예제 #1
def lp_engine(c, A, b):
#    c = asarray(c)
#    A = asarray(A)
#    b = asarray(b)

    m,n = A.shape
    ind = b < 0
    if any(ind):
        b = abs(b)
        #A[ind, :] = -A[ind, :] doesn't work for sparse
        if type(A) == ndarray and not isPyPy:
            A[ind] = -A[ind]
            for i in where(ind)[0]:
                A[i,:] = -A[i,:]
    d = -A.sum(axis=0)
    if not isscalar(d) and type(d) != ndarray:
        d = d.A.flatten()
    if not isinstance(d, ndarray): d = d.A.flatten() # d may be dense matrix
    w0 = sum(b)
    # H = [A b;c' 0;d -w0];
    #H = bmat('A b; c 0; d -w0') 
    H = Vstack([     #  The initial _simplex table of phase one
         Hstack([A, atleast_2d(b).T]), # first m rows
         hstack([c, 0.]),   # last-but-one
         hstack([d, -asfarray(w0)])]) # last
    #print sum(abs(Hstack([A, array([b]).T])))

    if isspmatrix(H): H = H.tolil()
    indx = arange(n)
    basis = arange(n, n+m)
    #H, basis, is_bounded = _simplex(H, basis, indx, 1)
    is_bounded = _simplex(H, basis, indx, 1)
    if H[m+1,n] < -1e-10:   # last row, last column
        sol = False
        optx = []
        zmin = []
        is_bounded = False
        sol = True
        j = -1
        tmp = H[m+1,:]
        if type(tmp) != ndarray: tmp = tmp.A.flatten()
        ind = tmp > 1e-10
        if any(ind):
            j = where(logical_not(ind))[0]
            H = H[:, j]
            indx = indx[j]
#        for i in range(n):
#            j = j+1
#            if H[m+1,j] > 1e-10:
#                H[:,j] = []
#                indx[j] = []
#                j = j-1
        #H(m+2,:) = [] % delete last row
        H = H[0:m+1,:]
        if size(indx) > 0:
        # Phase two
            #H, basis, is_bounded = _simplex(H,basis,indx,2);
            is_bounded = _simplex(H,basis,indx,2)
            if is_bounded:
                optx = zeros(n+m)
                n1,n2 = H.shape
                for i in range(m):
                    optx[basis[i]] = H[i,n2-1]
                # optx(n+1:n+m,1) = []; % delete last m elements
                optx = optx[0:n] 
                zmin = -H[n1-1,n2-1]    #  last row, last column
                optx = []
                zmin = -Inf
            optx = zeros(n+m)
            zmin = 0
    return (optx, zmin, is_bounded, sol, basis)  
예제 #2
def lp_engine(c, A, b):
    #    c = asarray(c)
    #    A = asarray(A)
    #    b = asarray(b)

    m, n = A.shape
    ind = b < 0
    if any(ind):
        b = abs(b)
        #A[ind, :] = -A[ind, :] doesn't work for sparse
        if type(A) == ndarray and not isPyPy:
            A[ind] = -A[ind]
            for i in where(ind)[0]:
                A[i, :] = -A[i, :]

    d = -A.sum(axis=0)
    if not isscalar(d) and type(d) != ndarray:
        d = d.A.flatten()
    if not isinstance(d, ndarray): d = d.A.flatten()  # d may be dense matrix
    w0 = sum(b)
    # H = [A b;c' 0;d -w0];
    #H = bmat('A b; c 0; d -w0')
    H = Vstack([  #  The initial _simplex table of phase one
        Hstack([A, atleast_2d(b).T]),  # first m rows
        hstack([c, 0.]),  # last-but-one
        hstack([d, -asfarray(w0)])
    ])  # last
    #print sum(abs(Hstack([A, array([b]).T])))

    if isspmatrix(H): H = H.tolil()
    indx = arange(n)
    basis = arange(n, n + m)
    #H, basis, is_bounded = _simplex(H, basis, indx, 1)
    is_bounded = _simplex(H, basis, indx, 1)
    if H[m + 1, n] < -1e-10:  # last row, last column
        sol = False
        optx = []
        zmin = []
        is_bounded = False
        sol = True
        j = -1

        tmp = H[m + 1, :]
        if type(tmp) != ndarray: tmp = tmp.A.flatten()
        ind = tmp > 1e-10
        if any(ind):
            j = where(logical_not(ind))[0]
            H = H[:, j]
            indx = indx[j]

#        for i in range(n):
#            j = j+1
#            if H[m+1,j] > 1e-10:
#                H[:,j] = []
#                indx[j] = []
#                j = j-1
#H(m+2,:) = [] % delete last row
        H = H[0:m + 1, :]
        if size(indx) > 0:
            # Phase two
            #H, basis, is_bounded = _simplex(H,basis,indx,2);
            is_bounded = _simplex(H, basis, indx, 2)
            if is_bounded:
                optx = zeros(n + m)
                n1, n2 = H.shape
                for i in range(m):
                    optx[basis[i]] = H[i, n2 - 1]
                # optx(n+1:n+m,1) = []; % delete last m elements
                optx = optx[0:n]
                zmin = -H[n1 - 1, n2 - 1]  #  last row, last column
                optx = []
                zmin = -Inf
            optx = zeros(n + m)
            zmin = 0
    return (optx, zmin, is_bounded, sol, basis)