예제 #1
    def test_missing_line(self):
        self.oqparam.inputs['gmfs'] = general.writetmp('''\
col=00|ses=0001|src=test|rup=001-00,0 1,3.05128000E-01 6.04032000E-01
col=00|ses=0001|src=test|rup=001-01,0 1,2.67031000E-01 3.34878000E-01
        with self.assertRaises(readinput.InvalidFile):
            readinput.get_gmfs(self.oqparam, self.sitecol)
예제 #2
    def test_negative_indices(self):
        self.oqparam.inputs['gmfs'] = general.writetmp('''\
col=00|ses=0001|src=test|rup=001-00,0 -1,1.59434000E-01 3.92602000E-01
col=00|ses=0001|src=test|rup=001-01,0 1,3.05128000E-01 6.04032000E-01
col=00|ses=0001|src=test|rup=001-02,0 1,2.67031000E-01 3.34878000E-01
        with self.assertRaises(readinput.InvalidFile):
            readinput.get_gmfs(self.oqparam, self.sitecol)
예제 #3
파일: base.py 프로젝트: nackerley/oq-engine
def save_gmfs(calculator):
    :param calculator: a scenario_risk/damage or event_based_risk calculator
    :returns: a pair (eids, R) where R is the number of realizations
    dstore = calculator.datastore
    oq = calculator.oqparam
    logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
    if oq.inputs['gmfs'].endswith('.csv'):
        eids, num_rlzs, calculator.gmdata = import_gmfs(
            dstore, oq.inputs['gmfs'], calculator.sitecol.complete.sids)
        save_gmdata(calculator, calculator.R)
    else:  # XML
        eids, gmfs = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)
    E = len(eids)
    calculator.eids = eids
    if hasattr(oq, 'number_of_ground_motion_fields'):
        if oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields != E:
            raise RuntimeError('Expected %d ground motion fields, found %d' %
                               (oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields, E))
    else:  # set the number of GMFs from the file
        oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields = E
    # NB: save_gmfs redefine oq.sites in case of GMFs from XML or CSV
    if oq.inputs['gmfs'].endswith('.xml'):
        haz_sitecol = readinput.get_site_collection(oq)
        R, N, E, I = gmfs.shape
        idx = (slice(None)
               if haz_sitecol.indices is None else haz_sitecol.indices)
        save_gmf_data(dstore, haz_sitecol, gmfs[:, idx], eids)
예제 #4
    def test_missing_indices_are_ok(self):
        self.oqparam.inputs['gmfs'] = general.writetmp('''\
col=00|ses=0001|src=test|rup=001-00,,1.59434000E-01 3.92602000E-01
col=00|ses=0001|src=test|rup=001-01,0 1,3.05128000E-01 6.04032000E-01
        gmfs = readinput.get_gmfs(self.oqparam, self.sitecol)
        gmvs1, gmvs2 = gmfs['PGA']
        assert_allclose(gmvs1, [0.159434, 0.305128, 0.267031])
        assert_allclose(gmvs2, [0.392602, 0.604032, 0.])
예제 #5
def get_gmfs(calculator):
    :param calculator: a scenario_risk/damage or gmf_ebrisk calculator
    :returns: a pair (eids, R) where R is the number of realizations
    dstore = calculator.datastore
    oq = calculator.oqparam
    sitecol = calculator.sitecol
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # S sites
        haz_sitecol = sitecol  # N sites
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    I = len(oq.imtls)
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        eids, gmfs = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)
        E = len(eids)
        if hasattr(oq, 'number_of_ground_motion_fields'):
            if oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields != E:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Expected %d ground motion fields, found %d' %
                    (oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields, E))
        else:  # set the number of GMFs from the file
            oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields = E
        # NB: get_gmfs redefine oq.sites in case of GMFs from XML or CSV
        haz_sitecol = readinput.get_site_collection(oq) or haz_sitecol
        R, N, E, I = gmfs.shape
        idx = (slice(None)
               if haz_sitecol.indices is None else haz_sitecol.indices)
        save_gmf_data(dstore, haz_sitecol, gmfs[:, idx])

