예제 #1
    def post(self, request):
        """Create the user's account.

        You must send all required form fields with the request.

        You can optionally send a "course_id" param to indicate in analytics
        events that the user registered while enrolling in a particular course.

            request (HTTPRequest)

            HttpResponse: 200 on success
            HttpResponse: 400 if the request is not valid.
            HttpResponse: 409 if an account with the given username or email
                address already exists
            HttpResponse: 403 operation not allowed
        should_be_rate_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
        if should_be_rate_limited:
            return JsonResponse({'error_code': 'forbidden-request'},

        if is_require_third_party_auth_enabled(
        ) and not pipeline.running(request):
            # if request is not running a third-party auth pipeline
            return HttpResponseForbidden(
                "Third party authentication is required to register. Username and password were received instead."

        data = request.POST.copy()

        response = self._handle_duplicate_email_username(request, data)
        if response:
            return response

        response, user = self._create_account(request, data)
        if response:
            return response

        redirect_to, root_url = get_next_url_for_login_page(request,
        redirect_url = get_redirect_url_with_host(root_url, redirect_to)
        response = self._create_response(request, {},
        set_logged_in_cookies(request, response, user)
        if not user.is_active and settings.SHOW_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_CTA and not settings.MARKETING_EMAILS_OPT_IN:
            )  # setting the cookie to show account activation dialogue in platform and learning MFE
        mark_user_change_as_expected(response, user.id)
        return response
예제 #2
    def post(self, request):
        """Create the user's account.

        You must send all required form fields with the request.

        You can optionally send a "course_id" param to indicate in analytics
        events that the user registered while enrolling in a particular course.

            request (HTTPRequest)

            HttpResponse: 200 on success
            HttpResponse: 400 if the request is not valid.
            HttpResponse: 409 if an account with the given username or email
                address already exists
            HttpResponse: 403 operation not allowed
        should_be_rate_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
        if should_be_rate_limited:
            return JsonResponse({'error_code': 'forbidden-request'},

        if is_require_third_party_auth_enabled(
        ) and not pipeline.running(request):
            # if request is not running a third-party auth pipeline
            return HttpResponseForbidden(
                "Third party authentication is required to register. Username and password were received instead."

        data = request.POST.copy()

        response = self._handle_duplicate_email_username(request, data)
        if response:
            return response

        response, user = self._create_account(request, data)
        if response:
            return response

        redirect_to, root_url = get_next_url_for_login_page(request,
        redirect_url = get_redirect_url_with_host(root_url, redirect_to)
        response = self._create_response(request, {},
        set_logged_in_cookies(request, response, user)
        return response
예제 #3
def associate_by_email_if_oauth(auth_entry, backend, details, user, strategy, *args, **kwargs):
    This pipeline step associates the current social auth with the user with the
    same email address in the database.  It defers to the social library's associate_by_email
    implementation, which verifies that only a single database user is associated with the email.

    This association is done ONLY if the user entered the pipeline belongs to Oauth provider and

    if is_require_third_party_auth_enabled() and is_oauth_provider(backend.name, **kwargs):
        association_response, user_is_active = get_associated_user_by_email_response(
            backend, details, user, *args, **kwargs)

        if user_is_active:
            return association_response
예제 #4
def is_registration_api_functional():
    Checks if User Registration API "/user_api/v1/account/registration/" is functional or not
    depending upon two environment variables "settings.FEATURES['ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_CREATION']"


    Boolean - True if User Registration API "/user_api/v1/account/registration/" is functional
            and not is_require_third_party_auth_enabled()):
        return True
    return False
예제 #5
def login_and_registration_form(request, initial_mode="login"):
    """Render the combined login/registration form, defaulting to login

    This relies on the JS to asynchronously load the actual form from
    the user_api.

    Keyword Args:
        initial_mode (string): Either "login" or "register".

