def get(cls, a, config_name, config_base=None): cls.__initialize(a) config_base = cls.__get_config_concept_node(config_base) config_dict = {"config_name": config_name, "config_base": config_base} exist_set = None while True: exist_set = cls.__execute_wrap("GET", config_dict) if len(exist_set.out) > 0: break parent_set = cls.__execute_wrap("INHERITANCE", config_dict) if len(parent_set.out) == 0: exist_set = None break else: config_dict["config_base"] = parent_set.out[0] if exist_set is not None: ret = None if len(exist_set.out) < 1: ret = None elif len(exist_set.out) == 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] elif len(exist_set.out) > 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] log.warn("TODO: Currently, config have to keep in unique." + "Trying to use first element..." + str(config_name) + ' in ' + str(config_base) + ' = ' + str(exist_set.out)) cls.a.remove(exist_set) return ret
def get(cls, a, config_name, config_base=None): cls.__initialize(a) config_base = cls.__wrap_config_name(config_base) config_dict = {"config_name": config_name, "config_base": config_base} exist_set = None while True: get_link_dict = cls.__create_execute_link("GET", config_dict) exist_set = PyCogExecute().execute(a, get_link_dict['execute_link']) cls.__clean_up_obsolete_dict(get_link_dict) if len(exist_set.out) > 0: break inh_link_dict = cls.__create_execute_link("INHERITANCE", config_dict) parent_set = PyCogExecute().execute(a, inh_link_dict['execute_link']) cls.__clean_up_obsolete_dict(inh_link_dict) if len(parent_set.out) == 0: exist_set = None break else: config_dict["config_base"] = parent_set.out[0] if exist_set is None: return None ret = None try: if len(exist_set.out) < 1: ret = None elif len(exist_set.out) == 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] elif len(exist_set.out) > 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] raise UserWarning( "TODO: Currently, config have to keep in unique." + "Trying to use first element..." + str(config_name) + ' in ' + str(config_base) + ' = ' + str(exist_set.out)) except UserWarning as e: log.warn(str(e)) cls.a.remove(exist_set) return ret
def get(cls, a, config_name, config_base=None): """Get config. Get value of config that has config_name, starts find from config_base. If config_base was not given, then it finds in default config_base(Top of config system). Args: a: An instance of AtomSpace to find Atom. config_name: A config to update. config_base: A base of config system. :param a: AtomSpace :param config_name: str | unicode | Node :param config_base: str | unicode | Node Returns: ret: A found config value node. :rtype : ConceptNode """ cls.__initialize(a) config_base = cls.__get_config_concept_node(config_base) config_name = cls.__get_config_name_schema_node(config_name) config_dict = { "config_name": config_name, "config_base": config_base } exist_set = cls.__get_exist_config_set(config_dict) ret = None if exist_set is not None: if len(exist_set.out) == 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] elif len(exist_set.out) > 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] log.warn( "TODO: Currently, config have to keep in unique." + "Trying to use first element..." + str(config_name) + ' in ' + str(config_base) + ' = ' + str(exist_set.out) ) cls.a.remove(exist_set) return ret
def get(cls, a, config_name, config_base=None): cls.__initialize(a) config_base = cls.__get_config_concept_node(config_base) config_dict = { "config_name": config_name, "config_base": config_base } exist_set = None while True: exist_set = cls.__execute_wrap("GET", config_dict) if len(exist_set.out) > 0: break parent_set = cls.__execute_wrap("INHERITANCE", config_dict) if len(parent_set.out) == 0: exist_set = None break else: config_dict["config_base"] = parent_set.out[0] if exist_set is not None: ret = None if len(exist_set.out) < 1: ret = None elif len(exist_set.out) == 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] elif len(exist_set.out) > 1: ret = exist_set.out[0] log.warn( "TODO: Currently, config have to keep in unique." + "Trying to use first element..." + str(config_name) + ' in ' + str(config_base) + ' = ' + str(exist_set.out) ) cls.a.remove(exist_set) return ret
