def retriangulate( tracks_manager: pysfm.TracksManager, reconstruction: types.Reconstruction, config: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrianguate all points""" chrono = Chronometer() report = {} report["num_points_before"] = len(reconstruction.points) threshold = config["triangulation_threshold"] min_ray_angle = config["triangulation_min_ray_angle"] reconstruction.points = {} all_shots_ids = set(tracks_manager.get_shot_ids()) triangulator = TrackTriangulator(tracks_manager, reconstruction) tracks = set() for image in reconstruction.shots.keys(): if image in all_shots_ids: tracks.update(tracks_manager.get_shot_observations(image).keys()) for track in tracks: if config["triangulation_type"] == "ROBUST": triangulator.triangulate_robust(track, threshold, min_ray_angle) elif config["triangulation_type"] == "FULL": triangulator.triangulate(track, threshold, min_ray_angle) report["num_points_after"] = len(reconstruction.points) chrono.lap("retriangulate") report["wall_time"] = chrono.total_time() return report
def compute_common_tracks( reconstruction1: types.Reconstruction, reconstruction2: types.Reconstruction, tracks_manager1: pysfm.TracksManager, tracks_manager2: pysfm.TracksManager, ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: common_tracks = set() common_images = set(reconstruction1.shots.keys()).intersection( reconstruction2.shots.keys()) all_shot_ids1 = set(tracks_manager1.get_shot_ids()) all_shot_ids2 = set(tracks_manager2.get_shot_ids()) for image in common_images: if image not in all_shot_ids1 or image not in all_shot_ids2: continue at_shot1 = tracks_manager1.get_shot_observations(image) at_shot2 = tracks_manager2.get_shot_observations(image) for t1, t2 in corresponding_tracks(at_shot1, at_shot2): if t1 in reconstruction1.points and t2 in reconstruction2.points: common_tracks.add((t1, t2)) return list(common_tracks)
def triangulate_shot_features( tracks_manager: pysfm.TracksManager, reconstruction: types.Reconstruction, shot_ids: Set[str], config: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Reconstruct as many tracks seen in shot_id as possible.""" reproj_threshold = config["triangulation_threshold"] min_ray_angle = config["triangulation_min_ray_angle"] triangulator = TrackTriangulator(tracks_manager, reconstruction) all_shots_ids = set(tracks_manager.get_shot_ids()) tracks_ids = { t for s in shot_ids if s in all_shots_ids for t in tracks_manager.get_shot_observations(s) } for track in tracks_ids: if track not in reconstruction.points: triangulator.triangulate(track, reproj_threshold, min_ray_angle)
def resect( data: DataSetBase, tracks_manager: pysfm.TracksManager, reconstruction: types.Reconstruction, shot_id: str, threshold: float, min_inliers: int, ) -> Tuple[bool, Set[str], Dict[str, Any]]: """Try resecting and adding a shot to the reconstruction. Return: True on success. """ rig_assignments = data.load_rig_assignments_per_image() camera = reconstruction.cameras[data.load_exif(shot_id)["camera"]] bs, Xs, ids = [], [], [] for track, obs in tracks_manager.get_shot_observations(shot_id).items(): if track in reconstruction.points: b = camera.pixel_bearing(obs.point) bs.append(b) Xs.append(reconstruction.points[track].coordinates) ids.append(track) bs = np.array(bs) Xs = np.array(Xs) if len(bs) < 5: return False, set(), {"num_common_points": len(bs)} T = multiview.absolute_pose_ransac(bs, Xs, threshold, 1000, 0.999) R = T[:, :3] t = T[:, 3] reprojected_bs = - t).T).T reprojected_bs /= np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] inliers = np.linalg.norm(reprojected_bs - bs, axis=1) < threshold ninliers = int(sum(inliers))"{} resection inliers: {} / {}".format(shot_id, ninliers, len(bs))) report = { "num_common_points": len(bs), "num_inliers": ninliers, } if ninliers >= min_inliers: R = T[:, :3].T t =[:, 3]) assert shot_id not in reconstruction.shots new_shots = add_shot( data, reconstruction, rig_assignments, shot_id, pygeometry.Pose(R, t) ) if shot_id in rig_assignments: triangulate_shot_features( tracks_manager, reconstruction, new_shots, data.config ) for i, succeed in enumerate(inliers): if succeed: add_observation_to_reconstruction( tracks_manager, reconstruction, shot_id, ids[i] ) # pyre-fixme [6]: Expected `int` for 2nd positional report["shots"] = list(new_shots) return True, new_shots, report else: return False, set(), report