예제 #1
    def test_set_transition_speed_str(self):
        Test the transition_speed setter with a str
        # GIVEN: A AlignmentTransitionsPage instance
        page = AlignmentTransitionsPage()

        # WHEN: The property is set
        page.transition_speed = TransitionSpeed.to_string(TransitionSpeed.Slow)

        # THEN: The combobox should be correct
        assert page.transition_speed_combo_box.currentIndex() == 2
예제 #2
    def test_set_transition_speed_exception(self):
        Test the transition_speed setter with something other than a str or int
        # GIVEN: A AlignmentTransitionsPage instance
        page = AlignmentTransitionsPage()

        # WHEN: The property is set
        # THEN: An exception is raised
        with pytest.raises(
                match='transition_speed must either be a string or an int'):
            page.transition_speed = []