예제 #1
    def run_iteration(self, case_uuid=None):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if not wf._ordering:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!"
                                 % self.get_pathname())

        if not wf._system.is_active():

        self._stop = False
        self.workflow._exec_count += 1

        iterbase = wf._iterbase()

        if not case_uuid:
            # We record the case and are responsible for unique case ids.
            record_case = True
            case_uuid = Case.next_uuid()
            record_case = False

        err = None
            uvec = wf._system.vec['u']
            fvec = wf._system.vec['f']

            if wf._need_prescatter:
                wf._system.scatter('u', 'p')

            # save old value of u to compute resids
            for node in wf._cycle_vars:
                fvec[node][:] = uvec[node][:]

            wf._system.run(iterbase=iterbase, case_uuid=case_uuid)

            # update resid vector for cyclic vars
            for node in wf._cycle_vars:
                fvec[node][:] -= uvec[node][:]

            if self._stop:
                raise RunStopped('Stop requested')
        except Exception:
            err = sys.exc_info()

        if record_case and wf._rec_required:
                wf._record_case(case_uuid, err)
            except Exception as exc:
                if err is None:
                    err = sys.exc_info()
                self._logger.error("Can't record case: %s", exc)

        # reraise exception with proper traceback if one occurred
        if err is not None:
            # NOTE: cannot use 'raise err' here for some reason.  Must separate
            # the parts of the tuple.
            raise err[0], err[1], err[2]
예제 #2
    def run_iteration(self, case_uuid=None):
        """Runs workflow."""
        wf = self.workflow
        if not wf._ordering:
            self._logger.warning("'%s': workflow is empty!" %

        if not wf._system.is_active():

        self._stop = False
        self.workflow._exec_count += 1

        iterbase = wf._iterbase()

        if not case_uuid:
            # We record the case and are responsible for unique case ids.
            record_case = True
            case_uuid = Case.next_uuid()
            record_case = False

        err = None
            uvec = wf._system.vec['u']
            fvec = wf._system.vec['f']

            if wf._need_prescatter:
                wf._system.scatter('u', 'p')

            # save old value of u to compute resids
            for node in wf._cycle_vars:
                fvec[node][:] = uvec[node][:]

            wf._system.run(iterbase=iterbase, case_uuid=case_uuid)

            # update resid vector for cyclic vars
            for node in wf._cycle_vars:
                fvec[node][:] -= uvec[node][:]

            if self._stop:
                raise RunStopped('Stop requested')
        except Exception:
            err = sys.exc_info()

        if record_case and wf._rec_required:
                wf._record_case(case_uuid, err)
            except Exception as exc:
                if err is None:
                    err = sys.exc_info()
                self._logger.error("Can't record case: %s", exc)

        # reraise exception with proper traceback if one occurred
        if err is not None:
            # NOTE: cannot use 'raise err' here for some reason.  Must separate
            # the parts of the tuple.
            raise err[0], err[1], err[2]
예제 #3
    def run(self, ffd_order=0, case_uuid=None):
        """ Run the Components in this Workflow. """
        self._stop = False
        self._exec_count += 1

        iterbase = self._iterbase()

        if case_uuid is None:
            # We record the case and are responsible for unique case ids.
            record_case = True
            case_uuid = Case.next_uuid()
            record_case = False

        err = None
        scope = self.scope
            for comp in self:
                # before the workflow runs each component, update that
                # component's inputs based on the graph
                scope.update_inputs(comp.name, graph=self._var_graph)
                if isinstance(comp, PseudoComponent):
                    comp.set_itername('%s-%s' % (iterbase, comp.name))
                    comp.run(ffd_order=ffd_order, case_uuid=case_uuid)
                if self._stop:
                    raise RunStopped('Stop requested')
        except Exception:
            err = sys.exc_info()

        if record_case and self._rec_required:
                self._record_case(case_uuid, err)
            except Exception as exc:
                if err is None:
                    err = sys.exc_info()
                self.parent._logger.error("Can't record case: %s", exc)

        # reraise exception with proper traceback if one occurred
        if err is not None:
            # NOTE: cannot use 'raise err' here for some reason.  Must separate
            # the parts of the tuple.
            raise err[0], err[1], err[2]
예제 #4
    def run(self, ffd_order=0, case_uuid=None):
        """ Run the Components in this Workflow. """
        self._stop = False
        self._exec_count += 1

        iterbase = self._iterbase()

        if case_uuid is None:
            # We record the case and are responsible for unique case ids.
            record_case = True
            case_uuid = Case.next_uuid()
            record_case = False

        err = None
        scope = self.scope
            for comp in self:
                # before the workflow runs each component, update that
                # component's inputs based on the graph
                scope.update_inputs(comp.name, graph=self._var_graph)
                if isinstance(comp, PseudoComponent):
                    comp.set_itername('%s-%s' % (iterbase, comp.name))
                    comp.run(ffd_order=ffd_order, case_uuid=case_uuid)
                if self._stop:
                    raise RunStopped('Stop requested')
        except Exception:
            err = sys.exc_info()

        if record_case and self._rec_required:
                self._record_case(case_uuid, err)
            except Exception as exc:
                if err is None:
                    err = sys.exc_info()
                self.parent._logger.error("Can't record case: %s", exc)

