.errors)
        raise SelfAssessmentRequestError(msg)

    assessment = serializer.save()

    # We do this to do a run around django-rest-framework serializer
    # validation, which would otherwise require two DB queries per
    # option to do validation. We already validated these options above.
    AssessmentPart.add_to_assessment(assessment, option_ids)
    assessment_dict = full_assessment_dict(assessment)
    _log_assessment(assessment, submission)

    # Return the serialized assessment
    return assessment_dict
예제 #2
def create_assessment(
    """Creates an assessment on the given submission.

    Assessments are created based on feedback associated with a particular

        scorer_submission_uuid (str): The submission uuid for the Scorer's
            workflow. The submission being assessed can be determined via the
            peer workflow of the grading student.
        scorer_id (str): The user ID for the user giving this assessment. This
            is required to create an assessment on a submission.
        options_selected (dict): Dictionary mapping criterion names to the
            option names the user selected for that criterion.
        criterion_feedback (dict): Dictionary mapping criterion names to the
            free-form text feedback the user gave for the criterion.
            Since criterion feedback is optional, some criteria may not appear
            in the dictionary.
        overall_feedback (unicode): Free-form text feedback on the submission overall.
        num_required_grades (int): The required number of assessments a
            submission requires before it is completed. If this number of
            assessments is reached, the grading_completed_at timestamp is set
            for the Workflow.

        scored_at (datetime): Optional argument to override the time in which
            the assessment took place. If not specified, scored_at is set to

        dict: the Assessment model, serialized as a dict.

        PeerAssessmentRequestError: Raised when the submission_id is invalid, or
            the assessment_dict does not contain the required values to create
            an assessment.
        PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error
            while creating a new assessment.

        >>> options_selected = {"clarity": "Very clear", "precision": "Somewhat precise"}
        >>> criterion_feedback = {"clarity": "I thought this essay was very clear."}
        >>> feedback = "Your submission was thrilling."
        >>> create_assessment("1", "Tim", options_selected, criterion_feedback, feedback, rubric_dict)
    # Ensure that this variables is declared so if an error occurs
    # we don't get an error when trying to log it!
    assessment_dict = None

        rubric = rubric_from_dict(rubric_dict)

        # Validate that the selected options matched the rubric
        # and raise an error if this is not the case
            option_ids = rubric.options_ids(options_selected)
        except InvalidOptionSelection:
            msg = "Selected options do not match the rubric"
            logger.warning(msg, exc_info=True)
            raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(msg)

        scorer_workflow = PeerWorkflow.objects.get(submission_uuid=scorer_submission_uuid)

        peer_workflow_item = scorer_workflow.get_latest_open_workflow_item()
        if peer_workflow_item is None:
            message = (
                u"There are no open assessments associated with the scorer's "
                u"submission UUID {}."
            raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError(message)

        peer_submission_uuid = peer_workflow_item.author.submission_uuid
        peer_assessment = {
            "rubric": rubric.id,
            "scorer_id": scorer_id,
            "submission_uuid": peer_submission_uuid,
            "score_type": PEER_TYPE,
            "feedback": overall_feedback[0:Assessment.MAXSIZE],

        if scored_at is not None:
            peer_assessment["scored_at"] = scored_at

        peer_serializer = AssessmentSerializer(data=peer_assessment)

        if not peer_serializer.is_valid():
            msg = (
                u"An error occurred while serializing "
                u"the peer assessment associated with "
                u"the scorer's submission UUID {}."
            raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(msg)

        assessment = peer_serializer.save()

        # We do this to do a run around django-rest-framework serializer
        # validation, which would otherwise require two DB queries per
        # option to do validation. We already validated these options above.
        AssessmentPart.add_to_assessment(assessment, option_ids, criterion_feedback=criterion_feedback)

