예제 #1
class TemplateParser(BaseParser):

    container_model = Template
    item_model = TemplateNode
    ITEM_ATTRIBUTES = ['name', 'code', 'parent', 'path', 'templates',
                       'direction', 'description']\
        + translated_fields(TemplateNode)
    CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTES = ['name', 'description', 'divisions', 'period_start']

    def __init__(self, container_object_dict, rows_filters=None, extends=None, blueprint=None, fill_in_parents=None, interpolate=None):
        super(TemplateParser, self).__init__(container_object_dict)
        self.parent = extends
        self.skipped_rows = []
        self.rows_filters = rows_filters or []
        self.template_is_different = True
        self.parent_cache = None

        #TODO: this assumes there's always a base template to inherit from, might need to support parents filling w/o parent template
        if extends:
            self.fill_in_parents = True if fill_in_parents is None else fill_in_parents
            self.interpolate = True if interpolate is None else interpolate
            self.template_is_different = False

            if not blueprint:
                blueprint = extends if extends.is_blueprint else extends.blueprint
                #TODO: see if there's a probable case of not finding the blueprint even on the parent template

            self.blueprint = blueprint

            self.fill_in_parents = False
            self.interpolate = False

        if self.interpolate:
            self.interpolated_lookup = {}

    def save(self, dry=False):
        saved = super(TemplateParser, self).save(dry=dry)

        # `self.dry` was set to `False` so use `dry` instead
        if not dry and self.parent_cache is not None:

        return saved

    def _save_items(self):
            blueprint = getattr(self, 'blueprint')
        except AttributeError:
            blueprint = False

        if not self.dry:
            if blueprint:
                # extending the blueprint first
                #TODO: need to also extend the parent?
                blueprint_nodes = blueprint.nodes.all()
                for node in blueprint_nodes:
                    key = node.path
                    if key not in self.saved_cache:
                        self._save_item(obj=node, key=key, is_node=True)
                        #TODO: this is a stub exception so we don't support this case
                        # but should probably be removed/replaced later if we support overriding of blueprint nodes
                        raise Exception('Found a key in saved cache while saving blueprint: %s' % key)

            #TODO: diff the nodes in the imported sheet's template against the blueprint's nodes

            # fill the parent nodes cache
            #TODO: check that parent is NOT blueprint
            if self.parent:
                self.parent_cache = {}
                for node in self.parent.nodes.all():
                    key = node.path
                    # make sure we leave out the blueprint's nodes
                    if key not in self.saved_cache:
                        self.parent_cache[key] = node

        # this also runs in dry run
        super(TemplateParser, self)._save_items()

    def _save_item(self, obj, key, is_node=False):
        inverses = []
        item = None
        parent = None
        # check if we already saved this object and have it in cache
        if key in self.saved_cache:
            return self.saved_cache[key]

        #TODO: this might render the self.fill_in_parents obsolete so check if still needed
        #TODO: this might render the self._lookup_node() obsolete so check if still needed
        if self.parent_cache is not None:
            if key in self.parent_cache:
                parent_node = self.parent_cache.pop(key)
                different, diff = self._diff_node(obj, parent_node)
                if different:
                    print 'different node'
                    print obj
                    # mark this template as different
                    self.template_is_different = True
                    #TODO: depending on the difference we can set a backward relation between `obj` and `parent_node`
                    # Hoorah! we have a match in the parent template's nodes and we'll use it
                    # we'll skip the rest of the flow with a saved node instead of a raw dict
                    is_node = True
                    obj = parent_node
                print 'new node'
                print obj
                # mark this template as different
                self.template_is_different = True

        # if it's a saved node it's already well connected
        if not is_node:
            # if inheriting another template then look up this node there
            if self.parent:
                path = obj['path']
                #TODO: this is probably redundant now
                item = self._lookup_node(path=path, key=key)
                if item:
                    # in case we found the item, cache the saved node
                    return self._save_item(item, key, is_node=True)

                elif item is False:
                    # there's an ambiguity here that was caught
                    #TODO: handle case of ambiguity here

