예제 #1
    def obatom_to_smina_type(self, ob_atom):
        """Original author: Constantin schneider"""
        atomic_number = ob_atom.atomicnum
        num_to_name = {1: 'HD', 6: 'A', 7: 'NA', 8: 'OA', 16: 'SA'}

        # Default fn returns True, otherwise inspect atom properties
        condition_fns = defaultdict(lambda: lambda: True)
            6: ob_atom.OBAtom.IsAromatic,
            7: ob_atom.OBAtom.IsHbondAcceptor,
            16: ob_atom.OBAtom.IsHbondAcceptor

        # Get symbol
        ename = openbabel.GetSymbol(atomic_number)

        # Do we need to adjust symbol?
        if condition_fns[atomic_number]():
            ename = num_to_name.get(atomic_number, ename)

        atype = self.string_to_smina_type(ename)

        h_bonded = False
        hetero_bonded = False
        for neighbour in openbabel.OBAtomAtomIter(ob_atom.OBAtom):
            if neighbour.GetAtomicNum() == 1:
                h_bonded = True
            elif neighbour.GetAtomicNum() != 6:
                hetero_bonded = True

        return self.adjust_smina_type(atype, h_bonded, hetero_bonded)
예제 #2
    def testReadingMassDifferenceInMolfiles(self):
        """Previously we were rounding incorrectly when reading the mass diff"""
        template = """

  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 %2s %2d  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        # Positive test cases:
        # These are the BIOVIA Draw answers for the first 50 elements for
        # a mass diff of 1
        answers = [2,5,8,10,12,13,15,17,20,21,24,25,28,29,32,33,36,41,40,41,46,49,52,53,56,57,60,60,65,66,71,74,76,80,81,85,86,89,90,92,94,97,99,102,104,107,109,113,116,120,123]
        for idx, answer in enumerate(answers):
            elem = idx + 1
            molfile = template % (ob.GetSymbol(elem), 1)
            mol = pybel.readstring("mol", molfile).OBMol
            iso = mol.GetAtom(1).GetIsotope()
            self.assertEqual(answer, iso)

        # Also test D and T - BIOVIA Draw ignores the mass diff
        for elem, answer in zip("DT", [2, 3]):
            molfile = template % (elem, 1)
            mol = pybel.readstring("mol", molfile).OBMol
            iso = mol.GetAtom(1).GetIsotope()
            self.assertEqual(answer, iso)

        # Negative test cases:
        # Test error message for out-of-range values
        for value in [5, -4]:
            molfile = template % ("C", value)
            mol = pybel.readstring("mol", molfile).OBMol
            iso = mol.GetAtom(1).GetIsotope()
            self.assertEqual(0, iso)
예제 #3
 def print_table(self):
     """ print the explicit table of all the terms for used to calculate complexity"""
     seq = ['di', 'ei', 'si', 'Vi', 'bi', 'complexity']
     atom_list = [str(x) for x in list(self._equivalents.keys())]
     atom_symbols = [
         for x in self._equivalents.keys()
     atom_symbols = [ob.GetSymbol(x) for x in atom_symbols]
     atom_names = [
         "%s-%s" % (x[0], x[1]) for x in zip(atom_symbols, atom_list)
     print("\t", "\t".join(atom_names))
     print("---------" * len(atom_symbols))
     for prop in seq:
         if prop == 'complexity':
             string = 'cmplx'
             string = prop
         print("%s\t" % string, end=' ')
         for i in self._equivalents.keys():
             if prop == 'complexity':
                 print("%2.2f\t" % self._indices[i][prop], end=' ')
                 print("%1.1f\t" % self._indices[i][prop], end=' ')
     print("---------" * len(atom_symbols))
     print("SMILES               : %s" % self._smiles)
     print("Name                 : %s" % (self.mol.GetTitle()))
     print("Intrinsic complexity : %2.2f" % self._intrinsic_complexity)
     print("Complexity/atom      : %2.2f" %
           (self._intrinsic_complexity / len(self._indices)))
     print("=========" * len(atom_symbols))
예제 #4
    def testWhetherAllElementsAreSupported(self):
        """Check whether a new element has been correctly added"""
        N = 0
        while ob.GetSymbol(N+1):
            N += 1
            # Is the symbol parsed?
            symbol = ob.GetSymbol(N)
            self.assertEqual(N, ob.GetAtomicNum(symbol))
            # Has an exact mass been set?
            self.assertNotEqual(0.0, ob.GetExactMass(N))
            # Has the symbol been added to the SMILES parser?
            numatoms = pybel.readstring("smi", "[%s]" % symbol).OBMol.NumAtoms()
            self.assertEqual(numatoms, 1)
            # Check whether the element is available as a constant
            self.assertEqual(N, getattr(ob, ob.GetName(N)))