        # store the events, useful when read the GMFs from a file
        events = numpy.zeros(E, readinput.stored_event_dt)
        events['eid'] = eids
        dstore['events'] = events
        return eids, len(gmfs)

    elif calculator.precalc:  # from previous step
        num_assocs = dstore['csm_info'].get_num_rlzs()
        E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
        eids = numpy.arange(E)
        gmfs = numpy.zeros((num_assocs, N, E, I))
        for g, gsim in enumerate(calculator.precalc.gsims):
            gmfs[g, sitecol.sids] = calculator.precalc.gmfa[gsim]
        return eids, len(gmfs)

    else:  # with --hc option
        return (calculator.datastore['events']['eid'],
예제 #6
def get_gmfs(dstore, precalc=None):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :param precalc: a scenario calculator with attribute .gmfa
    :returns: a dictionary grp_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
        return etags, [gmfs_by_imt]

    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    rlzs = rlzs_assoc.realizations
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(str(imt), F32) for imt in oq.imtls])
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    etags = numpy.array(sorted(b'scenario-%010d~ses=1' % i for i in range(E)))
    gmfs = numpy.zeros((len(rlzs_assoc), N, E), imt_dt)
    if precalc:
        for i, gsim in enumerate(precalc.gsims):
            for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                gmfs[imt][i, sitecol.sids] = precalc.gmfa[gsim][imti]
        return etags, gmfs

    # else read from the datastore
    for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
        data = group_array(dstore['gmf_data/sm-0000/%04d' % i], 'sid')
        for sid, array in data.items():
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                    a = get_array(array, imti=imti)
                    gmfs[imt][i, sid, a['eid']] = a['gmv']
    return etags, gmfs
예제 #7
def get_gmfs(dstore):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :returns: a dictionary grp_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
        return etags, {(0, 'FromFile'): gmfs_by_imt}

    # else from datastore
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    rlzs = rlzs_assoc.realizations
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = dtype((imt, F32) for imt in oq.imtls)
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    # build a matrix N x E for each GSIM realization
    gmfs = {(grp_id, gsim): numpy.zeros((N, E), imt_dt)
            for grp_id, gsim in rlzs_assoc}
    for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
        data = group_array(dstore['gmf_data/%04d' % i], 'sid')
        for sid, array in data.items():
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                    a = get_array(array, imti=imti)
                    gs = str(rlz.gsim_rlz)
                    gmfs[0, gs][imt][sid, a['eid']] = a['gmv']
    etags = numpy.array(
        sorted([b'scenario-%010d~ses=1' % i
                for i in range(oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields)]))
    return etags, gmfs
예제 #8
def get_gmfs(calc):
    :param calc: a ScenarioDamage or ScenarioRisk calculator
    :returns: a dictionary of gmfs
    if 'gmfs' in calc.oqparam.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, calc.tags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(calc.oqparam)
        calc.save_params()  # save number_of_ground_motion_fields and sites

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in calc.oqparam.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
        fake_rlz = logictree.Realization(
            value=('FromFile',), weight=1, lt_path=('',),
            ordinal=0, lt_uid=('*',))
        calc.rlzs_assoc = logictree.RlzsAssoc([fake_rlz])
        return sitecol, {(0, 'FromFile'): gmfs_by_imt}

    # else from rupture
    gmf = calc.datastore['gmfs/col00'].value
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if calc.datastore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = calc.datastore.parent['sitecol']  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = calc.sitecol
    risk_indices = set(calc.sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, float) for imt in calc.oqparam.imtls])
    gmf_by_idx = general.groupby(gmf, lambda row: row['idx'])
    R = len(gmf_by_idx)
    # build a matrix N x R for each GSIM realization
    gmfs = {(trt_id, gsim): numpy.zeros((N, R), imt_dt)
            for trt_id, gsim in calc.rlzs_assoc}
    for rupid, rows in sorted(gmf_by_idx.items()):
        assert len(haz_sitecol.indices) == len(rows), (
            len(haz_sitecol.indices), len(rows))
        for sid, gmv in zip(haz_sitecol.indices, rows):
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for trt_id, gsim in gmfs:
                    gmfs[trt_id, gsim][sid, rupid] = gmv[gsim]
    return haz_sitecol, gmfs
예제 #9
파일: calc.py 프로젝트: mtahara/oq-engine
def get_gmfs(dstore):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :returns: a dictionary trt_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
        return etags, {(0, 'FromFile'): gmfs_by_imt}

