예제 #1
    def __init__(
        self._sheets = []
        self._pivots = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self.defined_names = DefinedNameList()
        self._external_links = []
        self.properties = DocumentProperties()
        self.security = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()


        self.loaded_theme = None
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = DifferentialStyleList()
        self.code_name = None
        self.epoch = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = "utf-8"
        self.iso_dates = iso_dates

        if not self.write_only:

        self.rels = RelationshipList()
        self.calculation = CalcProperties()
        self.views = [BookView()]
예제 #2
    def __init__(
        self._sheets = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self.defined_names = DefinedNameList()
        self._external_links = []
        self.properties = DocumentProperties()
        self.security = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()


        self.loaded_theme = None
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = []
        self._drawings = []
        self._charts = []
        self._images = []
        self.code_name = None
        self.excel_base_date = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = "utf-8"

        if not self.write_only:

        self.rels = RelationshipList()
예제 #3
    def read_properties(self):
        if ARC_CORE in self.valid_files:
            src = fromstring(self.archive.read(ARC_CORE))
            self.wb.properties = DocumentProperties.from_tree(src)

        if ARC_CUSTOM in self.valid_files:
            src = fromstring(self.archive.read(ARC_CUSTOM))
            self.wb.custom_doc_props = CustomDocumentPropertyList.from_tree(
예제 #4
def load_workbook(filename, read_only=False, keep_vba=KEEP_VBA,
                  data_only=False, guess_types=False, keep_links=True):
    """Open the given filename and return the workbook

    :param filename: the path to open or a file-like object
    :type filename: string or a file-like object open in binary mode c.f., :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`

    :param read_only: optimised for reading, content cannot be edited
    :type read_only: bool

    :param keep_vba: preseve vba content (this does NOT mean you can use it)
    :type keep_vba: bool

    :param guess_types: guess cell content type and do not read it from the file
    :type guess_types: bool

    :param data_only: controls whether cells with formulae have either the formula (default) or the value stored the last time Excel read the sheet
    :type data_only: bool

    :param keep_links: whether links to external workbooks should be preserved. The default is True
    :type keep_links: bool

    :rtype: :class:`openpyxl.workbook.Workbook`

    .. note::

        When using lazy load, all worksheets will be :class:`openpyxl.worksheet.iter_worksheet.IterableWorksheet`
        and the returned workbook will be read-only.

    archive = _validate_archive(filename)
    read_only = read_only

    src = archive.read(ARC_CONTENT_TYPES)
    root = fromstring(src)
    package = Manifest.from_tree(root)

    wb_part = _find_workbook_part(package)
    parser = WorkbookParser(archive, wb_part.PartName[1:])
    wb = parser.wb
    wb._data_only = data_only
    wb._read_only = read_only
    wb._keep_links = keep_links
    wb.guess_types = guess_types
    wb.template = wb_part.ContentType in (XLTX, XLTM)
    wb._sheets = []

    if read_only and guess_types:
        warnings.warn('Data types are not guessed when using iterator reader')

    valid_files = archive.namelist()

    # If are going to preserve the vba then attach a copy of the archive to the
    # workbook so that is available for the save.
    if keep_vba:
        wb.vba_archive = ZipFile(BytesIO(), 'a', ZIP_DEFLATED)
        for name in archive.namelist():
            wb.vba_archive.writestr(name, archive.read(name))

    if read_only:
        wb._archive = ZipFile(filename)

    # get workbook-level information
    if ARC_CORE in valid_files:
        src = fromstring(archive.read(ARC_CORE))
        wb.properties = DocumentProperties.from_tree(src)

    shared_strings = []
    ct = package.find(SHARED_STRINGS)
    if ct is not None:
        strings_path = ct.PartName[1:]
        shared_strings = read_string_table(archive.read(strings_path))

    if ARC_THEME in valid_files:
        wb.loaded_theme = archive.read(ARC_THEME)

    apply_stylesheet(archive, wb) # bind styles to workbook
    pivot_caches = parser.pivot_caches

    # get worksheets
    for sheet, rel in parser.find_sheets():
        sheet_name = sheet.name
        worksheet_path = rel.target
        rels_path = get_rels_path(worksheet_path)
        rels = []
        if rels_path in valid_files:
            rels = get_dependents(archive, rels_path)

        if not worksheet_path in valid_files:

        if read_only:
            ws = ReadOnlyWorksheet(wb, sheet_name, worksheet_path, None,

            fh = archive.open(worksheet_path)
            ws = wb.create_sheet(sheet_name)
            ws._rels = rels
            ws_parser = WorkSheetParser(ws, fh, shared_strings)

            if rels:
                # assign any comments to cells
                for r in rels.find(COMMENTS_NS):
                    src = archive.read(r.target)
                    comment_sheet = CommentSheet.from_tree(fromstring(src))
                    for ref, comment in comment_sheet.comments:
                        ws[ref].comment = comment