        # reraise exception with proper traceback if one occurred
        if err is not None:
            # NOTE: cannot use 'raise err' here for some reason.  Must separate
            # the parts of the tuple.
            raise err[0], err[1], err[2]
예제 #5
    def run(self, ffd_order=0, case_uuid=None):
        """ Run the Components in this Workflow. """
        self._stop = False
        self._exec_count += 1

        iterbase = self._iterbase()

        if case_uuid is None:
            # We record the case and are responsible for unique case ids.
            record_case = True
            case_uuid = Case.next_uuid()
            record_case = False

        err = None
        scope = self.scope
            for comp in self:
                # before the workflow runs each component, update that
                # component's inputs based on the graph
                scope.update_inputs(comp.name, graph=self._var_graph)
                if isinstance(comp, PseudoComponent):
                    comp.set_itername('%s-%s' % (iterbase, comp.name))
                    comp.run(ffd_order=ffd_order, case_uuid=case_uuid)
                if self._stop:
                    raise RunStopped('Stop requested')
        except Exception as exc:
            err = TracedError(exc, format_exc())

        if record_case and self._rec_required:
                self._record_case(case_uuid, err)
            except Exception as exc:
                if err is None:
                    err = TracedError(exc, format_exc())
                self.parent._logger.error("Can't record case: %s", exc)

        if err is not None:
예제 #6
    def execute(self):
        """ General Newton's method. """

        if MPI:
            if self.workflow._system.mpi.comm == MPI.COMM_NULL:

        system = self.workflow._system
        options = self.gradient_options
        fvec = system.vec['f']
        dfvec = system.vec['df']
        uvec = system.vec['u']
        iterbase = self.workflow._iterbase()
        nstring = 'NEWTON'

        # perform an initial run
        system.evaluate(iterbase, case_uuid=Case.next_uuid())

        f_norm = get_norm(fvec)

        f_norm0 = f_norm

        if self.iprint > 0:
            self.print_norm(nstring, 0, f_norm, f_norm0)

        itercount = 0
        alpha = self.alpha
        while itercount < self.max_iteration and f_norm > self.atol and \
              f_norm/f_norm0 > self.rtol:


            #print "LS 1", uvec.array, '+', dfvec.array
            uvec.array += alpha*dfvec.array

            # Just evaluate the model with the new points
            system.evaluate(iterbase, case_uuid=Case.next_uuid())

            f_norm = get_norm(fvec)
            if self.iprint > 0:
                self.print_norm(nstring, itercount+1, f_norm, f_norm0)

            itercount += 1
            ls_itercount = 0

            # Backtracking Line Search
            while ls_itercount < self.ls_max_iteration and \
                  f_norm > self.ls_atol and \
                  f_norm/f_norm0 > self.ls_rtol:

                alpha *= 0.5
                uvec.array -= alpha*dfvec.array

                # Just evaluate the model with the new points
                system.evaluate(iterbase, case_uuid=Case.next_uuid())

                f_norm = get_norm(fvec)
                if self.iprint> 1:
                    self.print_norm('BK_TKG', itercount+1,
                                    f_norm, f_norm/f_norm0,
                                    indent=1, solver='LS')

                ls_itercount += 1

            # Reset backtracking
            alpha = self.alpha

        # Need to make sure the whole workflow is executed at the final
        # point, not just evaluated.

        if self.iprint > 0:
            self.print_norm(nstring, itercount, f_norm, f_norm0, msg='Converged')
예제 #7
    def execute(self):
        """ General Newton's method. """

        if MPI:
            if self.workflow._system.mpi.comm == MPI.COMM_NULL:

        system = self.workflow._system
        options = self.gradient_options
        fvec = system.vec['f']
        dfvec = system.vec['df']
        uvec = system.vec['u']
        iterbase = self.workflow._iterbase()

        # perform an initial run
        self.workflow._system.evaluate(iterbase, case_uuid=Case.next_uuid())

        f_norm = self.norm()
        f_norm0 = f_norm

        if self.iprint == 1:
            print self.name, "Norm: ", f_norm, 0

        itercount = 0
        alpha = self.alpha
        while itercount < self.max_iteration and f_norm > self.atol and \
              f_norm/f_norm0 > self.rtol:


            #print "LS 1", uvec.array, '+', dfvec.array
            uvec.array += alpha*dfvec.array

            # Just evaluate the model with the new points
            self.workflow._system.evaluate(iterbase, case_uuid=Case.next_uuid())

            f_norm = self.norm()
            if self.iprint == 1:
                print self.name, "Norm: ", f_norm, itercount+1

            itercount += 1
            ls_itercount = 0

            # Backtracking Line Search
            while ls_itercount < self.ls_max_iteration and \
                  f_norm > self.ls_atol and \
                  f_norm/f_norm0 > self.ls_rtol:

                alpha *= 0.5
                uvec.array -= alpha*dfvec.array

                # Just evaluate the model with the new points

                f_norm = self.norm()
                if self.iprint == 2:
                    print "Backtracking Norm: %f, Alpha: %f" % (f_norm, alpha)

                ls_itercount += 1

            # Reset backtracking
            alpha = self.alpha

        # Need to make sure the whole workflow is executed at the final
        # point, not just evaluated.

        if self.iprint == 1:
            print self.name, "converged"