    # else from datastore
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    rlzs = rlzs_assoc.realizations
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(bytes(imt), F32) for imt in oq.imtls])
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    # build a matrix N x E for each GSIM realization
    gmfs = {(trt_id, gsim): numpy.zeros((N, E), imt_dt)
            for trt_id, gsim in rlzs_assoc}
    for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
        data = group_array(dstore['gmf_data/%04d' % i], 'sid')
        for sid, array in data.items():
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                    a = get_array(array, imti=imti)
                    gs = str(rlz.gsim_rlz)
                    gmfs[0, gs][imt][sid, a['eid']] = a['gmv']
    return dstore['etags'].value, gmfs
예제 #10
파일: base.py 프로젝트: gem/oq-risklib
def get_gmfs(dstore):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :returns: a dictionary trt_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore["oqparam"]
    if "gmfs" in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info("Reading gmfs from file")
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info("Preparing the risk input")
        return etags, {(0, "FromFile"): gmfs_by_imt}

    # else from datastore
    rlzs_assoc = dstore["csm_info"].get_rlzs_assoc()
    rlzs = rlzs_assoc.realizations
    sitecol = dstore["sitecol"]
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent["sitecol"]  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(bytes(imt), F32) for imt in oq.imtls])
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    # build a matrix N x E for each GSIM realization
    gmfs = {(trt_id, gsim): numpy.zeros((N, E), imt_dt) for trt_id, gsim in rlzs_assoc}
    for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
        data = general.group_array(dstore["gmf_data/%04d" % i], "sid")
        for sid, array in data.items():
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                    a = general.get_array(array, imti=imti)
                    gs = str(rlz.gsim_rlz)
                    gmfs[0, gs][imt][sid, a["eid"]] = a["gmv"]
    return dstore["etags"].value, gmfs
예제 #11
def get_gmfs(dstore, precalc=None):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :param precalc: a scenario calculator with attribute .gmfa
    :returns: a pair (eids, gmfs) where gmfs is a matrix of shape (G, N, E, I)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # S sites
        haz_sitecol = sitecol  # N sites
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    I = len(oq.imtls)
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    eids = numpy.arange(E)
    gmfs = numpy.zeros((len(rlzs_assoc), N, E, I))
    if precalc:
        for g, gsim in enumerate(precalc.gsims):
            gmfs[g, sitecol.sids] = precalc.gmfa[gsim]
        return eids, gmfs

    if 'gmf_data/grp-00' in dstore:
        # read from the datastore
        dset = dstore['gmf_data/grp-00']
        R = len(dstore['realizations'])
        nrows = len(dset) // R
        for r in range(R):
            for s, sid in enumerate(haz_sitecol.sids):
                start = r * nrows + E * s
                array = dset[start:start + E]  # shape (E, I)
                if numpy.unique(array['sid']) != [sid]:  # sanity check
                    raise ValueError('The GMFs have been stored incorrectly')
                gmfs[r, sid] = array['gmv']
        return eids, gmfs

    elif 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        _sitecol, eids, gmfa = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)
        dstore['gmf_data/grp-00'] = get_gmv_data(haz_sitecol.sids,
        return eids, [gmfa]
예제 #12
def get_gmfs(dstore, precalc=None):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :param precalc: a scenario calculator with attribute .gmfa
    :returns: a dictionary grp_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, etags, gmfa = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)
        # reduce the gmfa matrix to the filtered sites
        return etags, [gmfa[sitecol.indices]]

    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # S sites
        haz_sitecol = sitecol  # N sites
    S = len(haz_sitecol)
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    I = len(oq.imtls)
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    etags = numpy.arange(E)
    gmfs = numpy.zeros((len(rlzs_assoc), N, I, E))
    if precalc:
        for g, gsim in enumerate(precalc.gsims):
            gmfs[g, sitecol.sids] = precalc.gmfa[gsim]
        return etags, gmfs