                    # here we could note there's a delta between the templates

            if 'inverse' in obj:
                inverses = self._save_inverses(obj, key)

            if 'parent' in obj:
                parent = self._save_parent(obj, key)
                if parent:
                    obj['parent'] = parent
                    # clean up parent
                    del obj['parent']

            # if inheriting another template AND got no parent AND didn't find
            # the item in the parent template then it has to be an error
            # unless we allow new parentless dangling nodes
            if self.dry and self.parent and not item and not parent:
                        row=self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None),

            self._set_direction(obj, parent)

            item = self._create_item(obj, key)

            if len(inverses) and not self.dry:
                for inverse in inverses:

            if obj.parent:
                self._save_item(obj.parent, obj.parent.path, is_node=True)

            item = obj

        self._add_to_container(item, key)

        # cache the saved object
        self.saved_cache[key] = item

        return item

    def _save_inverses(self, obj, key):
        inverses = []
        inverse_codes = obj.get('inverse', None)
        scopes = obj.get('inversescope', None)

        if inverse_codes:
            inverse_codes = inverse_codes.split(self.ITEM_SEPARATOR)
            inverse_codes = []

        if len(inverse_codes):

            scopes_length = 0
            if scopes:
                scopes = scopes.split(self.ITEM_SEPARATOR)
                scopes_length = len(scopes)
                if not scopes_length:
                    # clean up
                    del obj['inversescope']

            for i, inv_code in enumerate(inverse_codes):
                if i < scopes_length:
                    inverse_key, inverse_obj = self._lookup_object(code=inv_code, scope=scopes[i])
                    inverse_key, inverse_obj = self._lookup_object(code=inv_code)

                if not inverse_key or not inverse_obj:
                    if self.dry:
                                row=self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None),
                                columns=('inverse', 'inversescope'),
                                values=(obj['inverse'], obj.get('inversescope', None))
                        # create a dummy node as the parent
                        inverse = self.item_model(code=obj['inverse'], name='dummy')
                        raise ParsingError('Could not locate an inverse, \
                                        probably you have a syntax error: inverse = %s' % obj['inverse'])

                    if inverse_key in self.saved_cache:
                        inverse = self.saved_cache[inverse_key]
                        inverse = self._save_item(inverse_obj, inverse_key)


                if self.dry:
                    if inverse.direction and inverse.direction == obj['direction']:
                                    self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None),
                                    self.rows_objects_lookup.get(inverse_key, None)

            # clean inverse
            if 'inversescope' in obj:
                del obj['inversescope']

            del obj['inverse']

        return inverses

    def _save_parent(self, obj, key):
        if obj['parent']:

            if 'parentscope' in obj:
                scope = obj['parentscope']
                if not scope:
                    # clean parentscope
                    del obj['parentscope']
                scope = ''

            # generate a lookup key for the parent
            route = [unicode(obj['parent'])]
            if scope:
                route += scope.split(self.PATH_DELIMITER)
            parent_path = self.PATH_DELIMITER.join(route)

            # first look it up in the input from the source file
            parent_key, parent = self._lookup_object(key=parent_path)

            if not parent or not parent_key:

                if self.fill_in_parents:
                    # look up the node in the parent template
                    #TODO: we can probably now just check in self.parent_cache instead, check it later
                    parent = self._lookup_node(path=parent_path, route=route, key=key)
                    if parent:
                        # save the node as if it was another object in the lookup
                        return self._save_item(parent, parent_path, is_node=True)

                    elif parent is False:
                        # there's an ambiguity here that was caught
                        if self.dry:
                            # create a dummy node as the parent
                            return self._create_dummy_parent(obj)
                            _raise_parent_not_found(obj['code'], obj['parent'], scope)

                    elif self.interpolate and scope:
                        parent = self._interpolate(route=route, key=key)
                        if parent:
                            return parent
                            return self._create_dummy_parent(obj)

