예제 #1
def test_any_input_predicate():
    param = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    slope = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([]))

    m = Matcher(AnyInput(lambda output: len(output.get_shape()) == 4), "FindActivation")
    assert m.match(param)
    assert not m.match(slope)
예제 #2
 def create_infer_requests(self, model, path, scales=None):
     if scales is not None:
         orig_shape = model.input('mel').shape
         requests = []
         for i in range(scales):
             new_shape = (orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1],
                          orig_shape[2] * (i + 1))
                 PartialShape([new_shape[0], new_shape[1], new_shape[2]])
             compiled_model = self.core.compile_model(
                 model, device_name=self.device)
                 PartialShape([orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1], orig_shape[2]])
         compiled_model = self.core.compile_model(model,
         requests = compiled_model.create_infer_request()
     log.info('The MelGAN model {} is loaded to {}'.format(
         path, self.device))
     return requests
예제 #3
def get_data_shapes_map(data_shape_string, input_names):
    # Parse parameter string like "input0[shape1][shape2],input1[shape1]" or "[shape1][shape2]" (applied to all inputs)
    return_value = {}
    if data_shape_string:
        data_shape_string += ','
        matches = re.findall(r'(.*?\[.*?\]),', data_shape_string)
        if matches:
            for match in matches:
                input_name = match[:match.find('[')]
                shapes = re.findall(r'\[(.*?)\]', match[len(input_name):])
                if input_name:
                    return_value[input_name] = list(
                        PartialShape(shape_str) for shape_str in shapes)
                    data_shapes = list(
                        PartialShape(shape_str) for shape_str in shapes)
                    num_inputs, num_shapes = len(input_names), len(data_shapes)
                    if num_shapes != 1 and num_shapes % num_inputs != 0:
                        raise Exception(
                            f"Number of provided data_shapes is not a multiple of the number of model inputs!"
                    return_value = defaultdict(list)
                    for i in range(max(num_shapes, num_inputs)):
                        return_value[input_names[i % num_inputs]].append(
                            data_shapes[i % num_shapes])
                    return return_value
            raise Exception(
                f"Can't parse input parameter: {data_shape_string}")
    return return_value
예제 #4
def test_all_predicates():
    static_param = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22]), np.float32)
    dynamic_param = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([-1, 6]), np.long)
    fully_dynamic_param = opset8.parameter(PartialShape.dynamic())

    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", consumers_count(0)), "Test").match(static_param)
    assert not Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", consumers_count(1)), "Test").match(static_param)

    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_dim(1)), "Test").match(static_param)
    assert not Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_dim(0)), "Test").match(dynamic_param)

    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_dims([0, 3])), "Test").match(static_param)
    assert not Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_dims([0, 1])), "Test").match(dynamic_param)

    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_shape()), "Test").match(static_param)
    assert not Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_shape()), "Test").match(dynamic_param)

    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_rank()), "Test").match(dynamic_param)
    assert not Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter", has_static_rank()), "Test").match(fully_dynamic_param)

    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter",
                            type_matches(get_element_type(np.float32))), "Test").match(static_param)
    assert not Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter",
                                type_matches(get_element_type(np.float32))), "Test").match(dynamic_param)

