def run_dataset(data: DataSetBase) -> None: """Link matches pair-wise matches into tracks.""" start = timer() features, colors, segmentations, instances = tracking.load_features( data, data.images()) features_end = timer() matches = tracking.load_matches(data, data.images()) matches_end = timer() tracks_manager = tracking.create_tracks_manager( features, colors, segmentations, instances, matches, data.config["min_track_length"], ) tracks_end = timer() data.save_tracks_manager(tracks_manager) write_report( data, tracks_manager, features_end - start, matches_end - features_end, tracks_end - matches_end, )
def write_report(data: DataSetBase, preport, pairs, wall_time) -> None: report = { "wall_time": wall_time, "num_pairs": len(pairs), "pairs": pairs, } report.update(preport) data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), "matches.json")
def write_report(data: DataSetBase, wall_time: float): image_reports = [] for image in data.images(): try: txt = data.load_report("features/{}.json".format(image)) image_reports.append(io.json_loads(txt)) except IOError: logger.warning("No feature report image {}".format(image)) report = {"wall_time": wall_time, "image_reports": image_reports} data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), "features.json")
def run_dataset(data: DataSetBase, input, output) -> None: recs_base = data.load_reconstruction(input) if len(recs_base) == 0: return rec_base = recs_base[0] tracks_manager = data.load_tracks_manager() rec_base.add_correspondences_from_tracks_manager(tracks_manager) images = data.images() remaining_images = set(images) - set(rec_base.shots) gcp = data.load_ground_control_points() report = {} rec_report = {} report["extend_reconstruction"] = [rec_report] rec, rec_report["grow"] = reconstruction.grow_reconstruction( data, tracks_manager, rec_base, remaining_images, gcp, ) rec_report["num_remaining_images"] = len(remaining_images) report["not_reconstructed_images"] = list(remaining_images) data.save_reconstruction([rec], output) data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), "reconstruction.json")
def is_high_res_panorama( data: DataSetBase, image_key: str, image_array: np.ndarray ) -> bool: """Detect if image is a panorama.""" exif = data.load_exif(image_key) if exif: camera = data.load_camera_models()[exif["camera"]] w, h = int(exif["width"]), int(exif["height"]) exif_pano = pygeometry.Camera.is_panorama(camera.projection_type) elif image_array is not None: h, w = image_array.shape[:2] exif_pano = False else: return False return w == 2 * h or exif_pano
def _load_segmentation_mask(data: DataSetBase, image: str) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Build a mask from segmentation ignore values. The mask is non-zero only for pixels with segmentation labels not in segmentation_ignore_values. """ ignore_values = data.segmentation_ignore_values(image) if not ignore_values: return None segmentation = data.load_segmentation(image) if segmentation is None: return None return mask_from_segmentation(segmentation, ignore_values)
def match_images( data: DataSetBase, config_override: Dict[str, Any], ref_images: List[str], cand_images: List[str], ) -> Tuple[Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Tuple[int, int]]], Dict[str, Any]]: """Perform pair matchings between two sets of images. It will do matching for each pair (i, j), i being in ref_images and j in cand_images, taking assumption that matching(i, j) == matching(j ,i). This does not hold for non-symmetric matching options like WORDS. Data will be stored in i matching only. """ # Get EXIFs data all_images = list(set(ref_images + cand_images)) exifs = {im: data.load_exif(im) for im in all_images} # Generate pairs for matching pairs, preport = pairs_selection.match_candidates_from_metadata( ref_images, cand_images, exifs, data, config_override, ) # Match them ! return ( match_images_with_pairs(data, config_override, exifs, pairs), preport, )