                        if self.dry:
                                    row=self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None)
                            return self._create_dummy_parent(obj)
                            _raise_parent_not_found(obj['code'], obj['parent'], scope)

                    if self.dry:
                                row=self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None)
                        # create a dummy node as the parent
                        return self._create_dummy_parent(obj)
                        _raise_parent_not_found(obj['code'], obj['parent'], scope)

                if parent_key in self.saved_cache:
                    parent = self.saved_cache[parent_key]
                    parent = self._save_item(parent, parent_key)

                return parent

            if 'parentscope' in obj:
                # clean parentscope
                del obj['parentscope']

            return None

    def _create_dummy_parent(self, obj):
        code = obj['parent']
        attrs = {
            'code': code,
            'name': 'dummy',

        direction = obj.get('direction', None)
        scope = obj.get('parentscope', None)
        path = code

        attrs['direction'] = direction or 'REVENUE'

        if scope:
            path = self.PATH_DELIMITER.join((code, scope))

        attrs['path'] = path

        obj['parent'] = self.item_model(**attrs)
        return obj['parent']

    def _interpolate(self, route, key=None):
        route_copy = list(route)
        ancestors_routes = [route_copy]

        # first we'll try finding the other end
        while len(route):
            #TODO: check whether we can now just check if it's in self.parent_cache instead
            ancestor = self._lookup_node(route=route, key=key)

            if ancestor:
                # connected!
                self._save_item(ancestor, self.PATH_DELIMITER.join(route), is_node=True)


            if self.dry:
                return None
                raise ParsingError(_('Interpolation failed, no ancestor found for path: %s') %

        # we managed to find an ancestor and saved it
        # now to connect the dots together,
        # i.e. create a node per route in `ancestors_routes`
        while len(ancestors_routes):
            ancestor_route = ancestors_routes.pop()
            ancestor = self._insert_item(ancestor_route, ancestor)

        return ancestor

    def _insert_item(self, route, parent, row_num=None):
        Creates a new object representing an implicit parent node,
        adds it to the objects_lookup dictionary and saves it as an item.

        Takes a list `route` for determining the object's key and the item's
        code and parentscope.

        Also takes a node instance `parent` to set the item's parent and direction.

        Returns the product of `self._save_item()`.
        key = self.PATH_DELIMITER.join(route)
        code = route[0]
        parent_scope = ''

        if len(route) > 2:
            parent_scope = self.PATH_DELIMITER.join(route[2:])

        obj = {
            'parent': parent,
            'code': code,
            'parentscope': parent_scope,
            'direction': parent.direction,
            'name': parent.name,
            'path': key

        _key, _obj = self._lookup_object(key=key)
        if not _key:
            # self.objects_lookup[key] = obj
            if row_num is not None:
                self.rows_objects_lookup[key] = row_num

            raise ParsingError(_('You are trying to insert an item that already exists at: %s') % key)

        return self._save_item(obj, key)

    def _set_direction(self, obj, parent):
        if parent and ('direction' not in obj or not obj['direction']):
            obj['direction'] = parent.direction

    def _create_item(self, obj, key):
        # work with a clone so we always keep the source input
        return super(TemplateParser, self)._create_item(obj.copy(), key)

    def _add_to_container(self, item, key):
        if not self.dry:

    def _create_container(self, container_dict=None, exclude=None):

        data = (container_dict or self.container_object_dict).copy()

        if 'name' not in data:

        divisions = data.pop('divisions') if 'divisions' in data else []
        super(TemplateParser, self)._create_container(container_dict=data, exclude=exclude)

        for division in divisions:
                division = Division.objects.get(slug=division)
                if not self.dry:
            except Division.DoesNotExist:
                    MetaParsingError(reason=_('Division with slug %s does not exist') % division))

    def _generate_lookup(self, data):
        self.resolver = PathResolver(parser=self, data=data, parent_template=self.parent)
        resolved = self.resolver.resolve()