                # preserve link to VML file if VBA
                if (
                    wb.vba_archive is not None
                    and ws.legacy_drawing is not None
                    ws.legacy_drawing = rels[ws.legacy_drawing].target

                for t in ws_parser.tables:
                    src = archive.read(t)
                    xml = fromstring(src)
                    table = Table.from_tree(xml)

                pivot_rel = rels.find(TableDefinition.rel_type)
                for r in pivot_rel:
                    pivot_path = r.Target
                    src = archive.read(pivot_path)
                    tree = fromstring(src)
                    pivot = TableDefinition.from_tree(tree)
                    pivot.cache = pivot_caches[pivot.cacheId]

        ws.sheet_state = sheet.state
        ws._rels = [] # reset


    #wb._differential_styles.styles =  [] # tables may depened upon dxf

    return wb
예제 #5
def load_workbook(filename, read_only=False, keep_vba=KEEP_VBA,
                  data_only=False, guess_types=False, keep_links=True):
    """Open the given filename and return the workbook

    :param filename: the path to open or a file-like object
    :type filename: string or a file-like object open in binary mode c.f., :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`

    :param read_only: optimised for reading, content cannot be edited
    :type read_only: bool

    :param keep_vba: preseve vba content (this does NOT mean you can use it)
    :type keep_vba: bool

    :param guess_types: guess cell content type and do not read it from the file
    :type guess_types: bool

    :param data_only: controls whether cells with formulae have either the formula (default) or the value stored the last time Excel read the sheet
    :type data_only: bool

    :param keep_links: whether links to external workbooks should be preserved. The default is True
    :type keep_links: bool

    :rtype: :class:`openpyxl.workbook.Workbook`

    .. note::

        When using lazy load, all worksheets will be :class:`openpyxl.worksheet.iter_worksheet.IterableWorksheet`
        and the returned workbook will be read-only.

    archive = _validate_archive(filename)
    read_only = read_only

    parser = WorkbookParser(archive)
    wb = parser.wb
    wb._data_only = data_only
    wb._read_only = read_only
    wb._keep_links = keep_links
    wb.guess_types = guess_types
    wb._sheets = []

    if read_only and guess_types:
        warnings.warn('Data types are not guessed when using iterator reader')

    valid_files = archive.namelist()

    # If are going to preserve the vba then attach a copy of the archive to the
    # workbook so that is available for the save.
    if keep_vba:
        wb.vba_archive = ZipFile(BytesIO(), 'a', ZIP_DEFLATED)
        for name in archive.namelist():
            wb.vba_archive.writestr(name, archive.read(name))

    if read_only:
        wb._archive = ZipFile(filename)

    # get workbook-level information
    if ARC_CORE in valid_files:
        src = fromstring(archive.read(ARC_CORE))
        wb.properties = DocumentProperties.from_tree(src)

    # is workbook a template or note
    src = archive.read(ARC_CONTENT_TYPES)
    root = fromstring(src)
    package = Manifest.from_tree(root)
    wb.template = XLTX in package or XLTM in package

    shared_strings = []
    ct = package.find(SHARED_STRINGS)
    if ct is not None:
        strings_path = ct.PartName[1:]
        shared_strings = read_string_table(archive.read(strings_path))

    if ARC_THEME in valid_files:
        wb.loaded_theme = archive.read(ARC_THEME)

    apply_stylesheet(archive, wb) # bind styles to workbook

    # get worksheets
    for sheet, rel in parser.find_sheets():
        sheet_name = sheet.name
        worksheet_path = rel.target
        rels_path = get_rels_path(worksheet_path)
        rels = []
        if rels_path in valid_files:
            rels = get_dependents(archive, rels_path)

        if not worksheet_path in valid_files:

        if read_only:
            ws = ReadOnlyWorksheet(wb, sheet_name, worksheet_path, None,

            fh = archive.open(worksheet_path)
            ws = wb.create_sheet(sheet_name)
            ws._rels = rels
            ws_parser = WorkSheetParser(ws, fh, shared_strings)

            if rels:
                # assign any comments to cells
                for r in rels.find(COMMENTS_NS):
                    src = archive.read(r.target)
                    comment_sheet = CommentSheet.from_tree(fromstring(src))
                    for ref, comment in comment_sheet.comments:
                        ws[ref].comment = comment