def match_images_with_pairs( data: DataSetBase, config_override: Dict[str, Any], exifs: Dict[str, Any], pairs: List[Tuple[str, str]], poses: Optional[Dict[str, pygeometry.Pose]] = None, ) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Tuple[int, int]]]: """Perform pair matchings given pairs.""" cameras = data.load_camera_models() args = list( match_arguments(pairs, data, config_override, cameras, exifs, poses)) # Perform all pair matchings in parallel start = timer()"Matching {} image pairs".format(len(pairs))) processes = config_override.get("processes", data.config["processes"]) mem_per_process = 512 jobs_per_process = 2 processes = context.processes_that_fit_in_memory(processes, mem_per_process)"Computing pair matching with %d processes" % processes) matches = context.parallel_map(match_unwrap_args, args, processes, jobs_per_process)"Matched {} pairs {} in {} seconds ({} seconds/pair).".format( len(pairs), log_projection_types(pairs, exifs, cameras), timer() - start, (timer() - start) / len(pairs) if pairs else 0, )) # Index results per pair resulting_pairs = {} for im1, im2, m in matches: resulting_pairs[im1, im2] = m return resulting_pairs
def run_dataset(data: DataSetBase): """Compute features for all images.""" start = timer() features_processing.run_features_processing(data, data.images(), False) end = timer() write_report(data, end - start)
def load_features( dataset: DataSetBase, images: t.List[str] ) -> t.Tuple[ t.Dict[str, np.ndarray], t.Dict[str, np.ndarray], t.Dict[str, np.ndarray], t.Dict[str, np.ndarray], ]:"reading features") features = {} colors = {} segmentations = {} instances = {} for im in images: features_data = dataset.load_features(im) if not features_data: continue features[im] = features_data.points[:, :3] colors[im] = features_data.colors semantic_data = features_data.semantic if semantic_data: segmentations[im] = semantic_data.segmentation if semantic_data.has_instances(): instances[im] = semantic_data.instances return features, colors, segmentations, instances
def undistort_reconstruction( tracks_manager: Optional[pymap.TracksManager], reconstruction: types.Reconstruction, data: DataSetBase, udata: UndistortedDataSet, ) -> Dict[pymap.Shot, List[pymap.Shot]]: all_images = set(data.images()) image_format = data.config["undistorted_image_format"] urec = types.Reconstruction() urec.points = reconstruction.points urec.reference = reconstruction.reference rig_instance_count = itertools.count() utracks_manager = pymap.TracksManager() logger.debug("Undistorting the reconstruction") undistorted_shots = {} for shot in reconstruction.shots.values(): if not in all_images: logger.warning( f"Not undistorting {} as it is missing from the dataset's input images." ) continue if == "perspective": urec.add_camera(perspective_camera_from_perspective( subshots = [get_shot_with_different_camera(urec, shot, image_format)] elif == "brown": urec.add_camera(perspective_camera_from_brown( subshots = [get_shot_with_different_camera(urec, shot, image_format)] elif in ["fisheye", "fisheye_opencv"]: urec.add_camera(perspective_camera_from_fisheye( subshots = [get_shot_with_different_camera(urec, shot, image_format)] elif pygeometry.Camera.is_panorama( subshot_width = int(data.config["depthmap_resolution"]) subshots = perspective_views_of_a_panorama( shot, subshot_width, urec, image_format, rig_instance_count ) else: logger.warning( f"Not undistorting {} with unknown camera type." ) continue for subshot in subshots: if tracks_manager: add_subshot_tracks(tracks_manager, utracks_manager, shot, subshot) undistorted_shots[] = subshots udata.save_undistorted_reconstruction([urec]) if tracks_manager: udata.save_undistorted_tracks_manager(utracks_manager) udata.save_undistorted_shot_ids( { shot_id: [ for ushot in ushots] for shot_id, ushots in undistorted_shots.items() } ) return undistorted_shots
def _load_combined_mask(data: DataSetBase, image: str) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Combine binary mask with segmentation mask. Return a mask that is non-zero only where the binary mask and the segmentation mask are non-zero. """ mask = data.load_mask(image) smask = _load_segmentation_mask(data, image) return combine_masks(mask, smask)
def run_dataset(data: DataSetBase, algorithm: reconstruction.ReconstructionAlgorithm) -> None: """Compute the SfM reconstruction.""" tracks_manager = data.load_tracks_manager() if algorithm == reconstruction.ReconstructionAlgorithm.INCREMENTAL: report, reconstructions = reconstruction.incremental_reconstruction( data, tracks_manager) elif algorithm == reconstruction.ReconstructionAlgorithm.TRIANGULATION: report, reconstructions = reconstruction.triangulation_reconstruction( data, tracks_manager) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Unsupported algorithm for reconstruction {algorithm}") data.save_reconstruction(reconstructions) data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), "reconstruction.json")