    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter",
                                              get_element_type(np.long)])), "Test").match(static_param)
    assert Matcher(WrapType("opset8.Parameter",
                                              get_element_type(np.long)])), "Test").match(dynamic_param)
 def __init__(self, core, model_path, input_shape, device, vocab_file,
     log.info('Reading model {}'.format(model_path))
     model = core.read_model(model_path)
     if len(model.inputs) != 1:
         raise RuntimeError('Wav2Vec must have one input')
     self.input_tensor_name = model.inputs[0].get_any_name()
     model_input_shape = model.inputs[0].partial_shape
     if len(model_input_shape) != 2:
         raise RuntimeError('Wav2Vec input must be 2-dimensional')
     if len(model.outputs) != 1:
         raise RuntimeError('Wav2Vec must have one output')
     model_output_shape = model.outputs[0].partial_shape
     if len(model_output_shape) != 3:
         raise RuntimeError('Wav2Vec output must be 3-dimensional')
     if model_output_shape[2] != len(self.alphabet):
         raise RuntimeError(
             f'Wav2Vec output third dimension size must be {len(self.alphabet)}'
     if not dynamic_flag:
         model.reshape({self.input_tensor_name: PartialShape(input_shape)})
     elif not model.is_dynamic():
         model.reshape({self.input_tensor_name: PartialShape((-1, -1))})
     compiled_model = core.compile_model(model, device)
     self.output_tensor = compiled_model.outputs[0]
     self.infer_request = compiled_model.create_infer_request()
     log.info('The model {} is loaded to {}'.format(model_path, device))
예제 #6
    def __call__(self, *input_values: NumericData) -> List[NumericData]:
        """Run computation on input values and return result."""
        # Input validation
        if len(input_values) < len(self.parameters):
            raise UserInputError(
                "Expected %s params, received not enough %s values.",
                len(self.parameters), len(input_values))

        param_names = [param.friendly_name for param in self.parameters]
        input_shapes = [get_shape(input_value) for input_value in input_values]

        if self.network_cache.get(str(input_shapes)) is None:
            function = self.function
            if self.function.is_dynamic():
                            [PartialShape(i) for i in input_shapes])))
            self.network_cache[str(input_shapes)] = function
            function = self.network_cache[str(input_shapes)]

        executable_network = self.runtime.backend.compile_model(
            function, self.runtime.backend_name)

        for parameter, input in zip(self.parameters, input_values):
            parameter_shape = parameter.get_output_partial_shape(0)
            input_shape = PartialShape([]) if isinstance(
                input, (int, float)) else PartialShape(input.shape)
            if not parameter_shape.compatible(input_shape):
                raise UserInputError(
                    "Provided tensor's shape: %s does not match the expected: %s.",

        is_bfloat16 = any(
            parameter.get_output_element_type(0) == Type.bf16
            for parameter in self.parameters)
        if is_bfloat16:
            input_values = self.convert_to_tensors(input_values)

        request = executable_network.create_infer_request()
        result_buffers = request.infer(dict(zip(param_names, input_values)))
        # # Note: other methods to get result_buffers from request
        # # First call infer with no return value:
        # request.infer(dict(zip(param_names, input_values)))
        # # Now use any of following options:
        # result_buffers = [request.get_tensor(n).data for n in request.outputs]
        # result_buffers = [request.get_output_tensor(i).data for i in range(len(request.outputs))]
        # result_buffers = [t.data for t in request.output_tensors]

        # # Since OV overwrite result data type we have to convert results to the original one.
        original_dtypes = [
            for result in self.results
        converted_buffers = self.convert_buffers(result_buffers,
        return converted_buffers
def test_set_name_for_dimension():
    fe = fem.load_by_framework(framework=ONNX_FRONTEND_NAME)
    model = fe.load("test_place_names.onnx")
    dim_name = "batch_size"

    input1 = model.get_place_by_tensor_name(tensorName="in1")
    model.set_name_for_dimension(input1, 0, dim_name)
    assert model.get_partial_shape(input1) == PartialShape([-1, 2])

    output1 = model.get_place_by_tensor_name(tensorName="out1")
    model.set_name_for_dimension(output1, 1, dim_name)
    assert model.get_partial_shape(output1) == PartialShape([1, -1])

    # sub_output rank is 2 so setting dim_name at index 3 extends its rank to 4
    sub_output = model.get_place_by_tensor_name(tensorName="sub_out")
    model.set_name_for_dimension(sub_output, 3, dim_name)
    assert model.get_partial_shape(sub_output) == PartialShape([2, 2, -1, -1])