    # else read from the datastore
    gsims = sorted(dstore['gmf_data/grp-00'])
    imtis = range(len(oq.imtls))
    for i, gsim in enumerate(gsims):
        dset = dstore['gmf_data/grp-00/' + gsim]
        for s, sid in enumerate(haz_sitecol.sids):
            for imti in imtis:
                idx = E * (S * imti + s)
                array = dset[idx:idx + E]
                if numpy.unique(array['sid']) != [sid]:  # sanity check
                    raise ValueError('The GMFs have been stored incorrectly')
                gmfs[i, sid, imti] = array['gmv']
    return etags, gmfs
예제 #13
파일: base.py 프로젝트: amirj700/oq-risklib
def get_gmfs(dstore):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :returns: a dictionary of gmfs
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
        return etags, {(0, 'FromFile'): gmfs_by_imt}

    # else from rupture
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    gmfa = dstore['gmf_data/1'].value
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(bytes(imt), F32) for imt in oq.imtls])
    E = gmfa.shape[0]
    # build a matrix N x E for each GSIM realization
    gmfs = {(trt_id, gsim): numpy.zeros((N, E), imt_dt)
            for trt_id, gsim in dstore['rlzs_assoc']}
    for eid, gmf in enumerate(gmfa):
        assert len(haz_sitecol.indices) == len(gmf), (
            len(haz_sitecol.indices), len(gmf))
        for sid, gmv in zip(haz_sitecol.indices, gmf):
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for trt_id, gsim in gmfs:
                    gmfs[trt_id, gsim][sid, eid] = gmv[gsim]
    return dstore['etags'].value, gmfs
예제 #14
파일: base.py 프로젝트: ruthali/oq-risklib
def read_gmfs_from_csv(calc):
    :param calc: a ScenarioDamage or ScenarioRisk calculator
    :returns: riskinputs
    logging.info('Reading hazard curves from CSV')
    gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(calc.oqparam, calc.sitecol.complete)

    # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
    for imt in calc.oqparam.imtls:
        gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][calc.sitecol.indices]

    num_assets = calc.count_assets()
    num_sites = len(calc.sitecol)
    logging.info('Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets, num_sites)

    logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
    fake_rlz = logictree.Realization(
        value=('FromCsv',), weight=1, lt_path=('',),
        ordinal=0, lt_uid=('*',))
    calc.rlzs_assoc = logictree.RlzsAssoc([fake_rlz])
    return {(0, 'FromCsv'): gmfs_by_imt}
예제 #15
def read_gmfs_from_csv(calc):
    :param calc: a ScenarioDamage or ScenarioRisk calculator
    :returns: riskinputs
    logging.info('Reading hazard curves from CSV')
    gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(calc.oqparam, calc.sitecol.complete)

    # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
    for imt in calc.oqparam.imtls:
        gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][calc.sitecol.indices]

    num_assets = calc.count_assets()
    num_sites = len(calc.sitecol)
    logging.info('Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets, num_sites)

    logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
    fake_rlz = logictree.Realization(value=('FromCsv', ),
                                     lt_path=('', ),
                                     lt_uid=('*', ))
    calc.rlzs_assoc = logictree.RlzsAssoc([fake_rlz])
    return {(0, 'FromCsv'): gmfs_by_imt}
예제 #16
def read_gmfs_from_file(calc):
    :param calc: a ScenarioDamage or ScenarioRisk calculator
    :returns: riskinputs
    logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol = calc.sitecol.complete
    except KeyError:
        sitecol = None
    calc.sitecol, calc.tags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(
        calc.oqparam, sitecol)
    calc.save_params()  # save number_of_ground_motion_fields and sites

    # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
    for imt in calc.oqparam.imtls:
        gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][calc.sitecol.indices]

    logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
    fake_rlz = logictree.Realization(
        value=('FromFile',), weight=1, lt_path=('',),
        ordinal=0, lt_uid=('*',))
    calc.rlzs_assoc = logictree.RlzsAssoc([fake_rlz])
    return {(0, 'FromFile'): gmfs_by_imt}