def run_dataset(data: DataSetBase) -> None: """Add delaunay meshes to the reconstruction.""" tracks_manager = data.load_tracks_manager() reconstructions = data.load_reconstruction() all_shot_ids = set(tracks_manager.get_shot_ids()) for r in reconstructions: for shot in r.shots.values(): if in all_shot_ids: vertices, faces = mesh.triangle_mesh(, r, tracks_manager) shot.mesh.vertices = vertices shot.mesh.faces = faces data.save_reconstruction(reconstructions, filename="reconstruction.meshed.json", minify=True)
def write_report(data: DataSetBase, tracks_manager, features_time, matches_time, tracks_time) -> None: view_graph = [ (k[0], k[1], v) for k, v in tracks_manager.get_all_pairs_connectivity().items() ] report = { "wall_times": { "load_features": features_time, "load_matches": matches_time, "compute_tracks": tracks_time, }, "wall_time": features_time + matches_time + tracks_time, "num_images": tracks_manager.num_shots(), "num_tracks": tracks_manager.num_tracks(), "view_graph": view_graph, } data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), "tracks.json")
def run_dataset(data: DataSetBase) -> None: """Match features between image pairs.""" images = data.images() start = timer() pairs_matches, preport = matching.match_images(data, {}, images, images) matching.save_matches(data, images, pairs_matches) matching.clear_cache() end = timer() write_report(data, preport, list(pairs_matches.keys()), end - start)
def _not_on_blackvue_watermark(p1: np.ndarray, p2: np.ndarray, matches, im1: str, im2: str, data: DataSetBase) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """Filter Blackvue's watermark.""" meta1 = data.load_exif(im1) meta2 = data.load_exif(im2) if meta1["make"].lower() == "blackvue": matches = [m for m in matches if _blackvue_valid_mask(p1[m[0]])] if meta2["make"].lower() == "blackvue": matches = [m for m in matches if _blackvue_valid_mask(p2[m[1]])] return matches
def save_matches( data: DataSetBase, images_ref: List[str], matched_pairs: Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Tuple[int, int]]], ) -> None: """Given pairwise matches (image 1, image 2) - > matches, save them such as only {image E images_ref} will store the matches. """ images_ref_set = set(images_ref) matches_per_im1 = {im: {} for im in images_ref} for (im1, im2), m in matched_pairs.items(): if im1 in images_ref_set: matches_per_im1[im1][im2] = m elif im2 in images_ref_set: matches_per_im1[im2][im1] = m else: raise RuntimeError( "Couldn't save matches for {}. No image found in images_ref.". format((im1, im2))) for im1, im1_matches in matches_per_im1.items(): data.save_matches(im1, im1_matches)
def load_matches( dataset: DataSetBase, images: t.List[str] ) -> t.Dict[t.Tuple[str, str], t.List[t.Tuple[int, int]]]: matches = {} for im1 in images: try: im1_matches = dataset.load_matches(im1) except IOError: continue for im2 in im1_matches: if im2 in images: matches[im1, im2] = im1_matches[im2] return matches
def invent_reference_from_gps_and_gcp( data: DataSetBase, images: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> geo.TopocentricConverter: lat, lon, alt = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 wlat, wlon, walt = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 if images is None: images = data.images() for image in images: d = data.load_exif(image) if "gps" in d and "latitude" in d["gps"] and "longitude" in d["gps"]: w = 1.0 / max(0.01, d["gps"].get("dop", 15)) lat += w * d["gps"]["latitude"] lon += w * d["gps"]["longitude"] wlat += w wlon += w if "altitude" in d["gps"]: alt += w * d["gps"]["altitude"] walt += w if not wlat and not wlon: for gcp in data.load_ground_control_points(): lat += gcp.lla["latitude"] lon += gcp.lla["longitude"] wlat += 1 wlon += 1 if gcp.has_altitude: alt += gcp.lla["altitude"] walt += 1 if wlat: lat /= wlat if wlon: lon /= wlon if walt: alt /= walt return geo.TopocentricConverter(lat, lon, 0) # Set altitude manually.
