def website_logo(self, dbname=None, **kw): imgname = 'website_nologo.png' placeholder = functools.partial(get_module_resource, 'website_logo', 'static', 'src', 'img') uid = None if request.session.db: dbname = request.session.db uid = request.session.uid elif dbname is None: dbname = db_monodb() if not uid: uid = openerp.SUPERUSER_ID if uid and dbname: try: # create an empty registry registry = openerp.modules.registry.Registry(dbname) env = request.httprequest.environ domain = env.get('HTTP_HOST', '').split(':')[0] with registry.cursor() as cr: image, mtime = self._image_logo_get(cr, domain) if not image: image, mtime = self._image_logo_get(cr, 'localhost') if image: response = http.send_file(image, filename=imgname, mtime=mtime) return response except Exception: # pragma: no cover _logger.exception( openerp._( 'Could not get website logo, falling back to default', )) return http.send_file(placeholder(imgname))
def website_logo(self, dbname=None, **kw): imgname = 'logo.png' uid = None if request.session.db: dbname = request.session.db uid = request.session.uid elif dbname is None: dbname = db_monodb() if not uid: uid = openerp.SUPERUSER_ID if uid and dbname: placeholder = functools.partial(get_module_resource, 'web', 'static', 'src', 'img') try: # create an empty registry registry = openerp.modules.registry.Registry(dbname) with registry.cursor() as cr: cr.execute( """SELECT c.website_logo, c.write_date FROM res_users u LEFT JOIN res_company c ON = u.company_id WHERE = %s """, (uid, )) row = cr.fetchone() if row and row[0]: image_data = StringIO(str(row[0]).decode('base64')) response = http.send_file(image_data, filename=imgname, mtime=row[1]) return response except Exception: return http.send_file(placeholder(imgname)) return super(website_logo, self).company_logo(dbname=dbname, **kw)
def website_logo(self, dbname=None, **kw): imgname = 'logo.png' uid = None if request.session.db: dbname = request.session.db uid = request.session.uid elif dbname is None: dbname = db_monodb() if not uid: uid = openerp.SUPERUSER_ID if uid and dbname: placeholder = functools.partial( get_module_resource, 'web', 'static', 'src', 'img') try: # create an empty registry registry = openerp.modules.registry.Registry(dbname) with registry.cursor() as cr: cr.execute("""SELECT c.website_logo, c.write_date FROM res_users u LEFT JOIN res_company c ON = u.company_id WHERE = %s """, (uid,)) row = cr.fetchone() if row and row[0]: image_data = StringIO(str(row[0]).decode('base64')) response = http.send_file( image_data, filename=imgname, mtime=row[1]) return response except Exception: return http.send_file(placeholder(imgname)) return super(website_logo, self).company_logo(dbname=dbname, **kw)
def website_logo(self, dbname=None, **kw): imgname = 'website_nologo.png' placeholder = functools.partial( get_module_resource, 'website_logo', 'static', 'src', 'img') uid = None if request.session.db: dbname = request.session.db uid = request.session.uid elif dbname is None: dbname = db_monodb() if not uid: uid = openerp.SUPERUSER_ID if uid and dbname: try: # create an empty registry registry = openerp.modules.registry.Registry(dbname) env = request.httprequest.environ domain = env.get('HTTP_HOST', '').split(':')[0] with registry.cursor() as cr: image, mtime = self._image_logo_get(cr, domain) if not image: image, mtime = self._image_logo_get(cr, 'localhost') if image: response = http.send_file( image, filename=imgname, mtime=mtime) return response except Exception: return http.send_file(placeholder(imgname)) return http.send_file(placeholder(imgname))
def download_attachment(self, attachment_id): # Check if this is a valid attachment id attachment = request.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().search_read([ ('id', '=', int(attachment_id)) ], [ "name", "datas", "file_type", "res_model", "res_id", "type", "url" ]) if attachment: attachment = attachment[0] else: return redirect(self.orders_page) # Check if the user has bought the associated product res_model = attachment['res_model'] res_id = attachment['res_id'] purchased_products = request.env[ 'account.invoice.line'].get_digital_purchases(request.uid) if res_model == 'product.product': if res_id not in purchased_products: return redirect(self.orders_page) # Also check for attachments in the product templates elif res_model == 'product.template': P = request.env['product.product'] template_ids = map(lambda x: P.browse(x), purchased_products) if res_id not in template_ids: return redirect(self.orders_page) else: return redirect(self.orders_page) # The client has bought the product, otherwise it would have been blocked by now if attachment["type"] == "url": if attachment["url"]: return redirect(attachment["url"]) else: return request.not_found() elif attachment["datas"]: data = StringIO(base64.standard_b64decode(attachment["datas"])) return http.send_file(data, filename=attachment['name'], as_attachment=True) else: return request.not_found()
def download_attachment(self, attachment_id): # Check if this is a valid attachment id attachment = request.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().search_read( [('id', '=', int(attachment_id))], ["name", "datas", "file_type", "res_model", "res_id", "type", "url"] ) if attachment: attachment = attachment[0] else: return redirect(self.orders_page) # Check if the user has bought the associated product res_model = attachment['res_model'] res_id = attachment['res_id'] purchased_products = request.env['account.invoice.line'].get_digital_purchases(request.uid) if res_model == 'product.product': if res_id not in purchased_products: return redirect(self.orders_page) # Also check for attachments in the product templates elif res_model == 'product.template': P = request.env['product.product'] template_ids = map(lambda x: P.browse(x), purchased_products) if res_id not in template_ids: return redirect(self.orders_page) else: return redirect(self.orders_page) # The client has bought the product, otherwise it would have been blocked by now if attachment["type"] == "url": if attachment["url"]: return redirect(attachment["url"]) else: return request.not_found() elif attachment["datas"]: data = StringIO(base64.standard_b64decode(attachment["datas"])) return http.send_file(data, filename=attachment['name'], as_attachment=True) else: return request.not_found()