예제 #1
def get_gmfs_by_imt(fname, sitecol, imts):
    Return a list of dictionaries with a ground motion field per IMT,
    one dictionary per rupture.

    :param fname: path to the CSV file
    :param sitecol: the underlying site collection
    :param imts: the IMTs corresponding to the columns in the CSV file
    dicts = []
    with open(fname) as f:
        for row in csv.reader(f):
            indices = map(int, row[1].split())
            sc = FilteredSiteCollection(indices, sitecol)
            dic = AccumDict()
            for imt, col in zip(imts, row[2:]):
                gmf = numpy.array(map(float, col.split()))
                dic[imt] = sc.expand(gmf, 0)
            dic.tag = row[0]
    return sorted(dicts, key=lambda dic: dic.tag)