def read_images( queue: queue.Queue, data: DataSetBase, images: List[str], counter: Counter, expected: int, force: bool, ) -> None: full_queue_timeout = 120 for image in images:"Reading data for image {image} (queue-size={queue.qsize()}") image_array = data.load_image(image) if data.config["features_bake_segmentation"]: segmentation_array = data.load_segmentation(image) instances_array = data.load_instances(image) else: segmentation_array, instances_array = None, None args = image, image_array, segmentation_array, instances_array, data, force queue.put(args, block=True, timeout=full_queue_timeout) counter.increment() if counter.value() == expected:"Finished reading images") queue.put(None)
def run_dataset(data: DataSetBase, input: str, output: str) -> None: """Reconstruct the from a prior reconstruction.""" tracks_manager = data.load_tracks_manager() rec_prior = data.load_reconstruction(input) if len(rec_prior) > 0: report, rec = reconstruction.reconstruct_from_prior( data, tracks_manager, rec_prior[0]) data.save_reconstruction([rec], output) data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), "reconstruction.json")
def _not_on_vermont_watermark( p1: np.ndarray, p2: np.ndarray, matches: List[Tuple[int, int]], im1: str, im2: str, data: DataSetBase, ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """Filter Vermont images watermark.""" meta1 = data.load_exif(im1) meta2 = data.load_exif(im2) if meta1["make"] == "VTrans_Camera" and meta1["model"] == "VTrans_Camera": matches = [m for m in matches if _vermont_valid_mask(p1[m[0]])] if meta2["make"] == "VTrans_Camera" and meta2["model"] == "VTrans_Camera": matches = [m for m in matches if _vermont_valid_mask(p2[m[1]])] return matches
def load_features_mask( data: DataSetBase, image: str, points: np.ndarray, mask_image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Load a feature-wise mask. This is a binary array true for features that lie inside the combined mask. The array is all true when there's no mask. """ if points is None or len(points) == 0: return np.array([], dtype=bool) if mask_image is None: mask_image = _load_combined_mask(data, image) if mask_image is None: logger.debug( "No segmentation for {}, no features masked.".format(image)) return np.ones((points.shape[0], ), dtype=bool) exif = data.load_exif(image) width = exif["width"] height = exif["height"] orientation = exif["orientation"] new_height, new_width = mask_image.shape ps = upright.opensfm_to_upright( points[:, :2], width, height, orientation, new_width=new_width, new_height=new_height, ).astype(int) mask = mask_image[ps[:, 1], ps[:, 0]] n_removed = np.sum(mask == 0) logger.debug("Masking {} / {} ({:.2f}) features for {}".format( n_removed, len(mask), n_removed / len(mask), image)) return np.array(mask, dtype=bool)
def _extract_exif(image, data: DataSetBase): with data.open_image_file(image) as fp: d = exif.extract_exif_from_file( fp, partial(data.image_size, image), data.config["use_exif_size"], name=image, ) if data.config["unknown_camera_models_are_different"] and ( not d["model"] or d["model"] == "unknown"): d["model"] = f"unknown_{image}" if data.config.get("default_projection_type"): d["projection_type"] = data.config.get("default_projection_type") d["camera"] = exif.camera_id(d) return d