                # preserve link to VML file if VBA
                if (
                    wb.vba_archive is not None
                    and ws.legacy_drawing is not None
                    ws.legacy_drawing = rels[ws.legacy_drawing].target

        ws.sheet_state = sheet.state
        ws._rels = [] # reset


    wb._differential_styles.styles =  []

    return wb
예제 #6
def load_workbook(filename, read_only=False, use_iterators=False, keep_vba=KEEP_VBA, guess_types=False, data_only=False):
    """Open the given filename and return the workbook

    :param filename: the path to open or a file-like object
    :type filename: string or a file-like object open in binary mode c.f., :class:`zipfile.ZipFile`

    :param read_only: optimised for reading, content cannot be edited
    :type read_only: bool

    :param use_iterators: use lazy load for cells
    :type use_iterators: bool

    :param keep_vba: preseve vba content (this does NOT mean you can use it)
    :type keep_vba: bool

    :param guess_types: guess cell content type and do not read it from the file
    :type guess_types: bool

    :param data_only: controls whether cells with formulae have either the formula (default) or the value stored the last time Excel read the sheet
    :type data_only: bool

    :rtype: :class:`openpyxl.workbook.Workbook`

    .. note::

        When using lazy load, all worksheets will be :class:`openpyxl.worksheet.iter_worksheet.IterableWorksheet`
        and the returned workbook will be read-only.

    archive = _validate_archive(filename)
    read_only = read_only or use_iterators

    wb = Workbook(guess_types=guess_types, data_only=data_only, read_only=read_only)

    if read_only and guess_types:
        warnings.warn('Data types are not guessed when using iterator reader')

    valid_files = archive.namelist()

    # If are going to preserve the vba then attach a copy of the archive to the
    # workbook so that is available for the save.
    if keep_vba:
            f = open(filename, 'rb')
            s = f.read()
            pos = filename.tell()
            s = filename.read()
        wb.vba_archive = ZipFile(BytesIO(s), 'r')

    if read_only:
        wb._archive = ZipFile(filename)

    # get workbook-level information
        src = fromstring(archive.read(ARC_CORE))
        wb.properties = DocumentProperties.from_tree(src)
    except KeyError:
        wb.properties = DocumentProperties()
    wb.active = read_workbook_settings(archive.read(ARC_WORKBOOK)) or 0

    # what content types do we have?
    cts = dict(read_content_types(archive))

    strings_path = cts.get(SHARED_STRINGS)
    if strings_path is not None:
        if strings_path.startswith("/"):
            strings_path = strings_path[1:]
        shared_strings = read_string_table(archive.read(strings_path))
        shared_strings = []

    wb.is_template = XLTX in cts or XLTM in cts

        wb.loaded_theme = archive.read(ARC_THEME)  # some writers don't output a theme, live with it (fixes #160)
    except KeyError:

    apply_stylesheet(archive, wb) # bind styles to workbook

    wb.excel_base_date = read_excel_base_date(archive)

    # get worksheets
    wb._sheets = []  # remove preset worksheet
    for sheet in detect_worksheets(archive):
        sheet_name = sheet['title']
        worksheet_path = sheet['path']
        if not worksheet_path in valid_files:

        if read_only:
            new_ws = ReadOnlyWorksheet(wb, sheet_name, worksheet_path, None,
            fh = archive.open(worksheet_path)
            parser = WorkSheetParser(wb, sheet_name, fh, shared_strings)
            new_ws = wb[sheet_name]
        new_ws.sheet_state = sheet['state']

        if not read_only:
        # load comments into the worksheet cells
            comments_file = get_comments_file(worksheet_path, archive, valid_files)
            if comments_file is not None:
                read_comments(new_ws, archive.read(comments_file))

    wb._differential_styles = [] # reset
    wb._named_ranges = list(read_named_ranges(archive.read(ARC_WORKBOOK), wb))

    wb.code_name = read_workbook_code_name(archive.read(ARC_WORKBOOK))

    if EXTERNAL_LINK in cts:
        rels = read_rels(archive)
        wb._external_links = {book.link_index: book for book in detect_external_links(rels, archive)}

    return wb
예제 #7
 def read_properties(self):
     if ARC_CORE in self.valid_files:
         src = fromstring(self.archive.read(ARC_CORE))
         self.wb.properties = DocumentProperties.from_tree(src)