    # Determine the URL to redirect to following login/registration/third_party_auth
    redirect_to = get_next_url_for_login_page(request)

    # If we're already logged in, redirect to the dashboard
    # Note: We check for the existence of login-related cookies in addition to is_authenticated
    #  since Django's SessionAuthentication middleware auto-updates session cookies but not
    #  the other login-related cookies. See ARCH-282.
    if request.user.is_authenticated and are_logged_in_cookies_set(request):
        return redirect(redirect_to)

    # Retrieve the form descriptions from the user API
    form_descriptions = _get_form_descriptions(request)

    # Our ?next= URL may itself contain a parameter 'tpa_hint=x' that we need to check.
    # If present, we display a login page focused on third-party auth with that provider.
    third_party_auth_hint = None
    if '?' in redirect_to:  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
            next_args = six.moves.urllib.parse.parse_qs(six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(redirect_to).query)
            if 'tpa_hint' in next_args:
                provider_id = next_args['tpa_hint'][0]
                tpa_hint_provider = third_party_auth.provider.Registry.get(provider_id=provider_id)
                if tpa_hint_provider:
                    if tpa_hint_provider.skip_hinted_login_dialog:
                        # Forward the user directly to the provider's login URL when the provider is configured
                        # to skip the dialog.
                        if initial_mode == "register":
                            auth_entry = pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_REGISTER
                            auth_entry = pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_LOGIN
                        return redirect(
                            pipeline.get_login_url(provider_id, auth_entry, redirect_url=redirect_to)
                    third_party_auth_hint = provider_id
                    initial_mode = "hinted_login"
        except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError) as ex:
            log.exception(u"Unknown tpa_hint provider: %s", ex)

    enterprise_customer = enterprise_customer_for_request(request)
    # Redirect to authn MFE if it is enabled
    if should_redirect_to_authn_microfrontend() and not enterprise_customer:

        # This is to handle a case where a logged-in cookie is not present but the user is authenticated.
        # Note: If we don't handle this learner is redirected to authn MFE and then back to dashboard
        # instead of the desired redirect URL (e.g. finish_auth) resulting in learners not enrolling
        # into the courses.
        if request.user.is_authenticated and redirect_to:
            return redirect(redirect_to)

        query_params = request.GET.urlencode()
        url_path = '/{}{}'.format(
            '?' + query_params if query_params else ''
        return redirect(settings.AUTHN_MICROFRONTEND_URL + url_path)

    # Account activation message
    account_activation_messages = [
            'message': message.message, 'tags': message.tags
        } for message in messages.get_messages(request) if 'account-activation' in message.tags

    account_recovery_messages = [
            'message': message.message, 'tags': message.tags
        } for message in messages.get_messages(request) if 'account-recovery' in message.tags

    # Otherwise, render the combined login/registration page
    context = {
        'data': {
            'login_redirect_url': redirect_to,
            'initial_mode': initial_mode,
            'third_party_auth': third_party_auth_context(request, redirect_to, third_party_auth_hint),
            'third_party_auth_hint': third_party_auth_hint or '',
            'platform_name': configuration_helpers.get_value('PLATFORM_NAME', settings.PLATFORM_NAME),
            'support_link': configuration_helpers.get_value('SUPPORT_SITE_LINK', settings.SUPPORT_SITE_LINK),
            'password_reset_support_link': configuration_helpers.get_value(
            ) or settings.SUPPORT_SITE_LINK,
            'account_activation_messages': account_activation_messages,
            'account_recovery_messages': account_recovery_messages,

            # Include form descriptions retrieved from the user API.
            # We could have the JS client make these requests directly,
            # but we include them in the initial page load to avoid
            # the additional round-trip to the server.
            'login_form_desc': json.loads(form_descriptions['login']),
            'registration_form_desc': json.loads(form_descriptions['registration']),
            'password_reset_form_desc': json.loads(form_descriptions['password_reset']),
            'account_creation_allowed': configuration_helpers.get_value(
            'is_account_recovery_feature_enabled': is_secondary_email_feature_enabled(),
            'is_multiple_user_enterprises_feature_enabled': is_multiple_user_enterprises_feature_enabled(),
            'enterprise_slug_login_url': get_enterprise_slug_login_url(),
            'is_require_third_party_auth_enabled': is_require_third_party_auth_enabled(),
        'login_redirect_url': redirect_to,  # This gets added to the query string of the "Sign In" button in header
        'responsive': True,
        'allow_iframing': True,
        'disable_courseware_js': True,
        'combined_login_and_register': True,
        'disable_footer': not configuration_helpers.get_value(

    update_logistration_context_for_enterprise(request, context, enterprise_customer)

    response = render_to_response('student_account/login_and_register.html', context)
    handle_enterprise_cookies_for_logistration(request, response, context)

    return response
예제 #6
def login_user(request, api_version='v1'):
    AJAX request to log in the user.

        request (HttpRequest)