        # Close the active assessment
        scorer_workflow.close_active_assessment(peer_submission_uuid, assessment, num_required_grades)
        assessment_dict = full_assessment_dict(assessment)
        _log_assessment(assessment, scorer_workflow)

        return assessment_dict
    except DatabaseError:
        error_message = (
            u"An error occurred while creating assessment {} by: {}"
        ).format(assessment_dict, scorer_id)
        raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message)
    except PeerWorkflow.DoesNotExist:
        message = (
            u"There is no Peer Workflow associated with the given "
            u"submission UUID {}."
        raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError(message)
예제 #3
파일: peer_api.py 프로젝트: jbau/edx-ora2
def create_assessment(
    """Creates an assessment on the given submission.

    Assessments are created based on feedback associated with a particular

        submission_uuid (str): The submission uuid this assessment is associated
            with. The submission uuid is required and must already exist in the
            Submission model.
        scorer_id (str): The user ID for the user giving this assessment. This
            is required to create an assessment on a submission.
        assessment_dict (dict): All related information for the assessment. An
            assessment contains points_earned, points_possible, and feedback.
        num_required_grades (int): The required number of assessments a
            submission requires before it is completed. If this number of
            assessments is reached, the grading_completed_at timestamp is set
            for the Workflow.

        scored_at (datetime): Optional argument to override the time in which
            the assessment took place. If not specified, scored_at is set to

        dict: the Assessment model, serialized as a dict.

        PeerAssessmentRequestError: Raised when the submission_id is invalid, or
            the assessment_dict does not contain the required values to create
            an assessment.
        PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error
            while creating a new assessment.

        >>> assessment_dict = dict(
        >>>    options_selected={"clarity": "Very clear", "precision": "Somewhat precise"},
        >>>    feedback="Your submission was thrilling.",
        >>> )
        >>> create_assessment("1", "Tim", assessment_dict, rubric_dict)
        submission = sub_api.get_submission_and_student(submission_uuid)
        rubric = rubric_from_dict(rubric_dict)

        # Validate that the selected options matched the rubric
        # and raise an error if this is not the case
            option_ids = rubric.options_ids(assessment_dict["options_selected"])
        except InvalidOptionSelection as ex:
            msg = _("Selected options do not match the rubric: {error}").format(error=ex.message)
            raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(msg)

        feedback = assessment_dict.get('feedback', u'')
        peer_assessment = {
            "rubric": rubric.id,
            "scorer_id": scorer_id,
            "submission_uuid": submission_uuid,
            "score_type": PEER_TYPE,
            "feedback": feedback,

        if scored_at is not None:
            peer_assessment["scored_at"] = scored_at

        peer_serializer = AssessmentSerializer(data=peer_assessment)

        if not peer_serializer.is_valid():
            raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(peer_serializer.errors)

        assessment = peer_serializer.save()

        # We do this to do a run around django-rest-framework serializer
        # validation, which would otherwise require two DB queries per
        # option to do validation. We already validated these options above.
        AssessmentPart.add_to_assessment(assessment, option_ids)

        student_item = submission['student_item']
        scorer_item = copy.deepcopy(student_item)
        scorer_item['student_id'] = scorer_id

        scorer_workflow = _get_latest_workflow(scorer_item)
        workflow = _get_latest_workflow(student_item)

        if not scorer_workflow:
            raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError(_(
                "You must make a submission before assessing another student."))
        if not workflow:
            raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError(_(
                "The submission you reviewed is not in the peer workflow. This "
                "assessment cannot be submitted unless the associated "
                "submission came from the peer workflow."))
        # Close the active assessment
        _close_active_assessment(scorer_workflow, submission_uuid, assessment, num_required_grades)
        assessment_dict = full_assessment_dict(assessment)
        _log_assessment(assessment, student_item, scorer_item)

        return assessment_dict
    except DatabaseError:
        error_message = _(
            u"An error occurred while creating assessment {} for submission: "
            u"{} by: {}"
            .format(assessment_dict, submission_uuid, scorer_id)
        raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message)