예제 #1
    def test_message_catalog_translations(self):
        Test: Message catalog from FakeTranslation should return required translations.
        _translator = FakeTranslations.translator(
                'es': {'Hello': 'es-hello-world'},
                'fr': {'Hello': 'fr-hello-world'},
        localedir = '/translations'
        with mock.patch('gettext.translation', return_value=_translator(domain='text', localedir=localedir,
            i18n_service = self.get_module_i18n_service(self.descriptor)
            self.assertEqual(i18n_service.ugettext('Hello'), 'es-hello-world')

        with mock.patch('gettext.translation', return_value=_translator(domain='text', localedir=localedir,
            i18n_service = self.get_module_i18n_service(self.descriptor)
            self.assertEqual(get_gettext(i18n_service)('Hello'), 'Hello')
            self.assertNotEqual(get_gettext(i18n_service)('Hello'), 'fr-hello-world')
            self.assertNotEqual(get_gettext(i18n_service)('Hello'), 'es-hello-world')

        with mock.patch('gettext.translation', return_value=_translator(domain='text', localedir=localedir,
            i18n_service = self.get_module_i18n_service(self.descriptor)
            self.assertEqual(i18n_service.ugettext('Hello'), 'fr-hello-world')
예제 #2
    def get_grade_from_current_answers(self, student_answers):
        Gets the grade for the currently-saved problem state, but does not save it
        to the block.

        For new student_answers being graded, `student_answers` is a dict of all the
        entries from request.POST, but with the first part of each key removed
        (the string before the first "_").  Thus, for example,
        input_ID123 -> ID123, and input_fromjs_ID123 -> fromjs_ID123.

        For rescoring, `student_answers` is None.

        Calls the Response for each question in this problem, to do the actual grading.
        # old CorrectMap
        oldcmap = self.correct_map

        # start new with empty CorrectMap
        newcmap = CorrectMap()
        # Call each responsetype instance to do actual grading
        for responder in self.responders.values():
            # File objects are passed only if responsetype explicitly allows
            # for file submissions.  But we have no way of knowing if
            # student_answers contains a proper answer or the filename of
            # an earlier submission, so for now skip these entirely.
            # TODO: figure out where to get file submissions when rescoring.
            if 'filesubmission' in responder.allowed_inputfields and student_answers is None:
                _ = get_gettext(self.capa_system.i18n)
                raise Exception(_(u"Cannot rescore problems with possible file submissions"))

            # use 'student_answers' only if it is provided, and if it might contain a file
            # submission that would not exist in the persisted "student_answers".
            if 'filesubmission' in responder.allowed_inputfields and student_answers is not None:
                results = responder.evaluate_answers(student_answers, oldcmap)
                results = responder.evaluate_answers(self.student_answers, oldcmap)

        return newcmap
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, module):
     self.module = module
     self.old_ugettext = get_gettext(module)
예제 #4
    def do_targeted_feedback(self, tree):
        Implements targeted-feedback in-place on  <multiplechoiceresponse> --
        choice-level explanations shown to a student after submission.
        Does nothing if there is no targeted-feedback attribute.
        _ = get_gettext(self.capa_system.i18n)
        # Note that the modifications has been done, avoiding problems if called twice.
        if hasattr(self, 'has_targeted'):
        self.has_targeted = True  # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

        for mult_choice_response in tree.xpath('//multiplechoiceresponse[@targeted-feedback]'):
            show_explanation = mult_choice_response.get('targeted-feedback') == 'alwaysShowCorrectChoiceExplanation'

            # Grab the first choicegroup (there should only be one within each <multiplechoiceresponse> tag)
            choicegroup = mult_choice_response.xpath('./choicegroup[@type="MultipleChoice"]')[0]
            choices_list = list(choicegroup.iter('choice'))

            # Find the student answer key that matches our <choicegroup> id
            student_answer = self.student_answers.get(choicegroup.get('id'))
            expl_id_for_student_answer = None

            # Keep track of the explanation-id that corresponds to the student's answer
            # Also, keep track of the solution-id
            solution_id = None
            choice_correctness_for_student_answer = _('Incorrect')
            for choice in choices_list:
                if choice.get('name') == student_answer:
                    expl_id_for_student_answer = choice.get('explanation-id')
                    if choice.get('correct') == 'true':
                        choice_correctness_for_student_answer = _('Correct')
                if choice.get('correct') == 'true':
                    solution_id = choice.get('explanation-id')