    Required params:
        email, password

    Optional params:
        analytics: a JSON-encoded object with additional info to include in the login analytics event. The only
            supported field is "enroll_course_id" to indicate that the user logged in while enrolling in a particular

        HttpResponse: 200 if successful.
            Ex. {'success': true}
        HttpResponse: 400 if the request failed.
            Ex. {'success': false, 'value': '{'success': false, 'value: 'Email or password is incorrect.'}
        HttpResponse: 403 if successful authentication with a third party provider but does not have a linked account.
            Ex. {'success': false, 'error_code': 'third-party-auth-with-no-linked-account'}

    Example Usage:

        POST /login_ajax
        with POST params `email`, `password`

        200 {'success': true}


    third_party_auth_requested = third_party_auth.is_enabled(
    ) and pipeline.running(request)
    first_party_auth_requested = bool(request.POST.get('email')) or bool(
    is_user_third_party_authenticated = False

    set_custom_attribute('login_user_course_id', request.POST.get('course_id'))

    if is_require_third_party_auth_enabled(
    ) and not third_party_auth_requested:
        return HttpResponseForbidden(
            "Third party authentication is required to login. Username and password were received instead."
    possibly_authenticated_user = None
        if third_party_auth_requested and not first_party_auth_requested:
            # The user has already authenticated via third-party auth and has not
            # asked to do first party auth by supplying a username or password. We
            # now want to put them through the same logging and cookie calculation
            # logic as with first-party auth.

            # This nested try is due to us only returning an HttpResponse in this
            # one case vs. JsonResponse everywhere else.
                user = _do_third_party_auth(request)
                is_user_third_party_authenticated = True
                set_custom_attribute('login_user_tpa_success', True)
            except AuthFailedError as e:
                set_custom_attribute('login_user_tpa_success', False)
                set_custom_attribute('login_user_tpa_failure_msg', e.value)
                if e.error_code:
                    set_custom_attribute('login_error_code', e.error_code)

                # user successfully authenticated with a third party provider, but has no linked Open edX account
                response_content = e.get_response()
                return JsonResponse(response_content, status=403)
            user = _get_user_by_email_or_username(request, api_version)


        possibly_authenticated_user = user

        if not is_user_third_party_authenticated:
            possibly_authenticated_user = _authenticate_first_party(
                request, user, third_party_auth_requested)
            if possibly_authenticated_user and password_policy_compliance.should_enforce_compliance_on_login(
                # Important: This call must be made AFTER the user was successfully authenticated.
                    request, possibly_authenticated_user)
                    user.id, request.POST.get('password'), user.is_staff)

        if possibly_authenticated_user is None or not (
                or settings.MARKETING_EMAILS_OPT_IN):
            _handle_failed_authentication(user, possibly_authenticated_user)

            possibly_authenticated_user, request)

        # The AJAX method calling should know the default destination upon success
        redirect_url, finish_auth_url = None, ''

        if third_party_auth_requested:
            running_pipeline = pipeline.get(request)
            finish_auth_url = pipeline.get_complete_url(

        if is_user_third_party_authenticated:
            redirect_url = finish_auth_url
        elif should_redirect_to_authn_microfrontend():
            next_url, root_url = get_next_url_for_login_page(request,
            redirect_url = get_redirect_url_with_host(
                enterprise_selection_page(request, possibly_authenticated_user,
                                          finish_auth_url or next_url))

        response = JsonResponse({
            'success': True,
            'redirect_url': redirect_url,

        # Ensure that the external marketing site can
        # detect that the user is logged in.
        response = set_logged_in_cookies(request, response,
        set_custom_attribute('login_user_auth_failed_error', False)
        set_custom_attribute('login_user_redirect_url', redirect_url)
        mark_user_change_as_expected(response, user.id)
        return response
    except AuthFailedError as error:
        response_content = error.get_response()

        error_code = response_content.get('error_code')
        if error_code:
            set_custom_attribute('login_error_code', error_code)
        email_or_username_key = 'email' if api_version == API_V1 else 'email_or_username'
        email_or_username = request.POST.get(email_or_username_key, None)
        email_or_username = possibly_authenticated_user.email \
            if possibly_authenticated_user else email_or_username
        response_content['email'] = email_or_username
        response = JsonResponse(response_content, status=400)
        set_custom_attribute('login_user_auth_failed_error', True)
        return response