def test_encoding(self): for td in self.testdata: codelength = len(td['code']) - 1 if '0' in td['code']: codelength = td['code'].index('0') self.assertEqual(td['code'], olc.encode(td['lat'], td['lng'], codelength), td)
def get_objects_nearby(req): table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('OpenCity') lat, lon = float(req['lat']), float(req['lon']) res = [] for length in [12, 11, 10, 8]: pc = encode(lat, lon, length) grid = "OSM:" + pc items = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('grid').eq(grid), ProjectionExpression='lat, lon, tags,ubid' ) nearby = [] for item in items['Items']: if 'tags' in item and 'lat' in item and 'lon' in item: tags = item['tags'] if 'name' in tags or 'amenity' in tags: dist = distance(lat, lon, item['lat'], item['lon']) tags['distance'] = dist tags['lat'] = float(item['lat']) tags['lon'] = float(item['lon']) tags['ubid'] = item['ubid'] nearby.append(tags) if len(res) > 0: break nearby = sorted(nearby, key=lambda x: x['distance']) return response(200, json.dumps(nearby))
def test_benchmark(self): start_micros = round(time.time() * 1e6) for td in self.testdata: olc.encode(td[0], td[1], td[2]) duration_micros = round(time.time() * 1e6) - start_micros print('Encoding benchmark: %d passes, %d usec total, %.03f usec each' % (len(self.testdata), duration_micros, duration_micros / len(self.testdata))) start_micros = round(time.time() * 1e6) for td in self.testdata: olc.decode(td[3]) duration_micros = round(time.time() * 1e6) - start_micros print('Decoding benchmark: %d passes, %d usec total, %.03f usec each' % (len(self.testdata), duration_micros, duration_micros / len(self.testdata)))
def setUp(self): self.testdata = [] for i in range(0, 100000): dec = random.randint(0, 15) lat = round(random.uniform(1, 180) - 90, dec) lng = round(random.uniform(1, 360) - 180, dec) length = random.randint(2, 15) if length % 2 == 1: length = length + 1 self.testdata.append( [lat, lng, length, olc.encode(lat, lng, length)])
def address_details(): try: ret = {} res_address = request.args.get("address") found_address = MongoAddress.objects(st_city="EL CAMPO", ad_name_full=res_address).first() if found_address: for location in found_address.locations: if "E911" == location.source: list_coords = location.coords["coordinates"] ret = dict() ret["E911"] = [{"EPSG": "2278"}, {"X": list_coords[0][0]}, {"Y": list_coords[0][1]}, {"PLUS CODE": openlocationcode.encode( list_coords[1][1], list_coords[1][0])}], \ [{"EPSG": "4326"}, {"X": list_coords[1][0]}, {"Y": list_coords[1][1]}, {"PLUS CODE": openlocationcode.encode( list_coords[1][1], list_coords[1][0])}] return jsonify(ret) except Exception as e: return (str(e))
def lambda_handler(event, context): table = dynamodb.Table('OpenCity') with table.batch_writer() as batch: items = dict() for record in event['Records']: payload = base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data']) #print(payload) obj = json.loads(payload.decode("utf-8")) obj['ubid'] = str(obj['hash']) for field in ['nds', 'members', 'tags']: if field in obj: obj[field] = json.loads(obj[field]) if len(obj[field]) == 0: del obj[field] for length in [8, 10, 11, 12]: grid = encode(obj['lat'], obj['lon'], length) obj['grid'] = "OSM:" + grid ca = decode(grid) lat, lon = ca.latitudeCenter, ca.longitudeCenter obj['distance'] = distance(lat, lon, obj['lat'], obj['lon']) o = json.loads(json.dumps(obj)) for field in ['distance', 'lon', 'lat']: o[field] = Decimal(str(o[field])) items[o['grid'] + o['hash']] = o for item in items.values(): for k in list(item.keys()): if item[k] == '': del item[k] try: batch.put_item(Item=item) except Exception as e: print("Unable to process item '%s'" % item) raise e print("Processed %d, %d distinct items" % (len(event['Records']), len(items))) # print("Decoded payload: " + obj) return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')}
def test_maxdigits_encoding(self): for codelength in [15, 16, 17, 100000]: code = olc.encode(37.539669125, -122.375069125, codelength) self.assertEqual(code, "849VGJQF+VX7QR4M")
arcpy.AddField_management(to_fc, "cad_url", "TEXT", "", "", "100", "CAD URL", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED") fields = ["prop_id", "plus_code", "cad_url", "SHAPE@XY"] with arcpy.UpdateCursor(to_fc, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: continue prop_id = int(row[0]) cad_url = f"{str(prop_id)}&account=R0{str(prop_id)}" row[2] = cad_url # check for valid x,y tuple if row[3] is None or row[3][0] is None or row[3][1] is None: continue x, y = row[3] # convert from State Plane to lat/lng x, y = transform(proj_2278, proj_4326, x, y) plus_code = openlocationcode.encode(y, x) row[1] = plus_code cursor.updateRow(row) arcpy.RegisterAsVersioned_management(ds, "EDITS_TO_BASE") ec_arcpy_util.dbCompress(arcpy.env.workspace)"Successful completion") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"{inspect.stack()[0][3]} {e}")
list_area.append(round(d['building_area']/d['pisos']*cantidad_pisos)) else: list_pisos.append(d['pisos']) list_area.append(d['building_area']) lat = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lat'] lng = geocode_result[0]['geometry']['location']['lng'] lat = round(lat,7) lng = round(lng,7) # Construimos geometría lado = round(math.sqrt(round(d["building_area"]/d["pisos"]))) l.append([lat,round(lng+(lado/2/111319),7)]) l.append([lat,round(lng-(lado/2/111319),7)]) l.append([round(lat+(lado/111319),7),l[0][1]]) l.append([round(lat-(lado/111319),7),l[1][1]]) # Obtenemos UBID de edificios ubid = openlocationcode.encode(lat,lng) list_address.append(x) list_lat.append(lat) list_lng.append(lng) list_ubid.append(ubid) else: df_first = df_first.drop([i],axis=0) dir_not_found.append(x) cont=cont+1 df_first = df_first.reset_index(drop=True) if cont>0: print("No se encontro latitud y longitud de "+str(cont)+" edificios, estos fueron eliminados") print("Se agrega altura a cada edificio") print("Se agrega UBID y latitud y longitud")