            # Filter out targetedfeedback that doesn't correspond to the answer the student selected
            # Note: following-sibling will grab all following siblings, so we just want the first in the list
            targetedfeedbackset = mult_choice_response.xpath('./following-sibling::targetedfeedbackset')
            if len(targetedfeedbackset) != 0:
                targetedfeedbackset = targetedfeedbackset[0]
                targetedfeedbacks = targetedfeedbackset.xpath('./targetedfeedback')
                # find the legend by id in choicegroup.html for aria-describedby
                problem_legend_id = str(choicegroup.get('id')) + '-legend'
                for targetedfeedback in targetedfeedbacks:
                    screenreadertext = etree.Element("span")
                    targetedfeedback.insert(0, screenreadertext)
                    screenreadertext.set('class', 'sr')
                    screenreadertext.text = choice_correctness_for_student_answer
                    targetedfeedback.set('role', 'group')
                    targetedfeedback.set('aria-describedby', problem_legend_id)
                    # Don't show targeted feedback if the student hasn't answer the problem
                    # or if the target feedback doesn't match the student's (incorrect) answer
                    if not self.done or targetedfeedback.get('explanation-id') != expl_id_for_student_answer:

            # Do not displace the solution under these circumstances
            if not show_explanation or not self.done:

            # The next element should either be <solution> or <solutionset>
            next_element = targetedfeedbackset.getnext()
            parent_element = tree
            solution_element = None
            if next_element is not None and next_element.tag == 'solution':
                solution_element = next_element
            elif next_element is not None and next_element.tag == 'solutionset':
                solutions = next_element.xpath('./solution')
                for solution in solutions:
                    if solution.get('explanation-id') == solution_id:
                        parent_element = next_element
                        solution_element = solution

            # If could not find the solution element, then skip the remaining steps below
            if solution_element is None:

            # Change our correct-choice explanation from a "solution explanation" to within
            # the set of targeted feedback, which means the explanation will render on the page
            # without the student clicking "Show Answer" or seeing a checkmark next to the correct choice

            # Add our solution instead to the targetedfeedbackset and change its tag name
            solution_element.tag = 'targetedfeedback'

예제 #5
    def find_question_label(self, answer_id):
        Obtain the most relevant question text for a particular answer.

        E.g. in a problem like "How much is 2+2?" "Two"/"Three"/"More than three",
        this function returns the "How much is 2+2?" text.

        It uses, in order:
        - the question prompt, if the question has one
        - the <p> or <label> element which precedes the choices (skipping descriptive elements)
        - a text like "Question 5" if no other name could be found

            answer_id: a string like "98e6a8e915904d5389821a94e48babcf_13_1"

            a string with the question text
        _ = get_gettext(self.capa_system.i18n)
        # Some questions define a prompt with this format:   >>This is a prompt<<
        prompt = self.problem_data[answer_id].get('label')

        if prompt:
            question_text = prompt.striptags()
            # If no prompt, then we must look for something resembling a question ourselves
            # We have a structure like:
            # <p />
            # <optionresponse id="a0effb954cca4759994f1ac9e9434bf4_2">
            #   <optioninput id="a0effb954cca4759994f1ac9e9434bf4_3_1" />
            # <optionresponse>
            # Starting from  answer (the optioninput in this example) we go up and backwards
            xml_elems = self.tree.xpath('//*[@id="' + answer_id + '"]')
            assert len(xml_elems) == 1
            xml_elem = xml_elems[0].getparent()

            # Get the element that probably contains the question text
            questiontext_elem = xml_elem.getprevious()

            # Go backwards looking for a <p> or <label>, but skip <description> because it doesn't
            # contain the question text.
            # E.g if we have this:
            #   <p /> <description /> <optionresponse /> <optionresponse />
            # then from the first optionresponse we'll end with the <p>.
            # If we start in the second optionresponse, we'll find another response in the way,
            # stop early, and instead of a question we'll report "Question 2".
            SKIP_ELEMS = ['description']
            LABEL_ELEMS = ['p', 'label']
            while questiontext_elem is not None and questiontext_elem.tag in SKIP_ELEMS:
                questiontext_elem = questiontext_elem.getprevious()

            if questiontext_elem is not None and questiontext_elem.tag in LABEL_ELEMS:
                question_text = questiontext_elem.text
                # For instance 'd2e35c1d294b4ba0b3b1048615605d2a_2_1' contains 2,
                # which is used in question number 1 (see example XML in comment above)
                # There's no question 0 (question IDs start at 1, answer IDs at 2)
                question_nr = int(answer_id.split('_')[-2]) - 1
                question_text = _("Question {0}").format(question_nr)

        return question_text