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
        model.set_name_for_dimension(input1, 0, "")
    assert "name must not be empty" in str(e)

    one_const = model.get_place_by_tensor_name(tensorName="one_const")
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
        model.set_name_for_dimension(one_const, 0, dim_name)
    assert "ONNX initializer shape dimension cannot be dynamic." in str(e)
예제 #8
def test_parameter_index_invalid():
    shape1 = PartialShape([1])
    param1 = ops.parameter(shape1, dtype=np.float32, name="data1")
    relu = ops.relu(param1, name="relu")
    function = Model(relu, [param1], "TestFunction")
    shape2 = PartialShape([2])
    param2 = ops.parameter(shape2, dtype=np.float32, name="data2")
    assert function.get_parameter_index(param2) == -1
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, core, device, i3d_path, mstcn_path):
        self.ActionTerms = [

        self.EmbedBufferTop = np.zeros((1024, 0))
        self.EmbedBufferFront = np.zeros((1024, 0))
        self.ImgSizeHeight = 224
        self.ImgSizeWidth = 224
        self.EmbedBatchSize = 1
        self.SegBatchSize = 24
        self.EmbedWindowLength = 16
        self.EmbedWindowStride = 1
        self.EmbedWindowAtrous = 3
        self.TemporalLogits = np.zeros((0, len(self.ActionTerms)))

        net = core.read_model(i3d_path)
                self.EmbedBatchSize, self.EmbedWindowLength,
                self.ImgSizeHeight, self.ImgSizeWidth, 3
        nodes = net.get_ops()
        self.i3d = core.compile_model(model=net, device_name=device)

        self.mstcn_net = core.read_model(mstcn_path)
        self.mstcn = core.compile_model(model=self.mstcn_net,
        self.mstcn_input_keys = self.mstcn.inputs
        self.mstcn_output_key = self.mstcn.outputs
        self.mstcn_net.reshape({'input': PartialShape([1, 2048, 1])})
        self.reshape_mstcn = core.compile_model(model=self.mstcn_net,
        file_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'init_his.npz'
        init_his_feature = np.load(file_path)
        self.his_fea = {
            f'fhis_in_{i}': init_his_feature[f'arr_{i}']
            for i in range(4)
예제 #10
def test_any_input():
    param = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = opset8.relu(param.output(0))
    slope = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([]))
    prelu = opset8.prelu(param.output(0), slope.output(0))

    m = Matcher(WrapType("opset8.PRelu", [AnyInput(), AnyInput()]), "FindActivation")
    assert not m.match(relu)
    assert m.match(prelu)
예제 #11
def test_or():
    param = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = opset8.relu(param.output(0))
    slope = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([]))
    prelu = opset8.prelu(param.output(0), slope.output(0))

    m = Matcher(Or([WrapType("opset8.Relu"),
                    WrapType("opset8.PRelu")]), "FindActivation")
    assert m.match(relu)
    assert m.match(prelu)
    def test_set_batch_size(self, mock_argparse):
        mock_return_partial_shape(PartialShape([-1, 2, 3, 4]))
        main(argparse.ArgumentParser(), fem, 'ov_mock_mo_frontend')
        stat = get_model_statistic()

        # verify that 'set_element_type' was called
        # 2 is because mock model has 2 inputs
        assert stat.get_partial_shape == 2
        assert stat.set_partial_shape == 2
        assert stat.lastArgPartialShape == PartialShape([123, 2, 3, 4])
예제 #13
def test_test_descriptor_tensor():
    input_shape = PartialShape([1])
    param = ops.parameter(input_shape, dtype=np.float32, name="data")
    relu1 = ops.relu(param, name="relu1")
    td = relu1.get_output_tensor(0)
    assert "relu_t1" in td.names
    assert td.element_type == Type.f32
    assert td.partial_shape == PartialShape([1])
    assert repr(td.shape) == "<Shape: {1}>"
    assert td.size == 4
    assert td.any_name == "relu_t1"
예제 #14
def test_partial_shape_equals():
    ps1 = PartialShape.dynamic()
    ps2 = PartialShape.dynamic()
    assert ps1 == ps2

    ps1 = PartialShape([1, 2, 3])
    ps2 = PartialShape([1, 2, 3])
    assert ps1 == ps2