def run(self, focus_atoms=None, config_base=None): """Execute conceptual blending.new_blended_atoms TODO: Write detailed description. Args: focus_atoms: config_base: :param focus_atoms: list[Atom] :param config_base: Atom Returns: The blended atom(s). For example: [(ConceptNode "car-man"), (ConceptNode "man-car"), ...] If a list is empty, then blender can't find proper blend atoms. :rtype : list[Atom] """ self.last_status = self.Status.IN_PROCESS self.ret = None if focus_atoms is None: focus_atoms = [] if config_base is None: config_base = self.a.add_node(types.ConceptNode, BlendConfig().name) try: self.make_workers(config_base) # Give interface to each blenders to suitable prepare works. # eg. caching, ... self.prepare_hook(config_base) # Choose nodes to blending. self.chosen_atoms = \ self.chooser.atom_choose(focus_atoms, config_base) # Decide whether or not to execute blending and prepare. self.decided_atoms = \ self.decider.blending_decide(self.chosen_atoms, config_base) # Initialize the new blend node. self.new_blended_atom = \ self.maker.new_blend_make(self.decided_atoms, config_base) # Make the links between exist nodes and newly blended node. # Check the severe conflict links in each node and remove. # Detect and improve conflict links in newly blended node. self.new_blended_atoms = self.connector.link_connect( self.decided_atoms, self.new_blended_atom, config_base) # Give interface to each blenders to finish works. self.finish_hook(self.new_blended_atoms, config_base) # If all task finished successfully, save new atoms to return. self.ret = self.new_blended_atoms except UserWarning as e: log.warn("Skipping blend, caused by '" + str(e) + "'") log.warn("Last status is '" + self.Status.reverse_mapping[self.last_status] + "'") if self.last_status == self.Status.IN_PROCESS: self.last_status = self.Status.SUCCESS_BLEND if self.ret is None: self.ret = [] return self.ret
def __connect_duplicate_links(self, duplicate_links, dst_node): """ Connect duplicate links. Make the links between exist nodes, with detect and improve conflict links in newly blended node. :param dict(Handle, list(EqualLinkKey)) duplicate_links: List of duplicated link expressed by EqualLinkKey list. :param Atom dst_node: node to connect new links. """ conflict_links = [] non_conflict_links = [] for links in duplicate_links: if self.__is_conflict(links): conflict_links.append(links) else: non_conflict_links.append(links) # 1. Make all available new blended atoms. # Number of new atoms is expected to 2^k, if there exists k conflicts. if self.viable_atoms_count_threshold is not None: if self.viable_atoms_count_threshold < 2**len(conflict_links): # TODO: Control if expected result atoms count # is bigger than threshold log.warn("ConnectConflictAllViable: Too many atoms! ->" + str(2**len(conflict_links)) + " atoms will produce.") # 1-a. Prepare 2^k new blend atoms. new_blended_atoms = [dst_node] for i in xrange(1, 2**len(conflict_links)): new_blended_atoms.append( self.a.add_node(dst_node.t, + '-' + str(i), # 1-b. Prepare cartesian product iterator. # if number of conflict_links is 3, this iterator produces: # (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), ... (1, 1, 1) cartesian_binary_iterator = \ itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(conflict_links)) # 1-c. Connect to each viable atoms. for i, viable_case_binary in enumerate(cartesian_binary_iterator): for j, selector in enumerate(viable_case_binary): make_link_from_equal_link_key(self.a, conflict_links[j][selector], new_blended_atoms[i], conflict_links[j][selector].tv) # 2. Others, evaluate the weighted average of truth value between # the duplicate links. for new_blend_atom in new_blended_atoms: for links in non_conflict_links: # array elements are same except original node information. link_key_sample = links[0] make_link_from_equal_link_key(self.a, link_key_sample, new_blend_atom, get_weighted_tv(links)) self.ret = new_blended_atoms