예제 #1
def classical(group, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor=Monitor()):
    Compute the hazard curves for a set of sources belonging to the same
    tectonic region type for all the GSIMs associated to that TRT.
    The arguments are the same as in :func:`calc_hazard_curves`, except
    for ``gsims``, which is a list of GSIM instances.

        a dictionary {grp_id: pmap} with attributes .grp_ids, .calc_times,
    if not hasattr(src_filter, 'sitecol'):  # do not filter
        src_filter = SourceFilter(src_filter, {})

    # Get the parameters assigned to the group
    src_mutex = getattr(group, 'src_interdep', None) == 'mutex'
    cluster = getattr(group, 'cluster', None)
    trts = set()
    for src in group:
        if not src.num_ruptures:
            # src.num_ruptures is set when parsing the XML, but not when
            # the source is instantiated manually, so it is set here
            src.num_ruptures = src.count_ruptures()
        # set the proper TOM in case of a cluster
        if cluster:
            src.temporal_occurrence_model = FatedTOM(time_span=1)

    param['maximum_distance'] = src_filter.integration_distance
    [trt] = trts  # there must be a single tectonic region type
    cmaker = ContextMaker(trt, gsims, param, monitor)
    pmap, rup_data, calc_times, extra = cmaker.get_pmap_by_grp(
        src_filter, group)
    extra['task_no'] = getattr(monitor, 'task_no', 0)

    group_probability = getattr(group, 'grp_probability', None)
    if src_mutex and group_probability:
        pmap[src.src_group_id] *= group_probability

    if cluster:
        tom = getattr(group, 'temporal_occurrence_model')
        pmap = _cluster(param['imtls'], tom, gsims, pmap)

    return dict(pmap=pmap,