예제 #1
def split_molecule_components(
        molecule: oechem.OEGraphMol) -> List[oechem.OEGraphMol]:
    Split an OpenEye Molecule into its bonded components.
    molecule: oechem.OEGraphMol
        An OpenEye molecule holding multiple components.
    : list of oechem.OEGraphMol
        A list of OpenEye molecules holding the split components.
    # determine bonded components
    number_of_components, part_list = oechem.OEDetermineComponents(molecule)
    predicate = oechem.OEPartPredAtom(part_list)

    # get bonded components
    components = []
    for i in range(number_of_components):
        predicate.SelectPart(i + 1)
        component = oechem.OEGraphMol()
        oechem.OESubsetMol(component, molecule, predicate)

    return components
예제 #2
def get_binding_site(structure, ligand):
    partlist = oechem.OEIntArray(structure.GetMaxAtomIdx())

    # get all contacts between ligand and assembly
    contacts = oechem.OEGetNearestNbrs(structure, ligand, 5.0)
    binding_site_atom_idxs = set(contact.GetBgn().GetIdx()
                                 for contact in contacts)

    # create the partition map
    for atom in structure.GetAtoms():
        if atom.GetIdx() in binding_site_atom_idxs:
            partlist[atom.GetIdx()] = 1

    entitypred = oechem.OEPartPredAtom(partlist)

    # select the binding site atoms

    # create a new molecule for the entity
    binding_site = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    oechem.OESubsetMol(binding_site, structure, entitypred, False, False)

    return binding_site
예제 #3
def main(argv=[__name__]):
    if len(argv) != 3:
        oechem.OEThrow.Usage("%s <infile> <outfile>" % argv[0])

    ifs = oechem.oemolistream()
    if not ifs.open(argv[1]):
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading" % argv[1])

    ofs = oechem.oemolostream()
    if not ofs.open(argv[2]):
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for writing" % argv[2])

    for mol in ifs.GetOEGraphMols():
        numparts, partlist = oechem.OEDetermineComponents(mol)
        pred = oechem.OEPartPredAtom(partlist)

        for i in range(1, numparts + 1):
            partmol = oechem.OEGraphMol()
            oechem.OESubsetMol(partmol, mol, pred)
            oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, partmol)
def PrepareReceptor(pdb,padding=4,outpath=""):
    Prepares a receptor from a pdb with a crystalized ligand
    Padding controls the docking region.
    If outpath is given, PrepareReceptor will write an openeye binary (oeb) of the receptor structure. This will be faster than rebuilding the receptor every time.
    com = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    ifs = oechem.oemolistream()
    if ifs.open(pdb):
        oechem.OEReadPDBFile(ifs, com)

    Sorry, this requires some explanation. Openeye wasn't recognizing the previously docked ligand, so I tried to find other ways.
    The next blocks of code take our system and split it based on its connected components, for which its REQUIRED that our protein
      only has a single chain. It assumes that the last component is the ligand. It then creates the ligand (lig) and protein (prot)
      as separate molecules. Next, it finds the minimum and maximum 3D coordinates of the current ligand and produces a box around
      it with the specified padding. Finally it uses this box to create a 'receptor' object into which ligands can be docked.
    Only the receptor is returned.
    Openeye's docking shouldn't be this involved, but I couldn't get it to run the typical 'hybrid' docking without error.
    nparts, connect = oechem.OEDetermineComponents(com)
    if(nparts != 2):
        print("ERR in dock_conf::prepareReceptor. PDB doesn't have 2 connected components")
        ## TODO: What is a good way to catch errors?
    # Get apo
    pred = oechem.OEPartPredAtom(connect)
    lig = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    oechem.OESubsetMol(lig, com, pred)
    # Get protein
    pred = oechem.OEPartPredAtom(connect)
    prot = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    oechem.OESubsetMol(prot, com, pred)
    # Get box dimensions by iterating over ligand
    x_min = y_min = z_min = float('inf')
    x_max = y_max = z_max = -float('inf')
    crd = lig.GetCoords()
    print("CRD", crd)
    for atm in crd:
        x,y,z = crd[atm]
        if x < x_min:
            x_min = x
        if y < y_min:
            y_min = y
        if z < z_min:
            z_min = z
        if x > x_max:
            x_max = x
        if y > y_max:
            y_max = y
        if z > z_max:
            z_max = z
    x_min -= padding
    y_min -= padding
    z_min -= padding
    x_max += padding
    y_max += padding
    z_max += padding
    print(x_min,y_min,z_max, y_max)
    # Now prepare the receptor
    receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol()
    box = oedocking.OEBox()
    box.Setup(x_max, y_max, z_max, x_min, y_min, z_min)
    oedocking.OEMakeReceptor(receptor, prot, box)
    if not outpath == "":
    return receptor