def triangulate(self, track, reproj_threshold, min_ray_angle_degrees, return_reason=False): """Triangulate a track and add point to reconstruction.""" os, bs = [], [] for shot_id in self.graph[track]: # This will not add in new image, it will only triangulate the shots that are included if shot_id in self.reconstruction.shots: # The formed track # one track, and the subset of the images in reconstruction right now shot = self.reconstruction.shots[shot_id] os.append(self._shot_origin(shot)) x = self.graph[track][shot_id]['feature'] b = r = self._shot_rotation_inverse(shot) bs.append( if len(os) >= 2: # error and triangulated 3D point e, X = csfm.triangulate_bearings_midpoint( os, bs, reproj_threshold, np.radians(min_ray_angle_degrees)) if X is not None: point = types.Point() = track point.coordinates = X.tolist() self.reconstruction.add_point(point) else: e = 4 if return_reason: return e '''
def test_triangulate_bearings_midpoint(): o1 = np.array([0.0, 0, 0]) b1 = unit_vector([0.0, 0, 1]) o2 = np.array([1.0, 0, 0]) b2 = unit_vector([-1.0, 0, 1]) max_reprojection = 0.01 min_ray_angle = np.radians(2.0) res, X = csfm.triangulate_bearings_midpoint([o1, o2], [b1, b2], 2 * [max_reprojection], min_ray_angle) assert np.allclose(X, [0, 0, 1.0]) assert res == 0
def triangulate_single_gcp(reconstruction, observations): """Triangulate one Ground Control Point.""" reproj_threshold = 0.004 min_ray_angle_degrees = 2.0 os, bs = [], [] for o in observations: if o.shot_id in reconstruction.shots: shot = reconstruction.shots[o.shot_id] os.append(shot.pose.get_origin()) b = r = shot.pose.get_rotation_matrix().T bs.append( if len(os) >= 2: e, X = csfm.triangulate_bearings_midpoint( os, bs, reproj_threshold, np.radians(min_ray_angle_degrees)) return X
def triangulate(self, track, reproj_threshold, min_ray_angle_degrees): """Triangulate track and add point to reconstruction.""" os, bs = [], [] for shot_id in self.graph[track]: if shot_id in self.reconstruction.shots: shot = self.reconstruction.shots[shot_id] os.append(self._shot_origin(shot)) x = self.graph[track][shot_id]['feature'] b = r = self._shot_rotation_inverse(shot) bs.append( if len(os) >= 2: e, X = csfm.triangulate_bearings_midpoint( os, bs, reproj_threshold, np.radians(min_ray_angle_degrees)) if X is not None: point = types.Point() = track point.coordinates = X.tolist() self.reconstruction.add_point(point)
def triangulate_gcp(point, shots): """Compute the reconstructed position of a GCP from observations.""" reproj_threshold = 1.0 min_ray_angle = np.radians(0.1) os, bs, ids = [], [], [] for observation in point.observations: shot_id = observation.shot_id if shot_id in shots: shot = shots[shot_id] os.append(shot.pose.get_origin()) x = observation.projection b = r = shot.pose.get_rotation_matrix().T bs.append( ids.append(shot_id) if len(os) >= 2: thresholds = len(os) * [reproj_threshold] e, X = csfm.triangulate_bearings_midpoint( os, bs, thresholds, min_ray_angle) return X
def triangulate_robust(self, track, reproj_threshold, min_ray_angle_degrees): """Triangulate track in a RANSAC way and add point to reconstruction.""" os, bs, ids = [], [], [] for shot_id in self.graph[track]: if shot_id in self.reconstruction.shots: shot = self.reconstruction.shots[shot_id] os.append(self._shot_origin(shot)) x = self.graph[track][shot_id]['feature'] b = r = self._shot_rotation_inverse(shot) bs.append( ids.append(shot_id) if len(ids) < 2: return best_inliers = [] best_point = types.Point() = track combinatiom_tried = set() ransac_tries = 11 # 0.99 proba, 60% inliers all_combinations = list(combinations(range(len(ids)), 2)) thresholds = len(os) * [reproj_threshold] for i in range(ransac_tries): random_id = int(np.random.rand()*(len(all_combinations)-1)) if random_id in combinatiom_tried: continue i, j = all_combinations[random_id] combinatiom_tried.add(random_id) os_t = [os[i], os[j]] bs_t = [bs[i], bs[j]] e, X = csfm.triangulate_bearings_midpoint( os_t, bs_t, thresholds, np.radians(min_ray_angle_degrees)) if X is not None: reprojected_bs = X-os reprojected_bs /= np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] inliers = np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs - bs, axis=1) < reproj_threshold if sum(inliers) > sum(best_inliers): best_inliers = inliers best_point.coordinates = X.tolist() pout = 0.99 inliers_ratio = float(sum(best_inliers))/len(ids) if inliers_ratio == 1.0: break optimal_iter = math.log(1.0-pout)/math.log(1.0-inliers_ratio*inliers_ratio) if optimal_iter <= ransac_tries: break if len(best_inliers) > 1: self.reconstruction.add_point(best_point) for i, succeed in enumerate(best_inliers): if succeed: self._add_track_to_graph_inlier(track, ids[i])