예제 #1
def write_video(vid_path, out_path, roi, endpoints, detections, scores):
    """Writes a new video with bounding boxes around detections.

    # Arguments
        vid_path: Path to the original video.
        out_path: Path to the output video.
        roi: Region of interest output from find_roi.
        endpoints: Ruler endpoints from find_roi.
        detections: Detections for each frame.
        scores: Cover and species scores for each detection.
    # Initialize the video reader.
    reader = openem.VideoReader()
    status = reader.Init(vid_path)
    if not status == openem.kSuccess:
        raise IOError("Failed to read video {}!".format(vid_path))

    # Initialize the video writer.
    print("Writing annotated video to {}".format(out_path))
    writer = openem.VideoWriter()
    status = writer.Init(out_path, reader.FrameRate(), openem.kWmv2,
                         (reader.Width(), reader.Height()))
    if not status == openem.kSuccess:
        raise IOError("Failed to write video {}!".format(out_path))

    # Iterate through frames.
    for det_frame, score_frame in zip(detections, scores):
        frame = openem.Image()
        status = reader.GetFrame(frame)
        if not status == openem.kSuccess:
            raise RuntimeError("Error retrieving video frame!")
        frame.DrawRect(roi, (255, 0, 0), 1, endpoints)
        for j, (det, score) in enumerate(zip(det_frame, score_frame)):
            clear = score.cover[2]
            hand = score.cover[1]
            if j == 0:
                if clear > hand:
                    det_color = (0, 255, 0)
                    det_color = (0, 0, 255)
            frame.DrawRect(det.location, det_color, 2, endpoints, roi)
        status = writer.AddFrame(frame)
        if not status == openem.kSuccess:
            raise RuntimeError("Error adding frame to video!")
예제 #2
def predict(config):

    # Get paths from config file.
    videos = config.test_vids()
    out_dir = config.test_output_dir()
    find_ruler_path = config.find_ruler_model_path()
    detect_path = config.detect_model_path()
    classify_path = config.classify_model_path()
    count_path = config.count_model_path()
    os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # Iterate through videos.
    for vid in videos:

        # Get the video width.
        reader = openem.VideoReader()
        status = reader.Init(vid)
        if not status == openem.kSuccess:
            raise IOError("Failed to read video {}!".format(vid))
        vid_width = float(reader.Width())

        # Get path to output csv.
        _, fname = os.path.split(vid)
        base, _ = os.path.splitext(fname)
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, base + '.csv')

        # Find the ROI.
        print("Doing prediction on {}...".format(vid))
        roi, endpoints = _find_roi(find_ruler_path, vid)

        # Do detection and classification.
        detections, scores = _detect_and_classify(detect_path, classify_path,
                                                  vid, roi, endpoints)
        # Write counts to csv.
        _write_counts(count_path, out_path, roi, detections, scores, [
        ] + config.species(), vid_width, config.detect_width())
예제 #3
def _find_roi(mask_finder_path, vid_path):
    """Finds ROI in a video.

    # Arguments
        mask_finder_path: Path to find_ruler model file.
        vid_path: Path to the video.

    # Returns:
        Region of interest and ruler endpoints.

    # Raises:
        IOError: If video or model file cannot be opened.
        RuntimeError: If fails to add images or process model.
    # Determined by experimentation with GPU having 8GB memory.
    max_img = 8

    # Create and initialize the mask finder.
    mask_finder = openem.RulerMaskFinder()
    status = mask_finder.Init(mask_finder_path)
    if not status == openem.kSuccess:
        raise IOError("Failed to initialize mask finder!")

    # Set up video reader.
    reader = openem.VideoReader()
    status = reader.Init(vid_path)
    if not status == openem.kSuccess:
        raise IOError("Failed to open video!")