        self.assertTrue(N > 100)
예제 #5
 def type_str(self, at):
     """Return a Dreiding type string representing the AtomType at"""
     if OB_version == 3:
         elsym = ob.GetSymbol(at.atomic_num)
     elif OB_version == 2:
         elsym = ob.etab.GetSymbol(at.atomic_num)
         raise Exception("Unknown openbabel version")
     ts = "%s" % elsym
     if len(ts) == 1:
         ts += "_"
     if at.atomic_num == 1 and at.hbond:
         ts += "_HB"
     if elsym not in ["H", "F", "Cl", "Br", "I", "Na", "Ca", "Fe", "Zn"]:
         # Need hybridization
         if at.is_resonant:
             ts += "R"
         elif elsym == "O":
             ts += "%d" % (at.num_bonds + 1)
             ts += "%d" % (at.num_bonds - 1)
     return ts
예제 #6
def make_g09(name, conf, nproc=4, mem=1900, queue='marc2'):

    queue_choices = ['marc2', 'slurm', 'condor', 'none']
    if queue not in queue_choices:
        print("queue %s not known. Using queue 'none'.")
        queue = 'none'

    radius_dict = {'I': 1.98}

    sumFCharge = 0
    com_crds = ''
    com_opt = ''
    com_esp = ''
    com_basis = ''

    lelement_list = list()
    helement_list = list()
    has_user_basisset = False

    for atm in ob.OBMolAtomIter(conf):
        atm_number = atm.GetAtomicNum()
        element = ob.GetSymbol(atm_number)
        if atm_number > 35:
            if not element in helement_list:
            has_user_basisset = True
            if not element in lelement_list:
        sumFCharge += atm.GetFormalCharge()
        com_crds += '   '
        com_crds += element
        com_crds += '   '
        crds = [atm.GetX(), atm.GetY(), atm.GetZ()]
        for crd in crds:
            if crd > 0.:
                com_crds += " "
            com_crds += '%5.10f ' % crd
        com_crds += '\n'

    if queue in ['none', 'slurm']:
        com_opt += '%%nproc=%d\n' % nproc
        com_opt += '%%mem=%dMB\n' % mem
    com_opt += '%%chk=%s.chk\n' % name
    if has_user_basisset:
        com_opt += '#B3LYP/GenECP 5d 7f pseudo=read '
        com_opt += '#B3LYP/6-31G* '
    com_opt += 'Integral=(Grid=UltraFine) freq Opt pop=none\n'
    com_opt += '\n'
    com_opt += 'Optimization for %s\n' % name
    com_opt += '\n'
    com_opt += '%d  1\n' % int(sumFCharge)
    com_opt += com_crds
    com_opt += '\n'
    if has_user_basisset:
        for element in helement_list:
            com_basis += '%s ' % element
        com_basis += '0\n'
        com_basis += 'sdd\n'
        com_basis += '****\n'
        for element in lelement_list:
            com_basis += '%s ' % element
        com_basis += '0\n'
        com_basis += '6-31G*\n'
        com_basis += '****\n'
        com_basis += '\n'
        for element in helement_list:
            com_basis += '%s ' % element
        com_basis += '0\n'
        com_basis += 'sdd\n'
        com_basis += '\n'
    com_opt += com_basis
    com_opt += '\n'

    if queue in ['none', 'slurm']:
        com_opt += '%%nproc=%d\n' % nproc
        com_opt += '%%mem=%dMB\n' % mem
    com_esp += '%%chk=%s.chk\n' % name
    if has_user_basisset:
        com_esp += '#HF/GenECP 5d 7f pseudo=read '
        com_esp += '#HF/6-31G* '
    com_esp += 'Geom=AllCheck Guess=Read Pop=(MK,ReadRadii) '
    com_esp += 'Integral=(Grid=UltraFine) iop(6/33=2)\n'
    com_esp += '\n'
    com_esp += com_basis
    if has_user_basisset:
        for element in helement_list:
            com_esp += '%s %f\n' % (element, radius_dict[element])
    com_esp += '\n'

    return com_opt, com_esp
예제 #7
import h5py
import numpy as np
import os, sys
#imports the functions from the data packer used to put the data read from the 0509.sdf
#file into the h5py file format
from torchani.data._pyanitools import datapacker

#script takes an sdf file as argument
count = 0
outputFile = datapacker(sys.argv[2])
goodElements = set([1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17])

for mymol in pb.readfile(
        "sdf", sys.argv[1]):  #loops to get all molucules in the sdf file
    a = mymol.atoms
    mymolElements = set([a.atomicnum for a in mymol.atoms])
    if bool(mymolElements - goodElements) == False:
        coordinates = np.array([a.coords for a in mymol.atoms])
        species = [ob.GetSymbol(a.atomicnum) for a in mymol.atoms]
        smiles = mymol.write().split()[0]
        outputFile.store_data('%s_%d' % (mymol.title, count),
        count += 1

print('molecule count = ' + str(count))
예제 #8
 def symbol(self):
     return ob.GetSymbol(self.GetAtomicNum())