    shape = Shape([1, 2, 3])
    ps = PartialShape([1, 2, 3])
    assert shape == ps
예제 #15
def test_replace_parameter():
    shape1 = PartialShape([1])
    param1 = ops.parameter(shape1, dtype=np.float32, name="data")
    shape2 = PartialShape([2])
    param2 = ops.parameter(shape2, dtype=np.float32, name="data")
    relu = ops.relu(param1, name="relu")

    function = Model(relu, [param1], "TestFunction")
    param_index = function.get_parameter_index(param1)
    function.replace_parameter(param_index, param2)
    assert function.get_parameter_index(param2) == param_index
    assert function.get_parameter_index(param1) == -1
예제 #16
def test_get_result_index_invalid():
    shape1 = PartialShape([1])
    param1 = ops.parameter(shape1, dtype=np.float32, name="data1")
    relu1 = ops.relu(param1, name="relu1")
    function = Model(relu1, [param1], "TestFunction")

    shape2 = PartialShape([2])
    param2 = ops.parameter(shape2, dtype=np.float32, name="data2")
    relu2 = ops.relu(param2, name="relu2")
    invalid_output = relu2.outputs()[0]
    assert len(function.outputs) == 1
    assert function.get_result_index(invalid_output) == -1
예제 #17
def test_add_extension_template_extension(device):
    core, model = get_model_with_template_extension()
    assert isinstance(model, Model)

    before_reshape = PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22])
    after_reshape = PartialShape([8, 9, 33, 66])
    new_shapes = {"in_data": after_reshape}
    assert model.input().partial_shape == before_reshape
    # compile to check objects can be destroyed
    # in order core -> model -> compiled
    compiled = core.compile_model(model, device)
    assert compiled.input().partial_shape == after_reshape
예제 #18
def test_wrap_type_ctors():
    param = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = opset8.relu(param.output(0))
    slope = opset8.parameter(PartialShape([]))
    prelu = opset8.prelu(param.output(0), slope.output(0))

    m = Matcher(WrapType(["opset8.Relu", "opset8.PRelu"]), "FindActivation")
    assert m.match(relu)
    assert m.match(prelu)

    m = Matcher(WrapType(["opset8.Relu", "opset8.PRelu"],
                WrapType("opset8.Parameter").output(0)), "FindActivation")
    assert m.match(relu)
예제 #19
def test_non_max_suppression():

    boxes_shape = [1, 1000, 4]
    scores_shape = [1, 1, 1000]
    boxes_parameter = ov.parameter(boxes_shape, name="Boxes", dtype=np.float32)
    scores_parameter = ov.parameter(scores_shape, name="Scores", dtype=np.float32)

    node = ov.non_max_suppression(boxes_parameter, scores_parameter, make_constant_node(1000, np.int64))

    assert node.get_type_name() == "NonMaxSuppression"
    assert node.get_output_size() == 3
    assert node.get_output_partial_shape(0) == PartialShape([Dimension(0, 1000), Dimension(3)])
    assert node.get_output_partial_shape(1) == PartialShape([Dimension(0, 1000), Dimension(3)])
    assert list(node.get_output_shape(2)) == [1]
예제 #20
def test_set_batch_int():
    model = create_test_model()
    model_param1 = model.get_parameters()[0]
    model_param2 = model.get_parameters()[1]
    # batch == 2
    assert get_batch(model) == 2
    # set batch to 1
    set_batch(model, 1)
    assert get_batch(model) == 1
    # check if shape of param 1 has changed
    assert model_param1.get_output_shape(0) == PartialShape([1, 1])
    # check if shape of param 2 has not changed
    assert model_param2.get_output_shape(0) == PartialShape([2, 1])
예제 #21
def set_input_to_blobs(request, input):
    model_inputs = request.model_inputs
    for layer_name, data in input.items():
        found_tensor = False
        for model_input in model_inputs:
            if model_input.get_any_name() == layer_name:
                if PartialShape(data.shape) != model_input.get_partial_shape():
                    raise ValueError("Input data and input layer with name {0} has different shapes: \
                                     {1} and {2}".format(layer_name, PartialShape(data.shape), model_input.get_partial_shape()))
                new_tensor = Tensor(data)
                request.set_tensor(model_input.get_any_name(), new_tensor)
                found_tensor = True

        if not found_tensor:
            raise ValueError("No input layer with name {}".format(layer_name))
예제 #22
    def __init__(self, model, ie, device='CPU', default_width=800):
        return class provided MelGAN inference.

