def test_make_atomic_lattice_0d_raise_error(self):
     spacing = 1.7
     basis = 'sto-3g'
     atom_type = 'H'
     atom_dim = 0
     with self.assertRaises(MolecularLatticeError):
         make_atomic_lattice(atom_dim, atom_dim, atom_dim, spacing, basis,
    def test_make_atomic_lattice_1d(self):
        spacing = 1.7
        basis = 'sto-3g'
        atom_type = 'H'
        for n_atoms in range(2, 10):
            molecule = make_atomic_lattice(n_atoms, 1, 1, spacing, basis,

            # Check that the spacing between the atoms is correct.
            for atom_index in range(n_atoms):
                if atom_index:
                    atom_b = molecule.geometry[atom_index]
                    coords_b = atom_b[1]
                    atom_a = molecule.geometry[atom_index - 1]
                    coords_a = atom_a[1]
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(coords_b[0] - coords_a[0], spacing)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(coords_b[1] - coords_a[1], 0)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(coords_b[2] - coords_a[2], 0)
    def test_make_atomic_lattice_2d(self):
        spacing = 1.7
        basis = 'sto-3g'
        atom_type = 'H'
        atom_dim = 7
        molecule = make_atomic_lattice(atom_dim, atom_dim, 1, spacing, basis,

        # Check that the spacing between the atoms is correct.
        for atom in range(atom_dim**2):
            coords = molecule.geometry[atom][1]

            # Check y-coord.
            grid_y = atom % atom_dim
            self.assertAlmostEqual(coords[1], spacing * grid_y)

            # Check x-coord.
            grid_x = atom // atom_dim
            self.assertAlmostEqual(coords[0], spacing * grid_x)