예제 #1
    def test_on_volunteer_button_clicked(self, mocked_webbrowser):
        Test that clicking on the "Volunteer" button opens a web page.
        # GIVEN: A new About dialog and a mocked out webbrowser module
        about_form = AboutForm(None)

        # WHEN: The "Volunteer" button is "clicked"

        # THEN: A web browser is opened
예제 #2
    def test_on_volunteer_button_clicked(self):
        Test that clicking on the "Volunteer" button opens a web page.
        # GIVEN: A new About dialog and a mocked out webbrowser module
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.aboutform.webbrowser') as mocked_webbrowser:
            about_form = AboutForm(None)

            # WHEN: The "Volunteer" button is "clicked"

            # THEN: A web browser is opened
예제 #3
    def test_about_form_build_number(self, mocked_get_version):
        Test that the build number is added to the about form
        # GIVEN: A mocked out get_version function
        mocked_get_version.return_value = {'version': '3.1.5', 'build': '3000'}

        # WHEN: The about form is created
        about_form = AboutForm(None)

        # THEN: The build number should be in the text
        assert 'OpenLP 3.1.5 build 3000' in about_form.about_text_edit.toPlainText(), \
            "The build number should be set correctly"
예제 #4
    def test_about_form_date(self):
        Test that the copyright date is included correctly
        # GIVEN: A correct application date
        date_string = "2004-%s" % datetime.date.today().year

        # WHEN: The about form is created
        about_form = AboutForm(None)
        license_text = about_form.license_text_edit.toPlainText()

        # THEN: The date should be in the text twice.
        assert license_text.count(date_string, 0) == 2, "The text string should be added twice to the license string"