    # Decode the first 100 frames and take the average mask.
    mask_avg = np.zeros((reader.Height(), reader.Width()))
    num_masks = 0
    masks = openem.VectorImage()
    vid_end = False
    for i in range(math.ceil(100 / max_img)):
        for j in range(max_img):
            img = openem.Image()
            status = reader.GetFrame(img)
            if not status == openem.kSuccess:
                vid_end = True
            status = mask_finder.AddImage(img)
            if not status == openem.kSuccess:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to add frame to mask finder!")
        status = mask_finder.Process(masks)
        if not status == openem.kSuccess:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to process mask finder!")
        for mask in masks:
            mask.Resize(reader.Width(), reader.Height())
            mask_data = mask.DataCopy()
            mask_data = np.array(mask_data)
            mask_data = np.reshape(mask_data,
                                   (reader.Height(), reader.Width()))
            mask_avg += mask_data
            num_masks += 1
        if vid_end:

    # Convert mean mask from numpy to openem format.
    mask_vec = mask_avg.copy()
    mask_vec = mask_vec / np.max(mask_vec)
    mask_vec = mask_vec * 255.0
    mask_vec = mask_vec.reshape(-1).astype(np.uint8).tolist()
    mask_img = openem.Image()
    mask_img.FromData(mask_vec, reader.Width(), reader.Height(), 1)

    # Now that we have the best mask, use this to compute the ROI.
    endpoints = openem.RulerEndpoints(mask_img)
    r_mask = openem.Rectify(mask_img, endpoints)
    roi = openem.FindRoi(r_mask)
    return (roi, endpoints)
예제 #4
def _detect_and_classify(detect_path, classify_path, vid_path, roi, endpoints):
    """Finds and classifies detections for all frames in a video.

    # Arguments
        detect_path: Path to detect model file.
        classify_path: Path to classify model file.
        vid_path: Path to the video.
        roi: Region of interest output from find_roi.
        endpoints: Ruler endpoints from find_roi.

    # Returns
        Detection rects and classification scores.

    # Raises
        IOError: If video or model files cannot be opened.
        RuntimeError: If unable to add frame or process a model.
    # Determined by experimentation with GPU having 8GB memory.
    max_img = 32

    # Create and initialize the detector.
    detector = openem.Detector()
    status = detector.Init(detect_path, 0.5)
    if not status == openem.kSuccess:
        raise IOError("Failed to initialize detector!")

    # Create and initialize the classifier.
    classifier = openem.Classifier()
    status = classifier.Init(classify_path, 0.5)
    if not status == openem.kSuccess:
        raise IOError("Failed to initialize classifier!")

    # Initialize the video reader.
    reader = openem.VideoReader()
    status = reader.Init(vid_path)
    if not status == openem.kSuccess:
        raise IOError("Failed to open video {}!".format(vid_path))

    # Iterate through frames.
    vid_end = False
    detections = []
    scores = []
    while True:

        # Find detections.
        dets = openem.VectorVectorDetection()
        imgs = [openem.Image() for _ in range(max_img)]
        for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
            status = reader.GetFrame(img)
            if not status == openem.kSuccess:
                vid_end = True
            img = openem.Rectify(img, endpoints)
            img = openem.Crop(img, roi)
            status = detector.AddImage(img)
            imgs[i] = img
            if not status == openem.kSuccess:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to add frame to detector!")
        status = detector.Process(dets)
        if not status == openem.kSuccess:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to process detector!")
        detections += dets

        # Classify detections
        for det_frame, img in zip(dets, imgs):
            score_batch = openem.VectorClassification()
            for det in det_frame:
                det_img = openem.GetDetImage(img, det.location)
                status = classifier.AddImage(det_img)
                if not status == openem.kSuccess:
                    raise RuntimeError("Failed to add frame to classifier!")
            status = classifier.Process(score_batch)
            if not status == openem.kSuccess:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to process classifier!")
        if vid_end:
    return (detections, scores)
예제 #5
                        help="Path to pb file with classify model.")
                        help="Path to pb file with count model.")
                        help="One or more paths to video files.")
                        help="Disable writing annotated video.")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    for i, video_path in enumerate(args.video_paths):
        # Get the video width.
        reader = openem.VideoReader()
        status = reader.Init(video_path)
        if not status == openem.kSuccess:
            raise IOError("Failed to read video {}!".format(video_path))
        vid_width = float(reader.Width())

        # Find the ROI.
        print("Finding region of interest...")
        roi, endpoints = find_roi(args.find_ruler_model, video_path)

        # Find detections and classify them.
        print("Performing detection and classification...")
        detections, scores, detect_width = detect_and_classify(
            args.detect_model, args.classify_model, video_path, roi, endpoints)

        # Write counts to csv.