        :param model: path to xml with MelGAN model of WaveRNN
        :param ie: instance of the IECore
        :param device: target device
        self.device = device
        self.ie = ie

        self.scales = 4
        self.hop_length = 256

        self.model = self.load_network(model)
        if self.model.input('mel').shape[2] != default_width:
            orig_shape = self.model.input('mel').shape
            new_shape = (orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1], default_width)
            self.model.reshape({"mel": PartialShape([new_shape[0], new_shape[1], new_shape[2]])})

        self.requests = self.create_infer_requests(self.model, model, self.scales)

        # fixed number of columns in mel-spectrogramm
        self.mel_len = self.model.input('mel').shape[2]
        self.widths = [self.mel_len * (i + 1) for i in range(self.scales)]
    def test_input_shape(self, mock_argparse):
        main(argparse.ArgumentParser(), fem, 'ov_mock_mo_frontend')
        stat = get_model_statistic()

        # verify that 'set_partial_shape' was called
        assert stat.set_partial_shape == 1
        assert stat.lastArgPartialShape == PartialShape([1, 2, 3, 4])
예제 #24
    def set_model(self, model, output_names=None, md_shapes=None):
        """ Set/reset model to instance of engine class
         :param model: NXModel instance for inference
        if model.is_cascade:
            raise Exception('Cascade models are not supported in current launcher')

        # save model in IR
        path = save_model(model, self._tmp_dir.name, 'tmp_model')[0]
        # load IR model
        ir_model = self._load_model(path)

        cast_friendly_names(ir_model.inputs + ir_model.outputs)

        if output_names is not None:
            output_names = [convert_to_outputs_name(output_name) for output_name in output_names]

        if md_shapes is not None:
            ng_shapes = {}
            for key, shape in md_shapes.items():
                ng_shapes[key] = PartialShape(shape)

        self.model = self._ie.compile_model(model=ir_model, device_name=self.device)

        self.infer_request = self.model.create_infer_request()
예제 #25
def test_node_input():
    shape = [2, 2]
    parameter_a = ops.parameter(shape, dtype=np.float32, name="A")
    parameter_b = ops.parameter(shape, dtype=np.float32, name="B")

    model = parameter_a + parameter_b

    model_inputs = model.inputs()

    assert len(model_inputs) == 2
    assert [input_node.get_index() for input_node in model_inputs] == [0, 1]
    assert np.equal(
        [input_node.get_element_type() for input_node in model_inputs],
    assert np.equal([input_node.get_shape() for input_node in model_inputs],
    assert np.equal(
        [input_node.get_partial_shape() for input_node in model_inputs],

    input0 = model.input(0)
    input1 = model.input(1)

