def get_action(self, bot, update, args): msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Restarting bot..." m = update.message.reply_text(msg) user_id = cls_name = type(self).__name__.lower() Cfg.set(user_id, "plugins", cls_name, "user_id") Cfg.set(m.message_id, "plugins", cls_name, "message") m_name = m_name = m_name[:m_name.index(".")] time.sleep(0.2) os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, '-m', m_name, *sys.argv[1:])
def get_action(self, bot, update, args): restart = False force = False check = False if "force" in args: force = True if "check" in args: check = True if "restart" in args: restart = True if force and check: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Combination of 'force' " \ f"and 'check' arguments not allowed" update.message.reply_text(msg) return kw = utl.get_kw(args) branch = kw.get("branch", None) release = kw.get("release", None) if branch and release: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Combination of 'branch' " \ f"and 'release' arguments not allowed" update.message.reply_text(msg) return msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Check for update..." m = update.message.reply_text(msg) user = Cfg.get('update', 'github_user') repo = Cfg.get('update', 'github_repo') gh = GitHub(github_user=user, github_repo=repo) uid = download_url = str() try: # Clean old update data if present shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), con.UPD_DIR)) except: pass # ---------- BRANCH ---------- if branch: try: # Get latest commit info for branch response = gh.get_latest_branch(branch) except Exception as e: return self.handle_error(e, update) cfg_hash = Cfg.get("update", "update_hash") new_hash = response["commit"]["sha"] msg = f"{emo.CHECK} Check for update..." bot.edit_message_text(msg, chat_id=uid, message_id=m.message_id) if cfg_hash == new_hash and not force: msg = f"{emo.CHECK} You are already running the latest version" update.message.reply_text(msg) return if check: msg = f"{emo.CHECK} New branch commits available!" update.message.reply_text(msg) return # Get latest version of branch as zip download_url = f"{user}/{repo}/archive/{branch}.zip" # ---------- RELEASE ---------- else: try: if release: # Get specific release response = gh.get_releases() else: # Get latest release response = gh.get_latest_release() except Exception as e: return self.handle_error(e, update) if release: tag = response[0]["tag_name"] release_notes = response[0]["body"] else: tag = response["tag_name"] release_notes = response["body"] try: response = gh.get_tags() except Exception as e: return self.handle_error(e, update) new_hash = str() for t in response: if t["name"] == tag: new_hash = t["commit"]["sha"] download_url = t["zipball_url"] break if not new_hash: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Tag '{tag}' unknown" update.message.reply_text(msg) return cfg_hash = Cfg.get("update", "update_hash") msg = f"{emo.CHECK} Check for update..." bot.edit_message_text(msg, chat_id=uid, message_id=m.message_id) if cfg_hash == new_hash and not force: msg = f"{emo.CHECK} You are already running this release" update.message.reply_text(msg) return if check: msg = f"{emo.CHECK} New release *{tag}* available!\n\n" \ f"*Release Notes*\n{release_notes}" update.message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # ---------- DOWNLOAD & UPDATE ---------- msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Downloading update..." m = update.message.reply_text(msg) try: response = requests.get(download_url) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: return self.handle_error(e, update) msg = f"{emo.CHECK} Downloading update..." bot.edit_message_text(msg, chat_id=uid, message_id=m.message_id) msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Updating bot..." m = update.message.reply_text(msg) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) zip_file.extractall(con.UPD_DIR) done = False unzip_dir = str() for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(con.UPD_DIR): for d in dirs: unzip_dir = d done = True break if done: break self._update_bot(os.path.join(con.UPD_DIR, unzip_dir)) Cfg.set(new_hash, "update", "update_hash") msg = f"{emo.CHECK} Updating bot..." bot.edit_message_text(msg, chat_id=uid, message_id=m.message_id) if restart: msg = f"{emo.WAIT} Restarting bot..." update.message.reply_text(msg) time.sleep(0.2) os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv) else: msg = "Bot /restart needed" update.message.reply_text(msg)
def get_action(self, bot, update, args): if args: command = args[0].lower() # Execute raw SQL if command == "sql": if Cfg.get("database", "use_db"): args.pop(0) sql = " ".join(args) data = self.tgb.db.execute_sql(sql) if data["error"]: msg = data["error"] elif data["result"]: msg = '\n'.join(str(s) for s in data["result"]) else: msg = f"{emo.INFO} No data returned" update.message.reply_text(msg) else: update.message.reply_text( f"{emo.INFO} Database not enabled") # Change configuration elif command == "cfg": args.pop(0) v = args[-1] v = v.lower() args.pop(-1) # Convert to boolean if v == "true" or v == "false": v = utl.str2bool(v) # Convert to integer elif v.isnumeric(): v = int(v) # Convert to null elif v == "null" or v == "none": v = None try: Cfg.set(v, *args) except Exception as e: return self.handle_error(e, update) update.message.reply_text("Config changed") # Send global message elif command == "msg": if Cfg.get("database", "use_db"): args.pop(0) sql = self.get_sql("global_msg") data = self.tgb.db.execute_sql(sql) title = "This is a global message to " \ "every user of @OpenCryptoBot:\n\n" msg = " ".join(args) for user_id in data or []: try: bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id[0], text=f"{title}{msg}") except Exception as e: self.handle_error(e, update, send_error=False) else: update.message.reply_text( f"{emo.INFO} Database not enabled") # Manage plugins elif command == "plg": args.pop(0) # LOAD plugin if args[0].lower() == "load": self.tgb.reload_plugin(args[1]) update.message.reply_text("Plugin loaded") # UNLOAD plugin elif args[0].lower() == "unload": self.tgb.remove_plugin(args[1]) update.message.reply_text("Plugin unloaded") else: usr = update.effective_user.first_name update.message.reply_text( text=f"Welcome {usr}.\nChoose a statistic", reply_markup=self._keyboard_stats())