def run_dataset(dataset: DataSetBase, input, output) -> None: """Bundle a reconstructions. Args: input: input reconstruction JSON in the dataset output: input reconstruction JSON in the dataset """ reconstructions = dataset.load_reconstruction(input) camera_priors = dataset.load_camera_models() rig_cameras_priors = dataset.load_rig_cameras() tracks_manager = dataset.load_tracks_manager() # load the tracks manager and add its observations to the reconstruction # go through all the points and add their shots for reconstruction in reconstructions: reconstruction.add_correspondences_from_tracks_manager(tracks_manager) gcp = dataset.load_ground_control_points() orec.bundle(reconstruction, camera_priors, rig_cameras_priors, gcp, dataset.config) dataset.save_reconstruction(reconstructions, output)
def reconstruction_from_metadata(data: DataSetBase, images: Iterable[str]) -> types.Reconstruction: """Initialize a reconstruction by using EXIF data for constructing shot poses and cameras.""" data.init_reference() rig_assignments = rig.rig_assignments_per_image(data.load_rig_assignments()) reconstruction = types.Reconstruction() reconstruction.reference = data.load_reference() reconstruction.cameras = data.load_camera_models() for image in images: camera_id = data.load_exif(image)["camera"] if image in rig_assignments: rig_instance_id, rig_camera_id, _ = rig_assignments[image] else: rig_instance_id = image rig_camera_id = camera_id reconstruction.add_rig_camera(pymap.RigCamera(pygeometry.Pose(), rig_camera_id)) reconstruction.add_rig_instance(pymap.RigInstance(rig_instance_id)) shot = reconstruction.create_shot( shot_id=image, camera_id=camera_id, rig_camera_id=rig_camera_id, rig_instance_id=rig_instance_id, ) shot.metadata = get_image_metadata(data, image) if not shot.metadata.gps_position.has_value: reconstruction.remove_shot(image) continue gps_pos = shot.metadata.gps_position.value shot.pose.set_rotation_matrix(rotation_from_shot_metadata(shot)) shot.pose.set_origin(gps_pos) shot.scale = 1.0 return reconstruction
def detect( image: str, image_array: np.ndarray, segmentation_array: Optional[np.ndarray], instances_array: Optional[np.ndarray], data: DataSetBase, force: bool = False, ) -> None: log.setup() need_words = ( data.config["matcher_type"] == "WORDS" or data.config["matching_bow_neighbors"] > 0 ) has_words = not need_words or data.words_exist(image) has_features = data.features_exist(image) if not force and has_features and has_words: "Skip recomputing {} features for image {}".format( data.feature_type().upper(), image ) ) return "Extracting {} features for image {}".format(data.feature_type().upper(), image) ) start = timer() p_unmasked, f_unmasked, c_unmasked = features.extract_features( image_array, data.config, is_high_res_panorama(data, image, image_array) ) # Load segmentation and bake it in the data if data.config["features_bake_segmentation"]: exif = data.load_exif(image) s_unsorted, i_unsorted = bake_segmentation( image_array, p_unmasked, segmentation_array, instances_array, exif ) p_unsorted = p_unmasked f_unsorted = f_unmasked c_unsorted = c_unmasked # Load segmentation, make a mask from it mask and apply it else: s_unsorted, i_unsorted = None, None fmask = masking.load_features_mask(data, image, p_unmasked) p_unsorted = p_unmasked[fmask] f_unsorted = f_unmasked[fmask] c_unsorted = c_unmasked[fmask] if len(p_unsorted) == 0: logger.warning("No features found in image {}".format(image)) size = p_unsorted[:, 2] order = np.argsort(size) p_sorted = p_unsorted[order, :] f_sorted = f_unsorted[order, :] c_sorted = c_unsorted[order, :] if s_unsorted is not None: semantic_data = features.SemanticData( s_unsorted[order], i_unsorted[order] if i_unsorted is not None else None, data.segmentation_labels(), ) else: semantic_data = None features_data = features.FeaturesData(p_sorted, f_sorted, c_sorted, semantic_data) data.save_features(image, features_data) if need_words: bows = bow.load_bows(data.config) n_closest = data.config["bow_words_to_match"] closest_words = bows.map_to_words( f_sorted, n_closest, data.config["bow_matcher_type"] ) data.save_words(image, closest_words) end = timer() report = { "image": image, "num_features": len(p_sorted), "wall_time": end - start, } data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), "features/{}.json".format(image))