    assert [input0.get_index(), input1.get_index()] == [0, 1]
예제 #26
 def __init__(self, core, model_path, input_shape, device):
     assert not input_shape[
         2] % self.pad_to, f"{self.pad_to} must be a divisor of input_shape's third dimension"
     log.info('Reading model {}'.format(model_path))
     model = core.read_model(model_path)
     if len(model.inputs) != 1:
         raise RuntimeError('QuartzNet must have one input')
     self.input_tensor_name = model.inputs[0].get_any_name()
     model_input_shape = model.inputs[0].shape
     if len(model_input_shape) != 3:
         raise RuntimeError('QuartzNet input must be 3-dimensional')
     if model_input_shape[1] != input_shape[1]:
         raise RuntimeError(
             "QuartzNet input second dimension can't be reshaped")
     if model_input_shape[2] % self.pad_to:
         raise RuntimeError(
             f'{self.pad_to} must be a divisor of QuartzNet input third dimension'
     if len(model.outputs) != 1:
         raise RuntimeError('QuartzNet must have one output')
     model_output_shape = model.outputs[0].shape
     if len(model_output_shape) != 3:
         raise RuntimeError('QuartzNet output must be 3-dimensional')
     if model_output_shape[2] != len(
             self.alphabet) + 1:  # +1 for blank char
         raise RuntimeError(
             f'QuartzNet output third dimension size must be {len(self.alphabet) + 1}'
     model.reshape({self.input_tensor_name: PartialShape(input_shape)})
     compiled_model = core.compile_model(model, device)
     self.output_tensor = compiled_model.outputs[0]
     self.infer_request = compiled_model.create_infer_request()
     log.info('The model {} is loaded to {}'.format(model_path, device))
예제 #27
def test_reshape_with_ports():
    model = create_test_model()
    new_shape = PartialShape([1, 4])
    for input in model.inputs:
        assert isinstance(input, Output)
        model.reshape({input: new_shape})
        assert input.partial_shape == new_shape
예제 #28
def get_test_function():
    param = ov.opset8.parameter(PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22]), name="parameter")
    relu = ov.opset8.relu(param)
    res = ov.opset8.result(relu, name="result")
    return Model([res], [param], "test")
예제 #29
def test_get_result_index():
    input_shape = PartialShape([1])
    param = ops.parameter(input_shape, dtype=np.float32, name="data")
    relu = ops.relu(param, name="relu")
    function = Model(relu, [param], "TestFunction")
    assert len(function.outputs) == 1
    assert function.get_result_index(function.outputs[0]) == 0
예제 #30
def test_ngraph_function_api():
    shape = [2, 2]
    parameter_a = ops.parameter(shape, dtype=np.float32, name="A")
    parameter_b = ops.parameter(shape, dtype=Type.f32, name="B")
    parameter_c = ops.parameter(shape, dtype=np.float32, name="C")
    model = (parameter_a + parameter_b) * parameter_c

    assert parameter_a.element_type == Type.f32
    assert parameter_b.element_type == Type.f32
    assert parameter_a.partial_shape == PartialShape([2, 2])
    parameter_a.layout = ov.Layout("NC")
    assert parameter_a.layout == ov.Layout("NC")
    function = Model(model, [parameter_a, parameter_b, parameter_c],

    function.get_parameters()[1].set_partial_shape(PartialShape([3, 4, 5]))

    ordered_ops = function.get_ordered_ops()
    op_types = [op.get_type_name() for op in ordered_ops]
    assert op_types == [
        "Parameter", "Parameter", "Parameter", "Add", "Multiply", "Result"
    assert len(function.get_ops()) == 6
    assert function.get_output_size() == 1
    assert ["A", "B", "C"
            ] == [input.get_node().friendly_name for input in function.inputs]
    assert ["Result"] == [
        output.get_node().get_type_name() for output in function.outputs
    assert function.input(0).get_node().friendly_name == "A"
    assert function.output(0).get_node().get_type_name() == "Result"
    assert function.input(tensor_name="A").get_node().friendly_name == "A"
    assert function.output().get_node().get_type_name() == "Result"
    assert function.get_output_op(0).get_type_name() == "Result"
    assert function.get_output_element_type(
        0) == parameter_a.get_element_type()
    assert list(function.get_output_shape(0)) == [2, 2]
    assert (function.get_parameters()[1].get_partial_shape()) == PartialShape(
        [3, 4, 5])
    assert len(function.get_parameters()) == 3
    results = function.get_results()
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert results[0].get_output_element_type(0) == Type.f32
    assert results[0].get_output_partial_shape(0) == PartialShape([2, 2])
    results[0].layout = ov.Layout("NC")
    assert results[0].layout.to_string() == ov.Layout("NC")
    assert function.get_friendly_name() == "TestFunction"