        lookup_table = {}
        rows_objects_lookup = {}

        for key, (row_num, obj) in resolved.iteritems():
            keep_row = self._rows_filter(obj, row_num)
            if keep_row:
                lookup_table[key] = obj
                # +1 for heading row +1 for 0-based to 1-based
                rows_objects_lookup[key] = row_num + 2
                self._skipped_row(obj, row_num)

        self.objects_lookup = lookup_table
        self.rows_objects_lookup = rows_objects_lookup

    def _rows_filter(self, obj, row_num=None):
        for filter in self.rows_filters:
            if not filter(obj, row_num):
                return False
        return True

    def _skipped_row(self, obj, row_num):
        # +1 for heading row +1 for 0-based to 1-based
        self.skipped_rows.append((row_num + 2, obj))

    def _lookup_object(self, code=None, parent='', scope='', key=None):
        if code:

            key = ''

            if code in self.objects_lookup:
                key = code

            elif parent or scope:

                if not parent:
                    parent = scope.split(self.PATH_DELIMITER)[0]

                key = self.PATH_DELIMITER.join((code, parent))

                if key not in self.objects_lookup:
                    key = self.PATH_DELIMITER.join((code, scope))

        if key:
            if key in self.objects_lookup:
                return key, self.objects_lookup[key]

        return None, None

    def _lookup_node(self, route=None, path=None, key=None):
        if path is None:
            if route and len(route):
                path = self.PATH_DELIMITER.join(route)

                raise ParsingError(
                    __('Did not get neither route nor path for looking up node, for row: %s') %
                    self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None)

            # there can be one or none
            return self.parent.nodes.get(path=path)

        except self.item_model.DoesNotExist as e:
            # none found
            ancestors_matches = self.blueprint.nodes.filter(path=path)
            if len(ancestors_matches):
                return ancestors_matches[0]

                if route is None and path:
                    route = path.split(self.PATH_DELIMITER)
                _filter = {
                    'code': route[0]
                if len(route) > 1:
                    _filter['parent__code'] = route[1]

                return self.parent.nodes.get(**_filter)

            except self.item_model.DoesNotExist as e:
                return None
            except self.item_model.MultipleObjectsReturned as e:
                if self.dry:
                            row=self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None)
                    return False
                    raise e

        except self.item_model.MultipleObjectsReturned as e:
            #TODO: this indicates that the data is corrupted, need to handle better
            if self.dry:
                # more then one probably means there's PARENT_SCOPE missing
                        row=self.rows_objects_lookup.get(key, None)
                return False
                raise e

    def _generate_container_name(self, container_dict):
        name = _('Template of %(entity)s since %(year)s')
        year = str(datetime.strptime(container_dict['period_start'], '%Y-%m-%d').year)

        if 'entity' in container_dict and container_dict['entity']:
            entity = container_dict['entity']
            name = name % {'entity': entity.name, 'year': year}
            del container_dict['entity']

        elif 'divisions' in container_dict:
            name = _('Official Template since %(year)') % {'year': year}

                    reasons={'template': [__('Trying to create a template but no entity nor divisions found.')]}

        container_dict['name'] = name

    def _diff_node(self, obj, parent_node):
        diff = []
        different = False

        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            name = obj.get('name')
            name = obj.name

        if name != parent_node.name:
            different = True

        return different, diff

    def _diff_template(self):
        print 'diffing'
        #TODO: consider not declaring this tempalte as different if there are nodes left in parent cache
        # and instead, perhaps instantiate these also - maybe without an item? Or null amounts?
        #TODO: optimize process so container is only created at the end if it's different from its parent
        if not self.template_is_different and not len(self.parent_cache):
            print 'same'
            # this should also delete all TemplateNodeRelations to this template
            # since all nodes already relate to the parent no need to do anything
            self.container_object = self.parent
            print 'nodes left in parent %s' % len(self.parent_cache)
            for key in self.parent_cache:
                print key