def match_candidates_from_metadata( images_ref: List[str], images_cand: List[str], exifs: Dict[str, Any], data: DataSetBase, config_override: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], Dict[str, Any]]: """Compute candidate matching pairs between between images_ref and images_cand Returns a list of pairs (im1, im2) such that (im1 in images_ref) is true. Returned pairs are unique given that (i, j) == (j, i). """ overriden_config = data.config.copy() overriden_config.update(config_override) max_distance = overriden_config["matching_gps_distance"] gps_neighbors = overriden_config["matching_gps_neighbors"] graph_rounds = overriden_config["matching_graph_rounds"] time_neighbors = overriden_config["matching_time_neighbors"] order_neighbors = overriden_config["matching_order_neighbors"] bow_neighbors = overriden_config["matching_bow_neighbors"] bow_gps_distance = overriden_config["matching_bow_gps_distance"] bow_gps_neighbors = overriden_config["matching_bow_gps_neighbors"] bow_other_cameras = overriden_config["matching_bow_other_cameras"] vlad_neighbors = overriden_config["matching_vlad_neighbors"] vlad_gps_distance = overriden_config["matching_vlad_gps_distance"] vlad_gps_neighbors = overriden_config["matching_vlad_gps_neighbors"] vlad_other_cameras = overriden_config["matching_vlad_other_cameras"] data.init_reference() reference = data.load_reference() if not all(map(has_gps_info, exifs.values())): if gps_neighbors != 0: logger.warn( "Not all images have GPS info. " "Disabling matching_gps_neighbors." ) gps_neighbors = 0 max_distance = 0 graph_rounds = 0 images_ref.sort() if ( max_distance == gps_neighbors == time_neighbors == order_neighbors == bow_neighbors == vlad_neighbors == graph_rounds == 0 ): # All pair selection strategies deactivated so we match all pairs d = set() t = set() g = set() o = set() b = set() v = set() pairs = {sorted_pair(i, j) for i in images_ref for j in images_cand if i != j} else: d = match_candidates_by_distance( images_ref, images_cand, exifs, reference, gps_neighbors, max_distance ) g = match_candidates_by_graph( images_ref, images_cand, exifs, reference, graph_rounds ) t = match_candidates_by_time(images_ref, images_cand, exifs, time_neighbors) o = match_candidates_by_order(images_ref, images_cand, order_neighbors) b = match_candidates_with_bow( data, images_ref, images_cand, exifs, reference, bow_neighbors, bow_gps_distance, bow_gps_neighbors, bow_other_cameras, ) v = match_candidates_with_vlad( data, images_ref, images_cand, exifs, reference, vlad_neighbors, vlad_gps_distance, vlad_gps_neighbors, vlad_other_cameras, {}, ) pairs = d | g | t | o | set(b) | set(v) pairs = ordered_pairs(pairs, images_ref) report = { "num_pairs_distance": len(d), "num_pairs_graph": len(g), "num_pairs_time": len(t), "num_pairs_order": len(o), "num_pairs_bow": len(b), "num_pairs_vlad": len(v), } return pairs, report
def average_image_size(data: DataSetBase) -> float: average_size_mb = 0 for camera in data.load_camera_models().values(): average_size_mb += camera.width * camera.height * 4 / 1024 / 1024 return average_size_mb / max(1, len(data.load_camera_models()))